Teknologi Multimedia

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Teknologi Multimedia
02 Pengantar Multimedia
Konsep dan terminologi
 Apa itu Multimedia?
► 1990-an: multimedia = teks + gambar
● Fax, scan:
– 200 dpi A4: 1700x2200, @ 1 B  3,74 MB
– 300 dpi A4  8,415 MB
● Teknik kompresi
 RLE  pengodean Huffmann  CCITT: group 3, 4, 5
► Conference :
● teks & dokumen (shared whiteboard)
● Video store & forward  email, desktop video conferencing
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Konsep dan terminologi
 Terminologi
► Multi = many
► Media = plural of medium = middle,
center, intermediary
► Multimedia:
● Combinations of text, graphic art,
sound, animation, video and other
kinds of elements.
● Multiple intermediaries
► What does Wikipedia say ?
 inter-disciplinary subject
involves a variety of different theories
and skills:
 Interactive multimedia
► When a viewer of a multimedia
presentation is allowed to control what
elements are delivered and when, it is
interactive multimedia.
 The word multimedia is used in various
fields in information handling:
Storing and processing in computing
Production in publishing
Distribution in ”mass media”
Transmission in telecommunications
Presentation in interaction between
people and systems
► Perception
► computer technology, hardware and
► arts and design, literature, presentation
► application domain knowledge.
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Konsep dan terminologi
 Aplikasi
► Video teleconferencing, distributed
► telemedicine, tele symphony
► White board, collaborative document
► Augmented reality
► DVDs, digital movies, VOIP telephony
(Vonage, Skype) …
► Networked games
► Video on demand (from cable TV,
satellite etc.),
► IPTV (AT&T U-verse)
► Teknologi display, sound system,
home cinema, interaktif, VR,
gadget, virtual surgery,...
► Aplikasi presentasi:Powerpoint,
Flash, CBT, ...
► med apps: surgical proc, hi res x-ray
► real estate: online video clip w/
property desc
► mmda help & training material
► sec sys for employee identification
► virtual shopping
► Can you think of more applications?
► YouTube.com, founded in Feb 2005
● Every minute, 10 hours of video is
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Konsep dan terminologi
 What is digital multimedia?
► ”Digital multimedia is the field
concerned with the computercontrolled integration of text,
graphics, still and moving images,
animation, sounds, and any other
medium where every type of
information can be presented,
stored and processed digitally.”
F. Fluckiger
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 Multisensory Systems
► Humans are multisensory.
● Sight, hearing, smell, touch and
● Visual media
● Audio media
► Advantages of multisensory
● Appear more ”natural” and
● Redundantinformation more possible
● Complementaryinformation improves
memorization & concentration
● Emotionalinformation easier to
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Konsep dan terminologi
 Klasifikasi Media
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Arsitektur Sistem Multimedia
 Struktur global
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Arsitektur Sistem Multimedia
 Struktur global
► Multimedia Elements :
● Sound, audio, voice and music
● Graphics, photographs and
● Text, and layout
● Full-motion video and animation
► Application domain: develop
multimedia applications:
► Supporting technology:
Technology that are needed
to support multimedia
● Data Compression
● Data and file format
● Multimedia input, output and
● Multimedia and the Internet
● Multimedia application
development method
● Interface design and Software
tools— element processing tools,
authoring tools
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Teknologi digital
 Integrasi informasi digital:
►Karakteristik sistem multimedia
● Computer controlled
● Integrated
● Digitally represented information
● Optionally offer interactivity
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Teknologi digital
 Computer controlled
►Rather obvious
►One or several computers have to be involved in the
presentation of the information
►E.g. a CD-player is not a multimedia system
►What about iPod?
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Teknologi digital
 Computer controlled
► Rather obvious
► One or several computers
have to be involved in the
presentation of the
► E.g. a CD-player is not a
multimedia system
► What about iPod?
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Teknologi digital
 Informasi digital:
● The transformation from an analog signal to a digital signal
● An analog signal varies continuously and is said to be analogues
to the measured value
►Draw back
►Presentation modes
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Teknologi digital
 Digitalisasi
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Elemen Multimedia
 Media:
►text, graphic, images,
video, sound, animation
 Elemen multimedia
► Text (format, styles)
► Graphic v.s. Image
► Still images (depth, format,
► Movie (frame rate, format)
► Sound (speech v.s nonspeech:
coding, recog, synth)
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 Diaplikasikan pada:
► Fax
► Document images
► Photographic images
► GIS Map
► Voice commands & voice
► Audio messeages
► Video messages
► Full motion stored & live video
► Holographic images
► Fractals
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Kompresi Data
 Standards
 Non-lossy & lossy
 Hardware v.s. software
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Sistem komputer
 teknologi-teknologi penyokong (cpu, mem, storage,
display, …)
►Hypermedia, HDTV & UDTV, 3D & hologram, fuzzy
logic, DSP
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Database multimedia
Storage & retriveal
Transaction management untuk applikasi multimedia
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Teknologi Multimedia - 02 Pengantar Multimedia
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