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Horizon 2020 Smart, Green and
Integrated Transport
Louise Mothersole
Horizon 2020 National Contact Point
[email protected]
What is Horizon 2020?
• The biggest EU Research and Innovation programme
ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7
years (2014 to 2020)
• Emphasis on excellent science, industrial leadership
and tackling societal challenges
• The goal is to ensure Europe
–produces world-class science,
–removes barriers to innovation
–makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work
together in delivering innovation.
What is a National Contact Point?
• Help, support, advise, guide, any potential participant
thinking about or proposing to participate in Horizon
• Support the UK delegation to the Programme
Committee to shape the future work programme
• Team of UK based individuals to support particular
areas e.g. Transport
• Register for updates at
Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
• Smart, Green and Integrated Transport is one of the Societal
Challenges addressed in Horizon 2020.
• The specific objective is “to achieve a European transport system
that is resource-efficient, climate- and environmentally-friendly,
safe and seamless for the benefits of all citizens, the economy and
• The programme is structured into broad lines of activities:
– Resource efficient transport that respects the environment
– Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security
– Global Leadership for the European transport industry
– Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward looking activities
for policy making
Structure for 2015
• Transport Work Programme
–Mobility for Growth
–European Green Vehicle Initiative
–Small Business Innovation for Transport
–Fast Track to Innovation Pilot
• Clean Sky 2
• Shift2Rail
Mobility for Growth (€184m for 2015)
• Areas addressing mode-specific challenges (technical and socioeconomic) – managed by DG RTD
– Aviation
– Road
– Waterborne
• Areas addressing transport integration specific challenges
(technical and socio-economic) – managed by DG MOVE
– Urban
– Logistics
– Infrastructure
– Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward looking activities
for policy making
• For Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and
Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)
–100% of all direct costs
–Additional 25% to cover indirect costs
• For Innovation Actions (IA) – higher Technology
Readiness Level (TRL) than RIA
–100% of all direct costs for non-profit legal entities
–70% of all direct costs for others
–25% indirect costs
Road - MG.3.6a-2015 Safe and connected
automation in road transport
• Scope: Proposals requesting between €5m and €10m expected
• Expected Impact (should contribute to):
– Reduction in development costs and raising competitiveness
– Enhanced robustness and performance of sensor and data analysis
systems and optimised HMI
– Improves efficiency, safety and traffic flow through better use of existing
• €22m available in total (i.e. 2 to 4 projects likely to be funded)
• Two Stage submission:
– Stage 1 by 23rd April 2015
– Stage 2 (if successful at Stage 1) by 15th October 2015
• Research and Innovation Action
Road - MG.3.6b-2015 Safe and connected
automation in road transport
• Scope
– Dissemination and take-up of results, including the development and
consensus building on business models to progress toward full
automation in road transport
– Liability and standardisation policy and regulatory framework
recommendations could be formulated as appropriate
– International cooperation is encouraged
• €1m available in total (i.e. only 1 project likely to be funded)
• Single Stage submission 15th October 2015
• Coordination and Support Action
Urban Mobility – MG.5.4-2015 Strengthening the
knowledge and capacities of local authorities
• Scope:
– Promoting take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
– Targeted at large networked groups of local authorities – tools to
prepare and implement SUMPs
– Attention should be given to innovative procurement and business
– Proposals requesting between €2m and €4m expected
• €9m available in total (i.e. 3 to 9 projects likely to be funded)
• Two Stage submission:
– Stage 1 by 23rd April 2015
– Stage 2 (if successful at Stage 1) by 15th October 2015
• Research and Innovation Action
Urban Mobility – MG.5.5a-2015 Demonstrating
and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and
better urban transport and mobility
• Scope: City led proposals requesting between €12m and €18m
• Expected Impact (should contribute to):
– Reduction in development costs and raising competitiveness
– Enhanced robustness and performance of sensor and data analysis
systems and optimised HMI
– Improves efficiency, safety and traffic flow through better use of existing
• €54.5m available in total (i.e. 3 to 4 projects likely to be funded)
• Two Stage submission:
– Stage 1 by 23rd April 2015
– Stage 2 (if successful at Stage 1) by 15th October 2015
• Innovation Action
Urban Mobility – MG.5.5b-2015 Demonstrating
and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and
better urban transport and mobility
• Scope: To facilitate cooperation between stakeholders involved in
this topic’s projects and from across CIVITA 2020
• Impact:
– The support action will help to promote take-up of innovation by
strengthening the mechanisms for urban transport policy making and
planning as well as the technical capacity building in the participating
– Dissemination, training and exchange activities will aim at a maximum
reach of the target audience
• €3m available in total
• Single Stage submission – 15th October 2015
• Coordination and Support Action
Specific to Urban Mobility Topics
• Frequently Asked Questions for MG.5.4-2015 and MG.5.5a2015 can be found at
• Also, be aware of Smart Cities and Communities call for
proposals as has transport related themes although is not
part of the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport work
Infrastructure – MG.8.3-2015 Facilitating market
take up of innovative transport infrastructure
• Scope: Proposals requesting between €1m and €5m expected
• Selected actions expected to:
– Serve as pilot projects
– Allow for a better coordinated dialogue between procurers and
– Contribute to competence building in the sector
– Build a coherent basis for progressive step changes to regulation,
standardisation and public procurement practices
• €13m available in total (i.e. Between 3 and 10 projects likely to be
• Single Stage submission – 15th October 2015
• Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) Cofund
Infrastructure – MG.8.4a-2015 Smart
governance, network resilience and streamlined
delivery of infrastructure innovation
• Scope:
– The work will focus either on further advancements in knowledge
where technological progress is still needed (Research and Innovation
Actions), or on implementing innovative technologies in real life
conditions via large scale demonstration actions (Innovation Actions).
– SME active participation is strongly encouraged
• €3m available in total
• Two Stage submission:
– Stage 1 by 23rd April 2015
– Stage 2 (if successful at Stage 1) by 15th October 2015
• Research and Innovation Action OR Innovation Action
Infrastructure – MG.8.4b-2015 Smart
governance, network resilience and streamlined
delivery of infrastructure innovation
• Scope:
– The need for strengthening the network between infrastructure owners
and operators in view of enhancing the effectiveness of the sector could
be approached through appropriate coordination schemes
• €1.5m available in total
• Single Stage submission – 15th October 2015
• Coordination and Support Action
Socio-economic and behavioural... – MG.9.12015 Transport societal drivers
• Scope
– A forum for communication, collaboration, relationship-building. Develop multistakeholder interactions and produce an action plan for innovative
solution/options for transport and mobility.
– Stakeholders from within and outside the sector should be involved, in particular:
policy makers, civil society organisations, end-users, industry including suppliers
and transport service providers, academia and research organisations.
• Proposals shall have a minimum duration of two years, with
partners coming from at least 10 different countries and from the
above-mentioned types of organisations.
• €3m available in total
• Single Stage submission – 23rd April2015
• Coordination and Support Action
Socio-economic and behavioural... – MG.9.52015 Fostering transnational cooperation in
European transport research and innovation –
National Contact Point (NCP) network
• Scope - Only NCPs from EU Member States and Associated
Countries which have been officially appointed by the relevant
national authorities are eligible to participate in and receive
funding for this action
• €2m available in total
• Single Stage submission – 23rd April2015
• Coordination and Support Action
General Conditions
• General Annexes contain the basic rules
• Contents:
List of countries and applicable rules for funding
Standard admissibility conditions for grant proposals, and related requirements
Standard eligibility criteria
Types of action: specific provisions and funding rates
Specific requirements for innovation procurement (PCP/PPI) supported by
Horizon 2020 grants
Model Rules of Contest (RoC) for Prizes
Technology readiness levels (TRL)
Budget flexibility
Classified Information
Financial support to third parties
General Principles
• Must be a collaborative approach
–At least three different legal entities
–At least three different qualifying nations
• Can use subcontractors but only if they offer standard
off-the-shelf/shrink-wrapped product or service
Proposal Evaluation for all Programmes
• Excellence
• Impact (is weighted 1.5 in Small Business Instrument)
• Quality and Efficiency of the implementation
• Full definitions are available
• (only Excellence and Impact assessed in the first stage
of two stage proposals)
Finding Partners
• Enterprise Europe Network – find your local office at
• The Transport Research and Innovation Portal (TRIP) contains the
details of all organisations that have won and undertaken
transport research programmes in Europe. Therefore a
positive track record of success more likely
• Official EU partner search website allows
organisations to register that they are seeking partners and
in what area, however, you will find that many
organisations register themselves for every area.
• Register yourself and your organisation on the
Participant Portal
• Videos from the Commission on Youtube
–General Overview: A three-minute animation which gives
a general overview of the programme aimed to potential
new participants.
–How to apply: This short animation guides through the
steps needed to apply to Horizon 2020 and directs the
viewer to the Participant Portal for further information.
Sources of help
• Use all of the available resources
–National Contact Point, willing to read through draft
proposals if sent early enough
–Download all of the documents relating to a topic, not
just the topic description
–Read the General Annexes
–Guidance given to evaluators is useful – explains what
they’re looking for (it’s only 8 pages and is well worth
Any Questions?
[email protected]