What is the general Landscape of Career Technical

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Budgets…… Smoke and Mirrors Demystified

Presented by:

Dr. Lyla Eddington Susan Coleman

Sources of Funding for Community Colleges

 State  Federal  Other Sources

State Funding

 General Fund  Apprenticeship  Nursing Growth  Economic & Workforce Development  Quick Start

General Fund

 Title V Regulations  Basic Skills  Transfer Courses  Vocational Education Courses  Credit vs. non-credit funds  Cap and growth funds


 26 Apprenticeship RSI districts $12M;  160 apprenticeship programs  66 trades/crafts titles located on 39 campuses  39 Campuses

Economic and Workforce Development Funds

    Regional Centers Statewide Network Leadership/Coordination Support Services  Industry-driven Regional Collaborative (IDRC) Job Incentive Training Funds (JDIF) Nursing Enrollment

Federal Funding

 Perkins or “VTEA”

(Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 )

 Local Grant (1-c) $52M  Tech Prep (II-a) $10M  State Leadership (1-b) $6M  Workforce Investment Act

How Funds Allocated?

 Perkins  State allocation based on formula  CDE/COCCC split based on “voc ed” headcount  Locally  1C based on economic disadvantaged student headcount  Tech Prep by formula ($$$ per college in consortium)  State Leadership – competitive

VTEA I-C Funding is for…………….

Program Improvement by TOP code for vocational programs and/or across all vocational programs

Requirements for VTEA Title 1C Expenditures

        Strengthen academic, vocations and technical skills of students Provide students with strong experience and understanding of all aspects of the industry Develop and expand use of technology Professional development Evaluate programs with emphasis in special populations Initiate, improve, expand and modernize quality programs Be of sufficient, size, scope and quality Link Secondary and postsecondary programs

Permissive Uses of VTEA Title 1C Funds

 Involve parents, business and labor in planning & operation       Career guidance & academic counseling Work-related experience Programs for special populations Education & business partnerships Vocational student organizations Mentoring & support services

Permissive Uses


        Upgrading equipment Teacher preparation programs Improving and developing new vocational courses and programs Family and consumer sciences Adult vocational programs Job placement programs Non-traditional training & employment Support other vocational programs

Carl Perkins VTEA 1B Leadership Funds

 Discipline Advisory Committees  7 Regional Consortia  Career Development Collaborative  Work-based Learning Collaborative  Research and Accountability  Special Populations

Other Sources of Funding

     WIA TRIO Program  Upward Bound  SSS  Talent Search Gear-Up FIPSE NSF

Local Perspective for Funding Allocation

 Shared governance model  Competitive  Prioritized by faculty  Advisory committee input  Academic senate participation  Planning and budget committee  District plan is submitted to CCCO for approval(VTEA I-C)

“Lessons Learned”

 Collaboration  Academic Integration  Regionalization and regional structures  Value of Work-based learning and Career Development

Looking to the future and the big picture….

Re-authorization or Re-invention of Federal Programs?

 Perkins  House Version  Senate Version  Accountability  The California State Plan  WIA  New focus on re-training  $$$ reduced  Collaborative Activity
