RDA Resources Discovery and Access

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Resource Description and Access
Magda El-Sherbini
May 11, 2006
Why we need new standards?
AACR2 was published in 1978
Many updates
The international Conference on the
Principle and the future Development
of AARC2 held in Toronto 1997
As part of its strategic plan, the JSC
is working towards a new edition of
AACR (scheduled for publication in
Background Cont…
In December 2004 a draft of part I of AACR3 was made
available to the constituencies for review, and the
responses were discussed at the April 2005 meeting
At the April 2005 meeting, in response to the constituency
review to the draft of part I, the JSC and Committee of
Principals decided to take a different approach to the new
edition. As part of this, the decision was made to use a new
working title: “RDA: Resource Description and
Why the name changed?
Flexible framework for describing all
resources - analog and digital
Incorporate FRBR terminology and concepts
How will RDA be structured?
There will be three major sections to RDA plus appendices, a
glossary, and an index. The three main sections include:
Part I - Resource Description (including the functional
objectives and principles of resource description)
Part II - Relationships (general guidelines on reflecting
relationships including persons, families and corporate
bodies associated with the resource; citations for related
works, and special instructions for particular types of works)
Part III - Access Point Control (formulating access points
recording data used in access point control)
How will RDA Cont..
Appendices dealing with capitalization,
abbreviations, initial articles,
presentation of descriptive data, and
presentation of access point control
ISBD punctuation
ISBD punctuation will not be required as has
been the case in AACR2 but will be an
Instruction on its application in relation to
data elements defined in RDA will appear in
an appendix of RDA.
RDA timeline (subject to
May 2005-July 2005: Development of prospectus
Oct. 2005-April. 2006: Completion of draft of part I,
and constituency review
May 2006-Sept. 2006: Completion of draft of part II,
and constituency review
Oct. 2006-Apr. 2007: Completion of draft of part III,
and constituency review
May 2007-Sept. 2007: Completion of General
Introduction, Appendices, and Glossary
2008: Publication
RDA Discussion list
An RDA discussion list has been
RDA Discussion list
Frequently asked questions on RDA have
been grouped into the following categories:
1. RDA Basics
2. RDA Organization and Governance
3. RDA Development
4. Details of RDA's Content
5. Submitting Comments on RDA
6. RDA's Effect on my Library
7. RDA Publication
8. RDA and MARC 21
RDA: Resource Description and Access
(July 2005) [PDF format]
RDA: Resource Description and Access
(July 2005 - Chinese) [PDF format]
RDA : Description des ressources et
accès (July 2005 - French) [PDF format]
RDA: Descripción y Acceso de Recursos
(July 2005 - Spanish) [PDF format]
The Joint Steering Committee web Page