Risk Assessment - NMT Computer Science and Engineering

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A Framework for Comparing Different
Information Security Risk Analysis
Anita Vorster, Les Labuschagne
Ajay Kumar Iduri
Sushma Sachidanand
Quang Tran Vinh
Information Security Risk Management
Criteria on which Framework is based
The Framework for Comparison
How the Framework should be used
Strengths and Weakness of this proposed
Information security is an organization’s approach to
maintaining confidentiality, availability, integrity,
nonrepudiation,accountability, authenticity and
reliability of its IT systems
Currently there are numerous risk analysis
methodologies available some of which are
qualitative while others are quantitative in nature
These methodologies have a common goal of
estimating the overall risk value
An easy-to-use framework is required to compare
information security risk analysis methodologies
The best way to choose between methodologies is to
compare them, using objective, quantifiable criteria
This is where a framework for comparison is needed
If the criteria that are used are applicable to all risk
analysis methodologies, the organization can
compare different methodologies objectively, and
decide on the best one
Alternative Frameworks
The framework proposed by Badenhorst
indicates whether a methodology addresses a
criterion or not
It does not use scales, or trade-offs which can aid the
organization in choosing a methodology which will
best meet their needs
This shows the need for more Comparative
Information Security Risk
Management Methodologies
The Methodologies can be broadly classified into two
• Quantitative Methodologies
• Qualitative Methodologies
Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were
evaluated for developing the framework
Different risk analysis methodologies were analyzed
to determine common criteria for comparison
Qualitative Methodologies
The qualitative methodologies considered for this
framework are
OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and
Vulnerability Evaluation)
The CORAS (Construct a platform for Risk
Analysis of Security Critical Systems)
Quantitative Methodologies
The quantitative methodologies considered for
this framework are
ISRAM (Information Security Risk Analysis
Cost-Of-Risk Analysis (CORA)
Information Systems (IS) analysis based on a
business model
The above methodologies were chosen because
they have been well documented
OCTAVE was developed at the CERT Coordination
Center (CERT/CC) [Cert Coordination Center 2003]
This approach concentrates on assets, threats and
One of the main concepts of OCTAVE is selfdirection, the people inside the organization must
lead the information security risk evaluation
An analysis team, consisting of staff from the
organization's business units as well as the IT
department, is responsible for leading the evaluation
and recording results
The OCTAVE approach has three phases, with each
broken down into processes
Each process has certain activities that must be
completed, and within each of these activities,
different steps must be taken in order to achieve the
desired outputs
The final result that risk decisions can be based on is
the threat profile of different assets
Each threat profile contains information on which
mitigation decisions can be based
CORAS was developed under the Information
Society Technologies (IST) program
One of the main objectives of CORAS is to develop a
framework that exploits methods for risk analysis,
semi-formal methods for object-oriented modeling,
and computerized tools, for a precise, unambiguous,
and efficient risk assessment of security critical
The methodology is based on UML a language that
uses diagrams to illustrate relationships and
dependencies between users and the environment in
which they work
During an information security risk analysis, a great
deal of information is brainstormed, and during
workshops and discussions, different people (users,
system developers, analysts, system managers), with
different expertise in different fields come together,
give their opinions and share information
A way in which all the participants can communicate
efficiently and understand each other must therefore
exist and a UML profile, proposed by the CORAS
project, is used to achieve this
The framework has four main pillars, of which
risk management is one. In CORAS, the final
result on which decisions can be based is the
UML class diagrams of each asset
The ISRAM methodology was developed at the
National Research Institute of Electronics and
Cryptology and the Gebze Institute of Technology
in Turkey
It is marketed as a quantitative approach to risk
analysis that allows for the participation of the
manager and staff of the organization and a
survey-based model
Two separate and independent surveys are
conducted for the two attributes of risk, namely
probability and consequence
ISRAM does not use techniques such as Single
Occurrence Losses (SOL) or Annual Loss
Expectancy (ALE), instead, the risk factor is a
numerical value between 1 and 25
This numerical value corresponds to a
qualitative, high, medium or low value, and it is
this qualitative value on which risk management
decisions are based
International Security Technology, Inc. (IST)
developed CORA, the Cost-Of-Risk Analysis
The CORA risk model uses data collected about
threats, functions and assets, and the
vulnerabilities of the functions and assets to the
threats to calculate the consequences, that is,
the losses due to the occurrences of the threats
It is a methodology where the risk parameters
are expressed quantitatively and where losses
are expressed in quantitative monetary terms
CORA uses a two-step process to support risk
management. Parameters for threats, functions
and assets are validated and refined until the
best values are determined
CORA then calculates SOL and ALE for each
of the threats identified
It estimates a single loss value for a threat to
an organization, and then multiplies this value
by the frequency of the threat occurrence
IS Risk Analysis based on a
Business Model
The IS Risk Analysis Based on a Business Model
was developed at the Korea Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology
This model was developed because traditional
risk analysis methodologies had some limitations
It takes an asset’s value and then not only bases
the analysis on its replacement cost, but also
measures the tangible asset’s value from the
viewpoint of operational continuity
IS Risk Analysis
The methodology has four stages
During this methodology, the importance level of
various business functions of the business model
and the necessity level of various IS assets are
Mathematical formulae are used to calculate ALE
for a single threat occurrence on the organization
The end result is a quantitative monetary value
Criteria for the Framework
Whether risk analysis is done on single assets or
groups of assets
Where in the methodology risk analysis is done
The people involved in the risk analysis
The main formulae used
Whether the results of the methodology are
relative or absolute
Criteria for the Framework
Each criterion has a scaling
The scaling indicates the level of a criterion
based on certain trade-offs
In the end a compliance factor must be
selected to indicate how relative the criterion
is to a methodology
Whether Risk Analysis is done on
Single Assets or Group of Assets
• Criteria can either take on a value of 1 or 2, as
• 1: if risk analysis is done on individual assets
• 2: if risk analysis is done on groups of assets
• In the case of the OCTAVE and CORAS
methodology, the risk analysis is done on a single
• If the end result is a single value for a threat scenario
that can affect more than one asset, the risk analysis
is done on a group of assets, such as in the case of
the CORA ,ISRAM and IS Business model
Where in the Methodology Risk
Analysis is Done
This criterion explains where in the methodology
risk analysis takes place
Some preparation, where values for information
are estimated, must be done before risk analysis
can be performed
Some risk analysis methodologies may require
more values for different information to be
estimated than other methodologies
Where in the Methodology Risk
Analysis is Done
OCTAVE needs values for impact and probability
IS Risk Analysis Based on a Business Model needs
values for probability, income loss, replacement
cost and relative importance of business functions
Methodology that needs little preparation and less
information is CORA
An accurate risk analysis, more preparation means
more detailed results, thus ISRAM would be a
better option
Scale for this Criterion
The scale for this criterion is based on a trade-off
between time and accuracy.
If time is most important
• 1: Risk analysis done after extensive preparation
• 2: Risk analysis done after some preparation
• 3: Risk analysis done after little preparation
If accuracy is most important
• 1: Risk analysis done after little preparation
• 2: Risk analysis done after some preparation
• 3: Risk analysis done after extensive preparation
The People Involved in the Risk Analysis
The people involved in the risk analysis can
either be internal or external to the organization
CORA uses external risk experts to perform the
risk analysis, whereas OCTAVE uses internal
personnel exclusively
Scale for this Criterion
The scale for this criterion is based on a trade-off between cost
and expertise
If cost is most important, values are as follows:
1: Risk analysis is performed by external experts
2: Risk analysis is performed by external and internal people
3: Risk analysis is performed by internal people
If expertise is most important, values are as follows:
1: Risk analysis is performed by internal people
2: Risk analysis is performed by external and internal people
3: Risk analysis is performed by external experts
The Main Formulae Used
Some methodologies use mathematical formulae
while others use an expected value matrix
The main formula shows the magnitude of
calculations that need to be done, thus indicating
the complexity of the risk analysis
The scale for this criterion is based on a trade-off
between simplicity and accuracy
Scale for this Criterion
If simplicity is most important, values are as follows:
• 1: Risk analysis involves extensive mathematical
• 2: Risk analysis involves some but simple
mathematical calculations
• 3: Risk analysis involves no mathematical
If accuracy is most important, values are as follows:
• 1: Risk analysis involves no mathematical
• 2: Risk analysis involves some but simple
mathematical calculations
• 3: Risk analysis involves extensive mathematical
Whether the Results of the
Methodology are Relative or Absolute
Some methodologies produce results that are
relative. This means that there is no relationship
between results and they cannot be compared
Other methodologies produce results that are
absolute and can be compared
The scale for this criterion is based on a trade-off
between a methodology providing merely a ranking of
risks, or a methodology that can calculate how much
greater one risk is over another
Scale for this Criterion
If merely ranking of risks is most important, values
are as follows:
• 1: Results are comparable
• 2: Results are not comparable
If the differences between risks (how much greater
one is over another) are most important, values are
as follows:
• 1: Results are not comparable
• 2: Results are comparable
The Framework for Comparison
The Main Formulae Used in
The OCTAVE methodology uses an Expected
Value Matrix to determine a risk’s expected
The main formula is:
Loss = Impact/consequence x Probability
The Main Formulae Used in
The CORAS methodology also uses the
impact and probability approach.
Loss = Impact x Probability
The Main Formulae Used in
The Main Formulae Used in
ALE = Consequence x Frequency
consequence = Σn(individual SOL’s) n the
number of single occurrence losses, and
SOL = loss potential (worst case monetary value)
x vulnerability
CORA uses some, but not extensive
mathematical calculations. It gets a value of 2 for
both simplicity and accuracy
The Main Formulae Used in IS
IS Risk Analysis Based on a Business Model
uses the following:
How the Framework Should
be Used
The use of the framework is rather simplistic,
which allows for use by more organizations
Firstly the organization must identify their specific
Then, based on the scales of each criterion as
defined earlier, the organization must determine
values for the specific methodologies they want
to compare
Can be applied to various risk analysis
Takes the requirements of an organization into
It uses scales based on different scenarios and tradeoffs
Can give an indication of which assets and people
will be needed for the risk analysis as based on the
requirements of the organization
Not taking the customization of a methodology into
• The OCTAVE methodology can be tailored to fit
the needs of an organization
• Not all processes have to be performed, which
can influence the place where risk analysis fits into
the methodology
• The preparation required can therefore be
The risk analysis based on the requirements of an
The existence of other criteria, not presented
by the framework
There are many other risk analysis
methodologies, such as CRAMM and there are
also baselines, which cover a wider variety of
information security aspects, such as the ISO
17799 framework and which can be used to
define other criteria
Numerous methodologies are currently available and
many organizations are faced with the daunting task
of determining which one to use
The goal was to develop an easy-to-use framework
that organizations can employ to compare different
information security risk analysis methodologies
The main benefit lies in the ability to eliminate the
majority of methodologies that are unsuitable and to
only further investigate the few that remain
A Framework for Comparing Different Information Security
Risk Analysis Methodologies ANITA VORSTER And LES
1993, A comparative framework for risk analysis methods, Computers
& Security
2001. The CORAS framework for a model-based risk management
process, http://coras.sourceforge.net/documents/2002-Safecomp.pdf
Managing risks using CORA, PowerPoint presentation www.istusa.com