Secure Exams

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Secure Blackboard Exams

You Can Do It!

Kathleen Miller, Professor of Nursing, Grand Rapids Community College Rob Gibson, Director of Instructional Technology, Friends University

About Grand Rapids Community College

• • • • • • • Located in Grand Rapids, MI Public community college in an urban setting founded in 1914 14,000+ students for winter ‘06 4000 non-credit students Traditional students for transfer to 4 year institutions, terminal degrees from professional and occupational programs, non traditional adult student for job retraining, community enrichment Currently uses Blackboard 6.2 and will be moving to 7.0 spring ‘06 College has used Securexam since 2003

About Friends University

• • • • • • Located in Wichita, KS Independent Christian University Approximately 2,800 students Adult (non-traditional); Graduate and Traditional Undergraduate Currently utilize Blackboard 6.2 Academic System and will be moving to 7.1 summer ‘06 The University has utilized Securexam since 2001

Is cheating a problem on your campus?

Research suggests it may be a very big problem… Perhaps bigger than you may realize

Who cheats?

• • • In a recent survey conducted by

Who's Who Among American High School Students

, 80% of high-achieving high-school students admitted to having cheated at least once; 50% said they did not believe cheating was necessarily wrong; 95% of the cheaters said they’ve never been caught. According to the

Center for Academic Integrity

at Duke University, 75% of college students confess to cheating at least once Technology makes it easy. Savvy hackers and ordinary kids alike are using the Internet, pagers, and cell phones to cheat In a study of 500 middle and high school students, Rutgers University management Prof. Donald McCabe found that more than two thirds said doing work with classmates didn't count as cheating, and half thought it was fine for parents to do their homework

U.S. News and World Report. (1999) Exclusive Poll: Cheaters Win.

Lake, C.

Who cheats?

• • • • • • • Almost 74% of students have observed collegiate cheating 43% students have witnessed the detection of cheating 45.6% have confessed to cheating at least once Males report a significantly higher incidence of cheating than do females, although there are no differences between freshmen and sophomores, dorm residents and off-campus students, and full-time and part-time students Both male students and dorm students report a higher and statistically significant willingness to assist another student in cheating Although a substantially high percentage of all respondents agree that cheating is ethically wrong, nearly half of the respondents find cheating to be socially acceptable Dormitory students perceive cheating to be more socially acceptable than do off campus students

An Examination of Student Cheating in the Two-Year College (2003).

Smyth, M. & Davis J.

Who cheats?

• • • Business majors tend to score lower on measures of moral development and moral reasoning than some other majors (particularly when compared to liberal arts students) Cheating behaviors are a function of situational factors that appear to be either independent of or are at least poorly correlated to the level of moral development Data suggest that instructors who repeatedly use the same topic for a final paper are encouraging cheating; this supports Thornton and Peterson's (2000) finding that using the same examination each semester encourages cheating

Examining the Decision Process of Students' Cheating Behavior: An Empirical Study (2004).

Bernhardt, R., Metzger, R., Bruno, R. & Hoogkamp, M.

So, where are the faculty?

So, where are the faculty?

A survey consisting of 25 questions was completed by 742 faculty • • • • The results indicated that faculty do not perceive academic dishonesty to be a serious problem!

Faculty believed themselves to be familiar with current policy and procedure and were unconcerned with policy implementation 86% have suspected and 65% have been certain of academic dishonesty in their classrooms* Most of the faculty did not regularly follow institutional policy; rather, handled incidents of cheating and plagiarism on an individual basis. They believed responsibility for reducing academic dishonesty lay primarily with students and individual faculty * The fact that 86% of the studied faculty suspected academic dishonesty in their classrooms but did not perceive it to be a major problem should be investigated further

Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism Included, in the Digital Age: A Literature Review (2004).

Ercegovac, Z. & Richardson, J.

So, where are the faculty?

• • Donald McCabe, Associate Provost for Campus Development at Rutgers surveyed 1,800 students on nine campuses in 1993 and found that 70% of the students had cheated at least once during their college careers. But when Mr. McCabe asked 800 professors at 16 institutions if they had ever reported cheating, 40% said "never," 54% checked "seldom" and a mere 6% picked "often.“ Concerns regarding potential legal action or lengthy student appeals dissuaded many faculty from reporting this problem

Why Professors Don't Do More to Stop Students Who Cheat. (1999) Chronicle of Higher Education. Schneider, A.

Bring on Secure Testing!

Advantages – Utilizes a proprietary browser – Password protected (student does not see the password) – Student cannot e-mail; web-surf; instant-message; print; copy paste; or browse to other portions of the course – Certain keystrokes are disabled – Securexam browser can be set up in a computer lab or on individual students’ computers (distance education students) – Significantly reduces a student’s ability to cheat during an online test – Extremely reliable software

Bring on Secure Testing!

Disadvantages – One “disadvantage” we’ve noted relates to Blackboard: If the assessment is set to allow students to see the correct answers immediately following the conclusion, the student can, conceivably, enter the course through a normal browser following the test > select his/her grade > view the assessment results > print the answers > distribute to other students • This can be manually “corrected” if the instructor makes a change in the test settings immediately following the test to prevent students from reviewing the answers. However, this would need to be done as close to the conclusion of the test as possible.

– A special Bb sidebar option must be created in conjunction with Software Secure’s software engineering services. Friends utilizes “Tests & Quizzes”, GRCC utilizes “Tests and Quizzes”. Any deviation in this wording will result in a test that cannot be launched. This has required training to educate the faculty

What the faculty are saying…

How Securexam works…

Some benefits to faculty in addition to security

• Less class time used for testing • Less faculty time for grading • Ease in making changes in test questions • Less dispute about test questions • Direct grade entry into Bb

Some benefits for students

• Immediate feedback at completion of the exam • Prepares them for the computerized licensure exam • They are comfortable with technology

Student access

• Enter Securexam browser which then allows them to log on to Bb • Once in Bb through Securexam, all options except the test are closed to the student • At completion of the test session – change feedback options to score only to prevent access to the test document

Disabled keystrokes

• All Function Keys: F1-F12 • Right-Click and Double-Click-All right-click and double-click functions can be executed by using the pull-down menus • Start Menu Button • Ctrl-Alt-Delete-With the exception of Windows 2000 and NT, Securexam disables the Ctrl-Alt-Delete key sequence manual restart function. With Windows 2000 and NT, the Ctrl-Alt-Delete sequence will send a user to the Windows Security Screen, from which the Task Manager has been disabled

Contact Information

• Kathleen Miller - [email protected]

• Robert Gibson - [email protected]

• Software Secure •