Introduction to Microeconomics

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Introduction to Microeconomics

Long-run profit

• • • •

Dropping the Assumption of the short-run

The short-run is defined by whether you can vary any factor of production This typically means piece-work labour (I can hire and fire with complete freedom) In most cases contracts/regulations impede the freedom of the firm – Labour law requires two weeks notice – Professional sports contracts often have “no cut” clauses What is the short-run for the following – Hot dog stand?

– Flower shop?

– – Law firm?

Car assembly plant?

Three Types of Profit

• • •

Accounting profit = Total Revenue – explicit costs

(payments a firm makes to its factors of production and other suppliers)

Economic profit = Total Revenue - explicit costs -

implicit costs (opportunity costs of the resources supplied by the firm’s owners)

Normal profit = accounting profits - economic profit

– The opportunity cost of resources supplied by the firm’s owners.

Profit Ch6-3 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

FIGURE 6.1: The Difference Between Accounting Profit and Economic Profit Total revenue


Explicit costs Accounting Profit


Explicit costs Normal profit = opportunity cost of resources supplied by owners of firm


Economic profit Ch6-4 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Firm, the Market, and a Shift in the Short-Run Supply: Responses of a Wheat Farm and the Wheat Market





0.08*12,000 = 960


S 2.12

E 1 E 3 D′ D

• • ATCs represents the lowest cost per unit of Bernard increase his production to 12 000 quantity of wheat.

MCs is a short-run marginal cost curve.

$2.12)(12000) = 960/year.

• There are 1000 farmers in the market, Assume the demand rises to D’, price market, E1 is the SR and LR equilibrium • E2 is the short-run equilibrium, where exit Ch6-5 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Long-Run Average Cost LO3: Difference between Long Run and Short Run












Ch6-6 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

• •

Long-Run Average Cost and Perfectly Competitive Markets

Long-Run Average Cost (LRAC).

– In the long run, firms can change their capital stock and thereby choose their size of operation.

– Each size of firm has its own Average Total Cost curve.

– LRAC is the minimum average cost for a given level of output.

Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium.

– Price is at the minimum of LRAC.

• If price is higher, firms producing at minimum LRAC can make an economic profit and will enter industry.

– All firms operate at the size that minimizes LRAC.

LO3 & LO4: Difference between Long Run and Short Run, Long run operation at minimum point of LRAC Ch6-7 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Long-Run Supply (LRS) in a Perfectly Competitive Market—Case I: Constant Opportunity Cost of Inputs








3 Panel (a) shows the firm’s long-run average cost curve, while panel (b) shows that long-run market supply is horizontal and pertains to a constant cost industry.

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Long-Run Market Supply – 2 cases

• • Case I: Cost of Additional Inputs is Constant.

– Any increase in price will cause economic profits.

– New firms will enter until the price is driven back to the level where it started.

– Long-Run Supply (LRS) is therefore perfectly elastic.

Case II: Cost of Additional Inputs Rises.

– Increase in Price causes economic profits for existing firms.

– New firms enter, driving down product price.

• but also bidding up the price of inputs.

• and thereby increasing industry costs.

– Product price falls, but not to where it started.

– Long-Run Supply (LRS) is upward sloping.

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FIGURE 6.5: Long-Run Supply (LRS) in a Perfectly Competitive Market—Case II: Cost of Inputs Rises as Short-Run Supply Increases





D D′

As the number of farms increases in response to an increase in the demand for wheat, long-run average cost increases from LRAC1 to LRAC2. Why?

After long-run adjustments are complete, market price is higher, so long-run market supply has a positive slope and pertains to an increasing cost industry.

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Firm Size and the Shape of the Long Run Average Cost Curve

• •

It is possible that minimum LRAC can be achieved over a wide range of output.

– If so, then different firm sizes can coexist in long-run equilibrium.

We can divide the LRAC curve into 3 regions

– Economies of scale: LRAC falling.

– Constant returns to scale: LRAC constant.

– Diseconomies of scale: LRAC rising.

LO5: Economies of scale, constant returns to scale, and diseconomies of scale © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

FIGURE 6.6: Long-Run Average Cost and Returns to Scale I: Economies of scale II: Constant returns to scale III: Diseconomies of scale


Minimum long-run average cost Minimum efficient quantity © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited scale Ch6-12

Free Entry and Exit

• • • Barrier to entry: – Anything that prevents new suppliers from entering a market.

• Legal (e.g., copyright laws).

• Natural (e.g., product compatibility).

– Barriers to entry allow price to be higher than the opportunity costs of production.

Freedom to leave a market is just as important as freedom to enter.

Without reasonably free entry and exit, the competitive market will not force prices down to minimum long-run-average cost.

Ch6-13 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Economic Rent

• • • That part of the payment for a factor of production that exceeds the owner’s reservation price.

– Reservation price: The price below which the owner would not supply the factor.

Unlike economic profit, which is driven toward zero by competition, economic rent may persist for extended periods.

Economic rent accrues to inputs that cannot be replicated easily.

Ch6-14 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Cost-Saving Innovations

• •

Firms that develop and introduce cost-saving innovations:

– Reap economic profits in the short run.

• Supply curves shift rightward as new firms enter.

• Product prices fall.

• Firms that do not use the new technology will suffer economic losses.

Competition implies that the cost savings of new technology are passed along to consumers.

Ch6-15 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Example 6.7: How do cost-saving innovations affect economic profit?

• • • • • • Forty merchant marine companies carry oil from the Middle East to the east coast of Canada. The cost per trip, is $500 000.

A navigator on one ship finds a new route, which results in fuel savings of $20 000/trip.

At the beginning, the firm with the more efficient route will earn an economic profit of $20 000/trip.

As others begin to adopt the new route, their individual supply curves shift downward.

The market supply curve also shift downward, which will result in a lower market price for shipping and a decline in economic profit.

When all firms have adopted the new route, the long-run supply curve for the industry will have shifted downward by $20 000/trip, and each earns a normal profit.

Ch6-16 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

The Impact of Improvement in Technology on Long-Run Supply Ch6-17 Technological improvement causes long-run supply to shift to the right. If demand remains constant in this graph, which represents the market for wheat, the price of wheat will be lower in 2005 than it was in 1955.

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Capital Intensive Industries · · · · Capital intensive industries, have high fixed costs relative to variable costs.

Average costs decline without any diseconomy of scale Marginal costs always lie below average costs If the market is initially perfectly competitive, it will not remain that way (firms will race to maximize profit and constantly expand) – one firm will be left.


Source: Microeconomics by Parkin and Bade

Source: Microeconomics by Parkin and Bade

Joseph Schumpeter 1883 – 1950 • • “Capitalism [...] is by nature a form or method of economic change and not only never is but never can be stationary. [...] The opening up of new markets, foreign or domestic, and the organizational development from the craft shop and factory to such concerns as U.S. Steel illustrate the same process of industrial mutation [...] that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. • This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism. It is what capitalism consists in and what every capitalist concern has got to live in.”

Schumpeter starts with the circular flow

• • • • • The basic circular flow of income model consists of seven assumptions: The economy consists of two sectors: households and firms.

Households spend all of their income (Y) on goods and services or consumption (C). There is no saving (S).

All output (O) produced by firms is purchased by households through their expenditure (E).

There is no financial or government sector.

It is a closed economy with no exports or imports. , accessed Oct 15, 2012

The entrepreneur is the hero for Schumpeter

Profit motive creates the incentive to disrupt production/consumption cycles

– Steve Jobs – Bill Gates – Anita Roddick – Ray Kroc

Can Apple Still Work Magic?

• • • • (right click to open link) Pay attention to the chart that appears at about 3:40 Who is likely to be more innovative?

– – Apple Samsung – Blackberry What does the failure of Apple Maps mean?