Transcript Slide 1

The University of Kansas

Providing Mission Critical Decision-Support Information to your Campus Community in a Quick, Dynamic, User-Friendly and Powerful Format Track 6, Friday, November 7 8:10am – 9:00am, Room 210D © Copyright Ryan Cherland and Brenda Tucker 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

The University of Kansas

Providing Mission Critical Decision-Support Information to your Campus Community in a Quick, Dynamic, User-Friendly and Powerful Format Track 6 Friday, November 7 8:10am – 9:00am Room 210D


Ryan Cherland

is Director of University Management Information and Associate Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning. He has over 17 years of experience in institutional research, with the last 10 years at the University of Kansas-Lawrence. Ryan created DEMIS and has been involved with extracting and reporting KU’s Administrative systems since 1996. Ryan has a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration with a minor emphasis in Educational Psychology and Research.


Brenda Tucker

is a Senior Programmer/Analyst for University Management Information (UMI) providing technical and analytical support for KU’s Support Services division that consists of the Comptroller, Human Resources, Equal Opportunity Office, and Budget Management areas. Brenda has 5 years of experience at the University of Kansas. She worked as an analyst in budget management and institutional research before joining UMI. Brenda has a BA in Accounting from the University of Kansas.

© 2003 Beth Ridenour


The University of Kansas has developed a web-based information system called DEMIS that allows campus staff to quickly query and assimilate data from its transactional or OLTP systems. The presentation will demonstrate the system, describe its use by various types of staff, and discuss the future directions of the system.

© 2003 Beth Ridenour

About the University of Kansas

History -

The University of Kansas opened its doors in 1866.

© 2003 Beth Ridenour •

Academics -

The university offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate majors and programs including allied health, architecture, business, education, engineering, fine arts, journalism, law, liberal arts and sciences, nursing, pharmacy, and social welfare.

Lawrence Campus Enrollment –

Approximately 20,000 undergraduates and 6,000 graduate students from every state in the nation and more than 100 countries around the world.

DEMIS: A Management Reporting System

Our solution for providing Mission Critical Decision-Support Information to our Campus Community in a Quick, Dynamic, User-Friendly and Powerful Format


What is DEMIS?




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• Campus Intranet system for the University of Kansas • Developed gradually over-time from a few static web pages to a campus management ‘portal’ © 2003 Beth Ridenour

What is DEMIS?

DEMIS as a decision support system, which can be defined in many ways. The definition that we think fits DEMIS the best is: “A decision support system is an interactive system that provides the user with easy access to decision models and data in order to support semistructured and unstructured decision making tasks.” (Watson, Houdeshel, & Rainer, 1997, p.265)

What is DEMIS?

Key parts for a decision support system are: • Ease of use • Contains models or analytical aids used to analyze the data • Data are maintained to be used in the analysis © 2003 Beth Ridenour

What is DEMIS?

DEMIS is one part of a larger architecture for data warehousing / information delivery proposed by the Office of the Vice Provost for Information Services Link to KU’s Technical Infrastructure Task Force Report: Full Report.htm

KU Enterprise Data Architecture

Source Layer Data


Data Staging and Quality Layer

Operational Data Stores


External Data


Non-operational Data Sources

Space Inventory Other Subject Area Applications

SA RDS Core DW Layer

Subject Central DW : Students Financial Human Resources Facilities / Equipment Research

Data Feed / Data Mining / Layer

Downloads Spreadsheets Business Analysis Tools DEMIS / Web Interfaces

Data Mart Layer


Presentation / Desktop Access

Metadata Repository Layer Layer Layer Knowledge Management Infrastructure Definition Task Force Adapted fro m Ken Orr’s Enterprise Data Architecture, 1998 06/2000

DEMIS Menu Architecture

User Id Authentication via Web server DEMIS Display Using htmSQL User database User ID Key User + Menu database User ID Key + Menu Key Menu Links database Menu Code Key

DEMIS Query Architecture

A DEMIS Query web form Filters + Rpt Breaks User receives output in HTML, RTF, PDF, or Excel-ready format CGI SAS report program Functional Subject Area Data mart

DEMIS Extraction and Data Transformation

• Use SAS with access to Oracle • Data is “transformed” and manipulated for the report model.

• Data marts are saved as SAS datasets and indexed for reporting • “Power users” use desktop SAS and SAS/Connect to access the operational daily stores on the DEMIS Unix Server

DEMIS Data Sources

• Selected PeopleSoft (Oracle) tables and legacy system flat-file extracts Data marts  Financials datamarts updated twice daily  Payroll and other datamarts updated once daily • Data warehouse  Frequency of updates determined by business need

KU Human Resources in Support of DEMIS

• Department of University Management Information – 3 FTE • Office of Institutional Research and Planning – 1 FTE (contributed by multiple analyst) in support of various analytical systems • Office of Decision Support Services – 1 FTE in maintenance of users and interface with production control and technical support

Hardware & Software resources in support of DEMIS

• Software – SAS Modules (V8.2) • SAS/Base; SAS/IntrNet; SAS/MDDB; SAS/Access to Oracle; SAS/Warehouse Administrator – Apache Web Server software • Hardware – SUN 3500E – 6 Processors – SAN Storage (when more is needed it is allocated within a few days

Current DEMIS Interface

• Uses a password protected web-site that allows customization of the links for a user


Provides decision-maker tools to manage :

• Student Enrollments • Space usage • Academic programs • Payroll and staffing • Financial expenditures

Evolution of DEMIS

Financial Perspective

In the beginning…

Need to replace legacy system hard-copy reports

Standard Operations Reports

DEMIS as a “ Reporting Silo ”

© 2003 Beth Ridenour

Evolution of DEMIS

Financial Perspective

Stage 1: Standard Operations Reports

DEMIS as a “ Reporting Silo ”

Web reporting solutions for


Human Resource and Payroll

© 2003 Beth Ridenour

Evolution of DEMIS -

Financial Live Demo

Evolution of DEMIS -

HR/Payroll Live Demo

Evolution of DEMIS

Financial Perspective

Stage 2: Inter-related Systems

Introduction of Decision Support Systems

Web reporting solutions for

Budget Management

Space Management

© 2003 Beth Ridenour

Evolution of DEMIS Budget Management Live Demo

Evolution of DEMIS

Space Management Live Demo


Inter-related Systems

Stage 2: Complete Project/Grant View

Inter-related Systems

Stage 2: Complete Project/Grant View

Evolution of DEMIS

Financial Perspective

Issues: • Inter-related reports are duplicating information • Too get a full picture people have to go to multiple reports • The relationship between different reports are not apparent to users

Immediate Future Goals of DEMIS

Financial Perspective • Stage 3: Develop Financial “dashboards” –

department and campus financial sound bite

Stage 3: Develop Complete Financial View –

campus / department financial sound bite

1.Prep work – chart of account issues 2.Performance measures 3.Organization of Information

Stage 3: Develop Complete Financial View –

campus / department financial sound bite

Performance Measures:

Measures that are felt on the “balance sheet”

© 2003 Beth Ridenour

Stage 3: Develop Complete Financial View –

campus / department financial sound bite

Organization of critical data:

“Sound bite” of financial picture that makes sense to Deans, Chairs, functional staff quickly – with elaboration into the detail as a logical next step.

Academic Subject Area

Student Admin. Subject Area

Academic Trend Metrics

Sample Query Selections

Output from Sample Query

Output from Sample Query

Output from Sample Query

Academic Metric Ratio Query

Output from Metric Query

Immediate Future Goals of DEMIS

Academic Perspective • Integrate with KU’s Faculty/Staff Portal for authentication • Develop a University Performance Indicator Measurement query system (primarily for Academic Units) © 2003 Beth Ridenour

Catherine Lumsden, Program Manager, SAS Corporation

[email protected]


Ryan Cherland, Director, University of Kansas

[email protected]

Brenda Tucker, Senior Programmer/Analyst, University of Kansas

[email protected]

© 2003 Beth Ridenour

Jayhawks on Parade