Hazard Mitigation Assistance

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Hazard Mitigation Assistance

Hazard Mitigation means any action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk too human life and property from natural hazards

Hazard Mitigation Funding

Local Plans and Regulations

• Coastal Zone Management • Easements • Floodplain Management • Open Space Preservation • Stormwater Management • Subdivision Ordinance • Zoning • International Building Code • International Residential Code • Higher Standards • Pre/Post Disaster Code Enforcement • Other

Community Identified Programs

• Incentives • Establish funding mechanisms for local risk reduction • Local mitigation program: • Stream maintenance • Tree management • Fire protection program • Other Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 2

Hazard Mitigation Funding

Mitigation Projects

• Acquisition • Elevation o Structure o Utilities o • Flood Risk Management o Other Bridge o o Culvert Dams o o Debris Drainage Improvements o o o o o Jetties Levees Revetments Seawalls Other

Mitigation Projects (cont)

• Forest or Vegetation Management • Natural Systems Restoration o Beach o Dune Rehabilitation o Nourishment o Wetlands o Other • Soil Stabilization or Erosion Control • Retrofit o Non-Structural o Structural o Other • Safe Room Construction • Underground Utilities • Other Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 3

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program  Available following a Presidentially Declared Disaster – 20% of Disaster Costs  Cost share – 75% Federal / 25% Local Match  Eligible Applicants – State Agencies, Tribal Governments, Local Governments / Agencies, certain Private Non-Profit Organizations  Must be cost effective and environmentally sound Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 4

Pre-disaster Mitigation Grant

 Appropriated annually by Congress  Cost Share - 75% Federal / 25% Local Match  Eligible Applicants – State Agencies, Tribal Governments, Local Governments / Agencies,  Competitively awarded Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 5

Flood Mitigation Assistance

 Funded from National Flood Insurance Program annually  Cost share - 75% Federal / 25% Local Match up to 100% Federal share  Eligible Applicants – State Agencies, Tribal Governments, Local Governments / Agencies,  Competitively awarded for flood related mitigation projects and planning Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 6

 Grants managed and monitored by State through the California Office of Emergency Services Contact: Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs

(916) 845-8150

Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 7