SRDS Reviewers Briefing - School of Earth and Environment

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Transcript SRDS Reviewers Briefing - School of Earth and Environment

Support Staff Meeting
Andy Dougill, Andrea Jackson & Kate
March 2011
• Academic planning: Enhancing the Student Experience and
Improving Research Quality & Impact
• Annual Planning for SEE: Implications for Support Staff
• Update on School and University initiatives
• How to make the most of SRDS
School Strategic Priorities
School Strategic Academic Priorities
• Raise quality and impact of research outputs, through an annual
Research Review & Needs Analysis with all academic staff
• Enhance quality of student experience, including academic staff
SRDS discussions to include L+T feedback discussion & forward
views on student expectations, module rationalisation etc.
• Enhance School Profile & Student Recruitment
• Work more effectively together
– Improve systems & processes including creating flexible roles &
improved cover relations (support & academic staff)
– Build strong collegial academic communities cross-School
School Planning Assumptions & Uncertainties
• IPE 2011 plans to be submitted this week include following
changes / assumptions –
– Decline in Home UG student recruitment (down 10% over 5 year
planning period)
– Fall in Home MSc student numbers (down 25% over planning period)
with support focused on successful vocational programmes
– Push to grow International student & PhD student numbers - essential
for financial sustainability, but significant risks around visa issues &
impacts of geo-political instability
– Case for replacing academic staff leaving in coming months in areas of
research excellence & strategic opportunity
– Need to increase research income & recoveries
• Uncertainties around fees (at all levels) will impact on School
WP activity, fieldwork support, UG lab teaching & will raise
student expectations of us all
Faculty & School Initiatives
Aim to improve communication channels for ensuring efficient and
effective support systems with development opportunities linked to
individual training needs (annual SRDS key in this!)
More team meetings with input from leaders from across School
Technical Overview
• Identified areas of need and demand against research and teaching
• Need to provide greater clarity of roles and development needs
against the School’s objectives and flexibility across Faculty, with
support provided for training needs
Clerical & Administrative Overview
• Aim to ensure that best possible clerical & administrative support are
maintained as needs change, with support from academic staff
seeking funding on grant applications (new systems being developed)
University-Level Initiatives
One University
• “Ethos” to bring consistency and best practice to processes across faculties,
schools and central services
• Aimed to demonstrate development opportunities cross-campus, not just in
a single School
• Developed as part of major projects, e.g. Student Services Review, Research
Support Project, SAP HR Organisational Management Project, Curriculum
Enhancement Project, etc.
Student Services Review
• Process mapping completed at University level
• Move towards specialisation in functional teams across student services for
Faculties (e.g. admissions, student support, academic quality, assessment,
student records etc.)
• Further open meetings to be held ahead of next Senate, 11 May
SRDS Overview: Timescales and Outcomes
Responsibility of both Reviewers AND Reviewees to be proactive in
ensuring that SRDS is properly completed with the timeframe.
• 100 % of reviews complete with paperwork signed by Head of
School before end July 11.
• A Personal Development Plan including:
• An agreed set of SMART objectives
• Clarity of priorities
• An appropriate training plan with developmental support highlighted
• An updated & agreed job description (if one doesn’t already
• SPECIFIC – have you stated exactly what you need to achieve? The
objective should be unambiguous, clear and stating an outcome, not
simply an activity.
• MEASURABLE – how will progress be monitored? How will you know
when you’ve achieved the objective? Where quantification is not
possible, other success criteria could be devised.
• ACHIEVEABLE – is it possible? It should be challenging and interesting,
but realistic, and consistent with available resources.
• RELEVANT – to the overall aims of your school, section? Does it assist
your School is achieving its aims? If not, why are you thinking about doint
• TIME-BOUND – do you have a date or time for completion? Make sure it
is an achievable date.
Personal Action Planner
As a result of undertaking any personal development* identified as
part of SRDS you may have identified some areas in your work that
you could do better. You may have an idea or way of approaching a
problem or issue that you had not considered before.
*This could be a workshop, mentoring meeting, course,
professional network meeting, conference etc.
It is important that some of your thoughts now turn to actions
otherwise undertaking the development will soon seem like a
distant memory and just a break from your daily work. You have
put time and effort into doing the development so what is the
Choose a goal that will help you take a first step towards achieving
what you are striving for. Using being a good leader as an example.
What kind of leadership ability do you need to develop? Write this
down at the top of the planner. I.e. I need to communicate more
effectively or I need to clarify the task etc. Undertaking 360
feedback as part of SRDS can help identify what these leadership
development goals should be
In the first column write up to three steps or objectives that will
help accomplish any part of your ambition.
Write these objectives as skills, knowledge or attitude you need to
attain this first step
For each objective or step write down a measure, proof or
evaluation that shows you have attained this step or objective
Identify someone else who could help you in achieving these
objectives - this could be your manager, staff reviewer, mentor, or
indeed anyone else
Finally set yourself a target date that is challenging but not
overstretching. This date should be when you reach the point to
say yes, steps or objectives achieved, lets move onto the next stage
of my goals
Be sure your plan is challenging and compelling and agree this with
your manager, staff reviewer or mentor.
Repeat this process for the other goals that form part of your personal
This is a framework that can be used to translate ideas into actions. If it
does not work for you, fine, use something different. The key issue is to
plan, do and review what you will do differently as a result attending the
workshop. It may be that you just have more confidence that you are doing
the right things and just need to maintain this.
The personal development plan
What am I going to do?
Why am I going to do this?
How am I going to do this?
When am I going to do this?
When will I review the results/How will I know I was successful?
Review of the plan
What was the outcome?
If your plan was a success, have you any conclusions/extra learning points?
If you plan wasn’t hasn’t been a total success, have you any
conclusions/learning points?
If you haven’t implemented your plan what conclusions/learning points
have you?
Take any opportunity you can to reflect and learn. These precious
moments will become harder to find in the future. Once they become part
of your daily routine you will not want to lose them.
“If I have succeeded in my enquiries more than others, I owe it less to any
superior strength of mind, than to a habit of patient thinking”
Issac Newton
Personal Action Plan
Personal goal:
Knowledge to gain/skills to build/attitude to develop
What must I specifically do to improve?
How will I know I did it?
Development activities
How will I actually gain/ build or develop those skills?
Potential Help
Who might help me with my development?
Target for completion
When will I have done this?
SRDS Meeting Discussion Points & Priorities
Successes and achievements
Feedback sought from others (3 good, 3 to improve)
Issues raised in the previous SRDS form
Job description
Objectives for the next 12 months – taking into account:
– School objectives;
– Overall workload;
– Career aspirations.
• Future career development (including specific promotion
discussion if appropriate / requested)
• Health and safety requirements associated with the role
• Future training and development needs
SRDS Packs
• Copy of the last review form
• Blank copy (& link to electronic version) of new SRDS form for
completion prior to meeting
• Review meeting guidance
• Job description –
If the HR file does not include a JD there will be a note
requesting the production of one during the coming months
Please ensure you pass your pack, including the completed
SRDS form, to your reviewer at least 3 days before the
SRDS meeting.
Completion of paperwork should follow as soon as possible
after the meeting
SRDS Resources
University documents :
SRDS scheme documents
"Making the most of the annual SRDS meeting"
The criteria for all grades:
Guidance notes for staff reviewers on how to formulate development plan:
Leadership and Management Standard:
SRDS Resources
School documents :
Links to:
• School Planning website including the School Strategy map
• Reviewer - Reviewee pairings
• School organisational chart
• Workload frequently asked questions
Kate Higham, School HR Administrator: 35201:
[email protected]
Jo Rowell, Faculty HR Manager: 35774:
[email protected]
Lynsey Leeman, Faculty HR Officer 34670
[email protected]
Andy Dougill, Head of School: 36782
Andrea Jackson, Deputy Head of School: 36728