Recognition 2010: the recognition agenda for the EHEA

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Recognition 2010:
the recognition agenda for the EHEA
Bologna seminar
Riga, 3-4 December 2004
Gunnar Vaht
President of the ENIC Network
[email protected]
Outline of presentation
• recognition in 2010
• national ENIC/NARIC in 2010
• the ENIC/NARIC networks in 2010
Recognition in 2010
• recognition of qualifications based on evaluation of
learning outcomes
• recognition of qualifications earned through lifelong
learning paths and arrangements
• no legal obstacles in recognition of TNE (incl. Joint
• links of recognition and quality assurance
• substantial developments in information provision and
• recognition for labor market - more focus on recognition
for the purpose of employment
• Joint ENIC/NARIC Charter of Activities and
Services (approved by the Networks and by
Lisbon Recognition Committee, June 2004)
– The purpose of the charter is to assist ENIC and
NARIC centres to better respond to the challenges
posed by the changing of the recognition environment
and to set up a legitimate operation framework for the
work of the national centres.
– The charter defines tasks and activities of the national
ENIC/NARIC centre and the ENIC/NARIC networks.
National ENIC/NARIC in 2010
• Current situation at national level
• there are still substantial differences in terms of structure,
resources and competencies of different information centre
• the assessment of every single detail in the inputs (list of
subjects, number of hours, titles of subjects, length of
learning) - looking for identity
• the assessment of qualifications may take up to 1.5 years
• problems with information provision, delayed answers to
the inquires
• in some cases the national ENIC/NARIC is just a contact
person at Ministry of Education
National ENIC/NARIC in 2010
• Common tasks and activities of a national
ENIC/NARIC centre (I)
– provide adequate, reliable and authenticated
information on qualifications, educational
systems and recognition procedures to the
partners and stakeholders
– advice a formal decision on the recognition of
qualifications on the basis of their assessment
by applying existing criteria and procedures
developed by the Networks
National ENIC/NARIC in 2010
• Common tasks and activities of a national
ENIC/NARIC centre (II)
– serve as the main information point on the recognition
of higher education and access qualifications
– cooperate with higher education institutions, quality
assurance agencies, competent professional recognition
– contribute to higher education policy development
and legislation at national, regional and European level
National ENIC/NARIC in 2010
• Common tasks and activities of a national
– Collect and regularly update information on
educational systems and qualifications in different
countries, and their comparability to the qualifications
in the home system.
– promote a fair recognition of qualifications based on
learning outcomes
– focus more on recognition for the purpose of
employment (non-regulated professions)
ENIC/NARIC Networks in 2010
• Networks will continue to do their utmost to
make the EHEA a reality by 2010
– benchmarking, setting and promoting best practices, development
and methodologies on recognition in line with the criteria and
procedures defined in the Lisbon Recognition Convention
– cooperation with quality assurance agencies and networks (ENQA)
in order to establish a common framework
– close cooperation with employers (and associations) to promote the
needs of labor market
– cooperation with other parts of the world in information provision
about European Higher Education Area and recognition of