COMPASS Diagnostic Testing:

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COMPASS Diagnostic
Some Guidelines
Placement Test Guidelines
You must take placement tests in English and/or
math if you are:
A new student who is still in high school.
A new student who does not have a high school
diploma or its equivalent.
A new student who has declared a major or who is
undecided about a major.
A special student who registers beyond nine
cumulative credit hours.
A student who is interested in taking a math course,
an English course, or a course that has a math or an
English prerequisite.
Placement Exemptions
You may be exempt from some or all
placement testing if
You have achieved at least a 550 on a subset score of
the SAT within the last two years.
You have scored at least a 21 on the reading, writing,
or math sections of the ACT within the last two years.
You are transferring English or math credits from
another university AND the registrar at Wor-Wic has
awarded you transfer credit.
You are a special student who wants to take only one
course during the semester.
Purpose of Evaluation
The three tests (mathematics, reading, and writing)
determine which math and English courses you
should take first.
Placement in the first level of developmental reading
or developmental writing will affect your ability to
attend the college as a credit student. Only credit
courses are eligible for financial aid.
It is critical that you take these tests very seriously. If
you do not feel prepared today, please return at
another time so that the test results will be accurate.
Test Features
Before you begin the test, you will be prompted to
answer several survey questions about your
reasons for choosing Wor-Wic.
You do not need keyboarding skills to complete the
tests, but you should be able to point and click with
a computer mouse.
Each multiple-choice test is untimed.
Questions are selected randomly from a large pool
of test items. The level of difficulty, therefore, will
vary throughout the testing session.
Test Features
There is not a set number of questions for each
test. The computer program determines your
placement in each area based on your responses
to the questions you are given.
You may change an answer when you are on a
screen, but you may not go back to a screen after
you have clicked the “Go On” button.
You may not skip any question. If you are not sure
of an answer, you must click on your best guess.
Test Features
When the computer program has enough
information to make a placement, you will be taken
out of one test and moved to the next. You do not
need to see a proctor to move on.
When you have completed the test, the word STOP
will appear on the screen. At that time, you may
gather your belongings and proceed to the front of
the room to discuss your results with the proctor.
Features of Mathematics Test
It assesses your understanding of numerical/prealgebra and algebra skills.
It provides access to an online scientific
It includes three types of mathematics questions:
Basic skills—performing a sequence of operations
Application—applying a sequence of operations in
complex ways
Analysis—demonstrating conceptual knowledge
Mathematics Skills for the Numerical
Skills/Prealgebra Section
Operations with Integers
Operations with Fractions
Operations with Decimals
Positive Integer Exponents, Square Roots, and
Scientific Notation
Ratios and Proportions
Averages (Means, Medians, and Modes)
Mathematics Skills for the Algebra Section
Substituting Values into Algebraic Expressions
Setting up Equations for Given Situations
Basic Operations with Polynomials
Factoring Polynomials
Linear Equations with One Variable
Exponents and Radicals
Rational Expressions
Linear Equations in Two Variables
Sample COMPASS Math Tests
Please complete at least ONE of the following practices
to help you determine if additional practice is needed.
Source: Clark College web site
Features of Reading Test
It requires you to answer reading
comprehension questions from the following
types of passages:
practical reading
prose fiction
social sciences
natural sciences
Features of Reading Test, continued
It assesses skills in two areas: referring and
finding information directly stated in
the passage
making inferences based on the
reading and determining meaning
through context clues
Sample COMPASS Reading Tests
Please complete at least ONE of the following practices
to help you determine if additional practice is needed.
Source: Clark College web site
Features of Writing Skills Test
It assesses two areas: usage/mechanics and
rhetorical skills
Usage/Mechanics—application of punctuation,
grammar, usage, and sentence structure rules
Rhetorical Skills—analysis of writing strategy,
organization and style of passages
It requires that you identify and correct any
errors that you find in the essays you are
asked to evaluate.
Sample COMPASS Writing Tests
Please complete the following practice to help you
determine if additional practice is needed.
Source: Clark College web site
Resources During Testing
Graphing calculators are available on loan.
Because ACT restricts the type of graphing
calculator permitted, you may not use your
Scrap paper is available on the computer
Pen or pencil may be used.
Dictionaries and notes are prohibited.
Suggestions for Testing
Because the tests are untimed, you should not rush
through any test.
You may scroll through passages to help you answer
In the writing test, it is important that you force yourself
to click on any sentence or sentence part you believe
contains an error. If an area of text becomes
highlighted, you will have five options for revising the
sentence. The first option will contain the original
wording and thus represents a NO CHANGE option.
You should examine all five possibilities carefully and
then make your selection.
Restrictions During Testing
All electronic devices (cell phones, Ipods,
pagers) should be turned off and out of sight
during the test session.
Bathroom breaks may be taken between, not
during, any of the three tests.
You may not leave the room unless you have
been given permission by a testing proctor.
Retesting Options
You are allowed to retest one time only on
any or all parts of the test.
When you opt to retest, your first score is
discarded and the retest score determines
You should not retest unless you feel very
confident that the score you have received
does not reflect your ability.
Review is recommended before any retest.
Closing Thoughts
These tests help us make your experience here more
If you have questions at any time while you are testing,
please raise your hand so that a testing proctor can
assist you.