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Cost Control and the Menu—Determining Selling Prices and Product Mix

 Chapter 4 – NRAEF  Chapter 8 - NRAEF  Chapters 13-15 Asch

OH 4-2

Chapter Learning Objectives

 Determine a selling price based on various markup methods.

 Explain how market forces affect menu prices.

 Explain how the menu product mix is used to determine the composite food cost of a menu.

 Explain how the menu helps with food cost control.

OH 4-3

Chapter 13 - Chapter Learning Objectives

     Evaluate a menu as a marketing tool. Evaluate menu design techniques and principles, including: Physical menu characteristics       Focal point Methods of emphasis Menu diversity Signature dish Menu layout Menu descriptions Perform a menu analysis. Analyze data from a menu analysis.

OH 4-4

Chapter 14 - Chapter Learning Objectives

 Understand the steps to forecasting.  Differentiate among qualitative and quantitative data.  Examine POS data  Calculate a menu analysis.  Explore various sales control techniques.  Explore methods of theft protection.

OH 4-5

Chapter 15 - Chapter Learning Objectives

 Differentiate among menu designs.  Calculate menu prices using a variety of methods.  Evaluate the importance of a signature dish.  Evaluate techniques to improve sales.  Implement different suggestive selling techniques and correlate the value of effective suggestive selling.  Distinguish the components of a pre-shift meeting.  Investigate employee empowerment.

OH 4-6

Menu Prices

 If they are too high;  If they are too low; Sales suffer Profits suffer

OH 4-7

Menu Prices Should

 Be directly related to costs  Help predict profitability  Serve as a cost control tool  Reflect realistic markups (the difference between a menu item’s cost and selling price)

OH 4-8

Pro Forma Income Statement as Budget Standard

OH 4-9

Menu Pricing Methods

 The Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) markup method  The factor method  The markup on cost method

OH 4-10

The Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) Markup Method Step 1 –

Add target percentage values for labor, all other expenses (except food), and profit.


Labor All other expense (except food) Profit Total + + .25




OH 4-11

The Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) Markup Method continued Step 2 –

Subtract the total in Step 1 from 1.00.


Total from Step 1 Divisor 1.00

– 0.65


OH 4-12

The Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) Markup Method continued Step 3 –

Divide the standard portion cost of the item by the divisor to obtain the menu selling price.

Menu item standard portion cost ÷ Divisor = Menu selling price $4.10 ÷ 0.35 = $11.71

The Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) Markup Method continued

OH 4-13 The Texas Restaurant Association’s menu pricing formula considers labor costs when determining selling prices.

OH 4-14

The Factor Method

 Determines menu prices based upon the standard (target) food cost percentage  Involves a two-step process

OH 4-15

The Factor Method continued Step 1 –

Calculate the appropriate factor using the following formula.


÷ Standard food cost percentage 1.00 ÷ 0.35

= Factor = 2.86

OH 4-16

The Factor Method continued Step 2 –

Calculate the menu price using the following formula.

Factor x Menu item cost = Selling price 2.86 x $4.10

= $11.73

OH 4-17

The Markup on Cost Method

 Is popular  Is easy to use To calculate menu prices, use the following formula.

Menu item cost $4.10 ÷ 0.35

= Selling price = $11.71

OH 4-18

Market Forces Affect Selling Prices

Menu prices can be affected by a variety of external forces, including  Competition  Price-value relationship

OH 4-19

Markups Affect Selling Prices

 Different menu items are typically marked up by different amounts.

 In general, the lower the menu item cost, the higher the markup (and the lower the food cost percentage).

OH 4-20

Menu Product Mix Is Important

 Restaurants must achieve their standard (targeted) food cost percentage.

 If a restaurant exceeds its food cost standard, profits will likely decline.

 Menu items sell at a variety of cost percentages.

OH 4-21

Menu Product Mix Is Important continued

 The average food cost percentage is determined by menu mix.

 Menu mix significantly determines a restaurant’s food cost percentage target.

OH 4-22

Weighted Food Cost Percent

 Right way to determine weighted average unit cost Menu Item Hamburger Fries Soda Total # Sold 20 5 10 35 Unit Cost $2.00



Total Cost $40.00





÷ 35 = $1.27

OH 4-23

Weighted Food Cost Percent continued

 Wrong way to determine average unit cost Menu Item Hamburger Fries Soda Total Unit Cost $2.00





÷ 3 = $0.91

OH 4-24

Menu Product Mix

 It is not possible to add unweighted unit costs to determine average unit costs.

 It is not possible to add unweighted food cost percentages.

 A menu product mix spreadsheet helps determine the total (weighted) food cost percentage.

OH 4-25

Menu Product Mix Spreadsheet

 Lists the names of all menu items sold  Lists the number of times each item has sold  Identifies the unit item cost of each item

OH 4-26

Menu Product Mix Spreadsheet continued

 Lists each menu item’s selling price  Identifies the total cost of each item (number sold x item cost)  Lists the total sales achieved by each item (number sold x selling price)

OH 4-27

Menu Product Mix continued

 The items that guests select have a significant impact on a restaurant’s weighted food cost percentage.

OH 4-28

Menu Engineering

 Method of menu evaluation  Considers contribution margin (selling price minus menu item food cost)  Considers popularity (number of items sold)

OH 4-29

Monitoring Menu-Related Concerns

 Three factors must be considered and compared when analyzing food cost efficiency.

 Standard food cost percentage  Weighted food cost percentage  Actual food cost percentage

OH 4-30

Monitoring Menu-Related Concerns continued

 Standard food cost percentage  The expected food cost percentage based upon the approved operating budget or other benchmark.  Calculation

Total target food cost = Standard food cost percent

OH 4-31

Monitoring Menu-Related Concerns continued

 Weighted food cost percentage  The percentage that results from the actual food sales  Calculation

Actual food cost for menu items sold ÷ Actual sales from menu items sold = Weighted food cost percent

OH 4-32

Monitoring Menu-Related Concerns continued

 Actual food cost percentage  Reported on the restaurant’s income statement

OH 4-33

Monitoring Menu Related Concerns continued

Summary  If the weighted percentage exceeds the standard percentage, take steps to manage sales activity.

 If the actual food cost percentage exceeds the weighted percentage, take steps to improve food controls.

OH 4-34

How Would You Answer the Following Questions?





A composite food cost percentage is a (weighted/unweighted) average. A menu product mix spreadsheet is designed to identify a restaurant’s composite food cost percentage. (True/False) The menu pricing method that considers target profit in its computation is the A.




Factor method Markup on cost method Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) method Yield percent method Product mix has very little impact on the ability of a restaurant to achieve its standard food cost percentage. (True/False)

OH 4-35

Key Term Review

 Composite food cost percentage  Factor method  Markup  Markup differentiation  Markup on cost method

OH 4-36

Key Term Review continued

 Menu engineering  Menu product mix  Price-value relationship  Pro forma income statement  Texas Restaurant Association (TRA) markup method