Transcript Slide 1

The full size range (extant)
Average bacterium
< 10 -13 g
< 0.1 pg
10 -10 g
0.1 ng
Large amoeba
0.1 mg
10 -4 g
100 mg
10 -1 g
100 g
10 2 g
100 kg
10 5 g
Blue Whale
5,000 kg (5 tons)
100 tons
5000 tons10 10 g
5 x 10 6 g
10 8 g
1. Dimensions
% of body mass
that is skeleton
3. Design
Short bridge
Long bridge
Compressive support, stone
Tensile support, steel
Oxygen Delivery—design changes with size
Unicellular organism
0.1 mm = 5 sec
Diffusion Problem!:
Time to diffuse is proportional
to the square of the distance
1 mm = 500 sec
10 cm =~ 55 days
Scaling Relationships
Physiological parameter
of interest
Y = a Mb
A “power” function
a = proportionality constant
b = scaling exponent (describes strength
and direction of the effect of mass on Y)
Body Mass (M)
• allow for huge range of body sizes
•generate a straight line
•slope of line = b
b = 0.75
Body mass
Log E
O2 consumption (E)
Physiologists often use log-log plots
log Body mass
E = a Mb
log E = log a + b log M
How does mass-specific O2 consumption
scale with body size?
(02 consumption per
gram of tissue)
Mass-specific MR
Y = a Mb
Log O2/g*hr
Take log:
So b = -0.25
Slope = -0.25
log Body mass
describes relationship of X to Y as Y gets bigger
If b = 0
If 0 < b < 1
If b = 1
b = 0.75
No relationship
e.g. [hemoglobin]
Isometric relationship
e.g., blood volume in mammals
-constant fraction of body mass
If b > 1
e.g. whole animal metabolic
If b < 0
b = -0.25
e.g., bone thickness
e.g., mass specific
metabolic rate
= 65 mya
Mammals diversified
in the Cretaceous,
between 144 and 65 mya
Dinosaurs disappear here
(except for lineage leading
to birds).
Why did dinosaurs go extinct?
Artist rendition of early mammal
Fish and Reptiles
Mammals and Birds
From Jerison 1969
From Jerison 1969
But wait a second…
What if dinosaurs were endothermic?
Dinosaur trackways reveal that dinosaurs may have
been able to travel up to 27 mph…
Some large dinosaurs had erect posture and a vertical
distance between the heart and head to require a high
blood pressure, like the giraffe.
Where do we draw the line between ectothermic
dinosaurs and endothermic ancestors to birds?
Dinosaur bone is more similar to mammalian or avian
(bird) bone in cross section than it is to typical
ectothermic "reptilian" bone
Big antlers on Irish Elk—10 – 12 feet across!
Two outstanding questions:
Why the enormous antlers?
Did the large antlers contribute to its extinction?
Stood 2.1 m
Went extinct
10,600 years
Found across
Most of dots represent extant
species of deer
Irish elk
Maximum length of antler
Two species of moose
Antler length = 0.064 * Shoulder height1.68
Height of shoulder
Gould 1974
But, not the last word on Irish Elk?
*New study by Moen et al 1999: what about nutrient
*Irish elk antlers weighing 40 kg at the end of velvet
shedding would have contained 2.1 kg
nitrogen, 7.6 kg calcium and 3.8 kg phosphorus.
*to grow 40 kg antlers in 150 days, need: 60 g calcium,
30 g phosphorous daily for 60 days
*In the model, 6% of calcium, 10% of phosphorous
taken from skeleton because dietary intake of
minerals insufficient to meet requirements of antler
*climate change!!!