Pesquisas Realizadas sobre transporte sustentável no Brasil

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Conducted research on
sustainable transport in Brazil
Ideas that directly or indirectly
improve urban mobility
Southeast Region
Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens Project
Organization Cities Without Hunger
“The project aims to introduce an alternative in terms of sustainable development based on the production of food in poor
communities with great demographic concentrations to alleviate the situation of those populations at risk, acting
The project aims to set up community garden nuclei in the east side of the city of São Paulo, in an effort to improve the
living conditions of those more afflicted by the social scourge, involving them in a participatory project through the
creation of job opportunities, vocational training for participants and their dependents and the systematic generation of
Its scope of action is chiefly concentrated in the east side of the city of São Paulo, an area characterized by a high
concentration of unemployed, the low schooling levels of its residents, high crime rates and for the lack of job
opportunities for youths and teenagers. Income and urban-jobs generation, adding value to the produce of the community
gardens and the social integration of the communities with the environment are the project’s main working axes.”
How is it linked with Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility in Urban Health
The Project brings to the local people, health food and work near their home.
Will run in Sao Paulo the first electric taxis in Brazil
Now Brasil will have the first electric taxis in Brasil. The government with
political progrmas is helping the taxi drives to buying it.
This iniciative is such important thinking about the reduction of the air and
sound polution for people health.
Rio's favelas will have escalators inspired in system of Medellín
The design of the escalators is successful in Medellin have increased by urban development and
was greeted with optimism in the capital of Rio, as both social and physical characteristics are
similar in the slum.
Santos and Sorocaba have joined the bicycle as a
means of transport
The incentive for the use of bicycles among municipalities is quite simple:
whoever crosses the ferry with the bike, pay nothing. If you walk, spend $ 2.20.
For this reason, the use of bicycles already accounts for 8% of all locomotion
made ​between the two cities. Another important contribution is the bike lanes
Santos: In addition to the topography of the urban area, nearly all flat, favoring
the use of bicycles, cycling the network structure is also very good. There are
even exclusive semaphores, which ensures the safety of those who adopt the
alternative means of transport.
ONU launches campaign on sustainable urban mobility,,OI5844496-EI20323,00ONU+lanca+campanha+sobre+mobilidade+urbana+sustentavel.html
ONU launched at the “Forte de Copacabana”, the campaign “I'm a City Changer”, so
that people become aware that, with little change in routine actions, it is possible to
achieve a standard of living more sustainably.
The focus of the campaign in Brazil will be urban mobility and people will be asked to
choose less polluting means of transport.
Chairlift as a mean of transportation in Rio
One of the biggest slums
in Rio won in 2011 an
transportation in Brazil.
The Chairlift (Teleférico) is
the first system of
transport by cable in Brazil
and takes three thousand
passengers per hour.
Public Bicycles System in São Paulo and Rio
Bike Rio and Bike Sampa, is
a city hall’s sustainability
project in partnership with
Itaú bank and the bicycles
system SAMBA.
bicycles are available is
strategic points in the city,
easing the “come and go”
of the people in the urban
Sao Caetano will have public bycicles starting from
The initiative aims to encourage non-motorized transport. The
applicant will register and receive the card to release the
vehicle. It is not necessary to deliver it at the same point.
Sao Caetano is engaged and concerned with the National Policy
on Urban Mobility, which aims to prioritize non-motorized
transport and public, as well as accessibility.
Southern Region
Curitiba development of transport
system because of Copa
The projects prioritize the implementation and improvement of public transportation systems and non-motorized
modes - aimed at pedestrians and cyclists - as well as the integration between different modes of transport,
with the constant concern to achieve the concept of universal accessibility, ensuring mobility of the elderly
and people with disabilities or restricted mobility.
The Buses of Brazil: Connectivity - Intelligent Transport Solution
Ericsson has deployed an innovative transport solution based on 3G/WCDMA mobile broadband for
URBS who is responsible for the operation and supervision of Curitiba’s transportation and transit
systems. The system uses Ericsson’s F3607GW module, a fast mobile broadband module with
reduced power consumption and high-performance GPS.
A machine-to-machine communication solution developed by local partner Dataprom gives the
Curitiba public transport authority URBS a wide range of information about its fleet. URBS can now
monitor bus routes, time spent at bus stops, speed, distance traveled, and times for arrival and
departure. Fleet management systems, controllers can access information about and monitor their
More efficient public transport, reduced emissions and energy use, and a modern mobile broadband
network for bus passengers: mobile broadband modules from Ericsson are making life better for
people in the Brazilian city of Curitiba.
The news “paraciclos” of Vidal Ramos – Florianópolis(SC)
Vidal Ramos revitalized the main street with more space to people and bicicles.
The paraciclos are a structure to stop the bike, they invented a usefull structure, thinking about urbanism and space use.
How is it linked with Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility in Urban Health
The revitalization is attracting both new customers, moving by bicycle to reach the region today and allow
visitors to use this vehicle to avoiding future problems of urban mobility.
Bus with front rack in Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul
In Bagé, Rio Grande do
Sul, a bus with front rack
to carry two bikes at time
is already in operation,
and other Brazilian cities
have spoken to test the
system, as São Paulo.
Electric Tricycle (Hurry) in Blumenau- Santa Catarina
Used as mean of internal transport in companies, and several shopping outlets.
Recently, two developments in
southern Brazil started using Hurry
as a means of transportation.A
highlight of the Hurry is economy.
For less than a penny, you can go one
thousand meters. The equipment
can travel 25 kilometers with a full
load. helps in reducing the emission
of gases in the atmosphere, offers
greater stability to the conductor,
making the use quite simple.
Line of Small Business in Porto Alegre
The project is a way to expand the service SMIC and SEBRAE
This project will take to Porto
formalization, professional training
and microcredit. The bus has a
technician of each entity to attend
management orientation, small
business formalization, microcredit,
charter and municipal licenses , etc.
The BRT's construction started in Porto Alegre
The project is part of the body of work listed in the Responsibility Matrix Cup, and
has a great mission to qualify the public transport system, and alleviate the
problem of traffic chaos that the Porto Alegre experience every day.
Porto Alegre wins new bicycle path
Porto Alegre in 2012 will win a bike lane in one of its main avenues, Avenida
Ipiranga. The bike path will be 9.4 kilometers long and runs on one side of the slope
of the Arroio Dilúvio.
Northern Region
Abare I in Tapajós River
An innovative strategy of healthcare for coastal communities. http://
The Boat Abare offers several health care
focused on the population that is on the
banks of the Tapajós river and do not
have easy access to other health centers
by land, constituted as an innovative and
sustainable, serving 2785 people near
their homes. Besides doctors and nurses,
the boat has other professionals such as
art educators and clowns leading
information and entertainment for the
children involved.
This project is conducted through a
partnership of the Health & Happiness,
Municipal Health - SEMSA, with the
support of Terres des Hommes
Foundation, Netherlands.
Afua’s sustainable cars
Cars moved by human traction are the principal means of transportation in this city
Afuá is a city constantly flooded by
the city’s river, disabling the use of
the conventional car prohibited by
law in this location. Thinking about it
11 years ago Raimundo Gonçalves do
Socorro Souza, a resident seeking
more comfort for a walk with his
family invented what is now the
primary means of transportation in
the city. Vehicles with three or four
wheels, pedals for propulsion
equipment and cars as seats,
steering, lights, play DVDs, etc.. This
sustainable mean of transport
requires no fuel and is made ​from
reused bikes and parts for cars.
Riverine bank agency in Manaus
Socioeconomic development and included bank to local population
With the objective of assisting
municipalities in the Amazon
Basin, the Chico Mendes river
Economica Federal Bank, travel
in an area of ​about 153 000
difficulties providing access to
banking services and social
Northeast Region
Save small companies adopting sustainable measures
Initiatives include training of employees and cutting waste.
Jamilton Pereira, a restaurant owner, (Camaçari, Bahia) decided to partner with a timber to use the
surplus resulting from the sawdust; all the garbage generated is separated and sent for recycling;
the remains of food is donated to a swine producer in the region, which uses them to feed the pigs;
architecture more "green" natural lighting.(…)
Paulo Gomes, a washhouse owner, (Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso) decided to take the heat from the
local weather to dry the clothes and automate the washing equipment, which meant that spent less
water and chemicals. (…)
Itatira (Ceará) - Apiarist Mule
To help in the acess in collection areas and charge transport, a producer creates a protective clothing for the
animal walk between the hives without fear.,6993,EEC1686273-2869,00.html
Itatira is the biggest producer of honey in
Ceará. Vieira, the apiarist, created a
protective clothing for the animal walk
between the hives to help in the acess in
collection areas. Before the apiarist mule,
the producers had to take the collection
on foot or in small cars (handcarts) to the
seat of the Association of
Producers of Honey.
“Cuscuzeira” Car – João Pessoa Pernambuco
It’s a exclusive car model
to Northeast Roads. This
mean of transportation is
not custom-made. You can
have only if you order.
“Caminho da Escola” Program
For children do not stop studying . Houston Business and the government
offer 205 thousand bicycles
Students of the rural area
earn from the Houston
thousand bicycles that
will help in locomotion to
school. This attitude
intends to help in
education and culture.
West Central Region
Federal District will build more 235 km of bike lanes
The Federal District government promises to expand its network of bike lanes in at least
235 km. With an estimated investment of $ 66 million, already approved the work should
start in 2012 and still cover 12 cities - including the capital Brasilia. The aim of the project
is that increasingly brasilienses use the bicycle as a means of transport for their daily
General Information
Law allows the transport of bicycles on the subway in Brazil is
Was published in “ Diario oficial do
DF”, the decree ° 33.529, of
february 10, 2012 which regulates
the law n° 4.216/2008, allowing the
passengers that use subway system
can transport your bikes or similar
in subway cars.
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo
Horizonte States, also joined the
law, but with some diferent rules
like operating hours, number of
bikes allowed in the bus (...)
Sustainable mobility for all - the culture of cycling moves in Brazil
Brazilian cities are beginning to invest in this system, and often
this desire for change comes from the population, which is
saturated with traffic jams, polluted cities and ashes. As we have
shown in this post here, young people today have a different
vision of where they live and do not want to get stuck in cars in
canned jam. (…)
The EMBARQ Brazil helps governments and companies in developing and implementing sustainable solutions to the
problems of transport and mobility in cities. By promoting sustainable transport, EMBARQ Brazil is working to reduce
pollution, improve public health, reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and create urban public spaces safe,
accessible and pleasant to the living
Rio de Janeiro opens the first BRT corridor
It is estimated that the system should benefit about 220,000 people daily, they will have more comfort and halve the
current travel time.
EMBARQ Brazil and Rio, a partnership for sustainability
BRT Simulator
Road Safety Audits
Workshop of Marketing
Strategic Alignment
BRT Experience : Missions and Technical Press
1st. World Bicycle Forum of Porto Alegre
1st. World Bicycle Forum of Manaus
The shares will be held in various parts of the city, from bike rides to lectures and
workshops and safety guidelines for cyclists.
Network of municipalities Potentially Healthy
Is constituted as an integrated network of cities coordinated by Dr. Ana Maria Girotti Sperandio with a
mission to "collaborate in the construction of healthy public policies in a participatory and articulated
through the various representatives." Account with the technical support of the Pan American Health
Organization (PAHO / WHO), the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP / Faculty of Medical Sciences /
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine), Institute of Special Research Society (IPES) , members
of the 40 municipalities in five states (SP, MG, RJ, AM and PR) and partners such as the Watershed
Committee of Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí - PCJ.
Experiences with community gardens
Conchal besides being part of the project
MASSUr, is among the several municipalities of
the Network of Potentially Healthy
Municipalities that have implemented
community gardens, bringing work practices
and healthy foods close to their residents,
resulting in income, physical and mental
health to their participants.
Velocity 2012: Building A Faster, Stronger Web
The only things expanding faster than new techniques and technologies to build a faster,
stronger web are the expectations of web and mobile users.
Velocity is the best place to learn from peers, exchange ideas with experts, and share what
has worked (and equally importantly, what has not worked) in real world applications. The
focus is on practical, large-scale web development, presented by experts.
The Objectives of Walk21 are to respond to the growing demand for a partnership of the world’s
policy makers, researchers, campaigners and practitioners to:
- Confirm the importance of walking issues at political and policy levels
- Provide an international platform for an inclusive discussion
- Acknowledge the research, practice and promotion undertaken so far and to highlight
best practice
- Identify the need for future research and opportunities for funding future networking.
International delegates attending a Walk21 conference do so to have the opportunity to hear from
leading professionals about programmes, policies and projects that really work and explore those
themes in action through walking tours and visits arranged in the host city.
Very interesting web site.
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