Information Technology Functional Q2 Report

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Glimpse of Reviews

Seelam Reddy

ULA-Boeing/Lockheed JV


3 year project

May 6, 2014 -Recap

Robert McConnell took a job with ULA Seelam Reddy replaced on May 23, 2008

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Wendy, As a lot of thought went into how we would transition my role, I am glad to hear you agreed with the recommendation George, Denise and I put together for a go-forward strategy. We believe that at this point of the ULA transition,

my leadership role could be absorbed by Seelam

. We are now managing to the separation plan the team developed. With the additional resource provided by George Garcia and efforts by Seelam, Matt and Cassandra, I am confident the transition will complete smoothly and effectively.


my official start date with ULA is May 23rd,

please feel free to contact me at anytime for assistance.

It has been great to work with you and the entire transition team!

Thanks, Bob

Robert R. McConnell, PMP

Project Manager Computing & Network Operations Boeing Information Technology Telephone 714.372.0355 Cellular 562.243.2011 email [email protected]

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Boeing ULA Divestiture Team – May 2008 till end of 2009

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Information Technology Business Partner

Business Partner

Jim Freeman Program Manager

Program Manager

Denise Patrick Support

Business Management

Ted Meyers IT Systems & Services

Pix Eng Systems

Ken Dickerson

Site Services

Patrice Harris Enterprise Functions


Tomi Gosser-Sutton Remote Sites

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John Mantz

Staff Support

Cindy Lopez

Supply Chain

Paul Bukauskas

HR Project Manager

Jenny Lovell

Information Protection

Kevin Miller


Cassandra Holder


Roxanne LaForce


Rich Hagmann


BAUB- Left for ULA

Acquisitions, Mergers & Divestitures Lead

Barry La Freniere

Mfg & QA

Irene Umamoto


Felicia Woodson

AMD Support

Denise Olsen

Web App Development

Bill Roberts CNO Lead PM Seelam Reddy

Boeing Support Team for ULA

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2007-2008 Robert McConnell-Project Mgr

•BAUH- Project Management Specialist •

Reddy replaced McConnell in May 2008 as PM

Cost, Schedule; Plans; Risk Management, Project Reviews and Closure

My job code was not changed in 2008 or 2009 –

stayed BAMY (12/2009) or BAUQ(06/2007-12/2009)

IT Executive Kim Hammonds Review – Year End 2009

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   Due to Un-Manned Launch market and competitiveness; Boeing and Lockheed formed ULA a joint venture (JV) 50% owned by each company and announced that plan on May 5, 2005.

 Day 1: Federal Trade Commission approval December 1, 2006  Separation from Parent Companies September 30, 2009.

Customer Engagement assembled a cross functional team to develop and execute a plan to successfully separate the Delta Launch business and employees from the Boeing Company.

Customer Engagement became a key member of the overall Program Management team

, representing the IT Infrastructure The Team had representation from:  Delta Program Mgt (ULA non existence at time)      IT Infrastructure (Network, Desktop, Server, Storage, Messaging, Voice, Cellular, IT Security) Applications Security Finance Payroll and HR Key activities were:  Transition team established a roadmap towards a “ to be” Architecture to accomplish segregation, in preparation for a successful separation   Provided transition infrastructure and services Created Shared Policy Domains to host ULA applications and tools in a transitional area until they could be fully migrated to the company infrastructure   Boeing continued with support of ULA employees (heritage Boeing) for HR services (ETS, Payroll, Benefits) Application support for SAP, Finance, Manufacturing, etc.

 Full separation was achieved by September 30, 2009.

 The infrastructure separation occurred on June 13, 2009 when ULA Genesis servers were vacated from Huntington Beach. Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


2009: Four major projects; 75% BAUH and other BAMY

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Four Major Projects in 2009

1.0 ULA Divestiture/IT Separation 75% in 2009


work; UH-Project Management Specialist

2.0 Opportunity Assessment work 3.0 Small Sites Support 4.0 Employee Survey Action Items


work; MY- Versatile Technologist Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


PE Ratings received in Dec/January – all ‘GOOD’

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Year 2009 and PEYear-End

Good PE Review

Mid Year and Year-End 2009

Positive PE Customer Feedback in 2009

Pride Awards in 2009

One On ULA Two On Opportunity Assessment One on Employee Survey Action Items

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2009 PE Interim July 13 and Final PE December 18

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2009 July 13 Assigned Manager's

Comments Seelam has done a great job representing CNO as the lead for the ULA divestiture. The team has made great strides toward finalizing the divestiture this year. Seelam has also taken on a few new assignments this year. He has taken over facilitation of the Lean Opportunity assessment project as well as recently supporting Seal Beach two days a week.

I've added 2 additional BGOs as of last week to represent that work. Seelam has some additional areas he is working to improve such as communication and listening that will help improve his teaming and leadership skills. Seelam will also be setting up monthly meetings with our remote sites, Heath, Ogden, and El Paso to improve communication and customers support. Overall, Seelam is on target to meet his BGOs this year. Interim Signatures Signed by: Lonergan, Wendy M on 07/13/2009

2009 December 18 Assigned Manager's

Comments Wendy Lonergan, Seelam's manager for 11 months stated, "Seelam has done a good job this year completing the united launch alliance divestiture. Seelam has also taken on new challenges supporting the remote sites for C3N as well as partial support to Seal Beach. Seelam is on track to meet affordability challenges in El Paso and has worked diligently to increase overall customer satisfaction at C3N Remote sites. I would encourage growth for Seelam is in the area of communication and listening, this will help improve his teaming and leadership skills. I also encourage continued learning of cost pool structures, EAC processes, and LRBP planning".

Castro, Ralph S on 12/18/2009


MY PE Ratings – 6 Years (2009-2004)

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Information Technology MY Performance Evaluation for the last six years

Problem Solving Communication Technical Skills and knowledge Integrity Quality and Productivity

Customer Satisfaction

People working together Good Corporate Citizenship Enhanced Shareholder value Leadership Overall Assessment and Performance value Lonergan 2009 Met

Met Some

Met Met

Met Some Exceeded

Met Met Met Met Met Expectation Lonergan 2008 Exceeded Met Met Met Met


Exceeded Met Met Met Met Expectation Castro 2007 Exceeded Exceeded Met Met Met


Met Met Met Exceeded Exceeded Gutierrez 2006 Met Met Met Met Met


Exceeded Met Met Met Met Expectation Cantrell 2005 Met Exceeded Met Exceeded Met


Exceeded Met Met Met Met Expectation Cantrell 2004 Met Met Met Met Met


Exceeded Met Met Met Met Expectation Business Goals and Objectives overall Met Expectation Met Expectation Exceeded Met Expectation Met Expectation Met Expectation assessment

Consistent Support to Customers and achieved ‘Exceeded’ Customer Satisfaction last 6 years

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Seelam Reddy KEY Accomplishments in 2009

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Rated “Met” all BG&Os Rated “Met” Performance values

ULA Separation completed

• Pride Award, Mid-year review, Year-end review; program manager;

Opportunity Assessment project

• 5 Directors – 20 people on the team • Pride award from the director Meredith and manager Lonergan Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.

Multi-tasking – 4 projects



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ULA project performance

• •

I did good work in 2009 Contributed to Boeing success

Thank you

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PE Review 2009

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Positive Feedback from my Manager Wendy Lonergan

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Seelam Reddy 2008 PE Review Documented

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Information Technology Meet LRBP 1. Be the CNO transition lead to support United Launch Alliance transition.

Take on additional responsibilities to fill in overall project management of CNO activities Measurement: 1. Closure target completion by December 2008 Manager (Wendy Lonergan) Comments in 2008 PE Close out

“Seelam has been a wonderful add to our C3N team this year. He has done an outstanding job managing the infrastructure separation activities for the ULA divestiture.

Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


Customer PE Inputs 2009

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Positive Feedback from Customers and Peers

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PE 2009 Input by Denise Patrick – ULA IT Program Manager

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PE input by Denise Patrick (Boeing - ULA Divestiture IT Program Manager) - Dec 2, 2009 to my previous and current manager

o " Seelam and I worked very effectively together on the ULA assignment for several years. Seelam interacted with and effectively led a large matrix team of performers within CNO who had to do a large variety of actions such as - closing out all email accounts, getting all Network connections shut down, all servers dispositioned and out of the data center, just to name a few. ULA is a separate company and although we own a fraction of them we did not have control over them so most situations had to be negotiated. Seelam did a good job with achieving the delicate balance between push and keeping everyone working together. Something that I think is worth noting is that Seelam treated the technical experts with respect and created an environment where they could do their work and not be hampered with administrative tasks. I think the tech team appreciated Seelam keeping them informed but not burdened with too much messy interface with ULA.” Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


PE 2009 Year-end Input by Bob Geraci – N&TS Finance

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PE Input by Bob Geraci (Boeing - Finance) Dec 18, 2009 PE Review attached below:

“Customer Satisfaction – Seelam pushed for solutions / resolutions, and would not be satisfied until he had them. Where the team was experiencing barriers to a solution, this sometimes required brainstorming sessions to find ways to work around accepted practice. Seelam initiated these sessions, and ensured that they were employed, and that after the fact, the expected results were demonstrated. This follow through is critical in a transition project management job. Leadership – In resolving the Genisys server transition issue, coordination between ULA desires and Boeing procedure sometimes were not in synch. Ultimately through a practice of percolating issues to a higher level, he was able to get items dispositioned and therefore available to ULA for their system integration effort. I know that for some of his group, this was “breaking new grounds”. Seelam encouraged his group to think out of the box to get the authorizations completed so that the servers could be transitioned to Denver.”

 Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


PE 2009 Year-end Input by Carol Aragon-Smith – IT I EO&T

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PE Input by Carol Aragon-Smith (Boeing IT Operations for Small Sites) - December 13, 2009

o "Seelam's performance has always been nothing less than outstanding as he provides a tremendous service to many of our C3 Network small site teams. Seelam has worked together with our teams to help site leadership understand business affordability, cost variability and service level agreements defined for local small site IT and enterprise services.

Seelam has also participated in multiple discussions relative to long range business plans and capital spend as business cases are developed for the enterprise customer engagement leaders. He has always done an outstanding job on working customer engagement actions with our remote site customers, relative to end user services, business development, service restructure or process improvements. Seelam 's easy going demeanor, high sense of professionalism, keen sense of project management, business acumen, technical innovation, and customer care is a winning combination for our team. Overall Seelam has contributed very well this past year".

Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


PE 2009 Input by Bert Wong Boeing -IT Business Partner, Small Sites – Part 1

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o o

PE Input by Bert Wong to my previous manager (Boeing -IT Business Partner, Small Sites) November 25, 2009

"Since Performance Management is upon us … want to provide you with a customer feedback report about Seelam Reddy's service to myself representing Ogden, El Paso & Heath. Leadership Attributes: Seelam is strong in Delivering Results. For every meeting Seelam has hosted with me regarding IT projects, Seelam has provided the necessary information to have a productive meeting. Live the Boeing Values - Based upon my experiences with Seelam, he does live the Boeing values. I have not found any flaws or conflicting opinions in Seelam’s communications. Hence, the diverse organization respects and trusts Seelam’s judgment. Seelam takes responsibility for his assignments and continues to "drive forward" seeking resolution to required / emergent events … e.g. enabling BEPS in El Paso and providing business case to Boeing capital review boards for WAN hardware needs for Ogden Inspire Others - Tough to rate this one. Not sure if his job scope allows enough latitude here for me to assess. Copyright © 2006 Boeing. All rights reserved.


PE Input Bert Wong – Part 2

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PE Input by Bert Wong to my previous manager (Boeing -IT Business Partner, Small Sites) November 25, 2009

I do know that I have requested information from Seelam about supporting emergent business needs for Engineering at the Heath site and Seelam is seeking to acquire information to provide value added inputs so Heath can make intelligent business decisions. Thus, Seelam is the catalyst to spark conversations to support Heath business needs. Finds a way …. I would say Seelam met expectations. Seelam does have a variety of commitments; delivery of services, communications of recent IT / business events at the sites. Seelam has not disappointed me in any of these activities which means Seelam is figuring out how to derive the necessary answers to the variety of complex questions he is posed. Charts the course -- unable to rate Sets High Expectations - Seelam has met expectations on this attribute. To exceed expectations would require a discussion between Seelam, management and business partner on a plan to accomplish. As an illustration, the remote site leaders would need to provide inputs such as "this effort really helped our business." Hence, the services would be widely recognized as value added and significantly improves the performance of 19

Seelam Reddy completed FOUR Key Projects in 2009

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Four Major projects in 2009 are:

1.0 2.0 3. 0 4.0 United Launch Alliance Divestiture and IT Separation from Boeing -

75% of work

IT Customer Engagement Opportunity Assessment project for Boeing Boeing former C3 Networks (N&TS) Small Sites Support Improvement Employee Survey Improvement project for two senior managers