The New SIMAS evaluation schedule

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The New SIAMS evaluation
New Inspection April 13 Odd one
Key Questions:The ‘So What’ Inspection
and why
 How distinctive and effective is the
school as a Church of England
 How well does the school, through its
distinctive Christian character, meet the
needs of all the learners?
 What is the impact of collective
worship on the school community?
 How effective is the religious education?
 How effective are the leadership and
management of the school as a church
What happens ?
 SIAS and Ofsted decoupled
 Every 5 years for Good and Outstanding
 Every 3 years for ‘satisfactory’
 One weeks notice : So still a SIB
We want to reduce role of government/State but we
have get some things right first!
 Define essential
 A slimmed down
knowledge: an
irreducible core that
pupils should learn.
 Improve the quality of
 Improve the academic
offer to pupils form
poorer homes
National Curriculum.
Expert panel review
published, awaiting
 Higher entry
requirements to ITT
 Ebacc :RE has been too
successful meaning not
enough taking History
and Geography.
How does Ofsted define Spiritual
development ?
 Pupils’ spiritual development is shown by their:
 beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their
perspective on life and their interest in and respect
for different people’s feelings and values
 sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about
themselves, others and the world around them,
including the intangible
 use of imagination and creativity in their
 willingness to reflect on their experiences.
So What's new ?
New areas
Added emphasis
• Overall Effectiveness section
 Distinctive characteristics of
• Supplementary guidance on
Methodist and Anglican
tradition and practice
• More aspects of RE in a VC
• Achievement issue
 Governors’ role in Christian
vision and strategic planning
 Focus on the teaching of
 Explicitly Christian
understanding of shared
human values
Christian Character and Pupil achievement
Christian Character and pupil achievement
 Worship>worthship >equally valued in the eyes of
God >self esteem>pupil achievement
 Perseverance as Christian value> resilience in
 A Christian understanding of achievement leading to
a different way to judge others achievements
 Spiritual development linked to pupil achievement
through progression in opportunities for creativity
empathy and reflection as opposed to just provision
and promotion ( supported by materials produced by
Kathyrn Wright or the ‘Rickett Grids’ from SW)
Christian Character and pupil achievement
 Creating a Christian culture of taking risks in
learning through an assurance of forgiveness,
acceptance and Christian love.
 Christian love as a secure basis for achievement and
in giving confidence in learning.
What's Changed Collective Worship
 To develop and understanding of Jesus Christ and
respond to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
 Theological basis
 Key elements : Gathering, engagement, respond,
sending out
 Centrality of prayer
What's Changed : RE
 Just RE
 Statement of entitlement
What's Changed: Leadership and Management
 Christian Vision to include standards
 Future leadership of church schools: more clarity
 Recognition of Chaplaincy and pastoral support of
the church
The Toolkit issue
 No fixed way
 Summary document
 Series of self evaluation