Transcript Slide 1

The National Strategy
ITT Presentation
16th May 2007
Produced as part of the Partnership Development Schools (PDS) Strategy Phase 3 200809 (Lead PDS: The Park Community School. Contact Chris Ley
([email protected])
What can learning be like?
 “It has become clear that these children see school
almost entirely in terms of these day-to-day and hour-tohour tasks that we impose on them…. For children the
central business of school is not learning, whatever this
vague term means; it is getting these daily tasks done, or
at least out of the way, with a minimum of effort and
unpleasantness…. If they can get it out of the way by
doing it, they will do it; if experience has taught them that
this does not work very well, they will turn to other means,
that wholly defeat whatever purpose the task-givers have
had in mind.” John Holt 1970
What should it become?
 “…so the most effective learners will be those who, as they pass
from stage to stage, have acquired some generic capacities to
reduce the time they spend in dependence”
David Hargreaves
 “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned
find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no
longer exists” Eric Hofler
 Creating a system where: “the student is the most important unit
of organisation”
What are the National Strategies about?
 Raising Standards
 Improving Progression
 Personalising Learning
 Raising Aspirations and Expectations
 Engaging Hearts and Minds
What are the National Strategies
Raising standards of achievement and rates of
progression for children and young people in all
phases and settings through personalising learning
with a particular focus on the core subjects and early
How do we do it?
By working nationally, regionally and locally:
To improve and personalise the quality of teaching and
To increase the effectiveness of the management and
leadership of schools and early years settings
To increase the effectiveness of the Local Authorities’
strategic leadership
The focus and intended outcome of
every NS action
 To raise achievement in the core subjects and improve rates of
progression for all pupils 0 – 19
 To tackle underperformance at pupil, school and LA level and
thereby close the attainment gap for identified underachieving
 To develop expertise and capacity in the workforce (at LA and
school strategic level: senior LA staff and school leaders: at
classroom and setting level: subject leaders, teachers and
support staff)
What’s the context in which we are
doing this work?
 The National Strategies’ recent developments and
The system-wide challenge in terms of standards for all pupils &
rates of progression
The attainment gaps: boys; poverty; ethnic minority groups
The imperative to demonstrate impact
Progression, Every Child Matters, Teaching and Learning 2020
What are the National Strategies for?
understanding “what”
makes the difference
coverage, “messaging”,
using a mix of
JOB DONE? – sharp
focus on “how” we secure
impact, making sure we
“know” its working
ASPIRATIONS? – telling
the story, raising national
ambition, shaping a mindset
The What
 Key strategic meetings and planning/review activity with
DfES policy teams, national agencies, LAs, schools and
Support and challenge for LA and school leaders
Local and regional interventions by regional teams and
individual RAs
The commissioning, pooling and drawing on best practice
in schools/settings and LAs
Piloting and stimulating locally and nationally based new
Training and network events for LA and school staff
The development of new materials and the re-purposing
of existing materials
The How
 Impact at three levels:
the system-wide strategic level (including national
regional and local strategies);
the school and setting leadership level;
the classroom and setting level
 Programme and regional teams working together to achieve the
same outcomes
 Universal, targeted and intensive work
Key Messages
 The Secondary National Strategy is still very much about
raising standards in the core subjects, now at KS4 as well
as KS3
 Our role at secondary level is to ensure that our work is
based on:
developing approaches to learning and teaching
which will raise standards and personalise learning
more effectively for all
interventions at LA, school, subject team and
classroom level which will raise standards for
underachieving groups
Structure of the National Strategies
07/08 Plan
 Fewer priorities and programmes
 A sharper focus on outcome and impact -
orientated planning and delivery
 Quality assurance in delivery as well as monitoring
and evaluating impact
 All teams working to a common agenda –
alignment and focus
NS - 11 programmes in 07/08
 Top 5: English, Maths, Early Years
Foundation Stage, Behaviour and
Attendance, Schools causing concern
 3 targeted programmes – EMA, SEN, G&T
 1 system-wide programme – SIPs
 2 secondary programmes - Science and
Main Programme Plans
0-19 Big Hitter
UTI Plans
A focus on
Behaviour & Attendance
Schools causing concern
• Gifted &Talented
• Ethnic Minority Achievement
• Special Educational Needs
Main Programme Plans
• Science
• Early Years Foundation Stage
• School Improvement Partners
NS~Early Years Foundation Stage
 Ensuring Local Authorities engage in
Early Years Outcomes Duty process
and set appropriate actions
 Preparing for implementation of Early
Years Foundation Stage
 Continuing focus on Communication,
Language and Literacy and Early
 Progress towards PSA1 targets
– renewed framework
 Improving early reading through rigorous
teaching of phonics (through the
Communication, Language and Literacy
Development programme)
 Raising attainment in English, especially at
KS2 – with emphasis on writing & boys
 Raising attainment in mathematics ,
especially at KS2 – focusing on calculation
and Use & Application
 Improving progress for all pupils and
closing the attainment and progress
gaps for under-performing groups
 Accelerating pupils’ progress to raise
all schools above floor targets by 2008
 Developing professional challenge
and support through School
Improvement Partners
 Intervention in core subjects to raise
standards and improve progression at
KS3 and 5+ A*-C with English and
mathematics – a focus for impact both
in 2007 and 2008
 Raising attainment at KS3 in English
and Maths
 Tackling barriers to learning and
closing the attainment and progress
gaps for underperforming groups
 Improving behaviour and attendance in
targeted schools and introducing SEAL
 Raising standards in schools causing
concern using proven methodologies
 Identifying and challenging coasting
schools and under-achieving pupils in
all schools, including good schools
 Quality assure the work and impact of
SIPs in supporting schools and
challenging them over pupil progress
Regional Focus - SW
 Language development from EY onwards ,
inc S&L, especially boys
 Using Frameworks to improve progression
and tracking En + Ma
 Consistent quality in ISP across region, to
reduce below floor target nos
 Increase trajectory of 5+A*-C proportions (inc
‘with En & Ma’) by targeting schools and pupil
Regional Focus
 Broaden 14-19 curriculum through
partnerships & diplomas, and improve
functional skills
 Develop ‘behaviour partnerships’ to reduce
exclusion (esp of vulnerable)
 Maintain effort on attendance
 Improve outcomes for Gipsy/Roma and
Travellers, new EAL arrivals + CiC