Transcript Slide 1

Directly patterning ferroelectric
films by nanoimprint lithography
with low temperature and low
K.C. Hsieh and H.L. Chien
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
C.H. Lin
National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan
C.Y. Lee
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24(6). Nov/Dec 2006, p3234-3236.
Joanne Yim
EE C235/NSE C203
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
• Background
– Why ferroelectric materials?
– Conventional nanoimprint lithography
– Direct nanoimprint on metals
• Method
– Gel precursor
– Au/gel bilayer
• Results
• Summary/Questions Remaining
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Why ferroelectric materials?
• Apply electric field to induce electric dipole
• Used for:
– Memory, sensors, actuators, optoelectronics
• Large-area patterns
• Examples: BaTiO3, PbZrTiO3
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Conventional NIL
• Shape, then
harden some soft
material into relief
of desired pattern
• Transfer pattern to
substrate by
• Processing
limited by etching
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Direct nanoimprint – previously…
• Semiconductor material
– Excimer laser-assisted
– Requires high power and high pressure
• Metal films
– 100MPa
– Imprinted onto “soft” film
• DIRECT = shape material, not some buffer
– Must be malleable
– Use “sharper” mold to reduce pressure
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Method 1
• MOD (metal organic
decomposition) solution of
Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 with excess Pb
• Spin coat ~200nm onto Si
• 120°C anneal to remove
solvent, make gel & maximize
hardness difference
• Si mold apply at RT, 10-20MPa
• Dry @ 120°C, pyrolyze @
450°C, anneal @ 650-800°C to
obtain perovskite phase
• (higher T anneal = more
complete perovskite structure)
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Method 2
• FE require some
metal contact to
apply electric field
• Apply metal thin
film and shape
along with FE
• Better
– Less sticking
– Less relaxation
after mold release
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Results – FE gel
• After imprint, features ~60nm
high, much less than ~500nm
mold height and gel depth
• gel sticks to mold
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Results – FE gel + Au film
Depth by AFM
•14MPa (top) : 90nm
•20MPa : 300nm
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203
Summary/Questions remaining
• Malleable precursor can be directly
• Combining with top metal film improves
• Thickness of Au film?
– When will cracking begin?
• Applicability to other material systems?
M 2007 March 19
EE C235/NSE C203