Unit Seven Gambling Addiction

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Transcript Unit Seven Gambling Addiction

Unit Eight Gambling Addiction
Text A
Ⅰ. Objectives:
Students will be able to:
1.grasp the main idea and structure of the text;
2. appreciate the use of cohesion, examples and
cause-and-effect analysis in exposition;
3. appreciate the writing skills employed in the
4. conduct a series of activities:
skills focused: reading and writing
skills integrated: speaking and listening
II Time Allotment
1st &
Pre-reading; While
(Part1, Part3)
3rd &
While reading (Parts 2); Post
Practical exercise book IV;
Theme-Related Language
learning tasks
III. Pre-reading tasks
1. Ask students to answer
some questions as warm-up
a. Have you any friends or relatives who have
gambling problems?
 b. What are the reasons for the explosive growth
of the gambling industry?
 c. What causes compulsive gambling?
 d. How does gambling affect the gambler himself?
How does gambling affect the family members of
the gambler?
2. Discuss in class: what are
the negative aspects of
gambling ?
IV. While-reading tasks
1. What does the title of the text mean? Ask some
Ss to paraphrase it.
2. Discuss in class: going broke or going for broke?
3. T tells Ss some related information: legalized
gambling in the U.S.A..
4. T helps Ss analyze the organization of the text.
5. T explains some of the language points and has
Ss to prepare for the others.
6. T asks Ss to paraphrase some difficult language
1. Cultural Notes
1). Gambling
Gambling is becoming more and more popular
throughout the world. Many people have friends or
family members who have gambling problem. The
reason for this increase can partly be attributed to the
legalization of gambling in many countries and
associated rapid increase in gambling facilities such as
casinos and slot machines. Although gambling has
brought income to some groups such as American
Indians, it has brought very serious problems for both
individuals and society as a whole. Increasing number
of people are becoming addicted to gambling, bringing
a whole gamut of problems. Pathological
gamblers may develop stress related
medical conditions such as peptic ulcers,
depression, and alcoholism. Pathological
gamblers may also evidence anti-social
behavior, leaving regular employment and
even engaging in criminal activities to
support their habit. And they often cause
harm to their families and friends.
2). Las Vegas
Since Wynn opened the Mirage in 1989, heralding
a revolution on the then-stagnating Strip, the city
has moved at the speed of neon light. The 1990s
saw a flurry of destruction and construction, as the
classic old casinos were pulled down in order to
make room for a new breed of resort, smart, shiny
and painstakingly, often painfully themed. While
their original family-friendliness hasn’t lasted
(Vegas is now, as it once was and as it should be,
an adult city), the boost in popularity they gave the
city hasn’t faded. Over 35 million
people head to Vegas each year, to work and play
and goodness only knows what else. The majority
of Las Vegas’s sights and attractions are, of course,
its casinos, and the majority of these are on Las
Vegas Boulevard, aka the Strip. This four-mile
stretch takes in most (but not quite all) of the
town’s most spectacular casinos and therefore, by
definition, its sights. Here, you can look at some
arts. Before riding a roller coaster you can climb
the Eiffel Tower to watch a water fountain erupt
below you (outside the Bellagio hotel and casino);
and you can see a stunning show after throwing the
kids’ college fund into a gold-plated slot machine.
Before riding a roller coaster you can climb the
Eiffel Tower to watch a water fountain erupt below
you (outside the Bellagio hotel and casino); and
you can see a stunning show after throwing the
kids’ college fund into a gold-plated slot machine.
Everyone should walk the length of the Strip at
least once while they’re here, stopping to look
around, have a drink or a bite to eat, and perhaps
see a show or take a chance on a blackjack table.
While the smaller, cheaper casinos downtown have
their charms, the Strip is the Las Vegas of myth and
3). FBI
2. The structure of the text
Part One: Paras1-4
 Main idea: The authors give a brief account of the life
experience of a hard-core gambler named Rex Coile. .
 Part Two: Paras5-15
 Main idea:The authors expound the problem of
gambling addiction, its causes and its attendant steep
social price.
Part Three: Paras16-22
 Main idea:Through further discussion of the example of
Rex, the authors reinforce the essay’s thesis that the life of
compulsive gamblers is a narrow box. One trapped inside,
they will never get out.
3. Have Ss paraphrase some
difficult sentences:
1) Instead, Rex shares floor space in cheap motels
with other compulsive gamblers, comforting
himself with delusional dreams of jackpots that
will magically wipe away three decades of
wreckage. (Line 5)
 2). His plunge has been so dizzying that at one
point he agreed to aid another desperate gambler
in a run of bank robberies – nine in all, throughout
Los Angeles and Orange countries. (Line 91)
4. T explains some key and
active language points:
1). go for broke: (infml)
risk everything in one
determined attempt at sh.
Examples: He decided to go for broke and
put all his money into stock market.
 Why not go for broke and apply for
Harvard University?
2). compulsive: (of
people)forced to do sth. by an
obsession (used only before
 His compulsive gambling led to heavy debt
for the family.
 The book is compulsive reading.
 Cf. compulsory opp. optional
3). not least of all: especially;
in particular
Examples: Millions of flowers color the
gardens, not least of all in Spring.
 Inflation affected everyone, but not least of
all those unemployed.
4). articulate: (of a person)
able to express one’s ideas
clearly in words
 Many people are opposed to the new law,
but have had no opportunity to articulate
their opposition.
 When children first learn to talk, there are
some sounds that they find it difficult to
5). cherish: tend or protect
lovingly; keep (a feeling or an
idea) in one’s mind or heart
and think of it with pleasure
 Although I cherish my children, I do allow them
their independence.
 My grandfather cherished his memory of the years
he spent in the army as a young man.
6). remnant: small remaining
quantity, part or number of
things or people
 remnants of a meal
 remnants of the city’s former glory
 a carpet remnant
7). sanction: v. give
permission for sth. authorize
or approve
 The government was reluctant to sanction
intervene in the crisis.
 Slavery was once sanctioned.
8). sanction: n. permission or
approve, esp. formal or legal; a
strong action taken in order to people
or countries to obey(a law etc.) or
punishment given when they disobey
 He tried to get official sanction for his scheme.
 Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have
difficulty keeping order in the classroom.
 Many nations have imposed sanctions on that country
because of its attacks on its own people.
9). revenue: income, esp. the
total annual income of the
state from taxes, etc.
 Taxes provide most of the government’s revenue.
 Government revenues have fallen dramatically
with four million people out of work.
10).intoxicate: excite (sb.) greatly,
beyond self-control; cause (sb.) lose
self-control as a result of taking
alcoholic drink
He was understandably intoxicated by her
success in the national competition.
 The beauty of the West Lake intoxicated her.
11). addict: person who is
unable to stop taking drugs,
alcohol etc; person who is
strongly interested in sth.
n. addiction
adj. addictive
 a drug /heroin /nicotine/alcohol/gambling addict
 Many heroin addicts have contracted Aids.
 I’m a television/ shopping addict. (humorous)
12). verge: edge or border of a road,
path, etc.
 They set up camp on the verge of the desert
before embarking upon their long trek the
following day.
 She was on the verge of tears at several
points during the trial.
13).fraud: (act of) deceitful
behavior for the purpose of
making money or obtaining sth.
 It is reported that credit card fraud is on the
 He told people he was a serious and wellknown musician, but he was a fraud really .
14). advent: approach or arrival (an
important person or event, etc.)
 Life in Britain was transformed by the advent
of the steam engine.
15). lure: attract or attampt
 She was attracted to Hollywood by the lure
of the silver screen.
 They said that it was the lure of easy money
that led them to commit the fraud.
16). make/hit the headlines:
become important or muchpublicized news
 The death of Zhang Guorong made the
headlines in April 1st, 2002.
17). deceit: act of deceiving
 When the newspapers published the full
story, all his earlier deceits were revealed.
 The story is about theft, fraud and deceit on
an incredible scale.
18). vanish: disappear
completely and suddenly
The child vanished while on her way home
after a game of tennis.
They expressed worry about the district’s
current budget crisis and its vanishing middleclass work force.
19). exasperate: irritate or
annoy (sb.) greatly
 The fans were really exasperated by/at their
team’s poor performance in the match.
20). overwhelm: overpower;
overcome; submerge suddenly
 They were overwhelmed by / at grief when
their baby died.
 Since I’ve been on a diet, I’ve been
overwhelmed by a desire to eat.
21). tear at: pull violently at sb.
 The two girls were screaming and tearing at
each other’s hair.
 The picture of hungry children tore at my
heart. (made me very sad)
22). trigger: n. a small tongue
in a gun that, when pressed
by a finger, fires the gun
v. cause sth bad to start
 It’s not clear who actually pull the trigger.
 The racial killings at the weekend triggered
off a wave of protest throughout the country.
23). sober: v. gradually become
or make sb. become less drunk
(often followed by up)
adj. not under the influence of
alcohol; serious and calm
 I went for a walk to try to sober up.
 I’d only had one glass of wine all evening so I
was stone cold (completely) sober.
 In fact the wedding was a sober affair– no
dancing, just people standing around in groups
chatting politely.
24). in itself: considered
without other related ideas or
 Money is neither good nor bad in itself.
 The match in not important in itself. What
counts is our attitude towards it.
25). purge: remove by cleansing;
make clean and free from (sth.evil
or impure); get rid of (an unwanted
person) in a political party, etc. by
forceful means
 Party leaders have undertaken to purge the
party of extremists.
 The new state governor has promised to
purge the police force of corruption.
26). dwindle: (cause to) become
gradual less or smaller
 The community has dwindled to a tenth of
its former size in the last two years.
 Her hope of success in the race dwindled
last night as the weather became worse.
27). pile up: increase in
quantity; accumulate
 My work is really piling up.
 They piled up such a huge debt that they
soon went bankrupt.
28). fall/come one’s way:
occur or present itself to one
 Take advantage of the opportunity that
comes your way.
5. Student Presentation: prepare to
demonstrate the
following words and expressions
in class.
1) grim
 2) wreckage
 3) philosophy
 4) legalize
 5) theme
 6) violence
7) criminal
8) chemical
9) comprehension
10) spouse
11) bleed
12) dizzy
13) at one point
14) cash
6. Practice
1. The team lost the game and the coach had to admit the
______ truth, though he blamed the referee for the result.
A grim B grimace C grin D fraudulent
 2. The possessive _______ in Tiffany makes her
unwelcome among her colleagues and circle of friends.
A feature
B characteristic
C predisposition
 3. She can’t define or _______ her anger and disgust at her
husband’s pathological addiction to gambling.
A refine B confine C articulate D suffocate
4. I usually have a cup of coffee to _______ me up when I
feel drowsy at work. A sober B purge C surge
D soar
5. Richard has been ________ a grudge against his boss since
his transfer was turned down.
A addressing B loitering C steeping D harboring
6. It was a(n) ________ error for a statesman to show such
ignorance and arrogance.
A staggering B whopping C egregious D gregarious
7. Researches have shown that up to one half of all children
born of alcoholics are genetically _________ to alcoholism.
A imposed B composed C disposed D predisposed
8. She _____ herself to a lonely old age after her husband died.
A assigned B resigned C designed D signed
9.The new manager hoped to ______ the decline in the
company’s revenues.
A controvert B avert C reverse D diversify
10. Our bones become increasingly ___ as we get older.
A brisk B bristle C brink D brittle
 11. The news of our team winning the match was really ______,
and millions of people came out to celebrate the victory.
 A overwhelming B accelerating C prompting D preceding
 12. What the government should do urgently is to take actions
to ____ the economy. A brook B boot C boost D brood
 13.The explosion in the mine was ___ by a careless miner who lit
a match. A triggered B initiated C hampered D programmed
 14.The library published a collection of books recently made
____ to the public.
 A accessory B accessible C reversible D accountable
 15.The author of the report is well ___ with the living conditions
in the poverty-stricken region because he has been there for
several times.
 A informed B acquainted C enlightened D communicated
16.The mass newspaper depended significantly on advertising
____ than did their predecessors.
A revenues B assets C avenues D proceeds
17. The way other people behave towards us influences how we
A conceive of B conform to C confront with D intoxicate with
18. The accused was ____ to have been the leader of the plot to
overthrow the government. A allured B lured C alleged D busted
19.To her great joy she discovered that his ear was becoming
____ . A sensational B sensitive C sentimental D nonsensical
20. A great deal of ___ for our success should go to Michael Lee,
head of our team. A merit B credit C favor
D reward
21. They question whether a fair way can be ______ to tell
which employees really perform better than their fellow
employees. A depicted B devised C fabricated D designated
22. The report indicates that it is financially ________ to build a
water power station in the area.
A adaptable B available C feasible D flexible
23. Somehow she felt that she herself had to some extent been the
cause of all this trouble, and suffered ________.
A accordingly B respectively C consequently D subsequently
24.The gas company _____ a leak in the main line and evacuated all
the tenants of the building.
A detected B inspected C discerned D explored
25. At the 28th Olympic Games she ______ two gold and one silver
medals in the track and field events.
A carried away B carried off C carried over D carry through
26.More than 810,000 youths were reported to have ___the National
Master’s Entrance Examination last year.
A sat on B sat up C sat in D sat for
27. As a general rule, people with a great deal of ______ often
have admiring friends and bitter enemies.
A personality B temperament C disposition D character
28. She was ______ to go back to work in order to make the ends
meet as a result of economic recession and her husband’s reduced
A compelled B enforced C imposed D depressed
29. The strange phenomenon has ________ and puzzled many
scientists for more than a century.
A annoyed B exasperated C fascinated
D frustrated
30. As we all know, the same gestures may have different _______
which vary from one culture to another.
A implications B presumptions C expressions D assumptions
31. With the advent of PC and home-information systems, we’ll
one day be able to ________ most business dealings from home.
A implement B execute C conduct D supplement
32.This difficult problem we face in the project has to be tackled
before we can __to others.A. pursue B.dispose C.precede D.proceed
33.We can’t choose whether we will pay income tax or not, for
payment of income tax is ___ .
A compulsory B compulsive C compelling D dutiable
34. It’s generally agreed that fluctuations in birth rate are _________
to a number of economic factors.
A entitled B contributed C confined D confounded
35. It’s always better to ________ a problem before it arises than to
search for a solution to it afterwards.
A evaluate
B predict C anticipate D estimate
36. It takes tremendous courage to ____ a belief that is not shared by
many others. A persist in B abide by
C hold on D adhere to
37. As a good employer, he knows how to make full use of the
______ of his employees’ talents and abilities.
A reversibility B integrity
C diversity D versatility
38. Over the years jazz has changed and developed but it has
essentially ________ its fundamental characteristics.
A conserved B retained C reserved D sustained
39. Economics is a subject that ________ all people’s lives whether
they are conscious of it not.
A draws on
B catches on C touches on D embarks on
40. As he was blamed for damage he hadn’t caused, indignation
_____ up in him. A purged B surged C burgeoned D nurtured
41. To sound more persuasive, salespersons usually make great
efforts to learn about the needs of the _______ customers.
A. prospective B. appropriate C. respective D. approximate
42. Perhaps the most important ____ of good web design is a clearly
organized structure or Information Architecture (IA).
A element B component C ingredient D constituents
43. Few buildings in the bombed city remained _______ .
A intact B integral C intrinsic D intricate
44. The findings show a ____ difference between the opinions of
men and women. A. substantial B. chronic C. bogus D studious
 45. We live in a ______ society in which different ethnic groups
and cultural traditions exist side by side.
 A. plural B. stagnant C. constructive D. instructive
 46. Bill is adroit at handling people. He is a(n) _______ man who
is able to express his thoughts and desires very precisely.
A reserved B articulate C exasperated D sober
 47. It is clear that lack of education will greatly _______ the laidoff workers from getting a job again.
A dwindle B incriminate C hamper D reverse
 48. Almost everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time
he finished telling the _______ tale.
A pathetic B sympathetic C panic D pathological
49.With the popularity of the Internet, both commercial computers
and personal ones are more ___to computer viruses than ever before.
A brittle B vulnerable C liable D subordinate
 50. The team will have to do well to win a medal at the Olympic
Games, where they will face ________ competition from several
countries. A harsh B rigid C grim D stiff
 51. Mrs. May was awakened by the sudden ringing of the bedside
phone several hours after her husband’s boat had been _______.
A wrecked B broke C vanished D collapsed
 52. You should try to ________ your ambition and be more realistic.
A train B strain C constrain D restrain
 53. With the ________ of Internet wagering sites, quite a number of
people have been allured to this business because of easy access,
easy credit, and most importantly, privacy.
A penetration B dominance C pervasiveness D proliferation
54. Inspired by their French neighbors who originally introduced
the idea of displaying a country’s latest goods with the Industrial
Exposition of 1844, it was the British who ___ on this idea and
held the first World Expo in London in 1851.
A expounded B expanded C speculated D counted
 55. Cyber purchase allows the use of all credit cards, electronic
fund ________ , or any other bank instruments to pay for online
A transitions B transactions C transmissions D transfers
 56. This suburb has been the accidental _______ of a large
restoration program.
A beneficiary B beneficial C benediction D benevolence
 57. Richard had to bear the _______ of the blame when the
business failed for his arbitrary decision.
A brunette B blunt C blunder D brunt
58. The prosecutors charged the government official with
_______ 2 million US dollars from the urban development
fund and other malpractices when he was in office.
A converting B averting C perverting D diverting
 59. Public ______ such as water, gas, electricity and
phones are indispensable to modern life.
A facilities B utilities C infrastructures D mains
 60. Relations with the neighboring countries took a steep
_______ during the crisis.
A plunge B plunder C plumb D plume
1-5 A D C A D
16-20 A A C B B
31-35 C D A C C
46-50 B C A B A
6-10 C D B C D
21-25 B C C A B
36-40 D D B C B
51-55 A D D B D
11-15 A C A B B
26-30 D A A C A
41-45 C A A A D
56-60 A D D B A
4. Essay Writing:
How to write letters of sympathy
or condolence
Here are some tips for writing letters of sympathy
or condolence:
1. Do write as promptly as possible, while your
feelings are fresh, and while the recipient can
most benefit from reading kind words.
2. Do feel free to be brief. In many situations, the
recipient will not have the time or energy to give due
attention to a lengthy letter.
3. Do feel free to express your affection and compassion
for the recipient.
4. Don’t compare the recipient’s misfortunate
experience to someone else’s, even to your own.
Everybody’s experience is unique and deserves
individual attention.
5. Don’t offer any specific advice or service. Your
recipient may or may not be able – or willing – to
accept your well-intentioned gesture. When
expressing your sympathy for a loss of poverty, it
is a good idea not to offer help unless you know
the recipient very well. Otherwise, your offer of
help may be misconstrued as a tactless offer of
charity or as an empty gesture.
Post-reading Tasks
1. Have Ss do some after-text exercises;
 2. Check on Ss’ home reading of Text B;
 3. Guide Ss through Reading Strategy;
 4. Let students do some additional exercise;
 5. Assign Ss to write a letter of sympathy or
 6. Have Ss to prepare for the final exam.
~The End~
Thank you !