Transcript Slide 1

• EU Water Policy
• Sustainable water management for
generations to come
Diversity of
regions and
their waters
and river
Key EU Water Directives
Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/272/EEC
Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC
Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC
Floods Directive 2007/60/EC
Overview and texts at
Water Framework Directive
key elements
• protecting all waters, surface and groundwaters;
• covering all impacts on waters;
• good quality (‘good status’) to be achieved, as a rule,
by 2015;
• water quality comprehensively defined in terms of
biology, chemistry and morphology;
• water management based on river basins;
• monitoring programmes for surface and groundwaters,
both as a planning tool and as an assessment
• economic instruments: getting the prices right - to
promote prudent use of water;
• mandatory public participation;
• … and complemented/guided by an unprecedented
cooperation on implementation.
Measures to achieve the objectives
• “Good status” as the binding general objective for all
waters, entailing operational measures to achieve /
maintain that objective;
• objectives and measures to be tailored to the
characteristics and sensitivities of the region
(“ecoregions”), and coordinated within the river basin;
• additional measures in specifically protected areas
(areas subject to eutrophication; nitrate vulnerable
zones; areas used or intended to be used for drinking
water abstraction).
a continuous and transparent process
Formal transposition into national law;
River basin district designation
Environmental analysis; economic analysis
Monitoring programmes operational
Public participation to start at the latest
Draft river basin management plans
Final river basin management plans
Implementation, assessment, adjustment
Dec 2003
/May 2004
Dec 2004
Dec 2006
Dec 2006
Dec 2008
Dec 2009
- 2015
and further6
The Urban Waste Water Treatment
• Objectives: to protect the environment from the
adverse effects of urban waste water discharges &
discharges from waste water from certain industrial
(agro-food) sectors
• concerns the collection, treatment and discharge of
waste waters
• Emission-oriented directive
• Precondition for attaining the water quality objectives
of the Water Framework Directive
Main principles
• Designation of sensitive ares (eutrophication)
• Collection and treatment of waste water in all settlements areas and
areas of economic activity (‘ agglomerations ’) of more than 2,000
population-equivalent (p.e.), and treatment of waste water from
agro-food industry >4000 p.e.;
• Secondary treatment as the rule; additional nutrient removal in the
(catchments of) sensitive areas;
• Deadlines
for EU-15 : staged 1998-2000-2005
for EU-12 : staged along similar principles as for EU15 (maximum
2015 for small agglomerations; Romania until 2018)
• Permit procedure for treatment plants and discharges
• Monitoring of performance on treatment plants and affected waters;
Drinking Water Directive
Key elements of the Drinking Water
Directive 98/83/EC:
– microbiological and chemical parameters and values
for drinking water at the tap
– regular monitoring of parameters
– regular information of consumers on drinking water
– aggregated reporting
– regular revision of the parameters and values
Floods Directive
• Assessment and management of flood risks, aiming at the
reduction of the adverse consequences
• Flood is defined as : water covering areas of land not
normally covered by water
• All types of floods – rivers, lakes, urban areas, coastal
flooding, sewerage floods, ground water floods…
• …however floods from sewerage systems can be excluded.
• Flood risk includes damage to human health, economic
activity, cultural heritage and the environment.
• All of the territory of the EU – national as well as transboundary river basins
• Co-ordination encouraged with third countries
Flood risk management
Avoiding or minimising future
increases in flood risk
reducing the likelihood of
floods and/or their impacts
by structural and nonstructural
measures, with a focus on
non-structural measures
Recovery and review
Assisting the return to normal
conditions as soon as possible; using
experiences gained for review and
update of flood risk management
providing for flood forecasting
and early warning, raising
awareness of citizens and
competent authorities
Emergency response
coordinated civil protection
response to floods; mitigating
impacts on citizens, infrastructure,
property and the environment in the
event of floods
Time schedule
Administrative arrangements
Preliminary flood risk assessment 22.12.2011
Flood risk maps
22.12.2013 *
Flood risk management plans 22.12.2015 **
Review /update every 6 years thereafter
Reporting to the Commission : 3 months after
* = date of 1st review of pressure and impact analysis under the WFD
** = date of 1st review of WFD river basin management plans
Directive 76/160/EEC have been repealed by the
Directive 2006/7/EC
Key points for the revision
•in line with WFD and other water legislation
• offers better health protection, based on latest research
• focus on bacterial risks - standardised methods
• shift from monitoring to risk & beach management
• take into account changes in behavior
• improve communication with the public
Transition from old to new directive
After entry into force:
• 2 years for transposition
• 5 years for BW profile
• 5 years for first quality assessment
• in practice 2011  2015  2011 ……
Commission server
CIRCA system providing public access to all WFD
information and documents
Email address for further information
[email protected]