Transcript Slide 1

National Standard Assessment & Revisions Roadmap

Assess Extant Information

     Quality of data submitted by SAAs/RAOs.

Coding variations voluntarily adopted by the field.

Information most frequently used/requested.

Definitional and reporting questions received from SAAs/RAOs.

Feedback received during TA and training.

NEA Consultation

  Identify priority info needs and areas of concern.

Identify where continuity is key.

Are further efforts to assess the Standard warranted? If yes...

Outline Revisions Procedure

   Identify key steps.

Identify resources needed.

Identify working group. Must include NEA, NASAA, SAA and RAO representation.

Working Group Kick-Off

   Review roles and responsibilities.

Compare notes on NEA/federal, state and regional info needs.

Determine topics to float on field survey.

SAA/RAO Field Assessment

    Uses of the Standard.

Needs, desires and problems.

Issues, fields or codes identified by the Working Group.

Implementation factors.

Working Group Check-in

 Review findings of field assessment.

 What additional info should inform revisions priorities?

Determine Revisions Priorities

  Identify data elements to be added, removed or changed.

Identify additional information/input needed to formulate a proposal.

Formulate Revisions Proposal

  Develop first draft of field parameters, definitions and timetable. This draft will be informed by consultations, as needed, with: - discipline/topical experts - other taxonomy models - database providers (GMS vendors and CDP) Working Group reviews and revises draft.

Test Revisions Proposal

   Share revisions proposal and implementation timetable with SAAs/RAOs.

Share with database providers.

Revise as needed.

Is there sufficient field support for proposed changes? If yes...


  NEA (Senior Deputy Chairman) NASAA Board of Directors

Notify SAAs and RAOs Preparation of Implementation Support Materials

For use in modifying application forms, grants database systems, e-grant protocols, FDR procedures, etc.

Implementation Assistance

   Distribution of materials.

Wide promotion of changes.

Training and TA.

System Modifications

NEA, NASAA, SAAs, RAOs begin adjusting guidelines, databases, etc.