Empowering tutors - University of Johannesburg

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A presentation for the Faculty of Humanities
January 2010
Tutor training
Specialized tutor training
Tutor supervision – tutor “check-ins” (reports)
Tutor mentorship
Tutor reflection
Collaboration with departments
Staff awareness of tutorship
Assist in the writing of tutor policy and documents
System evaluations
Academic strategies and language
 Academic Writing strategies
 Academic Reading strategies
 Facilitating Discussion
 Referencing techniques
 Plagiarism
 Writing feedback
Learning development
 Study techniques
 Memorization
 Reading competency
 Exam strategies and skills
Tutor “check-in” takes place quarterly.
Provides opportunity for tutors to share their experiences
and learn from one another.
Check-in is used as a mechanism for monitoring the tutor
system and for quality assurance.
Tutor reports are used to gauge the effectiveness of the
tutor system within departments.
The annual evaluation of the tutor system is imperative as it
informs future practice.
 Learning from peers
 Student-centred support and development - ideal sites for
collaborative learning (small group learning)
Quality learning
Building learning communities
Assistance in the identification of under-performing students
Encouragement and referral to existing academic development
and other support programmes
Holistic approach to student well-being
Ideal sites for individualized mentorship
First year Students
 Feel less threatened by peer tutors and therefore
concentrate better on subject matter
Gain more intense subject content clarification
Individualized instruction
Learning is more interactive, and participative
More immediate feedback and tend to take
responsibility for their learning
Holistic attention
Improve the quality of the student experience
First years need and relate to peers as well as
the type of support peers can give
Enhance retention and graduation rate
Tutors are senior peers (postgraduates and
senior students)
Goodlad (1998) suggests tutors should
possess the following:
 Good subject knowledge
 Interpersonal skills
 Communication skills
Must be measured
in an application
and interview
 Approachable
 Accessible
 Sensitive to others needs
 Mentors and role models
There is consensus in the literature that tutor training is a
necessary component in a successful peer tutoring
scheme and that by simply placing two students together,
one of whom has demonstrated better academic
achievement, does not guarantee that effective tutoring
will occur (Arkin, 1981; Bruffee, 1993; Clark, 1998; Cohen, et
al.; Falchikov, 2001; Fuchs, Fuchs, Bentz, Norris & Hamlett,
1994; Goodlad, 1998; Maxwell, 1994; Topping, 1998;
Whitman, 1988).
In their meta-analysis of sixty five tutoring programmes,
Cohen, et al. (1982:246) found that tutoring effectiveness
improves when tutors have been trained and/or tutoring is
Significantly there is agreement in the literature (Arkin,
1981; Bruffee, 1993; Falchikov, 2001, Topping, 1998,
Whitman, 1988) that it is not a question of whether tutors
should be trained or not, but rather how they are trained
that matters.
For example, Bruffee (1993: 83) maintains that sometimes
training can be too prescriptive and as a result, tutors may
become too “professionalized”.
Do not necessarily want to train tutors to be “faculty
surrogates” (Bruffee, 1993:83)
This will detract from their purpose of being close to the
student experience and peer tutors.
Hence, once one has established how one wishes to use
tutors, the next step is to decide how to train them to meet
that end (Bruffee, 1993:83).
Universal elements which are designed to be readily implemented
in actual tutorials given (Taylor, 1998:169).
Tutorial preparation, tutoring strategies, management of
attitudinal problems that might be encountered, as well as
managing group work (Taylor, 1998; Goodlad, 1999).
 General interpersonal skills
 Honing communication and presentation skills.
 Initial training sessions should comprise of orientation, the
programme objectives, tutoring techniques, and tutor
responsibilities (Reed, 1973:16).
Break the mould of traditional “chalk and talk”, teacher
dominant practice or “tutor as preacher” (Clark, 1988;
Goodlad, 1990; Whitman, 1988)
Goodlad (1990:10) asserts that without intervention, tutors
may tutor in the same prescriptive way as they themselves
have been taught.
But at UJ large classes = mini-lecturers?
managing conflict
tutors develop positive confrontation
skills (Falchikov, 2001:170; Goodlad, 1999; Topping, 2000)
be critical of ideas and not of people,
give everyone a chance to be heard,
make sure there is time for discussion.
follow the guidelines for creating and generating rational
 find ways to encourage students to take the other peoples’
perspectives (Falchikov, 2001:171).
The notion of training tutors and then
providing further development and support
for them thereafter is a vital part of tutor
Goodlad (1999:140) emphasizes that a
trainer/teacher cannot train tutors and then
“let them loose, hoping for the best”.
Whitman (1988:50) explains that after the
initial training, tutors may require additional
support especially if they find they need help.
Additionally, in a survey done by Whitecross and Mills (2003)
of university Anthropology departments using tutors In the
United Kingdom, it was found that more than 80% of tutors
questioned felt that their departments should offer more
support. Tutors particularly wanted feedback on their
teaching skills from the academic staff.
Whitecross and Mills (2003:15) reported lack of ongoing
support made tutors feel neglected and under-valued by
their relative departments.
From the literature it is evident that there are
four main ways in which tutors can be offered
sustained development namely through:
classroom observation
critical reflection
the role of the coordinator in tutor mentorship
weekly meetings.
central to the classroom visits is the role of de-briefing
or feedback sessions after the classroom visit has
taken place (Randall, 2004:158).
 the aim of the reflection session is to construct
connections between the theoretical aspects of
tutoring with their practical applications in the
 Randall (2004:159) explains further that what
essentially is taking place in feedback sessions is the
Vygotskian (1978) principal of constructing knowledge
through a dialogic process between a more
experienced knower and a less experienced knower.
The role of the tutor coordinator – open-door
Weekly meetings – building a tutor
Tutor reflection
Never go into a group intending to "play it by
ear" or "answer questions". Preparation is
important for a number of reasons:
It allows for the discussion and application of
It optimises the content coverage.
It allows for the generative creation of tasks and
activities that are student centred.
It allows for the inclusion of academic skills for
example, reading and writing strategies.
1) Familiarise yourself with the content. This includes reading
all assigned material, attending the lectures if this is
expected by your department and where you miss a lecture
find out what was covered. It also includes consultations with
the lecturer.
2) Design exercises that develop skills
3) Develop novel methods of creating groups, promoting
participation, presentation and releasing tension.
4) Plan to accommodate any number of students.
Work with students to decide what it is they are struggling
Tutors can then decide what must be done to develop the
skills necessary to overcome the hurdles by designing
worksheets, mock tests, exam tip handouts etc.
Consult with lecturer, what is expected of you?
How much “freedom” do you have?
Planning should be an ongoing process. After each
session time should be set aside to reflect on the
How did your strategies and ideas work, where
could you improve, what was achieved in the
session etc? These things should be kept in mind
when planning for your next tutorial session. This
allows for continual improvement and refinement of
strategies and techniques. Planning becomes a
continuous process.
No cell phones or iPods are allowed in class.
The tutor and the group will be punctual.
No other work may be done during the
All members of the group will have to prepare
The class contract could include statements like:
Everyone has both the right and the obligation
to participate in discussions and if called upon
should try to respond.
 Always listen with an open mind to others.
 Ask for clarification if you don’t understand a
point someone has made.
 Above all, avoid ridicule and try to respect the
beliefs of others, even if they differ from yours.
Treat each student as an individual and
respect each student for whom he or she is.
Rectify any language patterns or case
examples that exclude or demean any
Allow students to see that they are working
together for a common goal that is the
university degree. Differences do not need
to divide students rather make them move
forward together to reach this common
create an informal atmosphere
get students involved in the learning process
plan the sessions extremely well
recognise the importance of group dynamics
confront negative behavior positively
be positive and enthusiastic
be empathetic (see things from the students’ point of view)
have high but reasonable expectations
have good facilitation skills (listening, questioning and responding)
demonstrate integrity and honesty at all times
show respect to individuals and their points of view
be open to differences of opinion
be willing and ready to learn from others
rectify quickly what might go wrong
be friendly and helpful, but professional and assertive
have a patient, professional tone of voice
maintain good eye contact,
stand or sit where all can see and hear
use occasional head nodding,
use a moderate rate of speech.
constantly looking away from students
sitting far apart or turned away from students
having an unpleasant tone of voice
using a too slow or too fast rate of speech
plans what s/he wants to say
prepares what s/he wants to say
structures what s/he wants to say
practices what s/he
wants to say
use understandable words
Reflect back and clarifies statements
appropriately interpret and summarise main points
use verbal reinforces (e.g. “mm-mm”, “I see..” “yes”)
call students by their first name
appropriately give information
occasionally uses humour to reduce the tension
be non-judgmental
keep the sessions on the topic and move at the appropriate
pace for the group’s abilities
maintain productivity of the session by preventing irrelevant
arguing or repetition
add greater understanding to students’ statements
elicit and encourage feedback/responses from students
create open dialogue,
do not allow individuals to dominate discussions
bee patronizing
make assumptions on what they already know
uses words students do not understand
strays from the topic/problem
talks about yourself
The first and most important step in
organising your life is to take control of
your time
It is:
a lifelong skill
a way of organising your day, week, month
and year
an ability to differentiate between what is
important and what is urgent
a skill to help you prioritise
Take care of all the areas of your life:
 physical
 academic
 emotional
 social
 spiritual
 societal
 leisure
Stop and think about your time
and how you use it.
 Sleep (7 hours per night)
 Eat (2 hours per day)
 Dress (1 hour per day - 7 days)
 Travel (1 hour per day - 6 days)
 Other activities (2 hours per day)
Consider your own estimated hours per
week. Obviously the way that you distribute
the time available will differ from individual
to individual.
How do you spend your hours per week?
Thinking about it might help you to see
where the gaps are…
On a sheet of paper, draw your own Time Wheel and
indicate the slices that each activity takes up in a
Once you have actually seen where, how and
why you waste time, YOU CAN CHANGE!!!!
What are my priorities? How can I get the
balance in my life that I need to feel in control
and productive?
Where are my studies fitting in?
How can you get in control of my academic
Knowing yourself will help you with:
information about your preferred way of studying
identifying if you are a morning, afternoon or
evening person?
 deciding which type of study environment you
prefer working in (e.g. an extremely quiet place,
some soft music)
Imposed on Us
Shifting priorities
Phone calls
Unplanned tasks
Poor communication
Self Inflicted
Failure to delegate
Negative attitude
Personal disorganisation
Failure to listen
Inability to make wise
Lack of self-discipline
Goal Setting
Time Shifting
& Adjusting
Self Monitoring
Awareness &
Time Tracking
Plan Making
It has 5 phases
PHASE 1 : Goal setting
 This is a phase where one need to
establish a context for managing time.
PHASE 2 : Time awareness and time
This phase involves tracking time and
developing an awareness for how you
spend your time.
 Work out what you do and how long it
takes you
PHASE 3 : Plan Making : use planning tools
1. Make a to do list
2. A weekly objective list
3. Weekly planner
4. Monthly planner
5. Year planner
PHASE 4 : Self Monitoring
Self monitoring involves paying attention
to how well you are working your plan, how
accurately you have planned, how well you
have forecasted for the various events
PHASE 5: Time shifting and time adjusting
This is the final stage and in this phase one makes
adjustments to the plan and to time management
 As you encounter time troubles you should keep in
mind that you can be flexible and shift and adjust the
original plan.
 You can make corrections the system before starting
the cycle again at goal setting.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
 Realistic
 Measurable
 Specific
Take 15-20 min on a Sunday evening and
plan (create your to do list)
Use copy of master schedule
Start with that which you MUST DO during
the week
Remaining time can be divided into daily
Work in blocks of 40 - 45 min.
Do not fall behind
Schedule time for relaxation and unforeseen events
Work consistently
Live a balanced life
Be specific in your time-planning
Don’t give up
Set goals
Use planning tools
Be flexible
Consider your biological prime-time
Conquer Procrastination. Do it NOW!
Learn to say “NO”
Reward yourself
Departmental regulations
What if students don’t attend?
What if students are failing?
Who can help me in the UJ?
Student autobiographies
Jenni Underhill
The Unit for Tutor Development
[email protected]