Glenwood’s DynEd Kids - Backbone Communications

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Transcript Glenwood’s DynEd Kids - Backbone Communications

Glenwood School is located in within the City of Sacramento, northeast of the
central city. We have a total school population of 423 students and 61% of our
students are English Language Learners with the majority being Spanish
speaking. As of this year we have so few students in any other sub group that
statistically we do not have a enough students to even create a category for any
other group of students.
Computer Room
We have a 30 station computer lab and students receive instruction from a
certificated teacher. Each class comes to the lab once a week for ½ hour
sessions. DynEd students come at least 4 times a week for at least ½ hour
2003-2004 API
API Base 700
Growth Target 5
Growth 676
Actual Growth -24
Hispanic and Latino Group Growth -31
At the end of this year we became a state
monitored school and a new principal was
2004-2005 API
API Base 676
Growth Target 6
Actual Growth 28
Hispanic or Latino Group Growth 14
2005-2006 API
API Base 704
Growth Target 5
Growth 736
Actual Growth 32
Hispanic or Latino 45
EL Students 72
Student Comments
Flavio says he now speaks in a more grown up way and Julie says she thought
the geometry and math helped her in class. Manuel and Christopher both said
they especially like using the microphones because it helped them practice say
words the right way. Magdalena said she thought it helped her talk better.
Factors That Made A Difference