Sustaining the Classroom Community final project 4/18/09

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Sustaining the Classroom
Community final project 4/18/09
Helen Chung
Sustaining the classroom
• In order to build classroom community, behavior
problems must be addressed
• 5 to 15% of students do not respond to standard
behavior interventions
• “According to the IDEA 1997, schools must
introduce functional behavior assessment to
address serious and persistent problem behavior.”
(Panico, 2009)
What is a Functional Behavioral
Assessment (FBA)
• An FBA “identifies when, where, and why
problem behaviors occur, and when, where, and
why they do not occur.” (Sugai, Horner, and
Sprague, 1999)
• There is no consensus on assessment tools, and no
set format
• Assessment tools may include records reviews,
teacher reports and checklists, observations, and
• An FBA accompanies a Behavioral Intervention
Plan (BIP) as part of a student’s IEP
MMSD FBA components
Strengths of the student
Slow triggers (setting events)
Fast triggers (antecedents)
Problem behavior, perceived function, and
actual consequences
Who can do an FBA
• Basically, anyone
• The difficulty lies in the fact that “there is a
dearth of trained personnel available to
conduct the functional assessments of
behavior and to develop and implement the
behavior intervention plans.” (Van Acker,
Boreson, Gable, and Potterton, 2005)
What is a Behavioral Intervention
Plan (BIP)
• BIPS are reserved for students with serious
and persistent behavior problems who do
not respond to traditional behavioral
• BIPs are designed to promote positive
behaviors, suppress negative behaviors, and
provide supports for a student to do so
MMSD BIP components
• Description of interfering behavior
– Intensity, frequency, and duration
– Possible antecedents
• Desired behaviors to increase, maintain, and/or teach
• Positive interventions, accommodations, and/or strategies
• Consequences which serve to increase desired behavior
• Student action/behavior, staff interventions, and
consequences for stage 1 (precursor behaviors), stage 2
(behaviors of distress) and stage 3 (recovery behaviors)
Who can do a BIP
• A BIP is written as part of a student’s IEP
• Therefore, a student’s IEP team consisting
of the special education teacher, related
service providers, and regular education
teacher writes the BIP
• As with the FBA that accompanies the BIP,
no special credentials are required to write
one, and few are adequately trained
Case managing S/L students
• In 2007, MMSD speech-language therapists
were required to case manage all students
whose only identified disability was S/L
• S/L only students with academic and/or
behavioral needs were previously case
managed by cross categorical (CC) teachers
S/L students w/ behavioral needs
• Some S/L only students have behavioral needs
• Students who meet criteria for a disability in
addition to S/L are eligible for CC case
• The advantage of CC case management is that CC
teachers are better trained than SLPs to manage
behavior, and they see their students for at least a
couple hours a day instead of the 2 ½ or 3 hours a
month S/L therapists see their students
Case managing S/L only students
with behavioral needs
• Case managing S/L only students with behavioral
needs may require creating and implementing a
functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and
behavioral intervention plan (BIP) as part of a
student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
• SLPs are not typically trained to write and
implement FBAs and BIPs
• Limitations include the amount of time we have to
see each student and the number of different
teachers a middle or high school student has
How do we write an effective
• In Behave Yourself, Ambrose Pierce believes that
too many BIPs have been driven by behaviorist
theory that believes that behavior is a function of
the interaction between the behavior and the
environment. These plans have relied too heavily
on rewards and punishments
• He proposes an approach that stresses a social
cognitive view which believes that behavior “is
the result of reciprocal influences between the
personal variables (internal) of the individual, the
environment (external) in which the behavior
occurs, and the behavior itself.” (Kaplan, 2003)
A social cognitive approach to
the BIP
• Internal variables
Cognitions (beliefs, expectations, values, etc. . )
Competencies (self management, social skills)
Physical characteristics
A social cognitive approach to
the BIP cont.
• External variables
– Antecedents (setting events, cues)
– Consequences (+/- reinforcements)
How internal and external
variables interact in the social
cognitive approach
• Antecedents – e.g., a failed test, are experienced
through an individual’s unique variables. For
example, one student may become more
determined to do better, another may feel defeated
and angry
• Behavior is the individual’s response to the
antecedent – e.g., one student will make note of
errors and study harder the next time, the other
might crumple his test, say that it was a stupid test
anyway, and spend the rest of the period
disrupting class
How internal and external
variables interact in the social
cognitive approach cont.
• The student’s behavior interacts with the
environment, producing a consequence. The first
student might approach his teacher for extra help,
the other might get sent out for class disruption
• Consequences are then processed through an
individual’s personal variables, and feedback will
strengthen, maintain, or weaken the behavior.
Core beliefs to guide
implementation (Panico, 2009)
Human behavior is complex
Misbehavior is not always willful
Long term success is the goal
Teamwork is critical
The student must be involved
Core beliefs to guide
implementation cont.
(Panico, 2009)
6. Flexibility is critical
7. Optimism is critical
8. Patience is critical
9. The plan must be positive
10. The plan must go beyond reinforcement
Tools to change behavior
(Panico, 2009)
Reinforcement based tools
Belief based tools
Skill based tools
Needs based tools
Environment based tools
All are needed to change behavior
Reinforcement based tools
• Reinforcement based tools manipulate
rewards and punishments
– Contracts, rewards
– Keep it positive and consistent
– Include student in deciding whether
reinforcements have been earned
Belief based tools
• Belief based tools provide new information,
new ways of looking at old information, or
a broader context for evaluating information
that positions the student to substitute
empowering beliefs for disabling beliefs
– Substitute rational statements for irrational
statements in self talk
– Behavior change is based on belief change, not
the other way around
Skills based tools
• Skills based tools teach a skill or skill set
the student must master in order to be
– Counting backwards from 10 to control anger
– Basic academic skills
– Social skills
Needs based tools
• Needs based tools identify the basic need gratified
by a maladaptive or socially unacceptable
behavior. After the need is identified, an adaptive
and socially acceptable behavior is substituted that
meets the need
– Finding a mentor or joining the track team to fill a need
to belong instead of joining a gang
– Most students will need adult assistance to identify the
need being met by the undesired behavior
Environment based tools
• Environment based tools seek to change
behavior through thoughtful adaptations to
environmental variables
– Seating arrangements, instructional level, test
accommodations, change in schedule
– Build a more inclusive classroom community
The Plan to Do Better Process
(Panico, 2009)
• Step 1: Identify and describe the nonproductive behavior,
including the behavior’s characteristics and context
• Step 2: Secure the view, input, and suggestions of the
students (required) and parents or significant adults
• Step 3: Identify and describe the problem behavior’s
function(s) and select the appropriate behavior change
• Step 4: Fully develop each of the selected tools
• Step 5: Develop and describe the behavior plan’s
assessment process and schedule
Step 1: Describe the
nonproductive behavior
• Define the behavior that needs to change
• Use specific language
– Aggressive behavior should be hits or kicks
– Disruptive behavior – talks out, offers irrelevant
• Place the behavior into context
– Hits, kicks other students in unstructured activities
during recess
– Talks out of turn, making comments during math class
such as “this is baby stuff”
Step 2: Secure the input of the
student, parents, other significant
• Best way to obtain student input is to ask
• Behave Yourself includes a list of essential
questions that include
What do you really like about school?
Don’t like?
Can you stop X when you want to stop?
What do you get out of doing X?
Step 3: Identify and describe
behavior’s function and behavior
change tools
• Behave Yourself has a list of essential
questions that include
– Is the student conscious of his behavior
– Is the behavior under his or her control
– Is the student aware of the short and long term
– How does the environment contribute to the
maintenance of the nonproductive behavior
Step 4: Fully develop each of the
selected behavior change tools
• Try to develop plans that incorporate
several tools
• For example, implementing belief based
tools to change a student’s belief system
will also require implementation of skill and
reinforcement based interventions
Step 5: Develop and describe the
behavior change plan’s assessment
process and schedule
• A team has to be able to decide if a plan is
• Decide how assessment feedback will be
provided to all stakeholders
• Include the student in the assessment
Forms for gathering information
• Panico has included many forms for
information gathering in Behave Yourself
– Student interview form
– Parent/guardian survey
– Things My Teacher Should Know About Me:
interest inventories for middle and high school
– Teachers who help me succeed (preferred
teacher behaviors)
• Panico, Ambrose; Behave Yourself!
Helping Students Plan to Do Better;
Solution Tree; Bloomington, IN; 2009