Transcript Document

Summary of Hebrews Chap 7
* The Law had a Flaw!
* Law wasn’t bad, but it was useless because all it can do is point out
sin. The Law cannot fix people.
* Law used priests, that were flawed, to make sacrifices that,
ultimately, couldn’t save.
* Law did not allow for any priest that was NOT descended from Aaron.
Summary of Hebrews Chap 7
* Melchizedek is the Man!
* He’s a foreshadow of Jesus – an example of God inserting Himself into
human affairs.
* He’s a man who is BOTH a Priest and a King – just like Jesus.
* He’s from a priestly order that does not depend on genealogy – just like
* He was chosen by God – just like Jesus.
* He was greater than Abraham & Aaron – so he was outside of the law.
Summary of Hebrews
Chapters 8-9
Presented by: John Hanes
Commentary on Hebrews 8:5
*Greek word: “hupodeigma”
*means “copy,” “model,” “sketch-plan,” or
*Greek word: “skia”
*means “shadow,” “reflection,” or “silhouette”
Commentary on Hebrews 8:5
Exodus 25:9
“Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like
the pattern I will show you.”
Numbers 8:4
“The lampstand was made exactly like the pattern the
Lord had shown Moses.”.
Model of The Jewish Tabernacle
Full Scale Replica of The Jewish Tabernacle
Model of Solomon’sTemple
Model of Herod’s Temple
Commentary on Hebrews 8:5
Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the
Law or the Prophets; I have not come to
abolish them but to fulfill them.”
Roman Emperor #8: Nero
AD 54-68
Christian Persecutions AD 64 - fire
Roman Emperor #9: Vespasian
AD 69-79
Subdued revolt in Judaea
Roman Emperor #10: Titus
AD 79-81
Son of Vespasian
Destroyed Jerusalem AD 70
The Roman Empire at the time of Hebrews ca. AD 68
By calling this covenant “new,” he
has made the first one obsolete;
and what is obsolete and aging will
soon disappear. Hebrews 8:13
Colloseum in Rome
Judaea Capta Coin sample
Video of Jerusalem being Sacked
Model of The Jewish Tabernacle
Brazen Altar in Courtyard of Tabernacle
Brazen Laver in Courtyard of Tabernacle
Brazen Sea in Temple of
Model of Holy Place & Most Holy Place
Commentary on Hebrews 9:1-5
Old Covenant (Shadow)
New Covenant (Reality)
Jesus’ Sacrifice
Jesus’ Body
Holy Spirit
(see Zec 4:2-6)
Altar of Incense
Prayer (Rev 5:8)
Separation from God (by sin)
Atonement Cover (Mercy Seat)
God’s Grace
Heavenly Host
Table with consecrated bread
Menorah Lampstand
Altar of Incense
Temple Curtain
Ark with atonement cover (a/k/a mercy seat)
Contents of the Ark of the Covenant
Commentary on Hebrews 9:9-10
Old Covenant
New Covenant
Based on Obedience
to physically defined Rules
Based on Obedience
to Spiritual Principles
Physical Uncleanness
(e.g., Leprosy)
Spiritual Uncleanness
Physical Blessings
(God promises land and children)
Spiritual Blessings
(God promises eternal life)
Sacrifice repeatedly for forgiveness
Sacrifice once for all for forgiveness
Sealed with blood of bulls & goats
Sealed with blood of Jesus
Mediated by human High Priest who has to be
Mediated by Jesus THE High Priest who
lives forever
Commentary on Hebrews 9:9-10
Old Covenant
New Covenant
Tithing to support priests required
We are the priests – no tithing to
ourselves is needed
Jesus is the High Priest – In Mt 25 He says
we give to Him when we use our time &
resources to meet the needs of the needy
Grain Offering given voluntarily and not
under compulsion
Contribution given voluntarily and not
under compulsion
True Sabbath Rest from Jesus
The Red Heifer Sacrifice
The Sacrifice of Jesus
A very rare red heifer
A unique son
Sacrificed outside the camp
(on the Mount of Olives)
Sacrificed outside the camp
(on the Mount of Olives)
To purify both Jews and Gentiles
To purify both Jews and Gentiles
A sacrifice without blemish (not even
one black hair!)
A sacrifice without blemish
Never been yoked (voluntary, not
A voluntary sacrifice, without sin
Scarlet wool and wood
Blood on wood
Hyssop (purification from infection)
Purifies from the infection of sin
Combines ashes from sacrifice with
water for purification.
Combine the blood of Jesus with
baptism for purification
The lesser sacrifice (bulls,
goats, ashes of heifer)
The better sacrifice
Outward (appearance)
Inward (spiritual)
Temporary (repeated
many times)
Eternal (only done once)
Not voluntary
Rational, aware
South Florida Church of Christ – Palm Beach Region
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