Transcript Slide 1

Student Support Services MINISTRY OF EDUCATION REVIEW PRESENTATION February 1, 2012


Ministry of Education

Corey Hadden Shelley Adams

GSSD Parents

Cindy Costigan Carolyn Debnam Leshia Sanderson

Horizon School Division

Darrell Paproski – Sup’t of Student Services Student Support Services Staff

Good Spirit School Division Senior Leadership Team

Dwayne Reeve – Director of Education Sherry Todosichuk – Sup’t of Business Juanita Brown – Sup’t of Instruction Susan Maserek – Sup’t of Schools Withman Jaigobin – Sup’t of Schools

GSSD Student Services Staff

Iris Rowlett – Central Cluster SSC Tracy Huckell – South Cluster SSC Adelle Kopp-McKay – North Cluster SSC Quintin Robertson – Sup’t of Student Services Carol McCullough – EAL Co-ordinator Andrea Hnatiuk - Literacy Coach Michele Haczkewicz - SLP

GSSD School Based Staff

Darran Teneycke – Principal Jana Szabo - SST

Partner Organizations

Jacquie Holzmann – Sunrise Health Region

Intensive Review Process

• • • • • • Over the next 10 minutes we will review the following: 2011/2012 Student Support Services Review Draft Agenda Purpose of the Intensive Review The GSSD Motto, Mission, Vision, and Values The GSSD Student Population Numbers GSSD Student Services Vision GSSD Continuum of Supports for All Students

Purpose of the Intensive Review

• • • • Following principles of continuous improvement, the Student Support Services Delivery Model Review Process provides an opportunity for the Ministry of Education and the Good Spirit School Division to engage in strategic discussions. Collaboratively, we hope to explore: What is working?

What is tricky?

What might we do differently in the future?

Our Student Services Team has framed the work we are doing this year under three areas: Collaboration, Capacity Building and Communication .

Motto, Mission, Vision & Values


“Students Come First”


“Excelling Through Student Learning”


“Together Inspiring Passion For Learning – Excelling Now – Succeeding Tomorrow”


Integrity, Empathy, Growth, Equity

Student Population Numbers September 30, 2011

• Total student enrolment:


• Students new to GSSD:


• FTE:


• Students transferring from out of province:


• Students transferring from another country:


• Home Based Education Students:


• Students on Personal Program Plans:

295 (5%)

• We operate

28 schools


17 communities

throughout East Central Saskatchewan.

Student Services Vision

The Good Spirit School Division has adopted the practices and evidence-based research.

to intervention model of service delivery.


for supporting student diversity that has been defined by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. This vision promotes the inclusion of all students in their neighborhood schools and is based on exemplary Services and support to all learners are provided through a response GSSD Student Services VISION

Continuum Of Support For ALL Students

For all students in GSSD we strive to: ● ● ● ● ● Provide highly effective, research-based core instruction Identify what we want all students to learn (ELOs) Systematically identify students who are not succeeding in our core program Provide students additional time, resources and support until they achieve success Improve Core program – UBD modules, PLCs, common assessment, etc...

● Utilize a variety of universal screening tools: AFL, F&P, RAD, CAT 4, Math Benchmarks, CBMs (from Chris Weber’s presentation in Sept. 2011)

Continuum of Student Supports & Interventions


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Review cumulative file and student history Differentiate/adapt curriculum and instruction Document adaptations and observations Continue with classroom assessment Consult with previous classroom teachers Discuss concerns with parents – consider health issues, hearing, vision, changes in home/social situation Continue to monitor and adapt for student individual needs, document supports Consult/refer to Student Support Teacher ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Observe student in the classroom Collaborate with CR to differentiate/adapt curriculum and instruction Document adaptations and observations Communicate concerns with parents Conduct in-school assessments – academic, functional behavioural, social/emotional, communication Provide in-class, small group, and/or individual support Document adaptations/changes in program on ROA or PPP Collaborate with school-based team (including parents) Consult/refer to PSP ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Consult with school-based team – teachers, student support teacher, parents Observe student in natural setting Conduct assessment Meet with school-based team and student when appropriate Document findings Support development of program goals Provide follow-up/intervention Collaborate with partner agencies if required Monitor progress

SECTION 1: Service Delivery Rubric Priority Areas

Over the next 60 minutes the GSSD Student Services Team will review the following information: • 2010/2011 School Review Process • GSSD 2010/2011 School Review Data • GSSD Student Service Strategic Plans • GSSD Student Services Goals for 2011/2012

2010/2011 School Review Rational for Change

• In the past, each school discussed their proposed staffing for the upcoming year and their successes and challenges in meeting student needs individually with their cluster Student Services Co-ordinator • The Student Services Department altered this format this year. We felt that bringing administrators together to discuss successes and challenges builds capacity and collaboration, as well as facilitated a deeper understanding of Ministry’s strategic direction

2010/2011 School Review Process

• Administrators were given the Service Delivery Model Rubrics & the Preliminary Staffing Document to complete with their staff • Administrators brought the completed Service Delivery Model Rubrics & the Preliminary Staffing Document to their assigned reviews days for discussion and submission • The intended audience for the Review Days included School Administrators(s), Student Support Teacher(s), and a classroom teacher(s) • The following Division Level Personnel also attended the three day event: Sup’t of Schools, Student Services Co-ordinators, and Sup’t of Student Services

2010 & 2011 School Review Data


Evident – Inclusive Practice Evident – Differentiated Instruction Evident – Parental/Caregiver Engagement Evident – Assessment Emerging – Multi-Disciplinary Team Evident – Fostering Independence Emerging – Assistive Technology


Evident – Referral Process Evident – Personal Program Plans (PPP) Evident – Transition Planning Emerging – Service Coordination

2010 & 2011 School Review Data


Evident - Student Support Services Teacher Qualifications Evident - Supportive In-service Training for Teachers Evident - Provision for, & Engagement of, Supporting Professionals Evident - Facilitation of School Team Collaboration Evident - Support of Educational Assistants Evident - Engagement of Supporting Agencies Emerging - Administrative Support of Inclusive Classrooms

Strategic Plan

• • • • •


School Review Results Ministry of Education Direction Parental Feedback Staff Feedback Research • • • •


Intensive Supports Committee and Procedures PPP Timelines Impact Assessment Utilization Roles and Responsibilities of SSTs • • • • • • • •


Designing new procedures & methods: Autism Pro Circle of Care Project Leveled Literacy Intervention Partnership between Curriculum & Student Services Master Teacher Software and PD for all SSTs Inter-disciplinary Team Meetings Team Based Referral Intake Process Team Orientation Training for Support Staff EA Interview Guide and Rubric Piloting new Inclusion and Intervention Plan with the support of the Ministry and TPM • • • • • Redesign existing procedures/services: PSP Block Therapy: Example 1 , Example 2 Staffing Allotment (increase in SST & PSP staffing) Professional Service Provider PLCs PSP Cluster Assignments Increased Focus on Collaboration/Capacity Building/Communication

2011/12 Goals


• 98% of SSTs will successfully complete 6 self-directed modules from Master Teacher by June 2012.


• SSTs will be introduced to the Master Teacher Software, given training on the software, and provided release time to complete 1 or 2 modules • Remaining 2 Positive Path Forward Meetings will allow time to complete the remaining modules • SSTs will be encouraged to complete more than the 6 required modules on their own time

2011/12 Goals


By June 2012, GSSD Student Services Rubric ratings will increase to at least 3.5 as measured by a survey completed by SSTs, administrators and PSPs.


• The Inter-disciplinary meeting process will provide support and build capacity in teachers, PSPs, Administration, etc…. (2 to 3 times per year for selected students) • The referral intake meeting process and monthly review will be utilized to increase accountability on school staff & PSPs • Defined procedures for interdisciplinary team, referral intake, intensive support committee meetings will increase transparency and communication between the division office and schools

SECTION 2: Staffing Profile/Inter-Professional Collaboration (IPC)

Over the next 30 minutes we will discuss the following information: • GSSD Inter-professional Collaboration with GSSD • Darran Teneycke will give an administrator impression of IPC process for teachers & students • Michele Haczkewicz will give a PSPs impression of the IPC process for service providers • GSSD Staffing Ratios for PSP and Student Services Personnel • Continuous Improvement & Professional Learning Communities in the Student Services Department

Staffing Ratios for Professional Service Providers and Student Services Personnel Staff

Student Services Coordinators Student Services Teachers Educational Assistants

FTE 2011/2012

3 39.62


2012/13 Targets


Ratio of 1:2100


Ratio of 1:175 for SST Ratio of 1:600 for DIF


Ratio of 1:55

EAL Consultant/ Co-ordinator 1 1 Psychologist 2.8

School Counsellors Speech & Language Pathologists/SLPAs 11 4.66 2 2.8


Ratio of 1:450


Ratio of 1:1200

2 Occupational Therapists 1.75


Physical Therapists 1 1

GSSD Direction For 2015

3 1 Behaviour Coordinator 46 110 1 4 13 6

Ratio of 1: 1030

3 3 1

Continuous Improvement: Student Services Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

• This year, all of our Professional Service Providers (Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists/Speech and Language Pathologists, School Counsellors and Student Services Co ordinators) have united to form profession-specific PLCs or learning communities.

• In line with the Ministry Strategic Priorities, these PLCs have delineated the following long and short term goals:

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


Improved Learning Outcomes / Literacy & Achievement Educational Psychologists


By June 2012, Educational Psychologists will develop procedures, strategies, and resources to support classroom and student support teachers in increasing literacy achievement through Tier II and III Interventions.


• The Educational Psychologist PLC will research effective literacy interventions, provide individual and small group intervention support, increase teachers’ capacity through scaffolding, workshops, webinars, guided practice, etc.

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


Equitable Opportunities to Learn & Succeed Educational Psychologists


By June 2012, Educational Psychologists will utilize research based strategies in Math and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) to support student who fail to meet established school ELOs.

• The Educational Psychologist PLC will investigate utilizing “Do the Math” as well as key Math as intervention components for use within GSSD schools. Several schools will be used to pilot the resources (FLS & Columbia). The PLC will also utilize PBS, Skills Streaming, the 5 Point Scale, and Meta-cognitive Strategies to assist with student learning.

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


Smooth Transitions into and through the System Wide Accountability & Governance School Counsellors


School counsellors will collaborate to create a resource tab in the School Counsellors manual to refer to in the event of a traumatic event. The creation of this resource will build the capacity among GSSD counsellors by developing a better understanding of GSSD’s Admin. Procedures and sharing best practice/past experience when dealing with trauma. • • • Counsellors explored resources & agreed on materials from Confronting Death in the School Family as a primary resource.

All counsellors met to review materials as they related to GSSD Administrative Procedures.

Team reviewed AP 165 related to traumatic events to ensure common understanding of document.

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


Smooth Transitions into and through the System Wide Accountability & Governance School Counsellors School Counsellors will collaborate to develop a manual of procedures, forms, resources & Admin. Procedures to support GSSD Counsellors in providing consistent services and supports.

• School Counsellors will meet throughout the year to develop a manual that will include: a procedure for mentorship of new counsellors, roles and responsibilities, self-care & debriefing, crisis response and critical incident debriefing, community resources, partnerships, outside agency information and referral procedures, forms, Admin. Procedures related to the role of the counsellor & best practices, file transfer policies, listing of key training (Incredible Years, ASSIST, NVCI, TRA, Red Cross, CAFAS), counsellor assignments, emergency coverage information, education acronyms (SST, PSP, EA, TRA, NVCI, CAFAS, AP, etc.)

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


Smooth Transitions into and through the System Wide Accountability & Governance


Speech Language Pathologist & Speech Language Pathologist Assistants


● The SLP Professional Learning Community is striving for consistency of practice in the area(s) of assessment, tracking and reporting. ● ● By June 2012, the PLC will have establish common methods for assessing students, tracking progress and reporting to stakeholders using the 4 key PLC questions as focus points. ●


Establishment of common SLP Screeners & Assessments Universal Kdn. Screener to be selected and implemented during the 2012/13 school year Utilization of Google Calendar & Adobe Connect & Google Documents for effective information sharing Development of common assessment, tracking & reporting templates

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


Smooth Transitions into and through the System Wide Accountability & Governance


Speech Language Pathologist & Speech Language Pathologist Assistants


● The SLP Professional Learning Community will determine what is considered as developmental articulation errors for each of the late 8 sounds ● ● ● ● ●


SLPs will agree on Severity rating chart SLPs will agree upon and brain-storm tier 1 articulation strategies SLPs will model, train, coach and support tier 1 strategies in the classroom with teachers for Kdn. & grade 1 SLPs will move towards “block” treatment for articulation rather than “having students on caseload” SLPs will research and collect data as a team to agree upon a level at which students can move back to tier 1 SLPs will rank communication domains

Continuous Improvement in Student Services


● Smooth Transitions into and through the System Wide Accountability & Governance Occupational Therapists The OT Professional Learning Community is striving for consistency of practice in the area(s) of assessment, tracking and reporting. ● By June 2012, the PLC will have establish common methods for assessing students, tracking progress and reporting to stakeholders using the 4 key PLC questions as focus points. ● ●


Continue to revisit the 4 PLC questions Continue to refine and develop a variety of tier I, II, and III interventions house on the OT Google Docs. Continue to establish and refine common OT reporting, tracking, and assessment templates and practices Maintain close working relationships with health, etc....

SECTION 3: English as an Additional Language/Immigration

Over the next 15 minutes Carol will review the following information: • • • GSSD approaches to assessment of language proficiency GSSD EAL numbers and distribution GSSD EAL Handbook


English as an Additional Language Approaches to Assessment

Informal Assessment of listening, speaking, reading, writing and vocabulary skills for K-3. (Includes knowledge of alphabet, letter sounds, numbers, colours, shapes, school items, body parts, following simple directions, telling a story using a picture, writing words and sentences)

Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey


English as an Additional Language EAL Numbers for 2011 & 12

17 schools out of 28 in the Good Spirit School Division reported EAL students

Total reported students as of January 25 =


21 assessments completed since the beginning of 2011-12 school year

Since September, 2011, one-to-one contact with 39 EAL students and more than 30 teachers and EAs who work with EAL students


English as an Additional Language Countries & Languages Represented

Countries: Philippines, South Korea, Ukraine, Serbia, Hong Kong, China, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Guatemala, Israel, Honduras, Ireland, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Japan, Libya, Nigeria, Taiwan, Thailand, Slovakia, Canada • Languages: Tagalog, Ilocano, Korean, Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Polish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, Japanese, Arabic, Gujarati, Yoruba, Thai, Bangla, Urdu, Taiwanese, Slovak, Cree, Sioux


English as an Additional Language Protocols & Procedures

• EAL Registration Form • EAL Referral Form • Informal contact: E-mail, phone calls • Required from the school prior to assessment: student’s name, sex, birth date and year, grade placement, country of origin, first language and arrival date in Canada


English as an Additional Language Immigration Forecast

• Sunrise Health Region is actively recruiting nursing staff internationally at the present time. Some of the recruits are presently in Canada taking the necessary equivalency training. In most cases, their families have not yet immigrated, but will follow once employment is secured. • 28% of the nurses in Sunrise Health Region are eligible to retire in 2012. Nurses eligible for retirement will increase to 33% by 2015.

• Potential for more immigration with the proposed expansions in the potash industry south of Melville.

SECTION 4: Parent and/or Interagency Partnerships

Over the next 20 minutes Jacquie & Quintin will review the following information: • Progress on protocols with other agencies • Feedback gathered over the last 18 months from parents/caregivers, PSPs, and administrators as it relates to what is currently working, what is tricky and what needs to be done differently.

Community Connections


of Education

•EA Project/TEAM Orientation • ePPP & Impact Assessment Project •Wicitizon Group Home •Horizon School Division •Christ the Teacher School Division •Kitchener School RTI visit •ACCESS Referral •Assistive Technology Project


•Public Health (Nurses, ECP, SLP); Child and Youth Mental Health; Addictions; Acquired Brain Injury Program; Wascana Rehabilitation Center, ABCD •Cornerstone Therapies (OT, PT, Autism Strategy, Transition to School )

Social Services

•Adoption; Family Violence Services; Foster Care; Child Protection; Income Assistance; Community Living & Supports Division (CLSD)

Community Connections

Community Agencies

• Parkland Early Childhood Intervention Program (PECIP); Rail City Industries Partners • Mackenzie Center; Saskabilities; Autism Partnership in Calgary • Big Brothers and Sisters Mentorship Program; Boys and Girls Club

Corrections, Public Safety and Policing

• Justice: RCMP, Municipal Police, Young Offenders Program, Orcadia

Advanced Education & Training & INAC

• Parkland College, Career & Student Support Services, Learning Alliance • Partners in Employment • Supported Employment Program

Parent Participant Feedback

What is working?

What is tricky?

What might we do differently in the future?

• • • • •

Prof. Service Provider (PSP) Feedback: What Is Working?

Proactive approach is being implemented more than one-time assessment Supportive coordinators Very caring co-workers All school team members (SST, CT, family, EA, PSPs) are working as a team to strive to meet the programming needs of students. This takes ongoing communication and consultation.

o o “I, as a service provider, strive to provide a consistent approach to ongoing assessment and intervention”.

“I see an increase in classroom teachers taking more initiative in working directly with intensive needs students”.

o “I believe that there is more communication between PSPs than there has been. As well, the format of the PPPs is being understood better and therefore is a more useful method of intervention”.

o I feel that when used properly, our continuum of services can work well. When PSPs and teachers work together with the continuum, students’ needs are better met.

The acquisition of equipment and assistive technology through Student Services is an important component of what is working well

PSP Feedback: What Is Tricky?

• There is lack of time to do follow-up services from assessments and to evaluate the recommendations to see what is working.

• It is difficult to get schools to implement recommendations and then collect data to see if there is progress in a student.

• Limited availability of PSPs – would like to see additional professional support.

• o “I feel that there needs to be more SST and perhaps CT time dedicated to the actual program delivery of students with intensive needs. In some cases, it seems that the EAs are doing a considerable amount of program planning.

Prioritizing preventative programming – challenging for PSPs to be proactive as opposed to reactive.

PSP Feedback: What Might We Do Differently In The Future?

Less meetings

Scheduling more CT, PSP and SST time together could be facilitated by administration

Continue to explore accessing additional PSP time as another option to paraprofessional supports

PSP Participant Feedback

What is working?

What is tricky?

What might we do differently in the future?

Administrator Feedback: What Is Working?

• Clear sense of purpose from the school division • Educational Assistant training and qualifications are valued • Excellent service providers • Timely and effective support from the SSCs; concerns are easier to address • Process for accessing student support is working • Superintendent is visible in the schools and approachable • Schools feels strongly supported by the GSSD Student Support team at all levels • Transparency of decision-making process around student support time • PPPs are workable for teachers

Administrator Feedback: What Is Tricky?

• Finding a balance between Ministry and GSSD requirements and grassroots initiatives • Timeliness of PSP assessments, reports and follow-up • Wait-time for assessments can be long • PSPs are not always aware of school procedures (e.g. check-ins upon arrival)

Administrator Feedback: What Might We Do Differently In The Future?

• Increase qualified support personnel working directly with classroom teachers (SLPs, Psychologists, Counsellors, OTs, SSTs) • Make better use of PSP support presently in the school • Development of greater efficiency in providing supports when students transfer • Improve timeliness in filling student services vacancies (SSTs, EAs, PSPs) • Decrease “red tape” and streamline paperwork requirements • Decrease reliance on assessment results and increase actual time with students

Administrator Participant Feedback

What is working?

What is tricky?

What might we do differently in the future?


Enhancing Accountability for Students Identified as Receiving Supports

Over the next 20 minutes we will review the following: • • • For high school students identified as receiving intensive supports, review credit attainment

(information provided by the Ministry)

GSSD Transition Guide Transition Guide for Students in High School with Intensive Needs


Number of Credits Earned by Students with Intensive Supports, by Support Level Occasional Supports Grades 10-12 School Division Name Credits Earned Student Count AVG Good Spirit SD 204 Province Total

109 4,065 21 608 5.2


Frequent Supports Grades 10-12 Credits Earned Student Count

155 3,068 24 498




2010/2011 Total Credits Earned Student Count

264 7,133 45 1,106




• • • Includes all students in the SDS who earned a credit at a school that reports to a school division.

The student’s support date window must be within the school year to be included.

• If a school division is not listed, there is no data available (no credits earned at the division by students with intensive supports).

A student could potentially be counted at more than one school division if the student earned credits from more than one school division. A separate row at the bottom for Provincial Total give an accurate representation of the province view.


Number of Credits Earned by Students with Intensive Supports, by Support Level and Course Type School Division Name Course Type Good Spirit SD 204 Alternative Education Departmentally Developed Locally Developed Locally Modified Down Alternative Education Departmentally Developed Province Total Locally Developed Occasional Supports Grades 10-12 Frequent Supports Grades 10-12 Credits Earned


Student Count




Credits Earned


Student Count




71 0 23 870 2,672 45 18 0 10 158 558 42 3.9






81 1 9 956 1,722 30 22 1 9 174 444 28 3.7






2010/2011 Total Credits Earned


Student Count




152 1 51 1,826 4,394 75 40 1 19 332 1,002 70 3.8






Locally Modified Down

478 191 2.5

360 142 2.5

838 333 2.5

• • • • Includes all students in the SDS who earned a credit at a school that reports to a school division.

The student’s support date window must be within the school year to be included.

If a school division is not listed, there is no data available (no credits earned at the division by students with intensive supports).

A student could potentially be counted at more than one school division if the student earned credits from more than one school division. A separate row at the bottom for Provincial Total give an accurate representation of the province view.

SECTION 6: Future Directions & Collaborative Problem-Solving

Over the next 20 minutes Andrea, Darran & Quintin will review the following: • What is occurring at the universal and targeted levels for students, to reduce the number identified with intensive needs • Levelled Literacy Intervention • Do The Math

Future Directions

• Continued promotion of Universal Design concepts within the classroom Universal Design in action at Victoria School • Focus on “Assistive Technology” standards in elementary, middle years, and high school classrooms – potential partnership with the Ministry • Non Violent Crisis Intervention & PBIS training for all schools • Professional Service Provider PLCs • Professional Growth Plans for PSPs – reviewed in the fall, mid year and spring • Performance Appraisals for PSPs • PSP Referral/Intake Process – utilization of technology to enhance collaboration

Future Directions

• Possible establishment of Differentiated Instruction Facilitators in each of our 28 schools • Continued refinement of staffing ratios • Universal screeners in reading, math, and behaviour • Universal acceptance of the Understanding By Design Unit Planning process UBD Blog • Continued capacity building of SSTs in effective reading instruction and assessment • Continued work towards standardization of practice for PSPs and SSTs • Piloting “re-tooled” Impact Assessment and ePPP to the new IIP

Final Note Around 3 C’s –

Communication, Collaboration & Capacity Building

• 3 year PPP review process at the division level to build capacity of SSTs and admin -

capacity building, communication, and collaboration with other schools as they learn how others do things - 'competitive collaboration'

• All 28 schools represented at fall Dufour PLC Solution Tree conference -

capacity building

• All staff represented at the fall RTI conference -

capacity building

• PLC time built into early dismissal days to support all three c's at the school level Working with Digital Learning coaches regarding Assistive Technology requests and options -

collaboration and capacity building

• School counsellors share case loads monthly -


• Referral Intake Meeting process - addresses all 3 c's -

communication, collaboration & capacity building

• CLASS ACT for administrators and new teachers -

capacity building

• Admin and Student Services 'At A Glance' calendars -

communication & capacity building

• Inter-disciplinary Team Meetings -

addresses all 3 c's for schools and PSPs

• FLEX time for EAs allows them to be included in team meetings for students -


ddresses all 3 c's • Admin gather data on LIP goals and report results to fellow admin, SCCs and parents -

addresses all 3 c's

Discussion & Questions

Thank you for joining us today!

Ministry of Education

Corey Hadden Shelley Adams

GSSD Parents

Cindy Costigan Carolyn Debnam Leshia Sanderson

Horizon School Division

Darrell Paproski – Sup’t of Student Services Student Support Services Staff

Good Spirit School Division Senior Leadership Team

Dwayne Reeve – Director of Education Sherry Todosichuk – Sup’t of Business Juanita Brown – Sup’t of Instruction Susan Maserek – Sup’t of Schools Withman Jaigobin – Sup’t of Schools

GSSD Student Services Staff

Iris Rowlett – Central Cluster SSC Tracy Huckell – South Cluster SSC Adelle Kopp-McKay – North Cluster SSC Quintin Robertson – Sup’t of Student Services Carol McCullough – EAL Co-ordinator Andrea Hnatiuk - Literacy Coach Michele Haczkewicz - SLP

GSSD School Based Staff

Darran Teneycke – Principal Jana Szabo - SST

Partner Organizations

Jacquie Holzmann – Sunrise Health Region