Introduction to PowerPoint for Administrators

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Transcript Introduction to PowerPoint for Administrators

Introduction to PowerPoint for
Chester N. Barkan
Long Island University/C.W. Post Campus
Part I. Getting Started with the
• You've been asked to put together a
presentation using PowerPoint, and you
have no idea how to begin.
• Goal is to prepare you with the basics —
how to put content on slides and get ready
to present a show. The bells and whistles
can come later.
Goals of the Session
• After completing this course you will be
able to:
• Put text and pictures on slides.
• Navigate in the PowerPoint window.
• Apply a design template.
• Arrange slide content by using layouts.
• Print handouts and notes.
• Prepare to give the show.
Getting Acquainted with PP
• A blank slide
can be
daunting; don't
let it be. Soon
you'll feel
filling it up.
PowerPoint Window
• The window that first opens in PowerPoint has a big
working space in the middle, with smaller areas around it.
That middle space is the slide area, officially called the
slide pane.
• Working in this space, you type text directly onto the slide.
The area you type into is a box with a dashed border called
a placeholder. All the text that you type onto a slide
resides in a box like this.
• Slides include one or more placeholders for titles, body
text such as lists or regular paragraphs, and other content
such as pictures or charts.
Inserting New Slides
• When PowerPoint opens, there's only one slide in
the show. It's up to you to add the rest. Add them
as you go or several at a time, as you prefer.
• Two quick methods for adding a slide. On the
Slides tab in the left of the window, either
• Click the slide thumbnail that you want the new
slide to follow, and then press ENTER. Or:
• Right-click the slide thumbnail that you want the
new slide to follow, and then click New Slide on
the shortcut menu.
Entering Text
• Text is typed within a body text (as opposed to a title)
placeholder. If you don't want a bulleted list, select the
placeholder by clicking its border. Then click the Bullets
button. Other buttons on the Formatting toolbar, such as
the Center button, are handy for positioning text.
• The indent buttons, such as Decrease Indent , help you
position text at the right level of indent, and you can also
use keyboard methods.
• Automatic text fit If you type more text than fits in the
placeholder, PowerPoint reduces the text size to fit it all in.
You can turn this behavior off, if you prefer.
Navigating the Presentation
• Once you have several slides in
the show, you'll need to move
among them as you add content.
Here are three good ways to do
• 1. Click the slide thumbnail on
the Slides tab to display that
• 2. Next to the slide, at the
bottom of the scrollbar on the
right, click the Previous Slide
or Next Slide button. Or:
• 3. Press the PAGE UP or PAGE
DOWN key.
Speaker Notes
• As you put text on your slides, type your speaker
notes (if you want any) in the notes pane, below
the slide.
• As the picture shows, you can enlarge the notes
pane so that it's easier to work in. Your notes are
saved in a notes page, which you can print before
the show.
• Suggestion Use notes to embellish or elaborate
on the points on the slide. This helps you keep
from overloading the slide, and your audience,
with text.
Design and Layout
• When you've nailed down the text for your slide
show, lift the presentation out of its black-andwhite doldrums by applying a design template.
• A template provides color, style, and decorative
• Slide won't always contain only text, and you'll
need a way to arrange all that you put onto it —
this is where slide layouts come in.
• Inserting extra graphical elements — pictures,
charts, and tables — onto slides.
Design Template
• Design template determines the look and colors of
the slides, including the slide background, bullet
and font styles, font color and size, placeholder
position, and varied design accents.
• Apply a template at any stage of creating the
show. If you decide later that you'd rather use a
different design template, you can apply another
• Slide Design task pane is the place to go.
PowerPoint has many templates to choose from. In
the pane, choose to install even more PowerPoint
templates if you like, or go directly to Microsoft
Office Online for additional ones.
Slide Layouts
• Issue of where to place the things you want. PowerPoint
tries to help you here by displaying slide layouts to choose
from each time you add a slide.
• Layouts, arranges content to fit into a specific combination
of placeholders. The picture shows some of the layouts
available in the Slide Layout task pane. One of the choices
there enables you to insert new slides that use that
thumbnail's layout.
• Make your best guess on a slide's layout as you go; you
can apply a different one later, though this can sometimes
mean that you need to adjust the content.
• Whenever you type within a placeholder, you're working within the
layout because placeholders — what type of content they're for and
how they're arranged — make up the layout.
• The picture shows the effect of applying a layout that has a text
placeholder on the left and a content placeholder on the right. Each
has built-in properties that support the type of content.
• A default bulleted list and the AutoFit Options button that
accommodates overflow text.
• Content placeholder has its own built-in behavior. It will position a
picture or other graphical element in that space, and it provides icons
that you can click to insert pictures, charts, or tables. It also will
automatically reposition content in some cases when you introduce a
new element onto the slide.
• Using an icon in a layout is one way to insert, and it's described in
more detail next.
• The icons are one method for inserting
content. The next picture illustrates how
you'd use one of the icons in the layout to
insert a piece of Clip Art.
• The piece of art would automatically be
sized to fit this layout, although you could
change its size. With something like a
banner, you might also want to rotate it.
Insert by using the
layout icon
Inserting by Menu
Copying other slides into the show
• You may need to use slides from an existing presentation
in your show. That's no problem. Just remember that those
slides are probably using a different design template than
the one that's in your presentation. PowerPoint will adapt
the inserted slides to the current design—or not, if you tell
it not to.
• Two methods. Either:
• 1. Use the Slide Finder dialog box (on the Insert menu,
click Slides from Files), pictured here. Or:
• 2. Copy and paste the slides, and then use the commands
on the Paste Options button to get the design you want.
The Paste Options button will appear under the slides
you've pasted. Point to the button, click the arrow that
appears, and make your formatting choices.
Slide Show View
• As you create a show, preview it at any time in slide show view. As
shown in the picture, this view fills the computer screen with your
slides. This is an approximation of how the slides will look when
• To navigate through the show, you have several choices:
• Click the mouse.
• Press the DOWN ARROW key.
• Click the Next arrow on the Slide Show toolbar (see the arrow selected
on the computer screen in the picture).
• By default, PowerPoint assumes that the show will be presented by a
speaker and projected on a screen. But there are other ways to present:
You'll see how to set these up in the practice session.
• For in-depth instructions about navigation in a slide show, see the
course Navigation know-how.
Proof, print, prep for the show
Slide Show
• As you create a show, preview it at any time in slide show
view. This is an approximation of how the slides will look
when projected.
• To navigate through the show, you have several choices:
• Click the mouse.
• Press the DOWN ARROW key.
• Click the Next arrow on the Slide Show toolbar (see the
arrow selected on the computer screen in the picture).
• By default, PowerPoint assumes that the show will be
presented by a speaker and projected on a screen. But there
are other ways to present.
Check spelling, make printouts
• Rrun a spelling check by clicking the Spelling button.
Your slides and notes are checked.
• What are your choices for printed handouts? The picture
shows you the options as they appear in print preview.
• The ones that you're concerned include:
• Printing the slides, one to a page.
• Printing a handout, which includes choices ranging
from one to several slides per page (see the example in
the picture).
• Printing notes.
• Print preview: This is a great way to prepare the show for
printing. You get to it by clicking the Print Preview button
Package the presentation
• As preparation for
presenting, package your
presentation to a folder
or burn it to a CD) and be
sure that you have access
to it from the presenting
• "Package" refers to the
process of copying your
presentation file and any
other files the
presentation needs.
Before Presenting
• 1. Go to the room where you'll be
presenting, make sure that you can access
your presentation from the computer you're
• 2. Run through the slide show.
• 3. Take your printed notes with you so that
you can practice referring to them while you
practice clicking through the show.
• 4. You might also ask someone else to go
along, listen, and give feedback.
Tips that could Prevent Woe
• Fonts Odd text-wrapping in the presentation on
the presenting computer, it's likely that the
computer lacks a font you used in the original
• To see if there's a font missing, on the Format
menu, click Replace Fonts. Click the Replace list
and look for a question mark before any font
names in the list, which indicates that that font is
missing. You can either try to install the font or
replace it with another font.
Tips that could Prevent Woe
When you choose a font color, select one that
has a strong visual contrast to the
background color. This makes a great
difference for people who are color blind or
visually impaired.
• Display You'll have the best results if you
set the screen resolution on the computer to
the same as the projector's resolution.
Part II. Special Features of
• 1. Browse to insert a customized template
into a presentation.
• 2. Use the title master to add a unique
design to title slides.
• 3. Optimize picture images to make your
presentation file smaller.
• 4. Package one or several presentations to a
CD or folder (see also "Before you begin"
on this page).
1. Design Templates
• PowerPoint comes with a number of design
• Available from the Slide Design task pane.
• Each template has unique font and bullet styles; a
background design; a color scheme; a layout—all
the basic style elements for a slide.
• But part of the fun of PowerPoint is being able to
tinker, and a typical example of this is customizing
an existing template (such as the basic blank
design) with your own fonts, colors, and
Browsing the Slide Design Task
• The Browse link in the Slide Design task pane enables you
to apply a customized design from a file in any of these
• File format
• What it is ppt? pps? pot?
• A regular presentation file. A pps is a presentation file
that always displays in Slide Show mode when you
open it from Windows Explorer . A PowerPoint
template file.
Ideally, when you customize a design template, you
should save the file as a .pot; that way, you can browse
and apply it, and it is then added permanently to the
templates in the Slide Design task pane.
Selecting the Design Template
• Open the presentation you want to apply the
design template to. Then select the slide thumbnail
or thumbnails you want to get the styles, and click
• Important Keep these basic rules in mind when
you're selecting the slide thumbnails:
• 1. Select one slide: The design template is applied
to all the slides that currently use the same
template as the selected slide.
• 2. Select multiple slides: The template is applied
to just those slides.
Steps in Applying Template
Working with the Title Master
• The title master slide
exists for this type of
situation. It controls the
styles (such as fonts, color
scheme, art, and layout)
on the title slides in a
presentation. Any change
you make to it shows on
every title slide, but no
other slides.
Benefits of Title Master
• 1. Title master makes it possible for you to
customize your title slides to your liking without
affecting the rest of your slides.
• 2. Customize the title master itself, to make it
stand out even more, with a different font color,
for example; or a piece of art that you want only
the title slides to have.
• 3. Customizing the title master is especially
beneficial if you plan to use the title slide multiple
times in your show.
Changing the title master
• Displaying the title master, on the View menu,
point to Master, and click Slide Master. This
opens Slide Master view. Click the second slide
thumbnail in the left of the window to display the
title master.
• The title master might look a little intimidating at
first; it just takes some getting used to.
• Color scheme, background, font style and color,
shapes, art, and some animations can be changed
or added here to make title slides unique.
2. Pictures
Working with Pictures
• Only certain image types can be optimized and they have
to be inserted onto the slide in a way that makes them
editable by PowerPoint. Don't copy and paste or drag
images in.
• Inserting the image
• Use the Insert menu, Picture command, and insert either
from the Clip Art task pane or from a file, scanner, or
camera. This stores the image natively in PowerPoint;
whereas, if you do a copy and paste, PowerPoint treats the
image as an object, which it cannot optimize.
• Eligible file types
• High resolution images such as photographs are good
candidates for optimization. Eligible file types include
Compress Pictures to Save Space
• When you click Compress
Pictures on the Picture toolbar,
you see the dialog box shown on
the left.
• 1. Reduce resolution
• 2. Reduce color format
• Another option you have
in the Compress Pictures
dialog box is to delete
"trimmings" from an
image that you have
cropped. Using this
option, Delete cropped
areas of pictures, can
significantly reduce the
size of an image file.
3. Package to a CD
• You've been waiting for it—an easy way to package your
presentation files and carry them to present elsewhere or
give them to someone else to view. Now you can bundle
your presentation, all the files that link to it, related files of
your choice, and the PowerPoint Viewer onto a CD or into
a shared folder.
• And, you have choices. The viewer, which runs
presentations on a computer without PowerPoint, is
optional. If you don't have a CD burner, package all your
files to a folder instead, and copy the folder to a system
that has a CD burner, or share it on a server.
• The requirements for this feature are detailed on this page.
Packaging to a CD
• 1. Open the presentation you want to package. Then, on the
File menu, click Package for CD.
• 2. You can use the Copy to Folder option if you want to
share your presentation on a server.
• 3. If you copy to a CD, the CD must be readable and
writable. If it's only readable, PowerPoint will request a
different CD. If it's writable but already has data on it,
PowerPoint will ask if you want to replace the existing
• 4. Once copying is done, a message asks if you'd like to
copy the package to another CD; repeat the copy operation
as many times as you need to.
Packaging to a CD
Name the CD or folder.
To include files besides the
current presentation and its
linked files, click Add Files.
By default, Options include
the PowerPoint Viewer and
linked files (more on these, next
If you click Copy to Folder,
you then specify its path, and the
files get copied there.
If you click Copy to CD, your
CD burner is accessed and the
copying begins.
4. Options
• Options dialog box opens from the Options button shown on the
preceding screen.
• Viewer You only need to include the viewer if PowerPoint won't be
installed on the presenting computer.
• Linked files Your linked files (such as sounds and videos) get copied
into the folder or onto the CD when you package. Better yet, the links
in your presentation update to reflect the files' new location.
• Passwords If you want to limit who can open and change your
presentation files, give the files a password. If any of the packaged
files already has a password, you're prompted about whether you want
the password you've specified in Package for CD to override the
password that's already applied to a file. If you click No, then the
password required to open the packaged version of that file is the same
as the file's original password. If you click Yes, the password for the
packaged file changes to what you currently specify—but the original
file keeps its original password.
• Now that you have learned the basics – you
can all begin to create your own
• If you have any questions, you can always
email me at [email protected]
• Have a Great Holiday Season