Review of Targeted Services

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Early Help in Wirral- the
development of a new
service area
Julia Hassall Acting Director of Children’s Services
Typical Pyramid of Need
Level 4
within a level
Level 3
Acute Needs - Statutory Interventions
Looked After Children (LAC),
Child Protection (CP), Child in Need
Multi-Agency Response – Multiple Needs
Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
and Team Around the Child
Level 2
Single Agency Response – Additional
Needs e.g. speech therapy, counselling
Level 1
Universal Services – Accessed by all
children and young people
Pyramid of Need in Wirral
Level 4
within a level
More children and young
people than expected are
open to Social Care – when
compared with statistical
7413 Children and
Young People
715 LAC, 671 CP,
6027 CiN
Level 3
904 Children
and Young
People with a
Fewer children and young
people than expected are
receiving a CAF/TAC
Level 2
16390 Children and Young
People with an identified
additional need
between levels
Level 1
74600 Children and Young People (0-19) live in Wirral
17600 (24.9% of all children and young people) are classed
as living in poverty
The problem
 No’s of children & young people in care
 No’s of Children in Need
 Disparity between analysis of need/issues in social care
and issues from CAF’s
 Changing profile of Wirral
 Low number of CAF’s in the borough
Other areas that need to be
 Munroe- need to clearly define the ‘Early Help offer’
 Findings from the Peer Review:
1. Replacement of several referral routes and processes into a
single Gateway
2. Focus on whole family assessments (without losing the
3. Focus on Families at Level 3, who don’t access services, to
prevent escalation into specialist support
4. The streamlining of processes and systems to focus on
impact and outcomes for children, young people and
Wirral wants a true continuum and services
that support the child not the service
Not cooperative
Targeted Services in Wirral
“To develop a new service in the department with a single
strategic lead. This new service will have a sole purpose of
preventing children, young people and families from
needing specialist services”
Who is in!
Every service who contributes to early help on the
continuum 0-19:
Youth & Play, YOS, ASB, Area Teams (including Social
Workers),Troubled Families, ESW, Children’s Centres, Early
years & Childcare, Family Support, Parenting and
specialist interventions e.g. MST
3 main areas of focus
 A Single multi-agency Gateway managing referrals,
TAC/TAF and the monitoring & tracking of interventions
 A new family support service bringing together family
support workers from across the department developing
the IFIP/Troubled Family approach
 Locality working in all services with better targeted
provision and services
Gateway proposals
3 Gateways in Wirral: Birkenhead, Wallasey, South & West
Wirral. These will:
 Access information about children/families that will
help to focus the intervention (info desk as pre-runner
to MASH)
 Support integrated care planning across multi-agency
 Allocate Lead Professionals for children/families
 Monitor and track interventions and collectively hold all
each other to account
Gateway continued
 Each Gateway will consist of a multi-agency team leaders
 It will consider all cases that are referred for a Child/Family
 It will identify the professional best placed to undertake that
 The completed assessment will be presented to the Gateway
 It will review cases at 6 weekly intervals to appropriate
intervention and impact for the child/family
 It will continue to provide a consultation service to ensure
that agencies are supported in accessing the most appropriate
targeted services for a family
Family Support Service
 Work with families across the spectrum of need with a
focus on level 3
 Focus on impact through evidence based practice
 Bring together specialist functions to include in
packages of support
 Act as lead professionals for families with a range of
multi-agency interventions
 Work to a consistent supervision and quality assurance
framework to ensure safety and impact
Locality Working
 All targeted services will be realigned to the 4 areas of
Children’s Services, this will:
 Bring together in a single management team
responsibility for 0-19 work across the area
 Better share intelligence and information about
children, young people and communities
 Target families and communities with the greatest need
 Develop local capacity and responsibility within the
community for activities for their children & young
 Total restructure to create the new service amidst enormous
 Practice Audits need to be rigorous and reliable and
importantly lead to action/improvements
 LSCB need to take lead responsibility for this area and ensure
all the practice is as rigorous as in social work services
 Performance managing the ‘So What?’ making sure everything
we do has an impact that can articulated
 Culture & Community- what does real engagement look like?