TURF TOE Its More serious they you think!

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Its More serious they you think!
Anatomical structures (Muscles)
Over 100 muscles, tendons
Tibialis Anterior- Dorsiflexes foot and inverts foot.
Tibialis Posterior- Plantar flexes foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus- extends big toe and
dorsiflexes foot.
• Extensor Digitorum Longus- extends toes and
dorsiflexes foot.
Anatomical structures (Bones)
• Each foot has 26 bones!!!!
Some of the important bones are:
1-3 Cuneiforms
1-5 Metatarsals
1-5 phalanges
Mechanism Of Turf Toe
Turf Toe occurs when the great toe bends severely
upwards and it injury's the soft tissue around the
great toe. This is one think any player wants to hear
because this basically makes the foot useless in
sports. The symptoms for turf toe are swelling and
pain at the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the
big toe, along with the 1st metatarsal bone, and
having pain and tenderness when bending or
stretching the big toe. If the athlete doesn’t look after
this injury then he/she could develop Hallux Limitus.
Things to do after Turf Toe
Ice Toe immediately
Tape It up (See Picture!!!)
See a Pro.
Use a Brace or Crutches or get a shoe
that prevents bending.
Ways to diagnose turf toe!
• The doctor will ask you to explain how you hurt your foot
as best as you can, if you play a sport, the type of shoes
you wear, and/or your history of foot injuries.
• Comparing the injured foot to the uninjured.
• Looking for the pattern and location of the swelling.
• The doctor will then ask you to get an imaging test, like an
X-ray, MRI, Bone scan, and/or CT Scan.
• The doctor will then make the diagnoses based on the test
results and physical examination.
What Can the Pro do?
• The Doc could get you an X-ray
• Apply ultrasound or other electrotherapy
• After 2 to 4 days the athlete may be able
to weight bear again.
• Tape the toe to prevent movement.
• Advise to go get rehab.
Rehab will range from anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks
to complete.
The rehab includes:
• An acute stage, ice and restriction of motion of the MTP
• Gently bend the toe as pain allows to restore range of motion of the
• Restore full range of motion.
• Restore lower body strength and endurance by aerobic training and
strength train with no weights.
Reference Page
• http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cyberthera
• http://www.athleticadvisor.com/Injuries/LE/
• http://www.webmd.com/fitnessexercise/turf-toe-symptoms-causes-andtreatments
• One of the packets you gave us.