Transcript SPO WKP

Ministry of Economy
OP IE is complementary to other
Operational Programmes within NSRF:
 16 Regional Operational Programmes
OP Human Capital
 OP Infrastructure and Environment
 OP Development of Eastern Poland
 Development of the Rural Areas
 OP Technical Assistance
Ministry of Economy
Operational Programme
Innovative Economy, 2007-2013
Main objective:
Development of the Polish economy on the basis of
innovative enterprises
Ministry of Economy
Detailed Objectives of the OP IE:
Improvement of enterprises’ innovativeness,
Improvement of the Polish science competitiveness,
Enhancement of the role of science in the economic
Increase in the share of innovative products of the
Polish economy on the international market,
Creation of permanent, better workplaces,
Increase in ICT implementation in the economy.
Ministry of Economy
Sources of the Programme’s financing
European Regional Development Fund: 8 254,89 million EUR
National public funds:
1 456,74 million EUR
9 711,63 million EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Eight Priority axes of the OP IE:
Research and development of new technologies (MSHE),
R&D infrastructure (MSHE),
Capital for innovation (ME),
Investments in innovative undertakings (ME),
Diffusion of innovation (ME),
Polish economy on the international market (ME),
Development of Information Society (MIA),
Technical Assistance (MRD).
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 1. Research and development of new technologies
Support for scientific research in favour of the knowledge-based
economy creation
Research within international cooperation
Support for research and goal-oriented projects in favour of entrepreneurs
Support for protection of industrial property of scientific entities
based in Poland
Strengthening of science human resources’ potential
Allocation: 1 314,3 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 2. R&D infrastructures
Development of high research potential centres
Support for the creation of common research infrastructure of scientific
Investments in information technology infrastructure of science
Allocation: 1 314,3 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 3. Capital for Innovation
measure 3.1 Starting up of innovative business activities
measure 3.2 Support for high risk capital funds
measure 3.3 Creation of the system facilitating investment of
private capital in SMEs
Allocation: 340 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 3. Capital for Innovation
Within the priority axis, the following measures will be supported:
 3.1 - initiating innovative activities through identification and verification of innovative ideas with a high market
potential, support for establishment of enterprises on the basis of such ideas, and early stages of their development,
 3.2 - support for enterprises at early stages of development (seed, start-up and expansion) the undertakings of
which are based on innovative solutions through financing capital funds,
 3.3 - activation of the private investor market through establishment of good conditions for initiating cooperation
of private investors and entrepreneurs who search for finance for implementation of innovative undertakings.
Under the priority axis, non-returnable support will be granted to the following groups of beneficiaries:
 3.1 business support institutions (e.g. innovation and technology transfer centres, technology accelerators,
incubators, scientific and technology parks,
 3.2 capital funds,
 3.3 organisations that group potential investors (e.g. Business Angels), organisations of entrepreneurs and
employers as well as SME.
Support instruments. Co-financing of a part of eligible expenditures in the form of a grant and capitalisation of
venture capital funds.
State aid. State aid is envisaged (group exceptions – SME’s, for venture capital and de minimis aid).
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 4. Investments in innovative undertakings
measure 4.1
measure 4.2
measure 4.3
measure 4.4
measure 4.5
Implementation of R&D results in enterprises
Investment connected with R&D activity in enterprises
Technological credit
New investments of highly innovative potential
Support for investment of vital importance for the economy
Allocation: 3 309 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 4. Investments in innovative undertakings
Within the priority axis, the following measures will be supported:
4.1 - support for implementation of R&D results achieved thanks to the implementation of R&D works cofinanced within Priority Axis 1 (within one complex project covering R&D works and implementation of their
results, on condition that the criterion of economic justification has been met),
4.2 - counselling and investments necessary for entrepreneurs to conduct R&D works, including those directed
towards obtaining the status of a research and development centre,
4.3 - implementation of own or acquired new technologies and production of new goods or improvement of
old goods on the basis of such technologies through cofinancing from the Technological Credit Fund,
4.4 - new investments covering application of new highly innovative organisational and technological
solutions in production and services, including those leading to reduction of an adverse impact on the
4.5 - new investments of enterprises from the production sector, covering application of innovative solutions of
high importance to the economy due to the volume of investments and the number of new workplaces related
to these investments,
4.6 - establishment of a large number of workplaces in enterprises from the sector of modern services,
including common services centres and research and development centres.
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority axis 4. Investments in innovative undertakings
Under the priority axis, non-returnable support will be granted to the following groups of
beneficiaries: entrepreneurs.
Support instruments. Co-financing of a part of eligible expenditures in the form of a grant and cofinancing of the Technology Credit Fund.
State aid. State aid is envisaged - regional state aid (for investment).
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 5. Diffusion of innovations
measure 5.1 Support for cooperative connections of supraregional
measure 5.2 Support for pro-innovative business support networks
of supraregional importance
measure 5.3 Support for innovation centres
measure 5.4 Management of intellectual property
Allocation: 399 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 5. Diffusion of innovations
Within the priority axis, the following measures will be supported:
5.1 - investments and counselling services related to development of cooperative relations on a
supra-regional scale, including clusters,
5.2 - support for establishment and development of business support networks on a superregional
scale rendering services related to innovative activities of entrepreneurs,
5.3 - comprehensive support for innovation centres (e.g. science and technology parks, technology
incubators, technology transfer centres) located in the areas with top development potential,
5.4 - support for the use of intellectual and industrial property rights by entrepreneurs.
Under the priority axis, non-returnable support will be granted to the following groups of
beneficiaries: groups of entrepreneurs, including: clusters, SME and large enterprises production
chains, technological networks (SME and scientific entities) represented by entities holding a legal
title to act on their behalf; technology platforms, networks of business support institutions of a
nationwide range, highly specialised innovation centres (entities managing science and technology
parks, technology incubators, advanced technology centres, productivity centres, centres of
specialised services for entrepreneurs), entrepreneurs.
Support instruments. Co-financing of a part of eligible expenditures in the form of a grant.
State aid. State aid is envisaged (horizontal aid for research, development and innovative activity, de
minimis aid).
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 6. Polish economy on the international market
measure 6.1 Passport for exports
measure 6.2 Development of Investors Service Centres networks
and new investment zones
measure 6.3 Promotion of Poland’s tourist values
measure 6.4 Investments in tourist products of a supra-regional range
measure 6.5 Development of the support system for Polish economy on
international market
Allocation: 410 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 6. Polish economy on the international market
Within Priority Axis 6, the following measures will be supported:
 6.1 - comprehensive support for entrepreneurs interested in trade contacts with foreign partners, covering
counselling, trainings, foreign market studies, participation in exhibitions and fairs,
 6.2 - development of business assistance centres, development of large investment areas, especially related to
conceptual works allowing for implementation of greenfield investments,
 6.3 - undertakings necessary for promotion of Poland’s tourist assets, including creation of new innovative
products and tourist services, establishment of tourist information centres,
 6.4 - investments in the area of tourist products of supra-regional importance, including those contributing to
improvement of the quality of tourist services, such projects may be also selected through competition,
 6.5 - establishment and development of an Internet system for servicing entrepreneurs looking for trade partners
and investment opportunities in Poland.
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 6. Polish economy on the international market
Within Priority Axis 6, the following measures will be supported:
Under the priority axis, non-returnable support will be granted to the following groups of beneficiaries:
 6.1 - entrepreneurs,
 6.2 - local government entities, business assistance centres,
 6.3 - Polish Tourist Organisation, business support institutions of supra-regional and international importance
dealing with economic and tourist promotion,
6.4 - experienced entities operating on a supra-regional level in the tourist sector, local government entities,
6.5 - Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.
Support instruments. Co-financing of a part of eligible expenditures in the form of a grant.
State aid. In the majority of projects implemented within Priority Axis 6, state aid is not applicable. Direct support
for entrepreneurs allows for application of the rules related to de minimis aid.
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 7. Information Society development and establishment
Beneficiaries: government administration, local administration, selfgovernment bodies, entrepreneurs, citizens subject to digital inclusion
Allocation: 2 294 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Structure of the Programme
Priority 8. Technical assistance
Allocation: 329 mln EUR
Ministry of Economy
Institutional system of Implementation:
Managing Authority:
Ministry of Regional Development (MRD)
Intermediate Bodies:
Ministry of Economy (ME)
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE)
Ministry of Interior and Administration (MIA)
Implementing institutions:
Institutions responsible for implementation of the OP IE
specific measures
Certifying authority:
Certifying authorities that operate within Ministry of Regional Development and
functionally independent form the MA
Audit Authority:
General Inspector for Fiscal Control
Monitoring Committee:
Appointed by Minister of Regional Development
Ministry of Economy
Thank you for your attention