G2S building block - Gaming Standards Association

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Transcript G2S building block - Gaming Standards Association

How to speed up the implementation of
GSA standards into new products
G2S Building blocks
May 2010
Green Valley Ranch - Las Vegas, NV
Ales Gornjec, Hermes SoftLab
 Why GSA and G2S
 Approach to providing G2S solutions to
gaming machine vendors
 Why developing our own set of tools?
 Generic implementation versus specific
 Integration challenges and solutions
 G2S host and S2S protocol building blocks
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Hermes SoftLab
At a glance
HERMES SoftLab is an international provider of
software engineering services & IT solutions
Established: 1990
Member of ComTrade Group since 2008
Headquarters: Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU
Employees: 850+
Main markets:
 gaming & storage industries
 telecommunication service providers
 financial institutions and the public sector
 Quality certificates: ISO-9001/TickIT by BSI
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The need for GSA and G2S?
 For heavily regulated industries (like
gambling) standards are very important
 Single vendor environments are easier to
build but – players require variety
 Standards break vendor lock-in situations
 First important steps already made
 Now certification program and GSA university
are also available
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Complexity GSA Protocol sizes and growth
today (May 2010)
replaced by G2S
*SAS included only for comparison of spec and functionalities covered
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Hermes decision and goals?
 Previous experience with industry standards
 Knowledge transfer from other segments (XML, SOAP, security)
 The need
 Due to its complexity G2S requires significant investments (time,
resources, knowledge)
 Standards can’t be deployed successfully without wider vendor support
 Vendors are asking themselves:
 to develop or
 to buy and integrate?
 Implementation goals:
Compatibility with vendor platforms (OS and language)
Low resource consumption (ram and processing power)
Easy integration
Clear separation between protocol stack, integration and platform to
allow easy maintenance
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Build or buy decision
Buy (+)
Shorter time line
Portable design
Clear and stable API
Proper support for extensions
Phased integration – low risk
from the start
Maintenance covered
Internal resources not locked
into long implementation
Full control
No external dependencies
Optimal implementation and
integration into the platform
Possibility to reuse platform
features (persistence, logging, …)
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Timeline projection
1 1 /1 0 - 1 2 /1 0
7 /1 0 - 8 /1 0
C o re
c la s s e s
in te g ra tio n
6 /1 0 - 6 /1 0
F e a s ib ility w o rk s h o p
C e rtific a tio n
v e rific a tio n
8 /1 0 - 1 1 /1 0
F u ll in te g ra tio n
7 /1 0
1 0 /1 0
1 /1 1
1 /1 1 - 7 /1 1
in te g ra tio n a n d p la tfo rm a d ju s te m e n ts
5 /1 0 - 7 /1 0
7 /1 0 - 9 /1 0
9 /1 0 - 1 0 /1 0
In itia l
in v e s tig a tio n
K n o w -h o w g a th e rin g
In fra s tru c tu re
im p le m e n ta tio n
7 /1 0
1 0 /1 0 - 6 /1 1
G 2 S C la s s im p le m e n ta tio n
1 0 /1 0
1 /1 1
1 /1 1 - 7 /1 1
in te g ra tio n a n d p la tfo rm a d ju s te m e n ts
7 /1 1 - 1 0 /1 1
1 0 /1 0 - 6 /1 1
C e rtific a tio n
a n d v e rific a tio n
G 2 S C la s s im p le m e n ta tio n
4 /1 1
7 /1 1
1 0 /1 1
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Project – investigation & planning
 High level management decision: we need G2S!
 Project team is formed to
study the protocol basics,
investigate feasibility and
prepare high level estimates
takes 2 months, estimates 10 EM for basic implementation
 Implementation team is formed to prepare
high level architecture,
designs and
project plan
takes 3 months, plan to finish in 8 months, discovered that testing will
be difficult and testing tools need to be developed or acquired
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Project risks
 When building own solution for G2S
 Resources
 Engineers
 Know how
 Product:
 Performance impact
 Interoperability
 Compliance
 When buying and integrating
 Platform compatibility
 External dependencies
 Difficult to evaluate quality in advance
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Platform requirements
 Persistent Memory usage
 G2S with three main classes: ~6 kB raw data (30kB
with SQLite)
 G2S with all 23 classes: ~84 KB raw data (150kB with
 Minimal system requirements
 Memory (RAM): 20 - 50 MB
 CPU consumption
 Game-cycle simulation: about 20ms/cycle
 That is 50 games per second can be simulated on a
dual-core PC
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Phased integration process
 Main goal is to identify and mitigate risks as early as possible
 Designed in a way to answer critical questions early:
 Is platform able to fulfill G2S requirements ?
 Integration feasibility (interfacing, process and threading model,
resource management...) ?
 Hardware: are CPU and memory resources sufficient ?
 NVRAM usage
 Prof of concept phase gives basic working integration
 Additional functionalities integration is dictated by customer
and it’s priorities
 Final phase helps with certifications and product deployment
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Integration points and APIs
 High level API is easier to integrate
 Covers 90% of class functionality (ordinary use)
 Can be combined with raw G2S API for special cases
 Raw API is a direct mapping of G2S commands:
 Classes
 Commands
 Similar structures
EGM Platform Adapter
G2S Classes
Application Services
EGM Platform
Technical Services
Foundation (Platform Abstraction)
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Protocol versions and maintenance
 Currently 2 major G2S version branches (1.0.3 and 2.0.3)
 Only deployment of version 1.0.3 is publicly known
 Several S2S versions released
 Several version deployed
 Several dialects
 Interoperability problems quite common
 Maintenance cost can be considerable
 Upgrades to new versions
 Interoperability fixes
 Backward compatibility issues
 Using a generic implementation is a good path to
 Reduce costs,
 Reduce interoperability issues and
 Shorten time to market
 HSL host implementation provides multi-version support
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Supporting G2S tools
 Needed for stack development and testing
 Internal tools allow our own pace for supporting new versions
 Possibility to develop different incarnations
 Complex GUI for manual testing
 Console application for load/performance testing
 Scriptable client for test automation
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 Unit testing
 over 200 unit tests, cover all G2S commands
 System testing
 test cases for each class ( 30-100 test cases per class)
 Automation
 host simulator workflows
 Performance
 latency and CPU usage measurement
 Stress testing
 using command line EGM simulator
 EGM simulator instance with 200 game devices ~16MB of RAM
 for 1000 instances, 16GB RAM.
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 Problems seen:
optional commands, elements and attributes
protocol versioning
protocol backward compatibility is not 100%
problems with extensions
 How to improve:
defensive approach to design and implementation
design with multi-version in mind
version and extension agnostic APIs design
protocols need to improve in this area too
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What is still ahead of us
 Wider product support (both host and EGM side)
 Push seen from distributed gaming side (lotteries)
 Individual deployments with some operators
 Push in some jurisdictions
 Initial interoperability issues resolved
 Still a lot of work needed
 Improvements in products based on new features available
 Bigger push /need from operators will come after that
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