Transcript Slide 1

Lesson Objectives
The aim of this lesson is to use
real life case studies to help
you understand and evaluate
Christian attitudes to adultery
and sex outside marriage.
Lesson outcomes
All will be able to recall the Christian attitude
to sex outside marriage in six points.
Most will be able to identify arguments for
and against having sex before marriage and
explain which they agree with the most.
Some will be able to evaluate the Christian
view on sex before marriage by giving their
view on the “Silver Ring Thing”.
Working in pairs complete the following…
Give three reasons why
people might have sex
before they are married...
Now give three reasons why
some people choose to wait
until marriage before having a
sexual relationship
From the following clues can you work
out what Christians believe about sex?
1. Make a sub heading in your book...
Christian attitudes to sex
2. Number 1-6 in the margin(leave FIVE lines
between each)
3. Using the clues, work out the six different
Christian beliefs about sex AND WRITE
Sex belongs in marriage –
Christians believe you should NOT have sex until you are
married. - WHY?
Sex should not be abused
In what ways might sex be abused?
The Bible says...
“God wants you to be holy and completely
free from sexual immorality.” EXODUS 20:14
Here you go…I
got you some
Sex is a GIFT from God
God made two of each species with the intention that
they would reproduce
Sex is for procreation.
The purpose of sex is to reproduce and start a family.
ADULTERY is wrong.
This is one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and
Christians believe it to be a SIN.
The Bible says...
“You shall not commit adultery.”
EXODUS 20:14
Sex is a way for
a married
couple to show
their love for
each other.
Lesson outcomes
All will be able to recall the Christian attitude
to sex outside marriage in six points.
Most will be able to identify arguments for
and against having sex before marriage and
explain which they agree with the most.
Some will be able to evaluate the Christian
view on sex before marriage by giving their
view on the “Silver Ring Thing”.
What does the Bible say about
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be
fruitful and increase in number”
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God
will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral
It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual
immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a
way that is holy and honorable
Match each quote to one of the six teachings you have written down.
For and Against
Read the statements on p2 of your booklet.
Decide which arguments are for sex outside
marriage and which arguments are against sex
outside marriage.
√ = agrees with sex
outside marriage
X = disagrees with sex
outside marriage
Decide whether you agree with the TICK arguments or the CROSS
arguments more and why. Give two reasons for your decision.
Lesson outcomes
All will be able to recall the Christian attitude
to sex outside marriage in six points.
Most will be able to identify arguments for
and against having sex before marriage and
explain which they agree with the most.
Some will be able to evaluate the Christian
view on sex before marriage by giving their
view on the “Silver Ring Thing”.
The Silver Ring Thing
Created in 1995 as a
response to the
escalating numbers of
teen pregnancies in
Yuma, Arizona. More
than 200,000 students
have received rings as
a symbol of their
commitment to remain
pure until marriage.
The Silver Ring Thing
Watch the promotional video.
Think about the arguments from the
Complete Q1 on p26 of your revision
Lesson outcomes
All will be able to recall the Christian attitude
to sex outside marriage in six points.
Most will be able to identify arguments for
and against having sex before marriage and
explain which they agree with the most.
Some will be able to evaluate the Christian
view on sex before marriage by giving their
view on the “Silver Ring Thing”.
Imagine you have been
asked to create a
slogan to sum up the
Christian teachings on
This slogan should be
short (no longer than a
sentence), catchy and
easy to remember.