Welcome to English

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Transcript Welcome to English

Welcome to English
Mrs. Paget
I teach students.
In my classroom, students come first.
English is important, but students are
more important. I am far more concerned
with you learning the material than I am
about covering X amount of things by the
end of the year.
You are the reason I’m here.
Don’t perceive me as a teacher who is out
to get you.
I’m a teacher who wants more than
anything for you to be successful.
Classroom Rules
Respect others
Say and do KIND things to your classmates
and teacher. Put downs, sass, and any other
form of disrespect will not be tolerated.
Be responsible
Come to class with pen, notebook, textbook,
assignments, AR book, and any other materials that I
may specify. If you have to return to your locker to
retrieve one of these items, you will be counted as
tardy. After 3 tardies, expect a 1/2 hour detention.
Also, 3 tardies = unexcused absence.
You should be in the classroom when the bell rings.
Keep it school appropriate
Your conduct in this classroom will remain
school appropriate at all times. You will not
use profanity or any inappropriate language or
This also applies to school work.
Use common sense
All rules that are in your handbook also apply
in this classroom.
Ask questions
Ask questions when you do not understand.
If you choose to make a problem, I will do
something about it.
I sometimes give warnings.
Some common punishments that I give
are detentions, writing letters home,
isolated lunch (4th hour), or going to the
principal’s office.
Grading Scale and Weights
I use the school board approved grading scale
for our district.
Your grade will be weighted according to the
following percentages.
Quizzes, tests, projects, papers
Daily work
Comprehensive Final 10% of semester grade
Participation Points
I will award participation points on days
when your participation will determine your
grade. In order to receive participation
points, you must actively participate in
whatever class activity we are doing that
day. Participation points are all or nothing.
Assignment Collection
Turn assignments in on time.
Turn past due assignments in the next day for
10% off of the final grade (not later that day).
If you try to turn in assignments after that, you
will receive 50% off unless you have made other
arrangements with me.
Retrieve graded and recorded assignments from
the “recorded” trays.
Extra Credit
Students are only eligible to receive extra
credit assignments and points if they have
completed all assignments from that
You are responsible for getting
assignments if you miss class.
I will not hunt you down!
Laptop Use
When I say lids closed, close the lid of the
No earphones when I am talking to you.
No earphones during AR reading.
No email or messaging unless I say otherwise.
Use your jump drive for saving.
No games, dvds, or other entertainment, even if
you are finished with your assignment
Only use the Internet for school related
Laptop Consequences
Mr. Labertew or I will determine the
consequence in accordance with the severity of
the offense.
Some possibilities: detention, loss of laptop for
a determined amount of time, office referral
If you are caught with entertainment media
(games, dvds, etc), I will take it until the end of
the year.
Use your planners everyday.
Write down assignments and due dates.
Check off submitted assignments.
I need someone to remind me to take roll
on the computer every hour. Volunteer?
1st hour - We need to say the Pledge of
Allegiance every morning. Remind me if I
Bathroom Breaks
Try to use the restroom between classes.
I will only allow one student to leave the
room for restroom/drink breaks at a time.
Detours will result in consequences.
Only ask if you really have to go.
AR is worth 10% of your quarter grade.
Your STAR test result will determine the number of
points you will need each nine weeks, and the level of
books you should be reading.
Look on the spine of the book to determine the book
level and how many points it is worth.
Points are rewarded according to student
performance on AR tests.
When you finish a book, take an AR test.
Students are rewarded for AR points each nine weeks
at the AR store and at the end of the year with the AR
Students will do at least one teenbiz
activity each week.
Teenbiz is graded randomly. Not all
activities will make it into the gradebook.
However, students will not know when
grades for teenbiz will be entered.
Top 10 recommendations to
survive Mrs. Paget’s class
Get your water before the bell rings.
Always use the pass and sign out when
leaving the room. Ask first!
Put your name and date on assignments.
Don’t be rude. If I’m talking to you, or if we are
having a class discussion, ask to get up to
sharpen your pencil, blow your nose, etc. If we
are having quiet work time, you do not have to
Top 10 recommendations
to survive cont.
5. If I give you class time to work, use it. If you
abuse it, I’ll abuse your time out of school.
6. Discuss issues with me in a respectful
manner. I make mistakes, you make mistakes,
and so do your classmates. If there is a
problem, pull me aside, ask to talk to me in the
hall or come see me after school. Don’t make a
scene in class!
Top 10 recommendations
to survive cont.
7. If you need to leave the classroom,
expect to tell me exactly why. No
8. Please remain seated. I don’t like
wandering students.
9. No bathroom breaks during quizzes or
Top 10 recommendations
to survive cont.
Make sure you have my attention. I am not
good at multitasking. If you are trying to talk to
me, and I am busy, make sure that my mind is
with you. I tend to concentrate heavily on the
task at hand, and not pay “real” attention to
others who are talking to me. I apologize for
this in advance. I need for you to be forthright
with me to make sure you get my full attention.
Have a great year!
I believe that success comes to those who
take ownership of their goals and actions.
If you want to do well in English, decide
that you are going to do well, and then act
on that decision. Grades don’t just
happen to you. Your actions and abilities
determine your grade. Don’t let life happen
to you; make life happen for you.