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Exercises: Content Awareness
Part II Answer the following questions.
1.What exam were the students going to take?
The students were going to take their last exam
at college.
2. How did the students feel about this exam
before they took it?
They were confident and felt ready for the exam.
3. Did the questions turn out to be easy or
difficult? How do you know?
They turned out to be difficult, because none of
the questions could be answered by students.
Unit 1 College Life
4. What did the professor say about the result
of the exam? Were the students able to
pass the course?
The professor said the result was what she had
expected, but the students would be allowed
to pass the course any way.
5.Why did the professor set such a test paper?
Because she wanted to make her students realize
that even though they had completed four
years of college study, there was still much to
learn and their education had just begun.
Unit 1 College Life
Part III Fill in the blanks with words or
phrases from the passage.
It was the last day of final examinations in a large
Eastern university. On the steps of one
building, a group of engineering seniors
huddled, 1___ the exam 2___ begin in a few
minutes. On their faces was 3___. This was
their last exam before they went on to 4___.
Some 5___ jobs they already had; others of jobs
they would get. With all this assurance of four
years of college study, they 6___ conquer the
Unit 1 College Life
The approaching exam, they knew, would be a snap.
The professor had said they could 7___ or
notes they wanted, requesting 8___ they did
not talk to each other during the test.
Jubilantly, they 9___ the classroom. The
professor passed out the papers. And 10___
as the students noted there were only five
essay-type questions.
Unit 1 College Life
1. discussing, 2. due to begin, 3. confidence,
4. commencement and jobs, 5. talked of,
6. felt ready and able to, 7. bring any books,
8. only that, 9. filed into,
10. their smiles broadened
Unit 1 College Life
Exercises: Language Focus
Part IV Fill in the blanks with the words given.
approach, confident, conquer, graduate, broaden,
impress, senior, shift, survey, obscure
To ___ the language barrier, they are working
hard at English.
2. The teacher is deeply ___ by the students’
ability to surf the Internet(网上冲浪).
3. Nowadays many of the ___ are beginning to
consider choosing a career.
4. The Spring Festival ___ . A lot of people were
traveling back home to have a family reunion.
Unit 1 College Life
5. He looked out of the window, ___ the landscape
of the countryside.
6. We are ___ that we can overcome (克服)the
7. Tom is the most brilliant(出色的)___ of his
year at Harvard University.
8. He ___ impatiently in his seat during the long
speech by the Dean.
9. College has helped Bill to ___ his interests.
10. Words that ___ the truth must be discarded
Unit 1 College Life
1. conquer, 2. impressed, 3. seniors,
4. was approaching, 5. surveying,
6. confident,
7. graduate,
9. broadened,
10. obscure
8. shifted,
Unit 1 College Life
Part V Complete the following sentences.
1. The plane ___ take off at 8:30 a.m. has been
delayed because of the thick fog.
2. University students can have various kinds of
part-time jobs such as ___ flyers ( 传 单 ),
working as private tutors or delivering
3. The speech is scheduled at 3 o'clock this
afternoon. The students are ___ the assembly
hall now.
4. They ___ their children the virtue(美德) of
always telling the truth.
5. He is ___ a child. He should be allowed to make
his own decision.
Unit 1 College Life
1. due to
2. passing out 3. filing into
4. impressed upon
5. no longer
Unit 1 College Life
Part VI Translation
(no longer)
2. 尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网(surf the
3. 李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话,他的话
深深铭刻在我的记忆中。(impress upon)
4. 讲到期末考试,学生们一点儿都不紧张,他们满脸
5. 在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们
Unit 1 College Life
1. He has no longer written to his friends ever
since he got a mobile phone.
2. Even though he is very busy, he spends at least
two hours every day surfing the Internet in
order to know about the latest developments
in this field.
3. Professor Li gave a short speech at the
commencement. His words were / What he
said was strongly impressed upon my memory.
4. Talking of the final exams, the students were
not nervous at all. There was full confidence on
every one's face.
5. To write a short passage of about 100 words in
30 minutes would be a snap to most students in
their class.
Unit 1 College Life
Reading B: Warm Up
1. How do you think you'll feel after four year's
college study?
2. How does the author feel about her college life
before her graduation?
Background information about the text:
1. Levels of Education in the United States and
Canada: Education in the United States and
Canada is divided into the following levels at
the indicated ages :
Primary Education: Pre-school ages 2 - 6
Elementary School ages 6 - 12
Unit 1 College Life
Secondary Education
Junior High School ages 12 – 14
High School ages 14 - 18
Post Secondary Education
Junior College ages 18 - 20
4 Year College ages 18 - 22
Graduate School ages (MA) 22 - 24
Graduate School ages (PH.D.) 22 - 26/8
Post Graduate after PH.D.
Unit 1 College Life
2. Grading Systems in the U. S.
Most colleges use letter grades like A, B, C, D, F,
and some use plus or minus like B- or C+. To
compute students' averages they say A=4, B=3,
C=2, D=1, F=0. It takes an average of 2.0 to
graduate. Grades of F must be repeated to get
credit. Most students take 5 or occasionally 6
courses per semester, and most courses are 3
credits. It usually takes between 120 and 130
credits to graduate. A few colleges use
numerical grades instead of letters. If so, most
likely A=90, B=80, C=70, D=60, but this may be
up to the professor.
Unit 1 College Life
Reading B: Para 1-2
Para 1 After four years, the time has come. In
less than two weeks, I will have graduated. I
look back now and I can't believe how fast it all
went. I can still remember the first day of
classes, looking on the map on the back of the
Schedule of Classes and asking where the
classroom building was. Now I'm a senior,
looking at freshmen with envy. Every day I wish
I could freeze time and make the next two
weeks go more slowly. I know a lot of people who
can't wait to graduate, but for me it's the
opposite. I want to turn back time instead and
cherish every day of my college experience once
Unit 1 College Life
1. In less than two weeks, I'll have graduated:
I'll have graduated within two weeks.
This is an example of the use of the future
perfect tense. The future perfect tense tells us
something that will be past at or before a
certain time in the future.
e.g. By this time next week, you'll have taken your
examination. 到下周这个时候,你就考完了。
I hope that everything I have told you will not
have been forgotten by the next lesson.
Unit 1 College Life
2. look back: to review the past; think of what has
happened 回顾
Looking back on the past, I can now see that I
wasted so much of my precious time.
He looks back at the four years of his college
days with satisfaction.
Unit 1 College Life
3. Every day I wish I could freeze time and
make the next two weeks go more slowly.
"wish" is followed by a subjunctive clause here.
I wish it were cooler. (It is not cool. It is hot.)
I wish you had come to the cinema with us last
night. ( You didn't.)
Unit 1 College Life
Para 2 For me, college has been a great learning
experience, and most of the learning process
has taken place outside of the classroom. My
sophomore year of college was perhaps the most
remarkable year of my life. This was the year
that I finally convinced my mom that I was
going to be OK living on campus, and she finally
let me go. This was the year that I made some
lifelong friends, and through many triumphs and
failures I came to know more about myself. My
sophomore year involved experimenting with new
things, such as camping in mountains, attempting
to present some lousy poems to newspapers and
drawing cartoons of my teachers in class.
Unit 1 College Life
4. ... and through many triumphs and failures I
came to know more about myself:
I had experienced many successes and many
failures. It was through these successes and
failures that I got to know myself better.
come to: to learn to, to grow to
e.g. He had come to like the city better after
living there for three years. 住了三年后,他更加
I have come to realize how important it is to
learn to use a computer. 我逐渐意识到学会用电脑
Unit 1 College Life
5.involve: to have as a part or result
Taking the job would involve living abroad.
Listening to radio programs is a good pastime,
because it involves the listener's imagination.
Unit 1 College Life
Reading B: Para 3-6
Para 3 As I walk down the familiar routes on
campus, I find myself doing a lot of soulsearching and reminiscing. I find myself wanting
to start all over again and recapture the fun and
excitement of my college days. I have been
panicking at the idea of graduating. I have been
going to school for as long as I can remember,
and I feel like there is so much more that I
want to learn, but instead I have to graduate.
The world is enormous and the possibilities are
endless. For the past four years I have been
surrounded with a safety net. The student
status has been a somewhat comforting feeling,
giving me an escape from the realities of the
world outside.
Unit 1 College Life
6. As I walk down the familiar routes on campus,
I find myself doing a lot of soul-searching
and reminiscing.
As I walk on the familiar campus road, I find
myself thinking about the passed days I spent
at the college.
soul-searching: a deep examination of one's
mind and conscience 反思
After many hours of soul-searching, he decided
to admit his guilt. 反思了好多小时后,他决定承
Unit 1 College Life
reminisce: to talk or think about past
experiences, esp. pleasant ones 回忆
The two friends were reminiscing about their
youth. 两位朋友在一起回忆起他们的青年时代。
find oneself: discover 发现
He finds himself not understanding why
everybody was laughing.
Unit 1 College Life
7. recapture: to capture again; to get into one‘s
power again;cause to be experienced again
The police recaptured the escaped prisoner.
During the party with some young people, the
parents found themselves recapturing the joys
of their youth.
Unit 1 College Life
8. I have been panicking at the idea of
When thinking about my coming graduation, I
can‘t help feeling quite uneasy. 一想到毕业心里
at the idea of: at the thought of 一想起…就
e.g. Having never lived away from her parents,
Jane began to panic at the idea of living on
campus on her own. 珍妮从没离开过父母,她一想
Smiles broadened my mother's face. She just
couldn't help it at the idea of the family reunion.
Unit 1 College Life
9. The world is enormous and the possibilities
are endless:
The world is so big and who knows what will
happen (after graduation).
We can see from the sentence that the author
is reluctant to leave school with which he is
familiar and at which he feels safe.
Unit 1 College Life
Para 4 With less than two weeks left of school,
I'm getting a queasy feeling deep down every
time I think about the fact that I'm going to be
graduating. For as long as I can remember, I
have been a student. I feel like I'm living in
denial about graduating. Every time I get asked
about what I'm going to do after college I feel
like screaming at the top of my lungs. I don't
know what I want to do with the rest of my life.
It's too difficult to even contemplate the idea
that soon I will be waking up in the mornings and
not have a class to which I should be going.
Unit 1 College Life
10. I am getting a queasy feeling deep down
every time I think about the fact that I'm
going to be graduating:
I am getting an uneasy feeling whenever I think
about the fact that I'm about to graduate.
"Every time" is used here to introduce an
adverbial clause of time. Apart from "every
time" noun phrases like "the moment", "next
time" etc. can also be used to introduce
adverbial clauses of time.
e.g. Every time I catch a cold, I have a pain in my
Unit 1 College Life
Stormy applause broke forth the moment the
pop star appeared on the stage.
feel like: (informal) to have a wish for; want.
Do you feel like a cup of coffee?
It is such a fine day. I feel like going out for
a picnic.
Unit 1 College Life
c.f. feel: to give or produce the stated sensation
e.g. “What is this in my pocket? It feels like a
The following two sentences from the passage
also belong to this category.
e.g. I feel like there is so much more that I want
to learn, but instead I have to graduate.
I feel like I am living in denial about graduating.
Unit 1 College Life
11. It‘s too difficult to even contemplate the
idea that soon I will be waking up in the
mornings and not have a class to which I
should be going.
It is so difficult for me to understand that soon
I will be waking up in the mornings and find
there is no class for me to go to.
contemplate: to think (about) deeply and
thoughtfully 深思
e.g. The doctor contemplated the difficult
operation he had to perform. 医生反复思忖那个
Unit 1 College Life
Para 5
On a recent interview, I was asked, "Is this the
profession you want for the rest of your life?" I
was amused and almost laughed at the question,
but I gave an honest answer. I don't know what
the future holds. During the last four years I
have changed my mind so many times, the idea
of a lifetime commitment to a certain job seems
like torture.
Unit 1 College Life
12. ... the idea of a lifetime commitment to a
certain job seems like torture.
commitment: a responsibility or promise to
follow certain beliefs or a certain course of
action 责任
e. g. Come and look round our shop without a
commitment to buy anything.
I don't want to get married because I don't
want any commitments.
Unit 1 College Life
Para 6
Walking on campus in the middle of the night I
realize how much I will miss my college days.
Every little thing seems so much more beautiful.
And every little thing makes me realize how
wonderful and special my college experience has
been. I will cherish these days forever as I
reluctantly close the doors on my college life.
Unit 1 College Life
13. cherish: to care for tenderly; love; to keep a
feeling deeply and firmly in mind 珍惜,珍爱
The old man cherished the girl as if she were
his daughter.
The child has been away for more than three
years and his parents always cherish the hope
that he will come back soon.
Unit 1 College Life
Exercises: Content Awareness
Part 11 Choose the best answer to each
question based on the information from the
1. Why was the author less eager to graduate than
his classmates?
A) He wished he could learn more in the next
two weeks.
B) He valued his college life and wished it would
not have to end.
C) He didn't want to find a job after graduation.
D) He didn't envy the freshmen who could enjoy
their college life.
Unit 1 College Life
2. Which of the following is not true according to
paragraph 2?
A) The author finally convinced his mom that he
was going to be OK living on campus.
B) The author made some lifelong friends that
C) The author came to know more about himself
through many triumphs and failures.
D) The author attempted to contribute some
cartoons of his teachers to newspapers.
Unit 1 College Life
3. What was he thinking about while he was taking
a walk on campus?
A) His first day on campus.
B) His lifelong friends.
C) The four years of his college life.
D) The excitement of becoming a college
Unit 1 College Life
4. Which of the following is true, according to
paragraph 4?
A) The author was very excited that he will
graduate within 2 weeks.
B) The author was reluctant to say good-bye to
the college life.
C) The author was sure to find a lifelong job.
D) The author was ready to face the
approaching challenge after graduation.
Unit 1 College Life
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) The author cherishes college life and is thus
reluctant to graduate.
B) The author is extremely eager to graduate.
C) The author feels slightly sorry to leave the
D) The author feels ready for his future career.
Unit 1 College Life
Part 12 Fill in the blanks.
In less than two weeks, I will 1___from the
university. As a senior, I have been 2___at the
idea of graduating. Looking back, I can’t believe
how fast time went. For me, college has been a
great 3___experience, especially my 4___year,
which was perhaps the most remarkable year of
my college life. I 5___there is so much more
that I want to learn, but instead I have to
graduate. 6___down the familiar routes on
campus, I find myself wanting to start all over
Unit 1 College Life
again and relive the fun and excitement of my
college days. I don’t know what I want to do in
the future, and the idea of a lifetime 7___to a
certain job seems like 8___. Now that
graduation seems inevitable (不可避免的), I’m
faced to make a decision. Anyway I will 9___my
college days forever as I 10___close the doors
on my college life.
Unit 1 College Life
1 have graduated
3 learning
5 feel like
7 commitment
9 cherish
2 panicking
4 sophomore
6 Walking
8 torture
10 reluctantly
Unit 1 College Life
Exercises: Language Focus
Part 13 Fill in blanks with words given below.
convince envy amuse involve failure panic
permanent remarkable surround reality
We were greatly ___ to hear about his sitting
on the wet paint.
His father was quite stubborn and it was
almost impossible to ___ him of his mistakes.
The part-time job ___ working at night.
He moves from job to job, so he never has a
___ address.
He is always ___ at the sound of fire alarms.
Unit 1 College Life
6 The professor was highly respected for his ___
achievements in civil engineering (土木工程).
7 It was the old lady's eightieth birthday, and
she was sitting in a chair ___ with her children
and grandchildren.
8 How I ___ you! I wish I could write as
beautifully as you do.
9 She had many ___ before finding the right
10 He gives the impression of being generous, but
in ___ he is a very selfish man.
Unit 1 College Life
1. amused
3. involves
5. panicking
7. surrounded
9. failures
2. convince
4. permanent
6. remarkable,
8. envy
10. reality
Unit 1 College Life
Part 14 Complete the following sentences.
1 At the commencement ceremony, he was
awarded (授予) a Bachelor's Degree (学士学位).
On his way back to the dormitory, he ___on
his college days with mixed feelings.
2 ___ the coming National Holiday, I can't
concentrate on (集中注意力) my study.
3 It is such a fine day that I ___ going swimming
in the river.
Unit 1 College Life
4 He didn't know anything about the Internet a
month ago, but today, he has ___ realize what
an important role the Internet is playing.
5 At college, students can ___ and declare
another major if they find out they don't like
the one they have declared before.
1. looked back
2. At the idea of
3. feel like
4. come to
5. change their minds
Unit 1 College Life
Part 15 Translate the following sentences.
1 我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。(find...
2. 驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国
3. 我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机。
(can hardly believe; work)
4. 三年的时光已经过去,这一刻终于来临了:不到两
周我就要回国了。 (in less than)
5. 许多我认识的人都迫不及待地想要出国,而我却宁
愿和家人一起呆在国内。(can't wait)
Unit 1 College Life
I've found myself having great interest in
spoken English.
Driving on the highway, I realized that
enormous changes had taken place in China's
highway system in recent years.
I can hardly believe that he has learned how to
work a computer so quickly / in such a short
Three years has passed, and the final moment
has come. In less than two weeks, I will go back
to my country.
I know a lot of people who can't wait to go
abroad, but I prefer to stay with my family in
my own country.
Unit 1 College Life