Transcript EnrolNow!

Step by step from offer acceptance to orientation –
letting the business process, and not the database, drive admission
Leah Clapton – Manager, Student eServices, Curtin University
Today I’ll be discussing…
− What
is EnrolNow!
− The history of EnrolNow! – why did we do this?
− EnrolNow! – screens and demonstration
− Student feedback
− Lessons learnt
− Plans for the future
Some background information
− Student Central includes Student Service Centre, University Admissions
Centre, Fees Centre, Graduations, Examinations, Scholarships, Classes
Management, Student Systems – and my team, Student eServices
− The Student eServices team is the central contact point for the
development of online services in Student Central. We are responsible
for the student portal, but also develop websites and complex web
applications. We have a very user-centred design approach, and involve
students in the design of all of our systems.
− We’re a small team and while we have one developer, we’re mostly
focused on the business side of projects, and work closely with Student
Systems and Curtin IT Services.
- Our Faculty Student Services Offices are not centralised. We worked
with the four main Faculties on this project: Curtin Business School,
Health Sciences, Humanities and Science & Engineering.
Some background information
− “Enrolment”
covers offer acceptance, admission,
enrolment and registration in classes
− OASIS (Online Access to Student Information
Services) is our student portal.
− eStudent is the online student view of the Curtin
student database (Student One). Students can use
eStudent to update their address, accept their offer,
enrol, class register, check their results and so on.
OASIS Sydney
OASIS Singapore
OASIS Bentley
What is EnrolNow?
What is EnrolNow! ?
− EnrolNow!
is an online system accessed via OASIS,
the Curtin student portal. OASIS automatically
displays EnrolNow! to enrolling students using the
“EnrolNow1” & “EnrolNow2” roles in OASIS
− EnrolNow! streamlines the admissions and enrolment
process and aims to hide complexity.
−Students are stepped through the process of
accepting their offer, completing their eCAF, enrolling
in units, registering for classes, completing other
tasks and attending StartUp (orientation) week. It is all
personalised for the student.
Why EnrolNow?
Identifying a problem…
− Until this year, first year students were admitted and enrolled
using both online and manual (face to face) processes:
– Students received offer letter containing some offer acceptance
instructions, maybe their enrolment session details and a web
address to find more information (“CurtinStart”)
– Student accepts offer online via OASIS and eStudent
– Student attends enrolment session and is manually enrolled. Often
this resulted in a long wait in a queue at the Faculty office
– Student is sent away to class register online
− Faculty staff need to assist every student – which is extremely
time consuming
Previous process
Plan A: Admissions web site
Enrolment focus groups
In August 2009 we ran five focus groups (21 students in total). The
main purpose was to better understand student’s thoughts on the
admissions process in preparation for designing a new
Admissions web site. In the groups we explored:
What students thought “admission” and “enrolment” meant
Discussion of students experiences enrolling at Curtin
Offer letters – are they needed? Or is email or a postcard sufficient
Detailed enrolment instruction documents/pamphlets – good/bad?
Tested mock-ups of a proposed Admissions & Enrolment web site
Previous experiences…
“Why do you have to do
everything in person?”
There should be a warning ‘be
prepared to spend a long time
in queues’
It didn’t have step by
Enrolment focus groups
What we learnt:
− “Enrolment” – from a Curtin student point of view, encompasses
acceptance, admission, enrolment and class registration
− It is really important to students to have a physical, formal offer letter.
Email was good, but in addition to the actual letter. Glossy postcards
were considered to look too much like “advertising”
– Students also didn’t like too many instructions on their offer letter – they
wanted to be able to put their offer letter on the fridge to show people, not
have to carry it around with them.
−Curtin students won’t read pages and pages of instructions – even if
printed in a nice, clear booklet
Enrolment focus groups
What we learnt:
−By far the biggest complaint students had (other than waiting in very
long queues) was the lack of understanding about what was coming
−They felt confused and lacked confidence as to what they were
supposed to be doing. eStudent was considered to be frustrating and
−Students felt like they were being drip fed information
−They really wanted a clear “step by step” guide, so they knew exactly
what was coming next
Plan B: EnrolNow!
But then…
− At the beginning of September, Health Sciences approached me
as they wanted to online enrol their first year students (Domestic
only, at Bentley campus)
− Knowing the feedback from the focus groups, and the problems
existing students have re-enrolling, we decided that we would
customise OASIS for these students, so that these students
would have a step by step guide.
−Deadline was mid November – 9 weeks away – for the Preliminary
offer round.
− As there was interest from all of the Faculties, I expanded the
scope to include them, too. At this point, I assumed each Faculty
enrolled students the same way.
Other OASIS tabs
Clear step by step
progress bar
based on the
student’s Faculty
Contextual FAQs
Personalised – at
individual student
level (name and
Short instructional
Clear links to help
Getting complicated…
Health Sciences UG Internal
CBS UG Internal
Humanities UG Internal
Science & Engineering UG Internal
Moving from face-to-face to online
Somehow we needed to replace:
− The enrolment information previously provided in enrolment
sessions (eg “If you did Calculus in Year 12, then enrol in Maths
121”). Some Faculties provided detailed Enrolment handouts.
− Ability to communicate other tasks to complete – like getting an
ID card or filling out Working with Children Forms.
− Ability for the Course Coordinator to introduce themselves and
provide their contact details.
Moving from face-to-face to online
Somehow we needed to :
− Manage the delay between offer acceptance and admission/CAF
– How will students know when to enrol?
– How would the Faculties know which students to admit?
− Admitted
− Study Plan Expanded
− CAF approved
EnrolNow! demonstration
EnrolNow! in OASIS
EnrolNow! sub tab in OASIS
Notes for external students
Tasks at course-level
Postgraduate information
“Block” screen
Offer letter & EnrolNow!
Change to offer letters
− Removal of Enrolment Session
− Removal of detailed instructions
− New email offer (in addition to letter)
EnrolNow! insert
So, how did it go?
EnrolNow! usage
− The pilot went live, on time, in November 2009, for the preliminary
enrolment round (UG & PG students)
− In January, it was used for the main offer round (TISC/Year 12 students)
− In total, more than 7000 students successfully enrolled using EnrolNow!
What did the students think?
− In March we ran wash-up focus groups with students that used
EnrolNow! (across all Faculties). The feedback was quite positive and
gave us many ideas for improvement to the system
− This month we ran a week-long survey accessible by only students that
have used EnrolNow!, which over 250 students responded to
− This revealed both good, and bad news
One word to describe EnrolNow!
Easy to use
EnrolNow! comments
Very useful system! I much prefer doing it all
online and in my own time because I was
working full time during the summer.
The step by step process is
Seemed easier than before simple steps
It was a very easy system
It was set up really well, easy
to understand and follow
User friendly process - very clearly set out eg
the colours, messages that tell you what step
you are up to - well thought through. I can
remember having to enrol in person (at Curtin
many years ago), standing in LONG queues.
This is a great step forward on the former
It made enrolling
very quick and
easy.. thank you
very much :)
Keep up the good work. 7 years ago
when I just joined Curtin University,
everything enrolment related issues has
to be done in person, face-to-face with
the people in student services. I see a lot
of improvement throughout the years.
Survey results
Overall, I was satisfied with EnrolNow!
Receiving my offer by email was useful
The EnrolNow! card was useful
I prefer to complete my enrolment online
Easiest step: Accepting my offer (86%)
Hardest step: Enrolling in units (36%) and
Class Registration (51%)
Why were some students dissatisfied?
1. Early system bugs – during the pilot round, we had technical issues
that many students commented on in the survey
2. Usability of eStudent functions – students considered eStudent to be
confusing and frustrating:
– “The OASIS part of the enrolnow process worked flawlessly, couldn't
improve on it. The eStudent part, however, was incredibly userunfriendly, very slow to load, frustrating to understand and in several
places poorly worded.”
3. Lack of quality control over Faculty provided content
4. EnrolNow! usability issues
– Require clearer confirmation of when steps were completed
– More online help (eg demo videos) needed
– Too much text on some pages, not enough instructions on others
Lessons learned
If you only have two months, keep the scope small!
Ask essential questions at application
Processes should be aligned
Where possible, automate!
Test with students
− Students must be involved during the design of online systems
− In my three and half years at Curtin EVERY eServices project I’ve been
involved in has had students assist in the design via user centred design
sessions (focus groups). Except EnrolNow!
−In 2009 alone, nearly 100 students attended focus groups for our other
− Scope should have been made smaller to allow time for appropriate
student involvement
Plans for the future
Short term improvements
− Adding our FAQs into the system & adding personalised StartUp Week
− Improvements to the administration system and QA workflow for
Faculty content
− Implementation of auto admit and auto expand for at least some courses
– ie avoid blocking students unless essential
− Usability improvements based on student feedback
− Creation of short videos to assist students
− Review of eStudent instructional text and help, and continued work with
Technology One to improve eStudent usability
Expansion of EnrolNow!
− EnrolNow! for International students at Bentley campus
− EnrolNow! at other campuses, including partner institutions
− Re-EnrolNow! for re-enrolling students
Plus continued improvements based on regular feedback from students
(EnrolNow! survey will be re-used) and focus groups with students.