Transcript Slide 1

STEM Project Fair
Information Night
Overview of Project Fair
Important Dates
• Need a Mentor
– Give me a letter requesting a mentor, with your topic
and project proposal at one at Clinic 1 or Forms Night
– Mentor is someone you can ask questions on email.
• Forms complete by November 17
– Exception Abstract
– Students with Forms not completed will not be eligible
to be promoted.
• Abstract needs to be completed by January 9
• WRD5 Science Day Forms Due February 10
Project Clinics
• Clinic 1: October 9/10
– Research, Experiment and Innovation Project
• Clinic 2: November 27/28
– Data Organization, Analysis, Conclusions, and
• Clinic 3: January 9/10
– Oral, Written Presentations and the Tri-fold
Other Important Dates
• Brainstorming with Mentors
October 6, 8am – 2pm
Stanton Middle School (Kent)
• Forms Night
October 16 - HHS
October 17 - SMS
• STEM Project Fair – January 19
Kent State University, Student Union
Possible Promotions To:
• Northeast Science and Engineering Fair
March 4-7, John Carroll University
• BEST Medicine
March 9,
Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron
• Western Reserve District 5 Science Day
March 16, University of Akron
• State Science Day
May 11, Ohio State University
Overview: A Project
Types of Projects
• The Standard Science Fair Experiment is called an Inquiry Based
– This includes a question, research, hypothesis, experiment to test
hypothesis, analysis, and conclusions.
– You are controlling some aspect of science and measuring and
observing change
• The Engineering/ Design Project is a possibility for interested
– A design project is an open ended process where there is more than
one correct answer
– The steps include
Define a “Need” (new invention, improved product, etc)
Research (similar inventions, successes, failures, strengths, weaknesses.
Make a Problem Statement (project goal and success criteria)
Design, Build, Test Prototype
Iterated Design and Re-test Prototype (until project goal/ criteria is met)
Types of Projects (continued)
• Computer Science Program
– A software program is really a specialized case of
engineering design.
• Mathematics Proof
– The steps include
Define what is known.
Research and define all terminology.
Make conjecture/ assumptions based on what you know.
Perform calculations
Recalculate, write up steps to conclusions.
Inquiry vs. Design Process
How is the Project Scored?
Knowledge Achieved
Originality and Creativity
Use of Scientific Method
Clarity of Expression
What to Expect at the Project
Project Fair Day
• You will be available for judging for 3 hours. Bring a
• You may be judged by more than 2 judges.
• Your teacher will receive your certificates and score
sheets, unless you are promoted to other science fairs.
• No parents allowed in the judging area.
• You may request Friday night judging if you are not
available on Saturday
– You must request this by January 5. No exceptions.
– You will not be considered for special awards (First place in
physics, etc)
– You can still be promoted, provided your forms are in
Prepare for Brainstorming
Pick an STEM Topic
• Make a list of science topics that interest you.
– These could be topic you studied in school,
– Events you read in the news (or tv)
– Something you saw at a museum
– Perhaps you are wondering about something that
you read, heard, or noticed.
• Talk to a mentor
What you need at Brainstorming
• You’ll need to have project proposal written
out and show to someone at sign in.
• If you don’t have a project proposal, you’ll be
diverted to an area with computers for you to
put together a proposal. Afterwards, you can
meet with mentors.
Project Proposal
• Your hypothesis or design statement,
• If an inquiry project, the listing of the dependent
and independent variables, plan for controlling all
other variables, repetition number, plan for
collecting data,
• If a design project, materials, tools, plan for
development, what testing you might do to prove
• Enough research so that conversation with
mentor is worth everyone's time.
Prepare For Forms Night
Forms Night
• We will have a bank of computers and will to get
initial registration complete for all students.
• Online Student Checklist
• Online Checklist for Adult Sponsor
– Each project requires an Adult Sponsor to attend
Online Ethics and Rules Statement
OAS Online Consent and Release Statement
Online Approval Form
Online Research Form
Information You Will Need
• Name (correct spelling of all team members)
– Team lead will be the only one to register
• Email addresses, phone numbers, and street
address of all team members
• Parent email addresses for all team members
• Project Title (that will be placed in program and
on certificates)
• School Name, Teacher Name
• Dates of project (approx begin and end dates)
• If continuation project, need Abstract and
Research Plan from last year
(more) Information You Will Need
• Project Type
– Behavioral, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry,
Computer Science, Earth & Space Science,
Engineering, Environmental, Mathematics, Medicine,
Microbiology, Physics, or Zoology
• Address of non-school/ home work sites
• For Research Plan Form bring the following on
jump drive:
Question or Problem
Goals, Expected Outcomes, Hypothesis
Experiment Procedure
Bibliography (list of 5 major references)
Items to Complete After Forms Night
• All parents will need to digitally sign Approval
• Research Form can be completed online after
Forms Night
• Abstract is due Jan 9
• SRB approval will be completed 2 weeks after
registration completion
Student Researcher
• The student researcher is responsible for all
aspects of the research project including enlisting
the aid of any needed supervisory adults (Adult
Sponsor, Qualified Scientist, etc.), obtaining
necessary approvals (SRB), following the Rules &
Guidelines, and doing the experimentation,
engineering, data analysis, etc. involved in the
project. Scientific fraud and misconduct are not
condoned at any level of research or competition.
Such practices include plagiarism, forgery, use or
presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s
own and fabrication of data
Adult Sponsor
• An Adult Sponsor may be a teacher, parent, university
professor, or scientist in whose lab the student is
working. This individual must be in close contact with
the student during the course of the project. The Adult
Sponsor is responsible for working with the student to
evaluate any possible risks involved in order to ensure
the health and safety of the student conducting the
research and the humans or animals involved in the
study. If the Adult Sponsor is not thoroughly familiar
with the regulations relevant to the project, the Adult
Sponsor should help the student enlist the aid of a the
SRB of the Hudson STEM Alliance
Qualified Scientist
• A Qualified Scientist should possess an earned
doctoral/ professional degree in the biological or
medical sciences as it relates to the student’s
area of research, or a master’s degree with
equivalent experience and/or expertise in the
student’s area of research is acceptable. The
Qualified Scientist must be thoroughly familiar
with the local, state, and federal regulations that
govern the student’s area of research. The
Qualified Scientist and the Adult Sponsor may be
the same person.
Science Review Board
• A Scientific Review Committee (SRB) is a group of
qualified individuals that is responsible for
evaluation of student research, certifications,
research plans and exhibits for compliance with
the Rules and pertinent laws and regulations. Any
proposed research in the following areas must be
reviewed and approved BEFORE experimentation:
projects involving human participants, vertebrate
animals and potentially hazardous biological,
chemical, agents, activities or devices.
Human Studies
Information on HSA Site
Not Requiring SRB Approval
Testing of a student designed invention, program, concept, etc. where the
feedback received is a direct reference to the product, where personal data is not
collected and where the testing does not pose a health hazard. It is recommended
that Risk Assessment Form (3) be completed.
Data/record review studies (e.g., baseball statistics, crime statistics) in which the
data are taken from preexisting data sets that are publicly available or published
and do not involve any interaction with humans or the collection of any data from
a human participant for the purpose of the student’s research project.
Behavioral observations of unrestricted, public settings (e.g., shopping mall, public
park) in which all of the following apply:
the researcher has no interaction with the individuals being observed
– the researcher does not manipulate the environment in any way and
– the researcher does not record any personally identifiable data.
Projects in which the student receives the data in a de-identified/anonymous
format which complies with both conditions below:
– the professional providing the data must certify in writing that the data have been
appropriately de-identified and are in compliance with all privacy and HIPAA laws and
– during the final SRC review and approval process, the SRC must ensure that the data were
appropriately de-identified by review of the written documentation provided by the
supervising professional.
Requiring SRB Pre-Approval
The research study should be in compliance with all privacy and HIPAA laws when
they apply to the project (e.g. the project involves medical information.)
The research participants must voluntarily give informed consent/assent (in some
cases with parental permission) before participating in the study.
– Adult research participants give their consent.
– Research participants under 18 years of age or individuals not able to give consent (e.g.
mentally disabled) give their assent, with their parents/guardians giving parental permission.
– The SRB will determine whether the consent/assent/ parental permission may be verbal or
must be written depending on the level of risk and the type of study and will determine if a
Qualified Scientist is required to oversee the project.
As part of the process of obtaining informed consent, the researcher will provide
information to the participant (and where applicable, parents or guardians) about
the risks and benefits associated with participation in the research study which
then allows the participants, parents or guardians to make an educated decision
about whether or not to participate.
Participants will also be informed that their participation is voluntary (i.e., they
may decide whether or not to participate) and that they are free to stop
participating at any time.
Informed consent may not involve coercion and is an on-going process, not a
single event that ends with a signature on a page.
When written parental permission is required and the study includes a survey, the
survey must be attached to the consent form.
At Forms Night: Projects Requiring SRB
• Human Participants Form
• Copy of consent forms and survey(s)
• Regulated Research Institution Form - when
• Qualified Scientist Form - when applicable
Animal Studies
Students Are Strongly Encouraged
• HSA strongly endorses the use of non-animal
research methods and encourages students to
use alternatives to animal research. If the use
of vertebrate animals is necessary, students
must consider additional alternatives to
reduce and refine the use of animals keeping
the health and well-being of the animal
subjects as a first priority.
Information on HSA Site
Other Hazards
Potentially Hazardous Biological
Other Hazards
Will Jack
“My Story of Intel ISEF”
Why You Should Consider an
Engineering Project
Shiva Sastry
“What is Engineering”
Process of an Engineering Project
Biomedical Engineering – Brian Davis – Media Center
Biochemistry – Rachida Bouhenni – A100
Medical Chemistry – Ana Barbur – A101
Behavioral Studies – Jeanne Verser – A108
Physics – Bob Erdman – A119
Computer Science – David Fort – A102
Engineering Projects – Shiva Sastry, Will Jack –
EE – Cinda Sheldon - Auditorium
Good Luck!
Ask your Science or Math Teacher or
contact Sheila King:
[email protected]