Synchronous Teaching Tips and Practices

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All My Rowdy Friends are Here with Me
Tonight: Winning the Online Learning Game
Curt Bonk
Indiana University and
[email protected]
Online Learning Goes Synchronous
(see Tom Barron, ASTD, Learning Circuits, Jan 2000)
“Just when you were getting used to the
idea of Web-based training (WBT), with
its easy content distribution, electronic
bulletin boards, and self-paced learning
model, the Web’s technological
juggernaut has thrown the workplace
learning field a new curve:
News Flash: “Instant Messenger (IM)
is a huge corporate tool, yet rarely
mentioned in corporate productivity or
learning plans.” TechLearn TRENDS, Feb. 6, 2002
• Jupiter Media Metrix:
8.8 million AOL IM users at work
4.8 million MSN users at work
3.4 million Yahoo! Messenger users at work
Doubled from 2.3 billion minutes in Sept. 2000 to 4.9
billion minutes in Sept. 2002.
• It can connect learners to each other and provide easier
access to the instructor (the MASIE Center).
Sounds great…right?
Well online this can lead to
rowdy students, because…
Too long a time period.
Too many people to coordinate.
Boring tasks.
Unclear tasks.
In wrong class.
What to do???
Dealing with Difficult Learners
• Situation: A joke is made early in the synchronous
discussion and a student keeps referring back to it
even though it no longer applies.
• Situation: Guest expert has trouble accessing the
system and, in the meantime, students are making
fun of him/her.
• Situation: Guest expert or instructor is located in
one site and students are all located at another.
Students begin to chatter about irrelevant things.
Redirect Off-Task Students
Dealing with Difficult Learners
(Barbazette, Feb 2002)
• Situation: A couple of the more
experienced computer users are way ahead
of the directions you are giving and are
chatting about something else. Then they
throw in advice for other learners that is
more sarcastic than helpful. How might
you have prevented this? How might you
deal with it?
Dealing with Difficult Learners
(Barbazette, Feb 2002)
• Situation: You are conducting online
customer service training for 15 new
associates but two veterans are in the course
as a refresher. One of these veterans is
outspoken about the boring and irrelevant
aspects of your course material during a
synchronous chat. What would you do?
Dealing with Difficult Learners
(Barbazette, Feb 2002)
• Confront known disruptive participants and
ask for help before the event
• Know who question askers are and ask for
their help before they interrupt
• Ask direct questions of talkers and
• Ask each person to make a summary of the
learning pts
• Acknowledge various pts of view.
Dealing with Difficult Learners
(Barbazette, Feb 2002)
Questions to Guide Learner Behavior:
• …that’s an interesting question, how have
you handled similar situations?
• …you have had a lot of knowledge
management experiences, what would you
• …how do others of you view this issue?
Guide Behavior With Questions and Info
Online Personality Clashes
Lesley Darling, May 2000, Learning Circuits
• Use personnel management hat to solve
clashes of personalities
• At the same time, use conflict as a catalyst
for interaction
• Coach on how to disagree online
• Foster sharing of info instead of
Reducing Online Rowdiness
• Ask yourself, why are they off task? Look
at the pedagogy?
• Do they value the assignment?
• Are tasks relevant, challenging, & current?
• Are ideas valued and woven into the
• Are you organized?
• Are students in the right class or level?
What to do?
Send out or post rules and procedures
Point to those on task as role models
Ask what interests them
Have an agenda or structure
Lead to peak moments
Break into small teams with goals
Focus participants!!!
Focus Student Attention
What else to do?
Clive Sheperd, Jan 2002
Model behavior yourself
Point to problems in the past (sample archives)
Summarize key pts that have been made
Gently nudge the discussion back on task
Quick and tactful response to the one leading
the group off task
• Establish rules for communication & behavior
• Terminate participation or ask to leave
– Have a private discussion or chat
Archive Prior Sessions
How to Engage Students
Jennifer Hoffman, Online Learning Conference (2001, Oct.)
Have tech checks
Have prework to share
Teach the environment and tools
Get them to participate in events
Adapt a constructivist framework
Ask them to be flexible, patient,
active, reflective
Presession Tech Check and Training
Keep it Human
Jennifer Hoffman, Learning Circuits; Jan. 2000.; Judith
Smith, August, 2001)
Keep the learning process social
Design breaks
Call on by first names
Ask about interests
Include anecdotes and examples
Provide consistent feedback
Allow or foster learning communities
If can’t control, then what to do?
Join up
Give up
Commit suicide
Find a new job
Protest e-learning
The Synchronous
A Juggler???
(Karen Frankola, Learning Circuits, August, 2001)
• “Really must walk and chew gum at same
• Smooth, energetic delivery while advancing
slides, checking virtual hands raised, and
answering notes.
• Must be highly focused and interactive.
Ideal Environment of
Synchronous Trainer
Jennifer Hoffman, Online Learning Conference (2001, Oct.)
 A private, soundproof room.
 High-speed connection; telephone;
powerful computer; additional
computer; tech support phone #
 Studio microphone and speakers
 A “Do Not Disturb” sign
 Near restroom; pitcher of water
Be Flexible when Guest Instructor Snowed In…
Tech Check Advice
Jennifer Hoffman, Insync Training
Turn initial tech check into a learning experience
Technical warm-up: audio & software working?
Tools Overview: intro the learning environment (sound
check if microphones work)
Ground Rules: Highlight expectations of behavior and
Learning Environment: Discuss tips to max learning
Programs Detail: Overview e-learning, lrng tech blend.
Use Signals for Tech Checks & to Clarify Tasks
Characteristics of Successful
Synchronous Trainer: Voice Tips
Jennifer Hoffman, Online Learning Conference (2001, Oct.)
 Welcome to the class and explain goals.
 Be ready for down time and ad-libs or have
exercises in the queue.
 Check feedback monitors, if applicable.
 Ask for constant feedback.
 Have relevant and compact info, not frivolous
 Humor, hand gestures, change tone, etc.
More Considerations: The Event
Jennifer Hoffman, ASTD, Learning Circuits, (2001, March)
Log on early; students come 15 minutes early.
Check to see if students brought needed items
Perhaps call or send notes to missing students
Vary your instructional strategies; maximize
• Make it visual—color, sound, animation
• Design 10-minute breaks every 90 minutes
Tips for the Online Event
(Karen Frankola, Learning Circuits, August, 2001)
Show up organized; plan till tired of planning.
Check if following the material.
Be receptive to criticism.
Smooth transitions.
Be open-minded to new techniques.
Encourage hands-on practice (e.g., lab task).
Focus with graphics & color; key phrases.
Be upbeat, conversational, enthusiastic.
Key Factors in Sync Delivery
Lesley Darling, Learning Circuits, May 2000
Jennifer Hoffman, Insync Training, Learning Circuits, February 2000
Mute phone, raise hands, mail resources and
materials ahead of time
Ask open-ended questions
Send emails to nonparticipating students
Encourage students to answer each other’s
Feel free to go back and add to answers
Be aware of needed time commitments
Key Factors in Online Teaching
Lesley Darling, Learning Circuits, May 2000
Reply to q’s broadly so many can benefit.
Limit “hotdogging” by not commenting on
student work that does not address the
Respond to student questions promptly and in
some depth.
Post answers at a Web site.
Survival Tips
Jennifer Hoffman, Online Learning Conference (2001, Oct.)
• Prepare a class roster
• Start promptly (and end when done)
• Welcome to the session/class; explain
goals; ask for feedback on goals.
• Instruct on methods of communication—
hand raising, chat, whiteboard, voice,
email, etc.
• Provide phone number for emergencies
Stop Session When It Seems Done
Survival Tips
Jennifer Hoffman, Online Learning Conference (2001, Oct.)
• Provide a quick tour and showcase special
• Finish thoughts b4 responding to chat Q’s
• Be ready for delays with planned ad-lib
• Don’t talk while slides are changing.
• Skip slides if you want to.
• Load application sharing apps ahead of
Online Facilitation
Jennifer Hoffman, ASTD, Learning Circuits, (2000, Jan)
• Make it a collaborative event wherein
participants view each other as resources
• Set up classrooms or alternative chats wherein
participants coach each other
• Foster student idea generation/construction.
• Incorporate adult learning principles.
• Prompt interaction every 3-5 minutes
• Have participants log questions in chat room
and respond to all
Tips for Teaching Synchronously
Jennifer Hoffman, Online Learning Conference (2001, Oct.)
 Plan for technology gaps (dead air)
 Have fun and relax (go with the
flow, embrace the experience)
 Plan for recovery period or
downtime after training
Make It a Fun and Flexible Environment
Role of Synchronous Facilitator
Gilly Salmon (1999) E-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and
Learning Online, Kogan Page
• Focus conference at beginning.
• Keep conference on track and summarize
• Achieve full participation—everyone
takes a turn.
• Follow up with an action plan via email
or asynchronous tool.
Social Recommendations
(Berge, 1995, The role of the online instructor/facilitator)
• Use introductions
• Be accepting of lurkers
• Do not ignore bad discussant behavior—
privately request change
• Watch for use of humor and sarcasm
• Praise behavior you seek
• Guard against fear or public ridicule
Praise Behavior Seeking
Encourage activities
that motivate thinking.
(Sheinberg, April 2000, Learning Circuits)
Information Analysis Techniques
Pros and Cons
Force Field Analysis
Combine async case study with sync discuss
Graphic Organizers: Venn Diagram,
Timeline, or Flowchart in Whiteboard
Reflection & Writing Techniques
Nutshell, Abstract, Summing Up
K-W-L, K-W-H-L
Muddiest Pt Papers, Minute Papers
PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting)
Wet Ink, Diaries, Freewriting
Forced Wrap Arounds, Tell Tall Tales
Starter-Wrapper + Guest Chat
Starter-Wrapper + Sync Guest Chat
Interactive Questioning Techniques
Swami Questions
Idea Spurring Questions
Peer Questioning
Think Sheet Questions or Reactions
20 Questions, Working Backward,
Pruning the Tree
Information Gathering Techniques
Quick Polling, Voting, Ranking
What-If Brainstorms
Nominal Group Process
Online Surveys
David Letterman Top Ten
Delphi Technique—release poll results
when want to
Poll Your Students Online
Survey Your Students Online
Synchronous Chats
1. Webinar, Webcast
2. Guest speaker moderated Q&A forum
3. Guest expert open chats
4. Peer Q&A and Dialogue
5. Team activities or meetings
6. Instructor meetings, private talk, admin help
7. Quick Polls/Quizzes, Voting Ranking, Surveys
8. Brainstorming ideas, What-Ifs, Quick reflections
9. Graphic Organizers in Whiteboard (e.g., Venn)
10. Twenty Questions, Pruning the tree
Electronic Guests & Mentoring
1. Find article or topic that is controversial
2. Invite person associated with that article
(perhaps based on student suggestions)
3. Hold real time chat
4. Pose questions
5. Discuss and debrief (i.e., did anyone change
their minds?)
(Alternatives: Email Interviews with experts;
Assignments with expert reviews)
Guest Mentoring Example
Guest Mentoring Example
Use Digital Whiteboards
Learn English Online
Self-Testing and Self-Assessments
(Giving Exams in the Chat Room!, Janet Marta, NW Missouri State Univ,
Syllabus, January 2002)
1. Post times when will be available for 30 minute
slots, first come, first serve.
2. Give 10-12 big theoretical questions to study
3. Tell can skip one.
4. Assessment will be a dialogue.
5. Get them there 1-2 minutes early.
6. Have hit enter every 2-3 sentences.
7. Ask q’s, redirect, push for clarity, etc.
8. Covers about 3 questions in 30 minutes.
Electronic Seance
Students read books from famous dead people
Convene when dark in synchronous discussion
Present present day problem for them to solve
Participate from within those characters (e.g.,
read direct quotes from books or articles)
• Invite expert guests from other campuses
• Keep chat open for set time period
• Debrief
Role Play
A. Role Play Personalities
• List possible roles or personalities (e.g., coach,
optimist, devil’s advocate, etc.)
• Sign up for different role every week (or 5-6 key roles)
• Reassign roles if someone drops class
• Perform within roles—refer to different personalities
B. Assume Persona of Scholar
– Enroll famous people in your course
– Students assume voice of that person for one or
more sessions
– Enter debate topic or Respond to debate topic
– Respond to rdg reflections of others or react to own
Role Play: Six Hats.
(from De Bono, `985; adopted for online learning by
Karen Belfer, 2001, Ed Media)
White Hat: Data, facts, figures, info (neutral)
Red Hat: Feelings, emotions, intuition, rage…
Yellow Hat: Positive, sunshine, optimistic
Black Hat: Logical, negative, judgmental, gloomy
Green Hat: New ideas, creativity, growth
Blue Hat: Controls thinking process & organization
Note: technique used in a business info systems class
where discussion got too predictable!
Role Play: Mission Analyses
Collaboration & Group Techniques
Ice Breakers
Web Explorations and Sharing/Rating
Fishbowl Variations (e.g., by geography)
Numbered Heads Together
Turn to Your Partner and Share
Role Play, Debates, and Mock Trials
Buzz Groups, Phillips 66
Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
1. 99 Seconds of Fame: In an
online synchronous chat, give
each student 99 seconds to present
themselves and field questions.
2. Chat Room Buds: Create a
discussion prompt in one of “X’
number of chat rooms. Introduce
yourself in the chat room that
interests you.
Example of Multiple Rooms for Chat
Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
3. KNOWU Rooms:
a. Create discussion forums or chat room
topics for people with diff experiences
(e.g., soccer parent, runner, pet lovers,
like music, outdoor person). Find those
with similar interests.
b. Complete eval form where list people in
class and interests. Most names wins.
4. Public Commitments:
Have students share how they will fit the
coursework into their busy schedules.
Collaborative Sync Training
Jennifer Salopek, Feb 2002, e-learning
When 2 or more instructors work together
in an synchronous training event, “It’s a
show, an event”…like “the interplay
among the commentators in Monday
Night Football.”