Transcript Slide 1

Northern California Regional Service Committee
RCM Orientation
Orientation Topics:
Welcome to the Regional Service Office
People you should know (and why you should know them)
A Quick Overview of the NA Service Structure
Elements of the Regional Service Structure
A look ahead to today’s RSC (Breaking down the Agenda)
Additional resources (to help you do your job)
Welcome to the Regional Service Office:
Our Regional Service Office:
Provides the distribution of NA literature to Areas, Groups, and
members in Northern California
Provides a central, permanent location for the RSC, RSO Board,
NCCNA and H&I/PR to meet regularly
Serves as storage for Convention merchandise and equipment
as well as the Regions records and archives
Welcome to the Regional Service Office:
Things to consider while at the RSO:
The photocopier is for Regional Reports and information. It is not the
appropriate place to make several hundred fliers for an area event!
There are certain areas of the RSO that we ask members not to venture into
without permission from a Board member. We do have literature,
merchandise and equipment that must be treated the same as cash
Remember that the RSO holds several committee meetings, and our Special
workers spend their weekdays here; so let’s keep the office clean!
This is our Fellowships office; we want everyone to feel comfortable and
welcome. If there is something you need, please ask us!
People You should Know:
RSC Chair and Vice Chair:
The RSC Chair and Vice Chair can help you with any additional orientation,
procedural questions, access to guidelines, or facilitation of requests from your
area. They can also put you in touch with the right person to assist you with any
special needs you may have
Current RSC Chair: Jon B – American River Area
Current RSC Vice Chair: Frank W – Peninsula Area
RSO Board Representative:
The BOD Rep can help you with any facilities needs during your visit. Also, the
BOD Rep can help with any insurance questions or concerns you may have
regarding a meeting or area event, as well as fulfillment of literature orders
Current BOD Rep: Sue L – Mission Peak Area
People You should Know:
Regional Delegate and Alternate:
The RD and RDA are your connection to NA World Services and NA as a whole.
They serve as your primary resource and point of contact regarding all aspects of
NA World Services and the rest of the fellowship outside of Northern California.
They strive to keep you informed of all the developments in NA and are available
for workshops or guidance on a variety of NA Service Issues
Current RD: Lenny R – San Francisco Area
Current RD Alternate: Matt S – San Francisco Area
Regional PR Coordinators:
The RSC provides 2 coordinators to serve as resources and mentors for the
provision of PR services throughout the Region. The coordinators assist areas in
coordinating PR workshops/learning days and provide ongoing PR training &
education for members throughout the Region. If your area needs assistance in
interfacing with the public, these are the people that have their hands on the
resources and can help you
Current PR Coordinator: Rory B – American River Area
Current PR Coordinator: Vacant
People You should Know:
Regional H&I Chair and Vice Chair:
The H&I Chair and Vice Chair can help you with anything your local H&I
subcommittee might need and can also help if your area is having difficulties
serving a prison or other large facility. Like the PR coordinators, the H&I Chair and
Vice Chair are available to provide ongoing training and mentoring in all aspects of
H&I service through workshops and learning days
Current H&I Chair: Ginny N – Contra Costa Area
Current H&I Vice Chair: Vacant
The NCCNA Rep can help you with any questions or concerns regarding the
Northern California Regional Convention; including questions about the process for
areas to submit bids to host an NCCNA subcommittee. The NCCNA subcommittee
is also a great repository of events experience and the NCCNA Rep may be able
to provide some guidance on any event-related issues your area may be having
Current NCCNA Rep: Paul D – Peninsula Area
People You should Know:
Your Fellow RCMs!
Every RCM had their first Regional meeting at one point. Many are now
knowledgeable RSC veterans that can assist you in navigating your new adventure.
A benefit of the size and diversity of the Northern California Region is that the
RCMs represent a dynamic cross-section of hard-won NA service experience from
different NA Communities. You may find the best answers and insights from the
RCM sitting right next to you, even if their area is 300 miles away!
A Quick Overview of the NA Service Structure:
14,000 + weekly meetings in Northern California turn to 21 Area Service Committees to provide
local services
The NCRSC Provides coordination amongst the areas and provides resources so they may
provide direct services to the Groups
The Northern California Region is one of 70+ regions seated at the World Service Conference,
a biennial gathering of delegates from around the world that takes action on issues concerning
NA as a Whole; providing direction to the World Board
Northern California RSC
World Service Conference
A Quick Overview of the NA Service Structure:
Our Regional Neighbors:
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
Consists of 2 RCMs from each Area, the H&I Chair & Vice Chair, 2 PR Coordinators, 1 RSO BOD
Representative , 1 NCCNA Representative, and 7 members of the Regional Administrative
Committee. All together, this could total 55 People!
The RSC has embraced the spirit of the 7th Concept for NA Service and recognizes both RCMS
from each area as full voting participants. Although some areas choose to distinguish between
RCMS using terms such as “alternate” or “Senior/Junior” RCM for continuity of experience, no
such distinctions are made at the Regional Level
All members of the RSC bear substantial responsibility for Regional Services and fully participate
in the decision making process. The only exception is when a motion is directly referred to Areas.
In these instances, only the RCMs, carrying a direct conscience from their area, vote on that
Northern California RSC
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
The RSC does not provide any direct “hands-on” services and functions more as an assembly
than as a committee in the classic sense. If you’re not good with “Robert’s Rules of Order,” you’ll
be relieved to discover that voting on motions is a very small part of what we do here
The RSC serves primarily as a forum for sharing experience, strength and hope, providing
guidance and direction for regional services and assisting the areas. Forum discussion of Area,
Regional, and, occasionally, World, issues is the part of the RSC that seems to be the most
valuable for our members
The RSC occasionally meets in some of our geographically isolated areas, usually upon that areas
request, as a show of unity and a gesture to offset a small part of the travel burden these areas
face on a monthly basis
Northern California RSC
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
RSC Administrative Committee:
The Administrative Committee is much like your Area Administrative Committee, consisting of a
Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Regional Delegate and
Regional Delegate Alternate
The Administrative Committee meets monthly, usually just prior to the RSC and keeps abreast
of regional, area and world issues in their discussions; ensuring that the RSC is fully informed
and that we are all looking at the “big picture.” Members of the Administrative committee are
appointed liaisons to each Regional Subcommittee to act as the “voice” of the RSC when the
RSC is not in session. The administrative committee has been granted authority to handle
critical or time-sensitive decisions that may need to be made between meetings of the RSC.
Unlike other members, who only serve for 1 year terms in their positions, the RD and RD
Alternate serve for 2 year terms. This is based on the fact that the WSC meets every 2 years
and considerable service experience is required to be an effective RD. Although it hasn’t
happened yet, a person could serve as RD Alternate and then RD for up to 8 years!
Northern California RSC
RSC Admin
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
RSO Board of Directors:
The RSO Board is comprised of 9 members, 3 of whom are directly elected annually by the
RSC and 6 who are selected from a pool of candidates screened by the RSC to serve for 2 year
terms. The Board meets monthly, usually on the first Saturday of the Month, to manage
literature distribution, convention finances & contracts, the regional insurance policy, office
facilities and equipment, and other tasks as requested by the RSC
NCSRO, Inc. is a California not-for-profit 501 C.(3) corporation. We entrust all of the Regions
legal and insurance issues, as well as financial management of the Convention to the BOD.
Although NCRSO, Inc. is an incorporated business, the Board remains fully accountable to the
In keeping with the Eight Tradition, the RSO Employs “Special Workers”. These are individuals
that may or may not be NA Members, but who work for the RSO as paid employees during the
work week. Our special workers primarily fill literature orders, but they do a variety of other
tasks as well to help us provide services to NA in Northern California
Northern California RSC
RSC Admin
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
The NCCNA subcommittee is comprised of 23 members, 17 of whom are elected directly from
the RSC to serve 2 year terms, and 6 of whom who are elected by the Areas awarded
Programming, Host, and Registration subcommittee bids.
NCCNA plans, organizes and facilitates the Northern California Regional Convention;
historically one of the largest and best-managed conventions in NA. In addition to planning the
current years convention, the committee is always looking ahead several years at facilities for
upcoming conventions, an increasingly difficult task as we continue to grow!
Convention finances are managed by NCRSO on behalf of the RSC. Therefore the Convention
finds itself needing to answer to both bodies. Accordingly, both the RSC and RSO Liaisons to
NCCNA are full voting members of the convention committee and NCCNA sends either their
Chair or Vice Chair to both the RSC and RSO Board meetings
Northern California RSC
RSC Admin
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
PR Coordinators:
The RSC Elects 2 PR Coordinators annually in June. The PR Coordinators serve as Northern
California's resource of experience and information on all aspects of Public Relations service.
The coordinators provide training and education to strengthen Area PR efforts by facilitating
workshops, learning days and training sessions. The Coordinators also host an open “PR
Forum” held on the second Saturday of even numbered months at the RSO. The forum allows
for communication and coordination of Area PR efforts, and training sessions on various PR
related topics. The Coordinators also help area PR efforts by providing a booth for area events
and assisting wherever requested
Northern California RSC
RSC Admin
Elements of the Regional Service Structure:
H &I Chair/Vice Chair:
The H&I Chair and Vice Chair facilitate the Regional H&I Subcommittee. They take an active
role in facilitating workshops, learning days and training sessions to strengthen area H&I efforts.
The H&I Chair and Vice Chair are available to assist coordination of H&I efforts in large State,
Federal , or geographically isolated facilities that may be too demanding on the resources of
any one area alone. Additionally, the H&I Chair and Vice Chair maintain a small literature fund
to help area H&I subcommittees with temporary shortfalls.
Northern California RSC
RSC Admin
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Introductions and Birthdays
Area Reports
Area Forum
Regional Reports
Regional Forum
“Just for Today” Reading
Roll Call/Quorum Count and approval of Minutes
Old Business & Elections
New Business
This sounds like a big order,
and we couldn’t do it all at
once, so we do take breaks!
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Area Reports:
Area Reports are your opportunity to stand up at the microphone (don’t
be too intimidated, we all have to do it !) and tell us the highlights of
what’s going on in your area. This is also the time to ask that an issue
you or your area would like to have discussed be placed on the “Area
Forum” part of the agenda
The most effective reports focus on the “highlights of the highlights.”
Getting into too much detail regarding routine monthly finances or arealevel business will lose your audiences attention. All of these facts can
be included in your written report for the minutes. Try to focus on the
“Big Picture” when giving your verbal report!
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Area Reports:
You will be asked to email your report to the RSC Secretary. The
Secretary has to compile reports from up to 21 areas, as well as 11
administrative/subcommittee reports, and needs to make sure the
record is accurate. This isn’t meant as homework or punishment!
The RSC provides a template “Area Report Form” to help you get
started. These should be on the counter at the RSO and are also
available from the RSC Secretary. However, These forms haven’t been
revised in many years and ask for a lot of the minutiae that may put your
audience to sleep. Use judgment as to how much detail you want to
provide on routine matters. Save the details for the “Juicy” stuff; you
know we’ll want to hear all of those!
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Area Forum:
Area Forum is just what it sounds like. It’s a special block of time (at
least 30 minutes), set aside in the agenda for free and open sharing of
issues or challenges facing any of our areas. This is your opportunity to
get feedback on a challenge your area is facing
The focus of this forum is on local issues affecting your area. This is the
time to get into grass-roots NA Service; applying our principles to
challenging real-world situations. Take advantage of this opportunity to
hear the experience of other RCMs. This is the part of the meeting
where we find out we don’t have to face adversity on our own!
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Regional Reports:
At this point in the Agenda , you will hear and receive written copies of
reports from:
NCRSC Vice Chair
NCRSC Secretary
NCRSC Treasurer
NCRSC Assistant Treasurer
Northern California RD
Northern California RD-Alternate
NCSRO Board of Directors
NCCNA (Convention Committee)
Public Relations (PR) Coordinators
H&I Chair/Vice Chair
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Regional Reports:
We recognize this is a lot of reports and this can be a difficult stretch in
the agenda for some of us to sit through. We too are always trying to
keep our verbal reports brief when possible; keeping in mind that we
give you all the details in writing. We ask your patience as we try to
ensure you have all the pertinent information to do your job!
Our Regional Trusted Servants will gladly answer any questions you
may have at the conclusion of our reports. Don’t be afraid to seek
clarification if we didn’t explain something well or if we slipped in an
unfamiliar acronym. If you’re wondering, chances are someone else in
the room is as well. We will also give you a list of common acronyms as
an additional orientation tool
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Regional Forum:
Regional Forum is the time to discuss issues we are facing at the
Regional level. This forum is often used to provide any guidance we
need to give to our Regional trusted servants or committees; based on
what we believe is in the collective best interest of the fellowship.
Occasionally we will also use this time to discuss world service issues
that may be raised by the Regional Delegates in their reports
Just for Today Reading:
We strategically insert a “Just for Today” Daily
Meditation Reading just prior to the Business
session to hopefully keep us in touch with
ourselves during the business process!
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Roll Call/ Quorum Count:
During the roll call the Secretary will ask you to specify whether you have
“one” or “two” RCMs Present. This is done to get both the number of
areas present (which determines quorum) and a count on the total
number of participants (which determines the majorities needed to pass a
given motion)
2/3rds of the 21 seated Areas in Northern California (14) must be present
with at least one RCM to conduct business. This defines our quorum
One half +1 of the total participants present will be required for motions
needing a simple majority. At least 2/3rds of the participants (always
rounding up) will be required for motions that seek to alter any Regional
policies or guidelines
The RSC chair will report these numbers to you so we all are operating
from the same playbook
A look ahead to today's RSC:
The RSC is responsible for 7 Administrative Committee Positions, 9
members of the BOD, 20 NCCNA Members, 2 PR Coordinators, and 2
H&I Co-Chairs. Elections tend to be a year-round phenomena
Every Month at 5PM we suspend the agenda to allow candidates for
regional positions to qualify. This is done in consideration for members
who may travel a long distance just to qualify for a regional election
All candidates fill out a written “NCRSC Service Resume”. The resume
is for voting participants to review and ask a candidate questions about
their service history. All resumes will be returned to the candidate or
destroyed at the conclusion of qualifications. Resumes should not be
taken outside the RSC without permission from the candidate – think of
them as job applications!
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Elections are conducted by written ballot and the vote count is known
only to 2 impartial vote counters and the RSC Chair. The us of a
confidential ballot rather than a “show of hands” and not releasing
numbers helps protect the integrity of the process by ensuring
“Principles before Personalities” and helping prevent peoples feelings
from getting hurt
Prior to any qualifications, the RSC Chair will inform the body of the
duties and qualifications for the position being considered.
Depending on the type of election, the method of filling out your ballot
may differ. The RSC Chair will explain these nuances to you and you
will usually be provided with different colored ballots to emphasize the
distinction in voting practices
A look ahead to today's RSC:
Old and New business:
Although a small part of our agenda, this is nonetheless the time where
we utilize a form of “Roberts Rules.” The Chair will try to go slowly and
make sure we’re all on the same page. Speak up and ask for
clarification if you are unsure of a procedure. Chances are if you’re
confused, your not the only one
All motions are copied and distributed to you prior to the business
session. This will help you follow along in the heat of the moment as
well as have an accurate copy of the verbiage to report to your area
Prior to voting on a motion, the Chair will tell you whether the motion
requires a simple majority or 2/3rds majority to pass. At the conclusion
of the vote count, the chair will announce the voting numbers in addition
to signifying whether the motion passed or failed
Other Resources:
You will receive a CD ROM containing the latest RSC, RSO, NCCNA,
PR, and H&I Guidelines, as well as several common forms. You are not
expected to be an expert on all of these, but taking the time to
familiarize yourself with the RSC guidelines will enhance your
understanding and experience
A list of common Acronyms (such as NAWS, IDT, CAR, APT, et.) will
also be made available to you. If your not sure what we’re talking about
when we employ these shortcuts, ask! (By now you should be getting
the theme that if you’re not sure, you’re probably not the only one!)
Finally, the most important resource here are the people. Many of us
have formed long lasting friendships as a result of our shared
experience in Regional Service. If you ever felt alone as the die-hard
“service enthusiast” in your area, you will find here a community of
addicts that are just like you! You’re going to get a roster of everyone's
number and email address, and length of RSC experience. Like we say
in our meetings “Get phone numbers and use them!”
Acronym Guide
Area Service Committee
Area Service Representative
Board of Directors
Conference Agenda Report
Conference Approval Track
Group Service Representative
GSR Alt.
Group Service Representative Alternate
Hospitals and Institutions
Informational Pamphlets
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous World Services
Northern California Convention of Narcotics Anonymous
Acronym Guide
Northern California Regional Service Committee
Northern California Regional Service Office
Public Information
Public Relations
Regional Committee Member
Regional Delegate
Regional Delegate Alternate
Regional Service Committee
Regional Service Office
Regional Service Representative
World Board
World Convention Narcotics Anonymous
World Service Conference
Western Service Learning Day
World Service Office
Thank You for Choosing to do
Regional Service. As an RCM
you are full participant of the
Regional Service Committee
and a valuable member of the
Regional team!