Transcript Slide 1

Urban Fertilizer, Groundwater and
Environmental Stewardship
Clyde Graham
January 14, 2011
Fertilizer and the Environment
 The problem is when you have too much of a
good thing in the wrong place
 Air pollution—ammonia losses to the air
 Greenhouse gas—N2O emissions
 Bluegreen Algae—Phosphorus and nitrogen
losses to lakes, rivers, oceans
 Groundwater contamination--nitrates
Groundwater in the News - PEI
Pace on P.E.I. nitrate pollution 'glacial'
Monday, August 16, 2010 |
Agriculture, watersheds focus of nitrates
CBC News
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 |
CBC News
News Releases, Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Prince Edward Island Agriculture Gets
Premier's Office
Federal Investment to Improve and Protect
Water Resources
Feb 16, 2009
News release, November 2007, AAFC
Groundwater in the News Ontario
Well testing in Ontario County reveals health risk
Dec 27, 2010
Messenger Post
Ground Water Monitoring Wells Test Higher Than Normal For Nitrate
News Release, August 12, 2009
Grey Bruce Health Unit
Nitrate geochemistry of a regional aquifer in an agricultural landscape,
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
Dru J. Heagle*, Ramon Aravena*, Sherry L. Schiff*, David Rudolph*,
26 October 2002
*University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Matching Nutrients With Crop Needs to
Reduce Nitrogen Leaching
 There is clear evidence of the
relationship between
groundwater nitrate levels and
fertilizer application rates.
 The key principle of nutrient
management planning is to
apply only the fertilizer or
manure that can be absorbed by
the crop and apply it at the right
time. An effective nutrient
management plan will optimize
the crop yield and quality,
minimize fertilizer costs and
manure use, and protect soil
and water.
In Canada, 8.9 million people, or 30.3% of the
population, rely on groundwater for domestic use.
Health Concerns
The major health concern related to
elevated nitrate levels in drinking
water is methemoglobinemia or
blue-baby syndrome.
Water with over 10 parts per million
nitrate-nitrogen can cause
methemoglobinemia (inability of
the blood to supply oxygen) in
infants and other health effects.
Concerns have been raised about
possible links between nitrates and
other illnesses, particularly some
types of cancer and birth defects.
Many studies have attempted to
link these health effects to nitrates
in drinking water. However, results
have been inconclusive.
 Nitrate (NO3-) is highly soluble
 In porous, sandy, course soils it leach downward
and contaminate groundwater supplies.
 Water with over 10 parts per million nitratenitrogen can cause methemoglobinemia (inability
of the blood to supply oxygen) in infants and
other health effects.
 Most problems have been traced to animal
manure, septic tank sources, or fertilizer spills.
 However, over-application of nitrogen fertilizer
can also contribute to nitrate pollution, (University of
Minnesota Extension)
2008 Report of the Commission on Nitrates
in Groundwater, PEI
Reducing Nitrate Contamination From
Cosmetic Use of Fertilizers
 All fertilizers can contribute to nitrate
contamination of groundwater.
Homeowner use of fertilizers is a
relatively small contributor to the overall
nitrate contamination of ground and
surface water in Prince Edward Island.
Nonetheless, the practice of fertilizing
lawns is widespread in urban and rural
areas and contributes to nitrate
contamination of the environment.
It is recommended that there be a
province-wide policy to reduce the use of
fertilizers for cosmetic purposes.
 Over-Application or Improper Storage of Manure or
Fertilizer Manure or fertilizer that is applied to land at a
greater rate than growing crops can utilize the nutrients
can result in nitrates leaching into groundwater. Fertilizer
that is applied to lawns or gardens at excessive rates may
also contribute.
 Prevention: Balance the nutrient requirements of your
crops with the nutrient content of the manure or fertilizer.
Conduct regular soil and manure tests and maintain
accurate records of application. Storage of manure
concentrates nutrients in one location which can increase
risk of contamination.
 Prevention: Manure storage facilities should be designed
and constructed correctly.
Nitrate risk factors
Nitrogen rate - One study showed that at one pound of
nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, no leaching occurred.
Nitrogen source - Slow-release fertilizers are a nitrogen
source that can reduce the chance of leaching.
Application timing - In late fall, plants take up less nitrogen
and there is a greater chance for leaching to occur.
Irrigation practices - The more irrigation that takes place the
greater the chances for nitrate leaching.
Soil texture - The sandier the soil the more chance for nitrate
Age of site - Younger sites usually have less organic matter
and need to be fertilized more therefore increasing the chance
of leaching. (Bocher, 1995)
Urban Fertilizer Council
 Members:
 Scotts
 Sure-Gro
 Agrium Advanced
Stewardship focus
Educate homeowners, public
Provide tools to municipal
Low P standard
4R Urban Stewardship
 Industry has been working with Canadian
Food Inspection Agency for a number of
 4R type stewardship messages will be
mandatory on all lawn fertilizer in Canada
by Dec. 31, 2013 with garden products to
 Companies will implement with package
redesign >> Branding window limited
 Messaging will reach ~10 million
Best Management Practices
Right Product – Use the correct fertilizer for
your soil conditions
 Have your soil tested every couple of years to determine
what type of fertilizer nutrients are needed
 When purchasing your own fertilizer, look for products
that contain slowly available nitrogen. Slowly available
nitrogen can be found in organic and synthetic forms
 Carefully read and follow the directions on the fertilizer
bag. Those directions are there to ensure the best results
for your lawn and the environment
Best Management Practices
Right Rate - Use the right amount of
 Follow fertilizer rate recommendations. More is
not always better
 Too much fertilizer can result in burning and
yellow strips in your lawn
 Use a good quality spreader and make sure to
check the setting
Best Management Practices
Right Time – Use fertilizer at the right time
of the year
 Know your lawn and the grass variety. Different grass
varieties require different fertilizer timings for best
 Lawns go through a normal period of dormancy during
the driest parts of summer. During that time, you should
not fertilizer your lawn – let it rest
 During dormancy, reduce the amount of foot-traffic and
stop mowing. As the rain returns grass will green up in
7-10 days
 Fertilizer shouldn’t be applied when the ground is
frozen or just before a heavy rain is expected
Best Management Practices
Right Place – Make sure fertilizer stays
where it has the most benefit to your
lawn and the least impact on the
environment and our waterways
 Keep fertilizer off hard surfaces such as driveways,
patios and sidewalks. Clean up any spills immediately
Leave a small strip unfertilized on the edge of the lawn
Avoid fertilizing steep slopes or gullies
Keep fertilizer away from run-off into storm sewers,
rivers, lakes and ponds
Fertilizer should only be used as a source of nutrients
for lawns and gardens. Fertilizer should not be used to
de-ice walkways and driveways
Lawn Care Practices in Ontario
 More than 50% fertilized
their lawn last year
 Only 14% use a service –
unchanged since 1995
 Most people make two
applications per year
 75% changed their lawn care
practices in the past year:
most common change was to
hand weed
 Trigger to buy = retail flyers
& front of store placement
Source: Ipsos Reid November 2009
Lawn Fertilizer BMPs
 Read the bag
 Know the size of your
 Buy what you need
 Use it up following label
Right product. Right rate.
Right place. Right time.
 Choose the right
 Share or store leftover
fertilizer for next year
Education on Package
 Choose the right product for the
 Read the label for best practices
– Right rate!
 Keep from water, hard surfaces
– Right place!
 Don’t use when rainfall
expected – Right time!
 The bag is the number one
source of information for
fertilizer users: 43%
Source: Ipsos Reid November 2009
Thank You