Lecture 18: Thurs., March 18

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Transcript Lecture 18: Thurs., March 18

Lecture 18: Thurs., March 18


• The R-squared statistic, also called the coefficient of determination, is the percentage of response variation explained by the explanatory variable.


2  Total sum of squares Residual sum of squares Total sum of squares • Unitless measure of strength of relationship between x and y 

i n

 1 (

Y i


) 2 squared prediction error without using x. • Residual sum of squares = 

i n

 1

res i

2  

i n

 1 (

Y i

  ˆ 0   ˆ 1

X i

) 2

R-Squared Example

Bivariate Fit of Price By Odometer

16000 15500 15000 14500 14000

Summary of Fit

RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) 13500 15000 30000 40000 Odometer • R 2 =.6501. Read as “65.01 percent of the 0.650132 0.646562 303.1375 14822.82 100 variation in car prices was explained by the linear regression on odometer.”

Interpreting R

2 • R 2 R 2 takes on values between 0 and 1, with higher indicating a stronger linear association.

• For simple linear regression, R 2 is the square of the correlation between the predictor and the response.

• If the residuals are all zero (a perfect fit), then R 2 is 1. If the least squares line has slope 0, R 2 will be 0.

• R 2 is useful as a unitless summary of the strength of linear association.

Caveats about R

2 – R 2 is not useful for assessing model adequacy, i.e., does simple linear regression model hold (use residual plots) or whether or not there is an association (use test of


0 :  1  0 – A good R 2


 laboratory work, R 2 1  depends on the context. In precise values under 90% might be too low, but in social science contexts, when a single variable rarely explains great deal of variation in response, R 2 values of 50% may be considered remarkably good.

Association is not causation

with y – there is a strong association between x and y. It does not imply that x causes y.

– Reverse is true. Y causes X.

– There may be a lurking (confounding) variable related to both x and y which is the common cause of x and y • No cause and effect relationship can be inferred unless X is randomly assigned to units in a random experiment.

• A researcher measures the number of television sets per person X and the average life expectancy Y for the world’s nations. The regression line has a positive slope – nations with many TV sets have higher life expectancies. Could we lengthen the lives of people in Rwanda by shipping them TV sets?

House Prices and Crime

• A community in the Philadelphia area is interested in how crime rates affect property values. If low crime rates increase property values, the community may be able to cover the costs of increased police protection by gains in tax revenues from higher property values. Data on the average housing price and crime rate (per 1000 population) for communities in Pennsylvania near Philadelphia for 1996 are shown in housecrime.JMP.

Bivariate Fit of HousePrice By CrimeRate

500000 400000 300000 300000 200000 100000 0 -100000 200000 10 20 30 40 CrimeRate 50 100000

Distributions Residuals HousePrice

0 10 20 30 40 CrimeRate 50

Summary of Fit

RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts)

Parameter Estimates

Term Estimate Intercept CrimeRate 225233.55 -2288.689 60 0.184229 0.175731 78861.53 158464.5 98 Std Error 16404.02 491.5375 70 -100000 0 t Ratio 13.73 -4.66 Prob>|t| <.0001 <.0001 100000 200000 300000 60 70


1. Can you deduce a cause-and-effect relationship from these data? What are other explanations for the association between housing prices and crime rate other than that high crime rates cause low housing prices? 2. Does the ideal simple linear regression model appear to hold?

Ideal Model

• Assumptions of ideal simple linear regression model – There is a normally distributed subpopulation of responses for each value of the explanatory variable (Normality) – The means of the subpopulations fall on a straight-line function of the explanatory variable (Linearity) – The subpopulation standard deviations are all equal (to  ) (constant variance) – The selection of an observation from any of the subpopulations is independent of the selection of any other observation (independence)

Regression Diagnostics

• The conditions required for inference from simple linear regression must be checked: – Linearity. Diagnostic: Residual plot – Constant variance. Diagnostic: Residual plot.

– Normality. Diagnostic: Histogram of residuals/Normal probability plot of residuals.

– Independence. Diagnostic: Residual plot.

– Outliers and influential points. Diagnostic: Scatterplot, Cook’s Distances.

Residual Plots

• Residual plot: Scatterplot of residuals versus x (or some other variable). • JMP implementation: After Fit Y by X, fit line, click red triangle next to Linear Fit and click Plot Residuals.

300000 100000 -100000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 CrimeRate

Use of Residual Plot

• Use residual plot to look for nonlinearity and nonconstant variance • If the ideal simple linear regression model holds, the residual plot should look like random scatter – there should be no pattern in the residual plot – A pattern in the mean of the residuals, i.e., the residuals have a mean less than zero for some range of x and greater than zero for another range of x indicates nonlinearity.

– A pattern in the variance of the residuals, i.e., the residuals have a greater variance for some range of x and less variance for another range of x indicates nonconstant variance. • Look for marked patterns. No residual plot looks perfectly like random scatter.

Residual Plot for House Price Data

300000 100000 -100000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 CrimeRate • Mean of residuals appears to be greater than zero for crime rate >60, as well as greater than zero for crime rate<10, indicating nonlinearity.