The Monkey’s Paw”

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“The Monkey’s Paw”
W.W. Jacobs
Part I
The night was cold and wet.
 The wind is howling outside.
 Inside the house was a warm fire in the
 Mr. White and his son are playing chess.
 Mrs. White is calmly knitting.
 Sergeant Major Morris knocks at the door.
Part I
Sergeant Major Morris speaks about India
and shows the Whites the monkey’s paw.
 A fakir put a spell on the monkey’s paw,
allowing three people to have three
wishes each.
 The fakir wanted to show that fate ruled
people’s lives.
 Those who interfered with it or tampered
with it did so to their sorrow.
Part I
Sergeant Major Morris mentions that he
was granted three wishes but he refuses
to talk about them
 He points out that the first owner was
granted three wishes also.
 While the Sergeant Major Morris forgot
what the first two wishes were for, the
third wish was for death.
Part I
Sergeant Major Morris reveals that he was
able to get the monkey’s paw from the
first owner.
 He tells the Whites that he thought about
selling it but that it had caused enough
mischief already.
 When asked if he would like to have
another three wishes, the Sergeant Major
replies that he doesn’t know.
Part I
Suddenly he threw the monkey’s paw into
the fire.
 Mr. White retrieves it from the fire despite
the fact that Sergeant Major warns him to
let it burn.
 He tells Mr. White to hold it up in the air
and make a wish if he wants, but Mr.
White is warned again to let it be.
Part I
The Whites make a joke of it when Mrs.
White mentions that they should wish that
she had four pairs of hands.
 Sergeant Major Morris tells them that they
need to wish for something sensible if
they’re going to wish for anything.
 Mr. White gives the Sergeant Major a small
sum for the monkey’s paw even though
the sergeant major again warned him to
throw it away.
Part I
After the sergeant major left, Mr. White
wishes for two hundred pounds.
 A fine crash from the piano greeted the
wish followed by a loud outcry from Mr.
 Mr. White explained that the monkey’s
paw moved and that it twisted in his hand
like a snake.
Part I
In spite of the eager anticipation, the
money never appeared.
 Outside the wind howled even higher.
 The old man jumped at the sound of the
door banging upstairs.
 An unusual and depressing silence fell
upon all three and lasted until they went
to bed.
Part I
The son remarks that he doesn’t see the
money and that he bets he never will.
 He mentions that they should expect the
cash tied up in a big bag in the middle of
their bed with something horrible on top
of the wardrobe watching them as they
pocket their ill gotten gains.
Part II
The family appears to be a jovial mood
the following morning.
 It is winter, but the sun is shinning.
 The monkey’s paw is carelessly pitched on
the sideboard.
 Speculation is that all old soldiers are full
of wild tales that simply aren’t true.
 Nevertheless, Morris told the Whites that
the things wished for might happen so
naturally that they could be attributed to
Part II
Herbert White, the son, leaves for work.
 Mrs. White checks the mailbox in eager
anticipation of the two hundred pounds.
 She notices the mysterious movements of
a man who appeared to be attempting to
make up his mind about entering.
 The fourth time, the man walked through
the gate and walked up the path.
Part II
He was invited into the house by Mrs.
 The visitor announces that he is from Maw
and Meggins, the firm Herbert works for.
 He informs them that there has been an
accident, but that Herbert “isn’t in any
 Mrs. White suddenly realizes that Herbert
is dead.
Part II
Herbert was caught in the machinery and
 He could not be truly identified except the
by clothes he was wearing.
 While the company claimed no liability,
they awarded the old couple two hundred
 Mrs. White shrieked in terror.
Part III
Herbert was buried in the new cemetery
two miles from the house.
 The couple no longer spoke to one
another, but they remained in hopeful
expectation that something else would
 A week later, Mr. White awoke to find that
his wife was out of the bed.
Part III
He invited her back into the bed, saying
that she would get cold.
 She replied that it was colder for her son.
 She began to cry but remembered the
monkey’s paw which was in the parlor.
 She wanted to go get it and make another
wish that Herbert were alive.
 Mr. White told her that she didn’t know
what she was saying.
Part III
The old man informs her that Herbert had
been dead for ten days now and the body
wouldn’t be recognizable.
 In addition, the body was beyond
recognition when Herbert was killed.
 The man wanted to know how she would
recognize him now if he came back.
 He went downstairs and retrieved the
monkey’s paw.
Part III
The old woman commanded him to wish
their son back to life.
 The old man made the wish.
 Watching the shadows reflecting from the
rim of the china candlestick onto the
ceiling, the old man grew apprehensive.
 When nothing happened, the old man
breathed a sigh of relief and returned to
Part III
They returned to bed.
 Later the old man got up, striking a
match, went downstairs.
 As he paused to strike another match, he
heard a faint knock at the door.
 While the second knock was louder, the
third knock could be heard throughout the
Part III
As the old woman rushed down the stairs
heading to the door, her husband stopped
her and tried to prevent her from opening
the door.
 She escaped from him and ran to the door.
 The old man frantically called out for her
not to open the door.
Part III
The husband followed, calling out to her
as she hurried downstairs.
 He heard the chain rattling and the
bottom door bolt slowly drawn from the
 There was constant banging echoing
throughout the house as the husband
frantically searched for the monkey’s paw.
 Finding it, he made the third wish.
Part III
The door opened and a cold wind rushed
up the staircase.
 The wife screamed a loud wail of
disappointment as he rushed to her side.
 They went to the door and saw a street
lamp and its reflection on a quiet,
deserted road.