Clinical Update on Congenital Heart Defects

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Transcript Clinical Update on Congenital Heart Defects

Neonatal Cardiology

Susan Hicks, RN Nurse Manager, NICU/ICN Madigan Healthcare System


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Discuss the physiological adaptation from fetal to newborn circulation Describe how to perform a thorough cardiac assessment on a neonate Identify ductal dependent lesions and nursing care for these infants Identify the common Arrythmias in the newborn period

Transition to Extrauterine Life

Placenta receives 50% of fetal cardiac output and is the organ of gas exchange in utero

Low pulmonary blood flow (8-10% of cardiac output) due to high pulmonary vascular resistance

Ductal patency is maintained by low oxygen tension in utero and the vasodilating effect of prostaglandin E2

Fetal Circulation

Cardiopulmonary Adaptation at Birth

Umbilical cord is clamped which increases systemic vascular resistance

The three major fetal shunts functionally close during transition

Surfactant is secreted into the amniotic fluid by the fetal lung by about 20 weeks gestation and increases in quantity throughout gestation and can support extrauterine breathing by about 34 weeks

Ductal Closure

Increasing arterial oxygenation from the lungs and decreasing prostaglandin levels are potent stimulus’ to constrict the ductus arteriosus

Foramen ovale functionally closes related to increase in left atrial and left ventricular pressures

Ductus venosus closes because of absent umbilical venous return- becomes ligimentum venosum

Cardiac Assessment

Heart Rate

Cardiac output= Heart rate times stroke volume


arrhythmias are common in the neonatal period and are frequently benign


Caused by turbulent blood flow

Pathological vs. innocent

Note location, intensity, radiation quality and pitch

Occur in 60% of neonates in the first 48 hours of life


Grade 1- barely audible

Grade 2- soft but immediately audible

Grade 3- moderate intensity without a thrill

Grade 4- loud, can be heard with stethoscope barely on the chest

Grade 5- very loud, heard with stethoscope slightly removed from the chest

Color/ Cyanosis

Central vs. Peripheral

assess central color on mucous membranes paying attention to intrapartal history

acrocyanosis common in newborn period related to circulatory changes

Cardiac vs. Pulmonary

cyanosis not responsive to oxygenation should bring suspicion of cardiac disease

Cardiac Assessment


Capillary Refill time


Brachial, femoral (Central)

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tibial, radial (peripheral) right vs. left

right preductal

left - postductal

bounding common in premature infants

Blood Pressure

Use appropriate sized cuff for accuracy

Norms dependent on weight, age

Decreases 3-4 hours postnatally, increases to plateau at 4-6 days of age

Follow blood pressures for trending

Cardiac Diagnosis

CXR- rule out pulmonary disease, assess heart size


Cardiac Echo

Blood Gas- low PaO2, normal CO2

hyper-oxygen test- pre and post ductal saturation

Neonatal Cardiac Disease

Approximately 1% of infants born in the United States each year have some form of congenital heart disease.

Major structural defects in the heart can occur if there is an interference with the maternal-placental fetal unit during the first seven weeks of gestation when cardiac development occurs

Neonatal Cardiac Disease

Causes of congenital heart disease include chromosomal, genetic, maternal, environmental, or multifactorial

Chromosomal Abnormalities

Many chromosomal abnormalities are associated with structural heart defects.

Almost half of the infants with Down’s syndrome have some form of congenital heart disease

The most common defects in Down’s include endocardial cushing defects and ventral septal defects

Maternal Factors

Maternal factors include maternal illness and drug ingestion.

Rubella during the first 7 weeks of pregnancy carries a 50% risk of congenital rubella with congenital defects of multiple organ systems.

Maternal Factors

Maternal drug use may also cause congenital heart disease. Fifty percent of newborns with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have some form of congenital heart disease

Infants of Diabetic Mothers have a 10% chance of having and infant with a heart defect,usually VSD and Transposition of the Great Arteries

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors as causes of congenital heart disease have only recently begun to be recognized

More research is needed

Cyanotic Heart Defects or Ductal Dependent lesions

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Cyanotic heart defects are those that produce a right-to-left shunt through the heart, thus decreasing pulmonary blood flow. Cyanosis is usually present within the first few days of life and worsens with the closure of the PDA as blood supply is bypassing the lungs. These are then referred to as Ductal Dependent Lesions.

Coarctation of the Aorta

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Constriction of the aorta distal to the left subclavian artery, usually at insertion site of the Ductus Left to right shunt. Decreased pulses and BP in lower extremities Treat CHF, surgical repair

Transposition of the Great Arteries

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Position of the great arteries are reversed.

Oxygenated blood from lungs enters left heart and goes back to lungs via Pulmonary artery.

Desaturated blood enters the right atrium and leaves via the aorta.

Left to right mixing is required for survival.

PGE, septostomy, surgical repair.

X-Ray Transpositon of the Great Arteries Commonly referred to as an “egg lying on it’s side”

Tetralogy of Fallot

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Most common cyanotic heart lesion Pulmonary stenosis, VSD, Aorta overrides VSD, right ventricular hypertrophy Dynamics depend on degree of pulmonary stenosis Surgical repair

X-Ray Tetralogy of Fallot

Commonly thought to look “boot shaped”

Pulmonary Atresia

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Complete obstruction of the pulmonary valve resulting in hypoplastic Right ventricle and tricuspid valve atresia Right to left shunt via the foramen ovale Dependent on PDA for mixing

X-Ray of Pulmonary Atresia

Commonly with little vascular markings and may also be seen as “snowman”

Tricuspid Atresia

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Failure of tricuspid valve to develop Right to left shut via the foramen ovale If VSD present, some blood from the left to the right ventricle and to lungs PGE to create mixing via the PDA Surgical correction, good survival rate

X-Ray Tricuspid Atresia

Little vascular marking, heart appears smaller than normal.

Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn

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Hypoxia and acidosis create pulmonary vasoconstriction lungs become high resistance blood flows path of least resistance Treatment-correct acidosis, ventilate, NO

Ebstein’s Anomaly

• Anomaly of the tricuspid valve – occurs in less than 1% of all congenital heart defects • Downward displacement of the Tricuspid valve into the RV. • Portion of RV is incorporated into the RA. • A PFO or ASD with a right-to-left shunt present

Ebstein’s Anomaly

Massive heart noted at birth if severe

18% of symptomatic newborns dies the neonatal period

30% die before 10 yrs of age

Median age of death is about 20 yrs.

X-Ray Ebstein’s Anomaly

Ductal Dependent Lesions

 What will you see?

– – – – Infant who is cyanotic and does NOT respond to O2.

Infant becomes increasingly cyanotic and/or tires easily with feedings in first few days as duct closes Usually appear comfortable but may exhibit s/s of respiratory distress Xray may show CHF already

Ductal Dependent Lesions

 Nursing Care – Monitor VS very closely – Observe SaO2 closely – may not want sats high d/t defect and shunting of blood – STRICT I&O!!! CHF can result easily – Pre/Post Sats may be ordered – Sedate if necessary, Ventilate if necessary (may have underlying respiratory issue also)

Ductal Dependent Lesions

Nursing Treatment includes

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medications (prostaglandin infusion, inotrops, and correction of metabolic acidosis) surgical intervention (balloon septostomy) to maintain mixing between the right and left heart thus increasing pulmonary blood flow corrective surgical repair Bottom line: When in doubt start prostagland! Transport these infants asap to a cardiac care center

Arrythmias Bradycardia


Usually secondary to respiratory or apnea

Clinical Signs

Decreased heart rate (<100), regular QRS complex


Treat underlying respiratory disorder (methylzanthines), stimulation

Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)


Abnormal stimulation of the AV node, heart disease usually not present



Vagal stimulation (the diving reflex)


Cardioversion - synchronized, 0.5-1.0 joules per kg


Clinical Signs

Heart rate persistently >200-220

Heart rate does not change based on infant’s activity

Usually absent p waves on EKG

Signs of circulatory collapse and decreased cardiac output

Eventually, congestive heart failure


Sinus Tachycardia SVT HR HX 180-215, rate may fluctuate fever, volume loss, anemia EKG regular EKG >220, usually 250-350, rate constant irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, tachypnea, pallor absent p waves