Transcript CHAPTER 7

Lecture Set 8
Validating Data and Handling Exceptions
Part B – Structured Exception Handling
To understand how to us the Structured
Exception handling tools of Visual Basic
Describe the Exception hierarchy and name
two of its subclasses.
Describe the use of Try…Catch statements to
catch specific exceptions as well as all
Learn how to throw exceptions and how to
catch them and take appropriate steps to
prevent software failure
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Objectives (continued)
Describe the use of the properties and methods
of an exception object.
Describe the use of Throw statements.
Describe the three types of data validation that
you’re most likely to perform on a user entry.
Describe two ways that you can use generic
validation methods in a method that validates all
of the user entries for a form.
Describe the use the Validating event and the
use of masked text boxes for data validation.
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Structured Exception Handling
Run-time errors will cause a program to
terminate because of an exception being
Exceptions can be thrown for several reasons
Numeric overflow errors
Type conversion errors
Division by zero errors
Database errors of all sorts
Null reference exceptions
Create structured exception handlers to
prevent a program from terminating
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The Exception Class Hierarchy
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The Exception Hierarchy for Five Common
Exceptions (related to computation ONLY)
System namespace
Why are Unhandled Exceptions Bad?
In a nutshell – software that
fails for any reason is
Software has to be written to
accept any input from the user (or
from external events) and react
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The Dialog Box for an Unhandled Exception
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The System.Exception Class
All exceptions are derived from the
System.Exception class
The Message property contains an
informational message
The Source property is a string containing the
name of the application causing the error
The StackTrace property returns a string
containing the error location
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The Syntax for a Simple Try...Catch statement
trystatements block
catchstatements block
A Try...Catch statement
subtotal = ToDecimal(txtSubtotal.Text);
discountPercent = .2m;
discountAmount = subtotal * discountPercent;
invoiceTotal = subtotal - discountAmount;
{ MessageBox.Show( "Please enter a valid number for the "
+ "Subtotal field.", "Entry Error");
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The Dialog Box that’s Displayed if an Exception
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Try-Catch (Another example)
private void btnGetWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnGetWord.Enabled = false;
failureCount = 0;
newWord = Dictionary.getWord();
lblLetterNumbers.Visible = true;
lblOkay.Visible = true;
lblLetterNumbers.Text = BuildNewWordTemplate(newWord.Length);
. . .
} // end Try-Catch
} // end GetWord_Click
Note that the exception name you choose (ex in this case) is an instantiation of an
object of an exception type with properties (such as Message) and methods (such
as GetType) associated with it. So what does this code do?
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The syntax for a Try...Catch statement that
accesses the exception
trystatements block
catch (exceptionclass exceptionName)
catchstatements block
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Structured Exception Handlers (Syntax)
// Place executable statements that might throw
// (cause) an exception in this block.
// This code runs if the statements in the Try
// block throw an exception.
// This code always runs immediately before
// the Try block or Catch block exits.
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Two Common Properties for all Exceptions
It is important to understand how this statement works
Gets a message (a string) that briefly describes the
current exception.
Gets a string that lists the procedures that were
called before the exception occurred.
A common method for all exceptions
Gets the type of the current exception.
The Dialog Box Displayed if an Exception Occurs (VB)
The Complete Syntax for the Try...Catch Statement
This form of try-catch includes the specification of exception types
trystatements block
catch (mostspecificexception exceptionName)
catchstatements block
[catch (nextmostspecificexception exceptionName)
catchstatements block]
[catch (leastspecificexception exceptionName)
catchstatements block]
finallystatements block]
What’s in a Try-Catch Statement?
The Try block contains the code that is
executed if the exception is raised (thrown)
The Catch block contains the code that
actually handles the exceptions
Note that if multiple procedures are called in
the Try block, the Catch block catches all
exceptions that are not handled by the called
Variables declared within a Try … Catch block
are local to that block
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Execution Flow of a Structured Exception
Handler (VB example)
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A Try...Catch that Catches Specific Exceptions
monthlyInvestment = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMonthlyInvestment.Text);
yearlyInterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(txtInterestRate.Text);
years = Convert.ToInt32(txtYears.Text);
months = years * 12;
monthlyInterestRate = yearlyInterestRate / 12 / 100;
. . .
catch (ExceptionFormat ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.GetType().ToString()
+ "\n" + ex.StackTrace, "Data Entry Other Exception!!");
catch (Exception ex)
// This code runs whether or not an exception occur
Note that the exception name you choose (ex in this case) is an instantiation of an object
of an exception type with properties (such as Message) and methods (such as GetType)
associated with it. So what does this code do?
Notes on the Last Slide
Always catch code for the most specific
exceptions first. Why?
The Finally code block is executed whether
the exception occurs and is caught or not
The ToDecimal and ToInt32 methods (of the
Convert class) do not do any rounding and
can lead to FormatExceptions in certain cases
This is as opposed to CDec and CInt, the
intrinsic functions that do rounding (which
can lead to type conversion errors)
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Throwing Exceptions
The syntax for throwing a new exception
throw new Exceptionclass ([message]);
The syntax for throwing an existing exception
throw ExceptionName;
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A Function that Throws a FormatException
public decimal compute(decimal monthlyInterestRate,
int months)
if (monthlyInvestment <= 0)
throw new FormatException
("Monthly Investment must be greater than 0.");
if (monthlyInterestRate <= 0)
throw new FormatException
("Interest Rate must be greater than 0.");
} // end compute
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Throwing Exceptions for Special Purposes
Code that throws an Exception for testing purposes
subtotal = Convert.ToDecimal(txtSubtotal.Text);
throw new OverflowException;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + “\n” + “\n”
& ex.GetType().ToString()+ “\n” + “\n”
& ex.StackTrace, "Exception");
Code that rethrows an exception
catch (FormatException fe)
throw fe;
} // end try-catch
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When to Throw an Exception
 When a procedure encounters a situation where it isn’t able to
complete its task
 When you want to generate an exception to test an exception
 When you want to catch the exception, perform some processing,
and then throw the exception again
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Code To Validate One Data Entry Item
What data validation do you need to perform?
Ensure that an entry has been made
Ensure that the entry is in the proper format
Ensure that the entry range is valid
Note use of the Select method for a Textbox
In other words ensure that the user has not
skipped over the item
Moves control back to the given Textbox
Where parameters are used, Select also helps the
user get things correct by showing what the
incorrect entry
See also, pp. 200-203 in text
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Three Functions for Validating Textbox Entries
These functions are generic ONLY in the
sense that they will work on any Textbox
However, the functions that check for
Decimal ranges and formats are not generic
as to the types of the values whose ranges or
formats are to be checked
SO – beware – read the code on pp. 202-205
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Validating Multiple Entries
This material concerns the writing of a
function to validate multiple (three in this
case) textbox entries on a single form.
You can take your choice – separate
validations for each box or one per form (or
worse, one long compound condition)
Read pp. 204-209 in text
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