Takeshi Tokuyama ・ Jinhee Chun Tohoku University Graduate

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Transcript Takeshi Tokuyama ・ Jinhee Chun Tohoku University Graduate

Information Society and
Information Ethics
Takeshi Tokuyama
Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences
System Information Sciences
Design and Analysis of Information Systems
Necessity of Information Ethics
• Ethics
– Right attitude as a human in society
– Standard of people to live together in a society
• Aristotle : Mesotes (happymean, goldenmean)
• Confucius(孔子) : 五常の徳: 仁(Humaneness)・義(Justice)・
• Information Ethics
– How we should behave to deal with information
• You need to have “ ethical rule you must oblige to
in order not to harm others”
– Neither intentionally nor accidentally
Information in Society
• Human history is the history of information
• Major evolutions
– Language, Paper+Pen, Printing
– Orderly, Fire relay, Mail , Telegram, Telephone
– Novel, Newspaper, Movie, Radio, TV
– Internet
• Email, Web, Blog, Twitter, Facebook
• Human culture depends on information
infrastructure and information exchange
Who can broadcast information?
• Only Load or government are allowed to
broadcast information in old days
– Laws, Notice, Announcement
• Book writers & political/religious leaders
– Bible, Novels, Poems
• Mass media
– News writers, Movie makers, TV producers
• Now, everyone can broadcast
– Twitter, blog, etc
– Everyone need to have ethics on information !
Benefit and Risk of the Internet
• Benefit
– World wide scale
– Each person takes part in a huge media
• Facing unspecified large number of people
– Publishing information and utilization raise the value
of information
• Risk
– Individual act leads to a large effect
– One can see many malicious users
• But, Internet novice may become a “loser”
• You need to use internet wisely
Self-Defense, Self-Responsibility
• Malicious user + Internet
– Account hacking
– Data destruction, falsification
– Disclosing the private life of the others
– Abusing
– Spoofing
• Just be careful when you use the internet
Self-Defense, Self-Responsibility
• Criminal act is illegal
– Unfair act and trouble by immoral user on the
– Human rights violation, piracy, system disturbance
• Unconscious misconduct
– Lack of awareness is your fault
• Unethical act should be avoided
– Possession of child pornography
Security System
• Technology for Computer Security
– Access control using user ID and Password
– Firewall to prevent intrusion
– Data encryption
– Anti-virus software
• Security system is essential
• You should use security system wisely
• You should not rely on only security systems
My experience 1
• We have our own Web server system.
• In 2001, we forgot to update a security
software (SSH) and used old one for 6 months.
• We went to seminar trip to hot spa
• When we come back to next morning, …….
Crimes you might commit
• Privacy in violation
– Disclosing a private life of the others without
• Defamation
– Blaming, Discrimination
• Piracy
– Using text, image, photo on web page of the others
without permission
– Putting celebrity photo, animation on web page
• Gambling, trickery, pyramid selling
Privacy Violation and defamation
• Attack through the Internet
– Spam mail
– Defamation on web site, SNS and etc
• Not difficult to attack the others on the Internet
• Therefore, you can become a victim or harm
others unconciously
• Freedom of speech is the right for “ethical
My own experience 2
• In 1990, I got an interesting email
– Two researchers suspected that a particular
conference accepted papers without any review
– Then they did an experiment to reveal it
• Write a paper, cut it into three parts
• Shuffle them to make three papers, and submitted
• All were accepted
– “We decided to send caution to colleagues.
please forward it to your friends”
– What should you do?
Legal Protection of Software
• Software
– Payware
• Do not violate license agreement
– Freeware
• Copying, modification and redistribution are allowed
without consent of copyright holder
– Shareware
• If you like the software, pay after trial use
– Be careful about spyware and virus
My own experience 3
• I joined IBM in 1986. There was no real internet,
but I enjoyed VNET in IBM (intranet)
– We made programs for fun, and exchange others.
• In December 1987, I got an email from my (highly
reliable) colleague in laboratory.
– “It is not fun to read it, just run the attached file.”
– Xmas.exe was the attached file.
– What do you think happened?
Malware(Malicious Software)
• Malware
– Program designed to destroy system, gather private information
to reveal and other behavior that cause disadvantage.
– Virus, Worm, Trojan Horse
• Infection route
– External storage(especially USB key)
– Internet
○ Downloaded file
○ E-mail attachment
○ File Sharing Software
• Defense policy
– Keep Anti-virus software up to date
– Use a supported OS and keep up to date
Online Shopping
• Troubles on online shopping
– An item doesn’t arrive after you paid
– Customer won’t pay though item has been sent
– Risk both for seller and customer
• Credit card
– Card information might be stollen
• Check if the transaction is encrypted
• Not allowed in university account
My own experience 4
• In 2004, Mike, an exchange student from UC
Irvine (California, U.S.) came for one year
• He bought a cellular phone
– Fixed price for unlimited number of packets
• Two months later, he was so astounded to
receive a bill of 1.4 million yen !
• What happened??
Spam Mail
• Spam mail
– Advertising, invitation mail which is sent repeatedly
– You should aware of there is no “free lunch”
– Trickery
○ Phishing
○ Paid dating, money laundering, lottery
○ Fictitious claims
– one-click fraud
○ Do not pay, though you get bill on e-mail
○ Take it easy and forget it
○ If you have told your personal information, consult your
adviser at first
Self Defense
• Proper management of personal information
– Be careful about handling personal information
– Refrain from thoughtless statement on BBS, SNS,
and etc
• National Police Agency Japan Countermeasure against
– http://www.npa.go.jp/cyber/english/index.html
• National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan
– http://www.kokusen.go.jp/ncac_index_e.html
Rumors and its effect
• Just after the earthquake in March, so much
information was posted in twitter
• It was very important to obtain information
• But, it was sometimes harmful
– “The gas station near my home sells gas
tomorrow morning from 9am”
• There was so much rumors
– “ You should drink tincture of iodine to reduce
effect of radiation “ (of course should NOT)
Human Communication
• Although internet is very useful, you often
need to speak directly to your colleagues.
– Nowadays, we may use emails etc even if we are
in the same room.
• My own experience 4
– Two members chatted about a matter not related
to the work (in low voice) in the office
– The manager sent emails to them
• “Refrain from chatting during work”
– What do you think about this?
Your task (two weeks later)
• Think about a problem in information ethics
– Information leak by Wiki Leaks
– In which occasion a government should control (or
hide) information?
– Manner for discussion on internet (emails, bulletin
board system, blogs, social networks)
– Anything you feel serious
• Give your idea (at most four PPT pages)
• Volunteers will give presentations, and we will
discuss (everyone should speak ).
• Text Editor
– Note Pad
– Word Pad
– Microsoft Word
• Office tools
– PowerPoint
– Excel
• Also, included in
– Internet Browser: Internet Explorer
– File and Folder: Explorer