Chapter 3 Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management

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Transcript Chapter 3 Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management

2012 CISA Review Course
Course Agenda
• Learning Objectives
• Discuss Task and Knowledge Statements
• Discuss specific topics within the chapter
• Case studies
• Sample questions
Exam Relevance
Ensure that the CISA candidate…
• Understands and can provide
assurance that the practices for
the acquisition, development,
testing and implementation of
information systems meet the
enterprise’s strategies and
• The content area in this chapter
will represent approximately 19%
of the CISA examination
(approximately 38 questions).
Learning Objectives
• Evaluate the business case for proposed investments in
information systems acquisition, development,
maintenance and subsequent retirement to determine
whether it meets business objectives.
• Evaluate the project management practices and controls
to determine whether business requirements are
achieved in a cost-effective manner while managing risks
to the organization.
• Conduct reviews to determine whether a project is
progressing in accordance with project plans, is
adequately supported by documentation and status
reporting is accurate.
Learning Objectives
• Evaluate controls for information systems during the
requirements, acquisition, development and testing
phases for compliance with the organization’s policies,
standards, procedures and applicable external
• Evaluate the readiness of information systems for
implementation and migration into production to
determine whether project deliverables, controls and the
organization’s requirements are met.
• Conduct postimplementation reviews of systems to
determine whether project deliverables, controls and the
organization’s requirements are met.
3.2.1 Portfolio/Program
• A program is a group of projects and timebound tasks that are closely linked together
through common objectives, a common budget,
intertwined schedules and strategies
• Programs have a limited time frame (start and
end date) and organizational boundaries
3.2.1 Portfolio/Program
Management (continued)
• Methodology and processes used in program
management are similar to those in project
management and run parallel to each other
• To formally start a program, some form of
written assignment from the program owner to
the program manager/team is necessary
3.2.1 Portfolio/Program
Management (continued)
The objectives of project portfolio management
• Optimization of the results of the project portfolio
• Prioritizing and scheduling projects
• Resource coordination (internal and external)
• Knowledge transfer throughout the projects
3.2.2 Business Case
Development and Approval
• A business case provides the information
required for an organization to decide whether a
project should proceed
• The initial business case normally derives from
a feasibility study as part of project planning
• The business case should be of sufficient detail
to describe the justification for setting up and
continuing a project
3.2.3 Benefits Realization
Benefits realization requires:
• Describing benefits management or benefits
• Assigning a measure and target
• Establishing a tracking/measuring regime
• Documenting the assumption
• Establishing key responsibilities for realization
• Validating the benefits predicted in the business
• Planning the benefit that is to be realized
3.3.1 General Aspects
• IS projects may be initiated from any part of an
• A project is always a time-bound effort
• Project management should be a business
process of a project-oriented organization
• The complexity of project management requires
a careful and explicit design of the project
management process
3.3.2 Project Context
and Environment
A project context can be divided into a time and
social context. The following must be taken into
• Importance of the project in the organization
• Connection between the organization’s strategy and
the project
• Relationship between the project and other projects
• Connection between the project to the underlying
business case
3.3.3 Project Organizational
Three major forms of organizational alignment for
project management are:
• Influence project organization
• Pure project organization
• Matrix project organization
3.3.4 Project Communication
and Culture
Depending on the size and complexity of the project
and the affected parties, communication when
initiating the project management project process
may be achieved by:
• One-on-one meetings
• Kick-off meetings
• Project start workshops
• A combination of the three
3.3.5 Project Objectives
• A project needs clearly defined results that are
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and
time-bound (SMART)
• A commonly accepted approach to define
project objectives is to begin with an object
breakdown structure (OBS)
• After the OBS has been compiled, a work
breakdown structure (WBS) is designed
3.3.6 Roles and Responsibilities
of Groups and Individuals
• Senior management
• User management
• Project steering committee
3.3.6 Roles and Responsibilities
of Groups and Individuals
• Project sponsor
• Systems development management
• Project manager
• Systems development project team
3.3.6 Roles and Responsibilities
of Groups and Individuals
• User project team
• Security officer
• Quality assurance
3.4 Project Management
3.4.2 Project Planning
The project manager needs to determine:
• The various tasks that need to be performed to produce the
expected business application system
• The sequence or the order in which these tasks need to be
• The duration or the time window for each task
• The priority of each task
• The IT resources that are available and required to perform
these tasks
• Budget or costing for each of these tasks
• Source and means of funding
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Software size estimation
• Relates to methods of determining the relative
physical size of the application software to be
• Can be used as a guide for the allocation of
resources, estimates of time and cost required for
its development, and as a comparison of the total
effort required by the resources available
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Lines of source code
• The traditional and simplest method in measuring
size by counting the number of lines of source
code, measured in SLOC, is referred to as kilo
lines of code (KLOC)
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Function point analysis
• Widely used for estimating complexity in
developing large business applications
• The results of FPA are a measure of the size of an
information system based on the number and
complexity of the inputs, outputs, files, interfaces
and queries with which a user sees and interacts
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
• FPA feature points
• Cost budgets
• Software cost estimation
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Scheduling and establishing the time frame
• Involves establishing the sequential relationship
among tasks
• The schedule can be graphically represented using
various techniques such as Gantt charts or
Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Critical path methodology
• A critical path if one whose sum of activity time is
longer than that for any other path through the
• The critical path is found by working forward
through the network (forward-pass) and computing
the earliest possible completion time for each
activity until the earliest possible completion time
for the total project is found
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Gantt charts
• Constructed to aid in scheduling the activities
(tasks) needed to complete a project
• Charts show when an activity should begin and
• Charts show which activities can be in progress
concurrently and which activities must be
completed sequentially
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Program evaluation review technique (PERT)
• PERT is a network management technique often
used in system development projects based on
well-defined events and activities for specific
project management tasks
3.4.2 Project Planning (continued)
Timebox management
• Project management technique for defining and
deploying software deliverables within a relatively
short and fixed period of time and with
predetermined specific resources
3.4.3 General Project
• Involves automated techniques to handle
proposals and cost estimations, and to monitor,
predict and report on performance with
recommended action items
• Many of these techniques are provided as
decision support systems (DSS) for planning
and controlling project resources
3.4.4 Project Controlling
• Includes management of:
– Scope
– Resource usage
– Risk
• Inventory
• Assess
• Mitigate
• Discover
• Review & evaluate
3.4.5 Closing a Project
• When closing a project, there may still be some
issues that need to be resolved, ownership of
which needs to be assigned
• The project sponsor should be satisfied that the
system produced is acceptable and ready for
• Custody of contracts may need to be assigned,
and documentation archived or passed on to
those who will need it
3.5 Business Application
The implementation process for business
applications, commonly referred to as an SDLC,
begins when an individual application is initiated as a
result of one or more of the following situations:
• A new opportunity that relates to a new or existing
business process
• A problem that relates to an existing business process
• A new opportunity that will enable the organization to
take advantage of technology
• A problem with the current technology
3.5 Business Application
Development (continued)
Benefits of using this approach:
• All affected parties will have a common and clear
understanding of the objectives and how they
contribute to business support
• Conflicting key business drivers (e.g., cost vs.
functionality) and mutually dependent key business
drivers can be detected and resolved in early
stages of an SDLC project
3.5 Business Application
Development (continued)
From an IS auditor’s perspective, an approach with
defined life cycles and specific points for review
provides the following advantages:
• Influence is significantly increased when there are formal
procedures and guidelines
• Can review all relevant areas and phases of the systems
development project and report independently to management
• Can identify selected parts of the system and become
involved in the technical aspects
• Can evaluate the methods and techniques applied through the
development phases
3.5.1 Traditional SDLC
• Also referred to as the waterfall technique, this
life cycle approach is the oldest and most
widely used for developing business
• Based on a systematic, sequential approach to
software development that begins with a
feasibility study and progresses through
requirements definition, design, development,
implementation and postimplementation
3.5.1 Traditional SDLC
Approach (continued)
Some of the problems encountered with this
approach include:
• Unanticipated events
• Difficulty in obtaining an explicit set of requirements from
the user
• Managing requirements and convincing the user about the
undue or unwarranted requirements in the system
• The necessity of user patience
• A changing business environment that alters or changes
the user’s requirements before they are delivered
3.5.2 Integrated Resource
Management Systems
• A growing number of organizations are shifting
to a fully integrated corporate solution, i.e., an
ERP solution
• This type of software implementation is much
larger than a regular software acquisition
• ERP systems impact the way a corporation
does business, its entire control environment,
technological direction and internal resources
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases
Feasibility study
• Concerned with analyzing the benefits and solutions
for the identified problem area
• Includes development of a business case, which
determines the strategic benefits of implementing the
system either in productivity gains or in future cost
• Identifies and quantifies the cost savings of the new
system and estimates a payback schedule for the cost
incurred in implementing the system or shows the
projected return on investment (ROI)
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
Requirements definition
• Concerned with identifying and specifying the
business requirements of the system chosen for
development during the feasibility study
• Requirements include descriptions of what a system
should do, how users will interact with a system,
conditions under which the system will operate, and
the information criteria the system should meet
• This phase deals with the issues that are sometimes
called nonfunctional requirements
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
Entity relationship diagrams
• An ERD depicts a system’s data and how these
data interrelate
• An ERD can be used as a requirements analysis
tool to obtain an understanding of the data a
system needs to capture and manage
• An ERD can also be used later in the development
cycle as a design tool that helps document the
actual database schema that will be implemented
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
Software acquisition
• Not a phase in the standard SDLC. However, if a
decision was reached to acquire rather than
develop software, software acquisition is the
process that should occur after the requirements
definition phase
• Decision based on various factors such as the cost
differential between development and acquisition,
availability of generic software, and the time gap
between development and acquisition
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
Software acquisition
• The project team needs to carefully examine and
compare the vendors’ responses to the request for
proposal (RFP)
• It is likely that more than one product/vendor fits
the requirements with advantages and
disadvantages with respect to each other
• Once vendors are short listed, it can be beneficial
for the project team to talk to current users of each
potential product
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Key design phase activities include:
Developing system flowcharts and entity relationship models
Determining the use of structured design techniques
End of design phase
Describing inputs and outputs
Determining processing steps and computation rules
Determining data file or database system file design
Preparing program specifications
Developing test plans for the various levels of testing
Developing data conversion plans
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Key activities performed in a test/development
environment include:
– Coding and developing program and system-level documents
– Debugging and testing the programs developed
– Developing programs to convert data from the old system for
use on the new system
– Creating user procedures to handle transition to the new
– Training selected users on the new system
– Ensure modifications are documented and applied accurately
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Programming methods and techniques
• Online programming facilities (integrated
development environment)
• Programming languages
• Program debugging
• Testing
Practice Question
To assist in testing a core banking system being
acquired, an organization has provided the vendor
with sensitive data from its existing production
system. An IS auditor’s PRIMARY concern is that the
data should be:
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Elements of a software testing process
– Test plan
– Conduct and report test results
– Address outstanding issues
• Testing classifications
Unit testing
Interface or integration testing
System testing
Final acceptance testing
Practice Question
Which of the following is the BEST preventive
measure for reducing the risks of an IT system
associated with possible natural disasters?
Identify natural threats
Choose a safe location for the facility
Keep critical systems separate from general systems
Update and store backups offsite
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Other types of testing
– Alpha and beta testing
– Pilot testing
– White box testing
– Black box testing
– Function/validation testing
– Regression testing
– Parallel testing
– Sociability testing
• Automated application testing
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• During the implementation phase, the actual operation
of the new information system is established and
• Final user-acceptance testing is conducted in this
• The system may also go through a certification and
accreditation process to assess the effectiveness of
the business application at mitigating risks to an
appropriate level
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Implementation planning
– Phase 1—Develop to-be support structures
– Phase 2—Establish support function
• End-user training
• Data migration
– Refining migration scenario
– Fallback (rollback) scenario
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• Changeover (go-live or cutover) techniques
– Parallel changeover
– Phased changeover
– Abrupt changeover
• Certification/accreditation
3.5.3 Description of Traditional
SDLC Phases (continued)
• A postimplementation review should meet the following
– Assess the adequacy of the system
– Evaluate the projected cost benefits or ROI
– Develop recommendations that address the system’s
inadequacies and deficiencies
– Develop a plan for implementing the recommendations
– Assess the development project process
• A postimplementation review should be performed
jointly by the project development team and
appropriate end users
3.5.4 Risks Associated with
Software Development
• Business risk relating to the likelihood that the new
system may not meet the users’ business needs,
requirements and expectations
• Potential risks that can occur when designing and
developing software systems:
– Within the project
– With suppliers
– Within the organization
– With the external environment
3.5.5 Use of Structured
Analysis, Design and Development
• Closely associated with the traditional, classic
SDLC approach
• Techniques provide a framework for
representing the data and process components
of an application using various graphical
notations at different levels of abstraction, until
it reaches the abstraction level that enables
programmers to code the system
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
• E-commerce models include the following:
– Business-to-consumer (B-to-C) relationships
– Business-to-business (B-to-B) relationships
– Business-to-employee (B-to-E) relationships
– Business-to-government (B-to-G) relationships
– Consumer-to-government (C-to-G) relationships
– Exchange-to-exchange (X-to-X) relationships
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
• With increasing emphasis on integrating the web
channel with a business’ internal legacy systems
and the systems of its business partners, company
systems now typically will run on different
platforms, running different software and with
different databases
• The challenge of integrating diverse technologies
within and beyond the business has increasingly
lead companies to move to component-based
systems that utilize a middleware infrastructure,
based around an application server
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
• Databases play a key role in most e-commerce
systems, maintaining data for web site pages,
accumulating customer information and
possibly storing click-stream data for analyzing
web site usage
• Extensible Markup Language is also likely to
form an important part of an organization’s
overall e-commerce architecture
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
• E-commerce risks:
– Confidentiality
– Integrity
– Availability
– Authentication and nonrepudiation
– Power shift to customers
• It is important to take into consideration the
importance of security issues that extend
beyond confidentiality objectives
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
An IS auditor should assess applicable use of:
• A set of security mechanisms and procedures that constitute a
security architecture for e-commerce
• Firewall mechanisms that are in place to mediate between the
public network and an organization’s private network
• A process whereby participants in an e-commerce transaction
can be identified uniquely and positively
• Digital signatures
• An infrastructure to manage and control public key pairs and
their corresponding certificates
• The procedures in place to control changes to an e-commerce
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
An IS auditor should assess applicable use of:
• Logs of e-commerce applications
• The methods and procedures to recognize security breaches
when they occur
• The features in e-commerce applications
• The protections in place to ensure that data collected about
individuals are not disclosed without their consent
• The means to ensure confidentiality of data communicated
between customers and vendors
• The mechanisms to protect e-commerce’s presence and their
supporting private networks from computer viruses
3.6.1 Electronic Commerce
An IS auditor should assess applicable use of:
• The features within the e-commerce architecture to keep all
components from failing
• A plan and procedure to continue e-commerce activities in the
event of an extended outage of required resources for normal
• A commonly understood set of practices and procedures to
define management’s intentions for the security of e-commerce
• A shared responsibility within an organization for e-commerce
• Communications from vendors to customers
• A regular program of audit and assessment of the security of ecommerce environments and applications
Practice Question
When introducing thin client architecture, which
of the following risks regarding servers is
significantly increased?
3.6.2 Electronic Data
The benefits associated with the adoption of EDI
• Less paperwork
• Fewer errors during the exchange of information
• Improved information flow, database-to-database
and company-to-company
• No unnecessary rekeying of data
• Fewer delays in communication
• Improved invoicing and payment processes
3.6.2 Electronic Data
Interchange (continued)
General requirements:
• An EDI system requires communications software,
translation software and access to standards
• To build a map, an EDI standard appropriate for
the kind of EDI data to be transmitted is selected
• Final step is to write a partner profile that tells the
system where to send each transaction and how to
handle errors and exceptions
3.6.2 Electronic Data
Interchange (continued)
Moving data in a batch transmission process
through the traditional EDI process generally
involves three functions within each trading
partner’s computer system:
• Communications handler
• EDI interface
– EDI translator
– Application interface
• Application system
3.6.2 Electronic Data
Interchange (continued)
Web-based EDI has come into prominence due to:
• Internet-through-Internet service providers offering
generic network access for all computers
connected to the Internet
• Its ability to attract new partners via web-based
sites to exchange information
• New security products available to address issues
of confidentiality, authentication, data integrity and
nonrepudiation of origin and return
• Improvements in the x.12 EDI formatted standard
3.6.4 Controls in EDI
To protect EDI transmissions, the EDI process should
• Standards set to indicate the message format and content are
• Controls to ensure standard transmissions are properly
converted for the application software by the translation
• Procedures to determine messages are only from authorized
• Direct or dedicated transmission channels among the parties
• Data should be encrypted using algorithms agreed to by the
parties involved
3.6.4 Controls in EDI
Environment (continued)
• The EDI process needs the ability to detect and
deal with transactions that do not conform to the
standard format or are from/to unauthorized
• The critical nature of many EDI transactions
requires that there be positive assurances that
the transmissions were complete
• Organizations desiring to exchange transactions
using EDI are establishing a new business
3.6.4 Controls in EDI
Environment (continued)
The controls for receipt of inbound transactions are:
• Use appropriate encryption techniques when using public
Internet infrastructures for communication
• Perform edit checks
• Perform additional computerized checking
• Log each inbound transaction upon receipt
• Use control totals on receipt of transactions
• Segment count totals built into the transaction set trailer by the
• Control techniques in the processing of individual transactions
• Ensure the exchange of control totals of transactions sent and
received between trading partners at predefined intervals
3.6.4 Controls in EDI
Environment (continued)
• An IS auditor must evaluate EDI to ensure that all
inbound EDI transactions are received and
translated accurately, passed to an application
and processed only once
• To accomplish this, an IS auditor must review:
Internet encryption process
Edit checks
Additional computerized checking
Batch control totals
The validity of the sender against trading partner details
Practice Question
3-10 Which of the following procedures should be
implemented to help ensure the completeness of
inbound transactions via electronic data interchange
Segment counts built into the transaction set trailer
A log of the number of messages received, periodically
verified with the transaction originator
An electronic audit trail for accountability and tracking
Matching acknowledgement transactions received to the
log of EDI messages sent
3.6.5 Electronic Mail
At the most basic level, the e-mail process can be
divided into two principal components:
• Mail servers, which are hosts that deliver, forward
and store mail
• Clients, which interface with users and allow users
to read, compose, send and store e-mail
3.6.5 Electronic Mail (continued)
Security issues involved with e-mail include:
• Flaws in the configuration of mail server applications
• Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks may be directed to the mail
• Sensitive information transmitted unencrypted between mail
server and e-mail client may be intercepted
• Information within the e-mail may be altered
• Viruses and other types of malicious code may be distributed
throughout an organization
• Users may send inappropriate, proprietary or other sensitive
information via e-mail
3.6.5 Electronic Mail (continued)
• Digital signatures are a good method of
securing e-mail transmissions in that:
– The signature cannot be forged
– The signature is authentic and encrypted
– The signature cannot be reused
– The signed document cannot be altered
3.6.7 Electronic Banking
• Banks should have a risk management process
to enable them to identify, measure, monitor and
control their technology risk exposure
• Risk management of new technologies has three
essential elements:
– Risk management is the responsibility of the board of
directors and senior management
– Implementing technology is the responsibility of IT senior
management members
– Measuring and monitoring risk is the responsibility of
members of operational management
3.6.7 Electronic Banking
E-banking presents a number of risk
management challenges:
• The speed of change relating to technological and
service innovation
• Transactional e-banking web sites and associated
retail and wholesale business applications are typically
integrated with legacy computer systems
• e-Banking increases banks’ dependence on
information technology
• The Internet is ubiquitous and global by nature
3.6.7 Electronic Banking
Effective risk management controls for e-banking
include 14 controls divided among three
• Board and management oversight
• Security controls
• Legal and reputational risk management
3.6.8 Electronic Finance
Advantages of e-finance to consumers include:
• Lower costs
• Increased breadth and quality
• Widening access to financial services
• A-synchrony (time-decoupled)
• A-topy (location-decoupled)
3.6.11 Electronic Funds
• Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the exchange
of money via telecommunications without
currency actually changing hands
• Allows parties to move money from one
account to another, replacing traditional check
writing and cash collection procedures
• Usually function via an internal bank transfer
from one party’s account to another or via a
clearinghouse network
3.6.12 Controls in an
EFT Environment
Security in an EFT environment ensures that:
• All of the equipment and communication linkages are tested
• Each party uses security procedures that are reasonably
• There are guidelines set for the receipt of data
• Upon receipt of data, the receiving party will immediately
transmit an acknowledgment or notification
• Data encryption standards are set
• Standards for unintelligible transmissions are set
• Regulatory requirements are explicitly stated
3.6.15 Automated Teller
Recommended internal control guidelines for ATMs
• Written policies and procedures covering personnel,
security controls, operations, settlement, balancing, etc.
• Procedures for PIN issuance and protection during
• Procedures for the security of PINs during delivery
• Controls over plastic card procurement
• Controls and audit trails of the transactions that have
been made in the ATM
3.6.20 Artificial Intelligence
and Expert Systems
Artificial intelligence is the study and application
of the principles by which:
• Knowledge is acquired and used
• Goals are generated and achieved
• Information is communicated
• Collaboration is achieved
• Concepts are formed
• Languages are developed
3.6.20 Artificial Intelligence
and Expert Systems (continued)
• Key to an expert system is the knowledge base
(KB), which contains specific information or fact
patterns associated with a particular subject
matter and the rules for interpreting these facts
• The information in the KB can be expressed in
several ways:
– Decision trees
– Rules
– Semantic nets
3.6.20 Artificial Intelligence
and Expert Systems (continued)
An IS auditor should:
• Understand the purpose and functionality of the
• Assess the system’s significance to the organization
• Review the adherence of the system to policies and
• Review procedures for updating information in the
• Review security access over the system
3.6.21 Business Intelligence
• Business intelligence (BI) is a broad field of IT that
encompasses the collection and dissemination of
information to assist decision making and assess
organizational performance
• Some typical areas in which BI is applied include:
Process cost, efficiency and quality
Customer satisfaction with product and service offerings
Customer profitability
Staff and business unit achievement of KPIs
Risk management
3.6.21 Business Intelligence
An optimized enterprise data flow architecture consists of:
Presentation/desktop access layer
Data source layer
Core data warehouse
Data mart layer
Data staging and quality layer
Data access layer
Data preparation layer
Metadata repository layer
Warehouse management layer
Application messaging layer
Internet/intranet layer
3.6.22 Decision Support
A decision support system (DSS) is an
interactive system that provides the user with
easy access to decision models and data from
a wide range of sources, to support
semistructured decision-making tasks typically
for business purposes
3.6.22 Decision Support
System (continued)
• A principle of DSS design is to concentrate less
on efficiency and more on effectiveness
• A DSS is often developed with a specific decision
or well-defined class of decisions to solve
• Frameworks are generalizations about a field that
help put many specific cases and ideas into
– G. Gorry-M.S. Morton framework
– Sprague-Carson framework
3.6.22 Decision Support
System (continued)
• Prototyping is the most popular approach to
DSS design and development
• It is difficult to implement a DSS because of its
discretionary nature
3.6.22 Decision Support
System (continued)
Developers should be prepared for eight
implementation risk factors:
• Nonexistent or unwilling users
• Multiple users or implementers
• Disappearing users, implementers or maintainers
• Inability to specify purpose or usage patterns in advance
• Inability to predict and cushion impact on all parties
• Lack or loss of support
• Lack of experience with similar systems
• Technical problems and cost-effectiveness issues
3.6.22 Decision Support
System (continued)
The DSS designer and user should use broad
evaluation criteria, including:
• Traditional cost-benefit analysis
• Procedural changes, more alternatives examined,
less time consumer in making the decision
• Evidence of improvement in decision making
• Changes in the decision process
3.7 Alternative Forms of
Software Project Organization
Other approaches an IS auditor may encounter
• Incremental or progressive development
• Iterative development
– Evolutionary development
– Spiral development
– Agile development
3.7.1 Agile Development
• Agile development refers to a family of similar
development processes that espouse a nontraditional
way of developing complex systems.
• Agile development processes have a number of
common characteristics, including:
The use of small, time-boxed subprojects or iterations
Replanning the project at the end of each iteration
Relatively greater reliance on tacit knowledge
Heavy influence on mechanisms to effectively
disseminate tacit knowledge and promote teamwork
– A change in the role of the project manager
3.7.1 Agile Development
3.7.2 Prototyping
• The process of creating a system through
controlled trial and error procedures to reduce the
level of risks in developing the system
• Reduces the time to deploy systems primarily by
using faster development tools such as fourthgeneration techniques
• Potential risk is that the finished system will have
poor controls
• Change control often becomes more complicated
3.7.3 Rapid Application
• A methodology that enables organizations to
develop strategically important systems quickly,
while reducing development costs and maintaining
• Achieved through the use of:
Small, well-trained development teams
Evolutionary prototypes
Integrated power tools
A central repository
Interactive requirements and design workshops
Rigid limits on development time frames
3.8.1 Data-oriented System
• A method for representing software
requirements by focusing on data and their
• Major advantage of this approach is that it
eliminates data transformation errors such as
porting, conversion, transcription and
3.8.2 Object-oriented System
• The process of solution specification and
modeling where data and procedures can be
grouped into an entity known as an object
• OOSD is a programming technique and is not a
software development methodology itself
• The major advantages of OOSD are:
– The ability to manage an unrestricted variety of data types
– Provision of a means to model complex relationships
– The capacity to meet the demands of a changing environment
3.8.3 Component-based
• Process of assembling applications from
cooperating packages of executable software
that make their services available through
defined interfaces
• Basic types of components are:
– In-process client components
– Stand-alone client components
– Stand-alone server components
– In-process server components
3.8.3 Component-based
Development (continued)
• Components play a significant role in web-based
• Component-based development:
– Reduces development time
– Improves quality
– Allows developers to focus more strongly on business
– Promotes modularity
– Simplifies reuse
– Reduces development cost
– Supports multiple development environments
3.8.4 Web-based Application
• Designed to achieve easier and more effective
integration of code modules within and between
• Different from traditional third- or fourthgeneration program developments in many
– Languages and programming techniques used
– Methodologies used to control development work
– The way users test and approve development work
3.8.6 Reverse Engineering
• The process of studying and analyzing an
application, a software application or a product to
see how it functions, and to use that information to
develop a similar system
• Major advantages:
– Faster development and reduced SDLC duration
– Possibility of introducing improvements by
overcoming the reverse-engineered application
3.9 Infrastructure
Development/Acquisition Practices
• The physical architecture analysis, the definition of
a new one and the necessary road map to move
from one to the other are critical tasks for an IT
• Goals:
– To successfully analyze the existing architecture
– To design a new architecture
– To write the functional requirements of this new
– To develop a proof of concept
3.9 Infrastructure
Development/Acquisition Practices
• Physical implementation of the required
technical infrastructure to set up the future
environment will be planned next
• Task will cover procurement activities such as
contracting partners, setting up the SLAs, and
developing installation plans and installation
test plans
3.9.1 Project Phases of
Physical Architecture Analysis
3.9.2 Planning Implementation
of Infrastructure
• To ensure the quality of results, a phased
approach is necessary
• Communication processes should be set up to
other projects
• Through these different phases the components
are fit together, and a clear understanding of
the available and contactable vendors is
established by using the selection process
during the procurement phase and beyond
3.9.2 Planning Implementation
of Infrastructure (continued)
3.9.2 Planning Implementation
of Infrastructure (continued)
3.9.2 Planning Implementation
of Infrastructure (continued)
3.9.2 Planning Implementation
of Infrastructure (continued)
3.9.2 Planning Implementation
of Infrastructure (continued)
3.9.4 Hardware Acquisition
For acquiring a system, the invitation to tender
(ITT) should include the following:
Organizational descriptions
Information processing requirements
Hardware requirements
System software applications
Support requirements
Adaptability requirements
Conversion requirements
3.9.4 Hardware Acquisition
Acquisition steps include, but are not limited to, the
Testimonials or visits with other users
Provisions for competitive bidding
Analysis of bids against requirements
Comparison of bids against each other using
predefined evaluation criteria
• Analysis of the vendor’s financial condition
• Analysis of the vendor’s capability to provide
maintenance and support (including training)
3.9.4 Hardware Acquisition
Acquisition steps include, but are not limited to, the
Review of delivery schedules against requirements
Analysis of hardware and software upgrade capability
Analysis of security and control facilities
Evaluation of performance against requirements
Review and negotiation of price
Review of contract terms (including right to audit clauses)
Preparation of a formal written report summarizing the
analysis for each of the alternatives and justifying the
selection based on benefits and cost
3.9.5 System Software
When selecting new system software, the following
technical issues should be considered:
Business, functional, technical needs and specifications
Cost and benefits
Compatibility with existing systems
Demands on existing staff
Training and hiring requirements
Future growth needs
Impact on system and network performance
3.9.7 System Software
Change Control Procedures
• All test results should be documented, reviewed
and approved by technically-qualified subject
matter experts prior to production use
• Change control procedures are designed to
ensure that changes are authorized and do not
disrupt processing
3.10.1 Change Management
Process Overview
• Change management process begins with authorizing
changes to occur
• Requests initiated from end users, operational staff
and system development/maintenance staff
• Change requests should be in a format that ensures all
changes are considered for action and that allows the
system management staff to easily track the status of
the request
• All requests for changes should be maintained by the
system maintenance staff as part of the system’s
permanent documentation
3.10.1 Change Management
Process Overview (continued)
• Deploying changes
• Documentation
• Testing changed programs
• Auditing program changes
• Emergency changes
• Deploying changes back into production
• Change exposures (unauthorized changes)
3.10.2 Configuration
• Maintenance requests must be formally
documented and approved by a change control
• Careful control is exercised over each stage of the
maintenance process via checkpoints, reviews and
sign-off procedures
• From an audit perspective, provides evidence of
management’s commitment to careful control
• Involves procedures throughout the software life
3.10.2 Configuration
Management (continued)
• As part of the software configuration management
task, the maintainer performs the following tasks:
– Develop the configuration management plan
– Baseline the code and associated documents
– Analyze and report on the results of configuration control
– Develop the reports that provide configuration status
– Develop release procedures
– Perform configuration control activities
– Update the configuration status accounting database
3.11.2 Computer-aided
Software Engineering
• CASE is the use of automated tools to aid in the
software development process
• May include the application of software tools for
software requirements analysis, software design,
code production, testing, document generation and
other software development activities
• Three categories:
– Upper CASE
– Middle CASE
– Lower CASE
3.11.2 Computer-aided
Software Engineering (continued)
Key issues an IS auditor needs to consider with
CASE include:
• CASE tools do not ensure that the design, programs
and system are correct or that they fully meet the
needs of the organization
• CASE tools should complement and fit into the
application development methodology
• The integrity of data moved between CASE products
needs to be monitored and controlled
• Changes to the application should be reflected in
stored CASE product data
3.11.3 Fourth-generation
• Common characteristics of 4GLs include:
Nonprocedural language
Environmental independence (portability)
Software facilities
Programmer workbench concepts
Simple language subsets
• 4GLs are classified as:
Query and report generators
Embedded database 4GLs
Relational database 4GLs
Application generators
3.12.1 Business Process Reengineering
and Process Change Projects
• The steps in a successful BPR are:
– Define the areas to be reviewed
– Develop a project plan
– Gain an understanding of the process under review
– Redesign and streamline the process
– Implement and monitor the new process
– Establish a continuous improvement process
3.12.1 Business Process Reengineering
and Process Change Projects
3.12.1 Business Process Reengineering
and Process Change Projects (continued)
A successful BPR/process change project
requires the project team to perform the following
for the existing processes:
• Process decomposition to the lowest level required
for effectively assessing a business process
• Identification of customers, process-based
managers or process owners responsible for
beginning to end processes
• Documentation of the elementary process-related
profile information
3.12.1 Business Process Reengineering
and Process Change Projects (continued)
BPR methods and techniques
• Benchmarking process
– Plan
– Research
– Observe
– Analyze
– Adapt
– Improve
Practice Question
When conducting a review of business process reengineering,
an IS auditor found that a key preventive control had been
removed. In this case, the IS auditor should:
inform management of the finding and determine whether
management is willing to accept the potential material risk of
not having that preventive control.
determine if a detective control has replaced the preventive
control during the process and, if it has not, report the
removal of the preventive control.
recommend that this and all control procedures that existed
before the process was reengineered be included in the new
develop a continuous audit approach to monitor the effects of
the removal of the preventive control.
Practice Question
During which of the following steps in the business
process reengineering should the benchmarking
team visit the benchmarking partner?
3.13 Application Controls
Application controls are controls over input,
processing and output functions. They include
methods for ensuring that:
• Only complete, accurate and valid data are entered
and updated in a computer system
• Processing accomplishes the correct task
• Processing results meet expectations
• Data are maintained
3.13 Application Controls
An IS auditor’s tasks include the following:
• Identifying the significant application components and
the flow of transactions through the system
• Identifying the application control strengths
• Testing the controls to ensure their functionality and
• Evaluating the control environment
• Considering the operational aspects of the application
to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness
3.13.1 Input/Origination
Input authorization
• Input authorization verifies that all transactions
have been authorized and approved by
• Types of authorization include:
– Signatures on batch forms or source documents
– Online access controls
– Unique passwords
– Terminal or client workstation identification
– Source documents
3.13.1 Input/Origination
Controls (continued)
Batch controls and balancing
• Batch controls group input transactions to provide
control totals
• Types of batch controls include:
– Total monetary amount
– Total items
– Total documents
– Hash totals
3.13.1 Input/Origination
Controls (continued)
Batch controls and balancing
• Batch balancing can be performed through manual
or automated reconciliation
• Types of batch balancing include:
– Batch registers
– Control accounts
– Computer agreement
3.13.1 Input/Origination
Controls (continued)
Error reporting and handling
• Input processing requires that controls be identified
to verify that data are accepted into the system
correctly and that input errors are recognized and
• Input error handling can be processed by:
– Rejecting only transactions with errors
– Rejecting the whole batch of transactions
– Holding the batch in suspense
– Accepting the batch and flagging error transactions
3.13.1 Input/Origination
Controls (continued)
Error reporting and handling
• Input control techniques include:
– Transaction log
– Reconciliation of data
– Documentation
– Error correction procedures
– Anticipation
– Transmittal log
– Cancellation of source documents
3.13.2 Processing Procedures
and Controls
Data validation and editing procedures
• Procedures should be established to ensure that
input data are validated and edited as close to the
time and point of origination as possible
• Data validation identifies data errors, incomplete or
missing data and inconsistencies among related
data items
3.13.2 Processing Procedures
and Controls (continued)
Processing controls
• Ensure the completeness and accuracy of accumulated
• The following techniques can be used:
Manual recalculations
Run-to-run totals
Programmed controls
Reasonableness verification of calculated amounts
Limit checks on calculated amounts
Reconciliation of file totals
Exception reports
3.13.2 Processing Procedures
and Controls (continued)
Data file control procedures
• File controls should ensure that only authorized
processing occurs to stored data
• Data files generally fall into four categories:
– System control parameters
– Standing data
– Master data/balance data
– Transaction files
Practice Question
Which of the following weaknesses would be
considered the MOST serious in enterprise resource
planning (ERP) software used by a bank?
A. Access controls have not been reviewed.
B. Limited documentation is available.
C. Two-year-old backup tapes have not been replaced.
D. Database backups are performed once a day.
3.13.3 Output Controls
• Output controls provide assurance that the data delivered to
users will be presented, formatted and delivered in a
consistent and secure manner
• Output controls include:
– Logging and storage of negotiable, sensitive and critical forms in a
secure place
– Computer generation of negotiable instruments, forms and
– Report distribution
– Balancing and reconciling
– Output error handling
– Output report retention
– Verification of receipt of reports
3.13.4 Business Process
Control Assurance
Specific matters to consider in business process
control assurance are:
• Process maps
• Process controls
• Assessing business risks within the process
• Benchmarking with best practices
• Roles and responsibilities
• Activities and tasks
• Data restrictions
3.14 Auditing Application
An IS auditor’s tasks include the following:
• Identifying the significant application components
and the flow of transactions through the system
• Identifying the application control strengths and
evaluating the impact of the control weaknesses to
develop a testing strategy by analyzing the
accumulated information
• Reviewing application system documentation to
provide an understanding of the functionality of the
3.14.4 Data Integrity Testing
• Data integrity testing is a set of substantive
tests that examines the accuracy,
completeness, consistency and authorization of
data presently held in a system
• Data integrity tests will indicate failure in input
or processing controls
• Two common types of data integrity tests are
relational and referential integrity tests
3.14.5 Data Integrity in Online
Transaction Processing Systems
The ACID principle:
• Atomicity
• Consistency
• Isolation
• Durability
3.14.6 Test Application Systems
3.14.7 Continuous Online
• Provides a method for an IS auditor to collect
evidence on system reliability while normal
processing takes place
• Continuous audit techniques are important IS
audit tools, particularly when used in a timesharing environment that process a large
number of transactions with a scarce paper trail
3.14.8 Online Auditing
There are five types of automated evaluation
techniques applicable to continuous online auditing:
• Systems Control Audit Review File and Embedded
Audit Modules (SCARF/EAM)
• Snapshots
• Audit hooks
• Integrated test facility (ITF)
• Continuous and intermittent simulation (CIS)
3.15 Auditing Systems Development,
Acquisition and Maintenance
An IS auditor’s tasks in system development,
acquisition and maintenance include:
• Determine the main components, objectives and user
requirements of the system
• Determine and rank the major risks to, and exposures of, the
• Identify controls to mitigate the risks to, and exposures of, the
• Monitor the system development process
• Participate in postimplementation reviews
• Test system maintenance procedures
• Evaluate the system maintenance process
3.15.1 Project Management
Typically, an IS auditor should review the adequacy
of the following project management activities:
Levels of oversight by project committee
Risk management methods within the project
Issue management
Cost management
Processes for planning and dependency management
Reporting processes to senior management
Change control processes
Stakeholder management involvement
Sign off process
3.15.2 Feasibility Study
An IS auditor should perform the following
• Review the documentation produced in this phase for
• Determine whether all cost justifications/benefits are
• Identify and determine the criticality of the need
• Determine if a solution can be achieved with systems
already in place
• Determine the reasonableness of the chosen solution
3.15.3 Requirements Definition
An IS auditor should perform the following functions:
• Obtain the detailed requirements definition document
• Identify the key team members on the project team
• Verify that project initiation and cost have received proper management
• Review the conceptual design specifications to ensure they address the
needs of the user
• Review the conceptual design to ensure control specifications have
been defined
• Determine whether a reasonable number of vendors received a
proposal covering the project scope and user requirements
• Review the UAT specification
• Determine whether the application is a candidate for an embedded
audit routine
Practice Question
When auditing the requirements phase of a
software acquisition, an IS auditor should:
assess the feasibility of the project timetable.
assess the vendor’s proposed quality processes.
ensure that the best software package is acquired
review the completeness of the specifications
3.15.4 Software Acquisition
An IS auditor should perform the following functions:
• Analyze the documentation from the feasibility study
• Review the RFP
• Determine whether the selected vendor is supported
by RFP documentation
• Attend agenda-based presentations and conference
room pilots
• Review the vendor contract prior to its signing
• Ensure the contract is reviewed by legal counsel
before it is signed
Practice Question
An organization decides to purchase a package
instead of developing it. In such a case, the design
and development phases of a traditional software
development life cycle (SDLC) would be replaced
selection and configuration phases.
feasibility and requirements phases.
implementation and testing phases.
nothing; replacement is not required.
3.15.5 Detailed Design and
An IS auditor should perform the following functions:
• Review the system flowcharts for adherence to the general design
• Review the input, processing and out controls designed into the
system for appropriateness
• Interview the key users of the system
• Assess the adequacy of audit trails
• Verify the integrity of key calculations and processes
• Verify that the system can identify and process erroneous data
• Review the quality assurance results of the programs developed
• Verify that all recommended corrections to programming errors
were made
Practice Question
User specifications for a project using the
traditional SDLC methodology have not been met.
An IS auditor looking for a cause should look in
which of the following areas?
Quality assurance
User training
3.15.6 Testing
An IS auditor should perform the following functions:
• Review the test plan for completeness
• Reconcile control totals and converted data
• Review error reports for their precision in recognizing
erroneous data and for resolution of errors
• Verify cyclical processing for correctness
• Interview end users of the system for their understanding
of new methods, procedures and operating instructions
• Review unit and system test plans to determine whether
tests for internal controls are planned and performed
• Review parallel testing results for accuracy
3.15.7 Implementation Phase
An IS auditor should verify that appropriate sign-offs
have been obtained prior to implementation, and
perform the following:
• Review the programmed procedures used for scheduling
and running the system along with system parameters used
in executing the production schedule
• Review all system documentation to ensure its
completeness and that all recent updates from the testing
phase have been incorporated
• Verify all data conversion to ensure that they are correct
and complete before implementing the system in production
3.15.8 Postimplementation
An IS auditor should perform the following functions:
• Determine if the system’s objectives and requirements were
• Determine if the cost benefits identified in the feasibility
study are being measured, analyzed and accurately
reported to management
• Review program change requests performed to assess the
type of changes required of the system
• Review controls built into the system
• Review operators’ error logs
• Review input and output control balances and reports
3.15.9 System Change Procedures
and the Program Migration Process
An IS auditor should consider the following:
• The use and existence of a methodology for authorizing,
prioritizing and tracking system change requests from the user
• Whether emergency change procedures are addressed in the
operations manuals
• Whether change control is a formal procedure for the user and
the development groups
• Whether the change control log ensures all changes shown
were resolved
• The user’s satisfaction with the turnaround of change requests
• The adequacy of the security access restrictions over
production source and executable modules
3.15.9 System Change Procedures and
the Program Migration Process
For a selection of changes on the change control log:
• Determine whether changes to requirements resulted in
appropriate change-development documents
• Determine whether changes were made as documented
• Determine whether current documentation reflects the
changed environment
• Evaluate the adequacy of the procedures in place for testing
system changes
• Review evidence to ensure that procedures are carried out as
prescribed by organizational standards
• Review the procedures established for ensuring executable
and source code integrity
Case Study A Scenario
A major retailer asked the IS auditor to review their readiness for
complying with credit card company requirements for protecting
cardholder information. The IS auditor subsequently learned the
following information. The retailer uses wireless point-of-sale
registers that connect to application servers located at each store.
These registers use wired equivalent protection (WEP) encryption.
The application server, usually located in the middle of the store’s
customer service area, forwards all sales data over a frame relay
network to database servers located at the retailer’s corporate
headquarters, and using strong encryption over an Internet virtual
private network (VPN) to the credit card processor for approval of
the sale.
Case Study A Scenario
Corporate databases are located on a protected screened
subset of the corporate local area network. Additionally, weekly
aggregate sales data by product line is copied from the
corporate databases to magnetic media and mailed to a third
party for analysis of buying patterns. It was noted that the
retailer’s database software has not been patched in over two
years. This is because vendor support for the database
package was dropped due to management’s plans to eventually
upgrade to a new ERP system.
Case Study A Question
Which of the following would present the MOST
significant risk to the retailer?
Wireless point-of-sale registers use WEP encryption.
Databases patches are severely out-of-date.
Credit cardholder information is sent over the Internet.
Aggregate sales data are mailed to a third party.
Case Study A Question
Based on the case study, which of the following
controls would be the MOST important to implement?
Store application servers should be located in a secure
Point-of-sale registers should use two-factor
Wireless access points should use MAC address
Aggregate sales data sent offsite should be encrypted.
Case Study B Scenario
A large industrial concern has begun a complex IT project, with
ERP to replace the main component systems of its accounting and
project control departments. Sizeable customizations were
anticipated and are being carried out with a phased approach of
partial deliverables. These deliverables are released to users for
pilot usage on real data and actual projects.
Meanwhile, detailed design and programming of the next phase
begins. After a period of initial adjustment, the pilot users start
experiencing serious difficulties. In spite of positive test results,
already stabilized functionalities began to have intermittent
problems; transactions hang during execution and, more and more
frequently, project data get corrupted in the database.
Case Study B Scenario
Additional problems show up—errors already corrected started
occurring again and functional modifications already tested tend to
present other errors. The project, already late, is now in a critical
situation. The IS auditor, after collecting the evidence, requests an
immediate meeting with the head of the project steering committee
to communicate findings and suggest actions capable to improve
the situation.
Case Study B Question
The IS auditor should indicate to the head of the project
steering committee that:
the observed project problems are a classic example of loss of control of
project activities and loose discipline in following procedures and
methodologies. A new project leader should be appointed.
relays due to an underestimation of project efforts have led to failures in
the versioning and modification control procedures. New programming
and system resources must be added to solve the root problem.
the problems are due to excessive system modifications after each
delivery phase. The procedure for control of modifications must be
tightened and made more selective.
the nature of initial problems is such as to lead to doubts regarding the
adequacy and reliability of the platform. An immediate technical review of
the hardware and software platform (parameters, configuration) is
Case Study B Question
In order to contribute more directly to solve the
situation, the IS auditor should:
research the problems further to identify root causes
and define appropriate countermeasures.
review the validity of the functional project specifications
as the basis for an improved software baselining
propose to be included in the project team as a
consultant for the quality control of deliverables.
contact the project leader and discuss the project plans
and recommend redefining the delivery schedule using
the PERT methodology.
• Chapter 3 Quick Reference Review
– Page 147 of CISA Review Manual 2012