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Faculty-Industry Collaborations for Assessing Student Learning

Flora McMartin

University of California - Berkeley

Jack McGourty

Columbia University

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Why Involve Industry?

Insures what is assessed is valued

Strengthens accountability

Addresses accreditation mandate

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Campus-Industry Relationship

% that have formal ties to business or industry for: Advisory panels Credit/non credit courses for employees Equipment donated, loaned, or shared Jointly sponsored programs Scholarship or loan programs All Institutions Research funding ACE Campus Trends Survey - 1996 87 72 71 66 62 31 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Synthesis Coalition

Berkeley Stanford Northern Cal Poly Arizona Synthesis Coalition Goals

Institutionalize reforms

• • •

Assess & disseminate reforms Develop NEEDS Institutionalize K-12 outreach Cornell Iowa State Hampton Southern Tuskegee Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Gateway Coalition

Major Gateway Goals



Underrepresented Populations

Instructional Technology

Professional Development

Linking & Sharing Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Assessment Components

Stakeholder participation (faculty, students, & industry)

Faculty assessment training program

Campus (local) control of assessment process

Flexible, valid, and reliable tools Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Assessment Goals

A. Involve stakeholders to measure effects of coalition program reforms B. Develop/promote valid & reliable performance assessment tools C. Promote the institutionalization of assessment at participating campuses D. Satisfy needs of: individual faculty, colleges, & coalition program evaluation E. Provide a foundation for ABET accreditation Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

ABET 2000 Learning Outcomes

1. math, science & engineering knowledge 2. experiment, analyze & interpret data 3. design a system, component or process 4. function on multi-disciplinary teams 5. identify, formulate & solve engineering problems 6. understand professional ethics 7. communicate effectively 8. understand global/societal impact of engineering 9. engage in life-long learning 10. knowledge of contemporary issues 11. use modern engineering techniques, tools & skills Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Synthesis Case Study

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Student Learning Outcomes

Open Ended problem solving


Multi-disciplinary design

Hands-on facility with hardware

Communication skills - (oral, written, & interpersonal) Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Goals for Involving Industry

Determine common learning outcomes valued by industry & engineering education

Articulate student learning outcomes in a common language

Bridge industry & engineering educational needs

Energize the assessment process through active participation of stakeholders Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Mechatronics Industrial Board

Berkeley Process Control Motorola Maytag Rockwell International Xerox PARC Ford Raychem Hewlett-Packard

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

The MIB, continued


primarily project engineers

observed needs vs. self reports Role:

define what industry values in educational outcomes

try out & review assessment tools

try out & review assessment rubrics & measures

evaluate assessment results Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Planning Process: Track 1

ALL stakeholders define & articulate Student learning outcomes (SLOs) & classroom activities related to Synthessis goals SLOs reduced & refined

Identifying Learning Outcomes

SLOs reviewed by ALL stakeholders -

draft of Synthesis Assessment Framework (SAF)

Draft SAF compared to scenario activities Overlap between SLOs & activities = MOST VALUED OUTCOMES = Final version of SAF Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Track 1: Learning Outcomes

Industry Engineering Ed .

Most valued student learning outcomes = Synthesis Assessment Framework

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Planning Process: Track 2

Validating the Outcomes

MIB writes scenarios Scenarios edited, reviewed by MIB for accuracy Scenarios analyzed to ID activities related to SLOs Draft SAF compared to scenario activities Overlap between SLOs & activities = MOST VALUED OUTCOMES = Final version of SAF Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Track 2: Validating with Scenarios


a description of common or critical situations faced by an engineer

actual past, present, or future situation experienced by the MIB member

includes the context and actions of the engineer Gateway Engineering Education Coalition


approximately 80% overlap


ability to estimate resources (costs, time)

ability to supervise others

ability to take risks

ability to deal with ambiguity

ability to decide if project is worth pursuing Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Assessment Planning Process

Track 1: Identification ALL stakeholders define & articulate Student learning outcomes (SLOs) & classroom activities related to Synthesis goals SLOs reduced & refined Track 2: Validation MIB writes scenarios Scenarios edited, reviewed by MIB for accuracy SLOs reviewed by ALL stakeholders -

draft of Synthesis Assessment Framework (SAF)

Scenarios analyzed to ID activities related to SLOs Draft SAF compared to scenario activities Overlap between SLOs & activities = MOST VALUED OUTCOMES = Final version of SAF Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Assessment Tools

1) Institutional effect

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Course portfolio Course

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questionnaire Degree map Syllabi 2) Individual course & faculty pedagogy effect on learning outcomes


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assessment Design project report Scenario assignments

Audio/video observations 3) Exposure to Synthesis over time

Track learning outcomes assessments

Student portfolios

Alumni interviews Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Scenario-Based Assessment

Assignment developed from MIB scenarios

Scoring rubric based on SAF

Assignment & rubric tested by MIB

MIB responses established baseline expert score

MIB analysis of rubric used to refine measurement criteria Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Scenario Assessment Process

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Faculty select from 1 of 4 scenarios Faculty administer pre & post test Faculty evaluate diagnostic course grade

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Syn. HQ assess holistic analytic faculty revise course Gateway Engineering Education Coalition dept/col - revise curriculum Syn. - longitudinal study

Synthesis - Lessons Learned

Collaboration created a bridge between industry & faculty regarding engineering education

Clarified what is/is not possible to teach & learn

validated measurable outcomes

Identifying & articulating learning outcomes valued by ALL stakeholders built commitment to the assessment process & results.

Vitalized assessment process for all stakeholders Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Gateway Case Study

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

NJIT/NCE Assessment Statement

Institute an assessment plan and process that moves from the current anecdotally based assessment to a formal, rigorous, valid, and useful assessment and continuous improvement process.

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

NJIT/ NCE Industrial Advisory Board

Lucent Technologies P SE&G PrimeMedia SIAC US Army Foster Wheeler Raytheon Curtiss Wright Becton Dickinson CompUSA Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Industrial Sub-Committees

NJIT/NCE Advisory Board Strategic Planning Assessment Curriculum Review Gateway National Visiting Committee Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Industrial Assessment Committee


To support the development of a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative curriculum assessment process that incorporates inputs and feedback from the employer and takes into account the fast pace of technological change.

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Industrial Assessment Committee

Short-term objectives

Identify/prioritize the core competencies required for entry-level engineers

Work with faculty to identify educational requirements based on core competencies

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Assess current curricula as to its effectiveness in providing students with the required core competencies Establish employer level metrics to measure graduate’s skill proficiency and provide a baseline for continuous improvement Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Industry Partner Role

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Participating member of faculty assessment team Bring in assessment best practices from industry such as planning, TQM processes, metrics, multi source feedback, assessment centers, etc Form relationships between school and engineering/human resources organizations Act as liaison with Gateway Coalition National Visiting Committee Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Assessment Design Steps

Step #5 Apply Results Step #1 Define Objectives, Strategies, & Outcomes Continuous Improvement Step #2 Identify Assessment Methods Step #4 Implement/Expand Assessment Processes Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Step #3 Develop/Pilot Assessment Processes

Focus Group Objectives

Design Step #1   

Identify outcomes, objectives & performance criteria for each course and program represented Discuss existing assessment tools Review potential use for continuous improvement Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Participating Programs

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Curriculum Reform

FE/FED - Freshman course in design & manufacturing

General University Requirements Learning Tools

Computer-aided learning

Industrial Interaction

Intern program

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Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory (AML) Seminars Series “What Do Engineers Do?”

Advance Design Engineering in Product Teams (ADEPT) Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

People Involved

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35-45 faculty members involved Multidisciplinary - 3 of 4 colleges involved Across all levels with enthusiastic involvement from tenured faculty Covers courses & programs in all four years Deans and department chairs Members of NJIT/NCE Advisory Board Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Learning Outcomes


What critical knowledge, skills, and behaviors must students acquire in this course?


Student will demonstrate an ability to actively participate, listen and collaborate with other team members while working on a technical design project.

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Results: 9 Core Learning Outcomes

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Analytical Thinking Communication Skills Creative Problem Solving Project Management

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Research Skills Self-Learning Systems Thinking Teamwork Technical Competence Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Learning Outcome Definitions

 Analytical Skills

Applies logic in solving problems and analyzes problems from different points of views. Translates academic theory into practical applications and recognizes interrelationships among problems and issues.

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Learning Outcome Survey

NCE Learning Outcomes Instructor/Coordinator The purpose of this survey is to gather your ratings on the importance of each of the nine broad learning outcomes and their specific objectives as identified by you during the focus group sessions conducted recently by the NCE Assessment Team. Please review each statement carefully and rate it using the scale provided. In addition, you are provided with extra space to add and rate objectives within each broad learning outcome.

Technical Competence How important are the following student learning objectives to the satisfactory completion of your course or program: Not at all important Minor importance Moderate importance Considerable importance Critical importance 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates a basic knowledge of fundamental engineering principles in the specific disciplines focused on in this course/program 1 Integrates basic knowledge of other 1 engineering disciplines within the scope of the course’s project 2 3 4 5

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Ratings by Faculty and Industry Partners

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Analytical Thinking (3.83, 3.52) Communication Skills (3.99, 4.62) Problem Solving (3.62, 4.20) Project Management (4.10, 4.44)

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Research Skills (3.82, 3.54) Systems Thinking (3.84, 4.65) Self-Learning (3.82, 3.22) Teamwork (4.23, 4.67) Technical Competence (3.61, 3.54)

Other analyses show that learning outcome emphasis changes as one moves to upper division curricula.

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Advisory Board - Post Review

Discuss/answer the following questions:

Think about an engineer that has recently entered your organization and is regarded as highly effective (up to speed quickly, little retraining, etc.)

Does he or she demonstrate the selected competencies? Give examples of how they demonstrate each selected competency. Would you add specific statements to the definition of a selected competency?

What performance criteria would you use to evaluate successful demonstration of the selected competencies in your organization?

Would you add any other competencies that new engineers should have based on your experience with the successful engineer above?

Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Other Outcomes

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Creation of several competency-based assessment processes

Revised portfolio process for freshman design experience

Team Developer version for engineering learning outcomes

Senior Exit, Alumni, and Employer surveys Development of new assessment planning process diffused to all Coalition Schools and beyond Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

Gateway - Lessons Learned

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Industrial partners add value to assessment process, especially in providing a real-word perspective on educational objectives and learning outcomes Process fostering comparison helps to promote new thinking Important for sub-group of industrial partners to work closely with faculty throughout assessment cycle Must keep all participants actively involved in planning and decisions Gateway Engineering Education Coalition


INPUT Fresh perspectives & real world insights to the assessment enterprise. New ways of thinking about education Commitment to improving education OUTCOME Vitalizes planning process & boosts faculty commitment/involvement to assessment Increased campus support for innovative teaching & assessment practices Industry partnerships focused on education in both sectors Gateway Engineering Education Coalition

The Future of Collaboration

Current research shows:

In most cases, industry kept to the periphery of assessment

Faculty & campus administrators fear industry partners will make unreasonable demands because they don’t understand the challenges facing higher education

Colleges do not know how to capitalize on the expertise of industrial partners

Assessment is still in fledgling stages The conclusions from case studies confirmed by Colleges who integrated industry into their assessment processes Gateway Engineering Education Coalition