Transcript Title

Devon Waste Free Lunch Week
17th – 21st June 2013
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What do YOU eat in your packed lunch?
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If we were to look in the rubbish bin after lunch –
what would we find?
Crisp packets?
Cling film?
Plastic bags?
Plastic bottles?
Juice cartons/pouches?
Paper napkins?
Food?(edit in Master Slide 2)
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Where does all this rubbish go?
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How long will our waste be in landfill?
Food waste = 6 months to 1 year
Plastic bottles = 450 years
Cardboard = 2 years
Plastic bags = 500 years
Crisp packets/plastic wrappers = 1,000 years
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Do your bit for our environment – pack a waste free
• Use a durable lunchbox
• Use reusable containers for food
• Bring a refillable drinks bottle
• Use cutlery that can be washed and used again
• Use a washable cloth napkin
• Eat fruit and veg – they come in their own natural packaging!
• Think about portion sizes and pack what you’re going to eat
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This week our school will be taking part in
Schools across Devon are taking part to help reduce waste
and protect our environment
If you have a packed lunch, please try and bring one which
makes no waste every day this week
We are entering a competition and could win a prize worth
up to £250 if we reduce our lunch waste and run a good
campaign that involves the whole school community
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What can you do?
• Talk to the person who makes your packed lunch and ask
them to help make a meal with as little rubbish as possible
• Use the ‘top tips’ for good ideas
• Sign up to your school pledge to make less waste
• Get involved in poster campaigns, activities and
competitions around school
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