What's New in the CVS

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Transcript What's New in the CVS

Advanced Features of the
CVS-EEP Entry Tool
version 2.2.6
by Michael Lee and Forbes Boyle
June 10, 2009
Don't have a copy of the tool? Get it here: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm
This assumes
that you have
already worked
with the basic
features of the
Entry Tool:
– Creating a
– Adding plots
– Basic Entry
• Advanced Features:
Downloading data for monitoring
Printing monitoring forms
Resampling Plots
Error checking
Level 2 and 3 Data Entry
Report Generation
Uploading Data to CVS
Miscellaneous shortcuts
A look into the next version (2.2.7)
Want to try version 2.2.7 today as we go? Download it here: http://snipurl.com/cvs227
wireless network SSID: workshop
Main Menu > Planning > View / Add Projects > Download Projects
How to find this form
Download Plots for Monitoring
• Download list of projects: this list updates as we receive new data.
– DO NOT CLICK THIS TODAY, as we have no internet connection.
• Search in the blue search area or scroll through the list.
• Select "import" to download those plots as a template for monitoring.
– This downloads plots completed in previous years.
– Requires internet connection.
• Then press "Print VMD Datasheets"
Demonstration of download
Main Menu > Reports > Datasheets for Monitoring…
Printing Monitoring Datasheets
• Select the plots you want to print (today, all
– configure notes and map size
– press "Print Selected"
Main Menu > Reports > Datasheets for Monitoring… > Print Selected
VMD Field Datasheets
Main Menu > Reports > Datasheets for Monitoring…
Resampling Plots
• Press "Resample Selected" to create a
new version of the plot for this year's
– Notes/bugs: do not uncheck the "Print"
– If you edit year numbers, press "refresh"
before printing or resampling.
Print and Resample plots
Main Menu > Reports > Datasheets for Monitoring… > Enter Data
Year 1 vs. Year 2
Resampling Planted Stems
• Select the "new" plot from the picklist
– You can configure the picklist to only show
new plots
• Cursor doesn't stop on prepopulated
– But, fix any updates to taxonomy or X,Y.
• Add header information with button at top.
• Add new stem with button at bottom.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Planted Woody Stem Entry
Switch a planted stem to natural
• Bottom of the Planted Stems Form, click: Change stems to
• A new green box appears with "N" (natural stems) or "P" (planted).
• Double-click to toggle current state or press space-bar.
• Click the button again to change all stems on the plot to natural or
• Natural stems will be flagged "Natural STEM: NOT PLANTED" and
will not be included in planted stem density in Excel reports, when
printing monitoring reports, or in next year's resampling data.
Enter data on resampled plots
web: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm#datasheets
Level 2 Natural Stems Datasheet
woody stems + natural regeneration.
A stem is considered planted if there is positive confirmation or
strong evidence otherwise it is considered natural.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
Level 2 Natural Stems Entry
• Don't forget the header info (especially minimum
stem size sampled = cut-off).
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
Magic Species Picklist
• Species names are difficult in
– Many species names.
– The names are often quite
similar (e.g., same genus).
• The entry tool uses "Magic
Species Picklists" which limit
the species based on the first
two letters of genus and 2
letters of species (and one
letter variety, if applicable).
• Enter 2 letters of the genus
name and 2 letters of the
species name and then arrow
keys or mouse to select your
• If only one species matches, it
is selected for you.
disable this feature.
• Enter "*" to reset the list.
• Configurable in Main Menu >
Options > Advanced Features
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
Can’t Find Your Species?
• What if S. alba was recorded in the field? Genus?
Press "Search for
species" and search
the full list of species.
The next version of
the entry tool will
allow search by
common name too.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
Unknown Species
• There are three "unknown species" scenarios:
– 1) Genus or family is known, but not the species.
• Fill in "sp." "sp. #2" or "sp. #3" etc. in the "unknown species"
column. This separates distinct unknown species within the
same genus (e.g. "Carya sp." "Carya sp. #2")
– 2) The data enterer can't understand what's written on
the form (e.g., common name or unreadable)
• Use the species "DONTKNOW" which is a flag for a project
director to make a determination later. Use notes field.
– 3) The species was not known in the field.
• Use the "unknown" species.
• Applies to all forms where
you enter species.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
Keyboard shortcuts
TAB / SPACE BAR: Move to next
field commonly used (dashed border
fields are skipped).
CTRL-TAB: Move to next field, even
if it has a dashed border (fields are
NOT skipped).
UP/DOWN ARROW: Adjacent Row
ENTER: Next Species Row,
First Field
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
Efficient entry of large stems
• Often, there is just one size category, or the smaller categories
are absent
• To jump to a particular size:
– Press and hold ctrl, then enter the size of the stem class (lower bound,
e.g. 30 or 45), then release ctrl
• If you enter a size less than 40cm, the default of 1 stem is
filled in (you can change the number if not 1)
• If you enter a size of 40cm or greater, that size is entered in
the first box for stems at least 40cm
Main Menu > Data Entry > Natural Woody Stem Entry
• To move a record in stem or cover entry,
use the blue up and down arrows in the
header section
– This moves the current row up or down
relative to the others
• If you sort manually using access
functions, you can restore the normal
order by pressing the (A-Z sort) button
next to the up and down arrows.
Enter Natural Stems
Main Menu > Data Entry
Error Checking - 1
• Check for errors in all plots in Main Menu > Data Entry.
Some errors are just warnings that a stem is large.
• Fix errors by filling in required fields, confirming values,
fixing mismatches, etc.
• Ignore errors that are not really errors, or nothing can be
done about them.
– Ignoring an error once ignores one error on one particular row.
– Ignoring an error everywhere will ignore this type of error for all
the data in the entry tool (use caution!).
– Just because you ignore an error doesn't make the problem go
away. If some systematic error was made, it would be good to
explain it in the plot notes.
• Check for errors again, as fixing one error could have
created a new one.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Error Checking - 2
Main Menu > Options >  Perform error checking
Automatic Error Checking
• Errors can be checked as you enter data.
– This is not on by default, but can be turned on
– Main Menu > Options > Perform error
checking after I finish each plot
• The next version of the entry tool will
check data after you finish each line.
Try error checking (all plots)
Main Menu > Reports
Using the Data Entry Tool to
Generate Simple Reports
• Summary of stems per plot in Excel.
– Can choose a subset of plots in "Configurable Stats."
• Can be copied and pasted into a Word document and
used in larger written reports.
Main Menu > Reports
Using the Data Entry Tool to
Generate Simple Reports
• Export to Excel to provide spreadsheets of stem data,
1) Plot Metadata (location, level, year, number
of stems [planted and natural], stems per
2) Total number of stems per acre by project
3) Tally of damage – no damage AND vigor
categories of stems by species and type
4) Total number of planted/natural stems by
Main Menu > Reports > Simple Reports
Plot Metadata
Main Menu > Reports > Simple Reports
Total Number of Stems per Acre by Project
Vigor by Species
Main Menu > Reports
….or use “Customizable Statistics”
to only look at a subset of plots
Generate Reports
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Level 3 Data Entry
 Used to document abundance of most common
species within a plot: COVER CLASS VALUES
 Meets standards of Ecological Society of America
(ESA) AND Federal Geographic Data Committee
(FGDC) to classify vegetation within US National
Vegetation Classification (NVC)
 Woody stem tallies from Level 2 may also be used
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Level 3: Plot Data Entry
• Similar to the Levels 1 and 2, except these fields added:
1) Community Classification Determination
2) Cover By Strata Definition
3) Extra Geomorphology and Hydrology values
• Digital Data Entry Form mimics Field Data Entry Sheets
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Community Classification
• Step 1: Generate List of NVC Associations: CEGL codes
Community Classification
• Step 2: Read community descriptions of acceptable
community types (based on named geography, title
descriptions, etc.):
• http://www.vegbank.org/
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Community Classification
• Step 3: Select acceptable community type(s), label
degree of fit (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Wrong), label
confidence of classication (High, Medium, Low), and
enter Classifier(s).
Main Menu > Data Entry > Cover Data Entry
Level 3 Cover Data Entry
• Similar to the stems forms.
• Magic species picklist or search for species (more species are
shown, not just the woody species).
• After entering a cover value, it moves cursor to next field.
• Use arrow keys and enter key
• Header data appears after you start a row.
Add some level 3 data
• Add new plots as level 3.
• Or upgrade a plot to level 3 from some
other level.
• Communities are not available today, due
to lack of internet connection.
– They are not included by default in the entry
tool due to their not being needed for levels 1
and 2 and their large size.
Main Menu > Options
Uploading Data to CVS
• First check for and resolve any errors.
• Then close the Entry Tool.
• Optimal, though Optional
– To speed upload, zip the Entry Tool File (with WinZip
or Windows Compressed Folders).
• See Main Menu > Options
for how to send your
data file to CVS.
Main Menu > Options > Instructions for submitting…
Uploading Data to CVS
CVS Field Reference
• Possible field values and
definitions are online for
download to a PDA or smart
phone for use in the field:
• We are working on a more complete
version of this with all fields so that you
can reference definitions and possible
Main Menu > Options > Advanced features
Advanced Features
• You can search through the Advanced Features
with the blue search box, searching for words in
the form.
• New Option: The Entry Tool can reopen the
forms that were open the last time you used it.
Main Menu > Options > Advanced features > Configure picklists
Configuring Picklists
• Right-click "select plot" picklists to access
Configure Picklist Form.
• Change settings of magic species picklist:
– Edit number of characters for genus, species.
– Turn off.
• Change smart plot picklist:
– Show only most recent year for each plot
– Turn off.
Main Menu > Options > Advanced features > Import data…
Importing from another entry tool
• We continue to update the entry tool as we
find bugs (so please report any you find!)
and make improvements.
• But what if your data are already entered
in an older version? Two options:
– 1) Continue using the old version if possible
and submit data with it. Some problems can
be patched.
Download the new version for next year.
– 2) Import data into the new version.
Main Menu > Options > Advanced features > Import data…
Importing from another entry tool - 2
• Download the NEW entry tool from
• Open the NEW entry tool.
• Go to Main Menu > Options > Advanced
Features > Import data from entry tool.
• Click Yes and OK on the dialogs warning
you that you are about to delete data.
• Browse for your OLD entry tool.
• You should then compact and repair.
Main Menu > Options > Advanced features > Compact and Repair Information
Compact and Repair Help
• Regular compact and
repair decreases file size
and improves
• Configure reminders after
– Lots of data is deleted.
– File size increases
• Press the "Compact and
Repair now!" button to
• Details of last compact
and repairs are shown.
Office Orb > Manage > Compact and Repair
Compact and Repair Access 2007
• Access 2007 changed
many things for the
interface, and now
automatic compact
and repair doesn’t
• You have to start this
manually with the
Office Orb > Manage
> Compact and
Main Menu > Options > Advanced features > Manage Default Values
Default Values
• Some fields may have the same value for
multiple plots.
– e.g., parties sampling plots, plot location,
stem source, etc.
• To avoid typing the same information over
and over, default values may be set:
– Default values never overwrite existing data.
– You can overwrite the defaults for any plot by
typing a new value in the field.
Thanks to SS and MM for suggesting default values.
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any entry form) > right-click field
Setting Default Values
• Create at least one plot.
• Open the form containing the field(s) for which
you want to set default values:
– plot data form, planted stems form, natural stems
form, cover form.
• Enter a value into a field that as a default
– e.g., enter "9/1/2007" into the "Start Date" field on
the plot data form.
• Right-click on the field to see default options…
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > right-click field
Default Value
• Set as default value…
– for new plots/records: default value will be used only for new
plots or new records as you type them. This will not affect
existing data.
– for new and existing records: default values will be used on
any new plots or records, as well as replace all blank values
currently in your data.
• The replacement of blank values is not reversible, but you can still
type over the values manually.
• Remove default value: the default value will not be
used for any new plots or records, but this will not
remove any values used in your existing data.
• Manage/edit defaults: takes you to a management
screen to change, remove, disable default values.
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > right-click field
• As an example, click "Set as default for new and existing
records" on your plot data form's start date.
• You will be asked to confirm that you would really like to
do this.
• Click "Yes" to continue, updating blanks with the default.
Any plots you add later will also use this default, unless
you delete or disable it.
• Click "No" or "Cancel" if you don't want to use the value
as a default.
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > right-click field
Removing Default Values
• Once your default value is set, you can
remove it by right-clicking the field with a
default value and selecting "Remove
default value."
– This does not undo any default values that
were already written to your plots.
• Or, right-click any field and select
"Manage/edit defaults" and delete the
default from the management form.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Rows of Default Values
• If you want to set default Parties, Strata, Place Names, etc., you can
do so in a similar manner. Here, you specify an entire row as a
default instead of just one value.
• Right-click on the field and select one of the "set default" options
(left illustration below).
– If right-clicking doesn't show the "set default" options, use the adjacent
"defaults…" picklist (right illustration below).
• A new form will open that allows you to fill in rows that will be added
to new plots or all plots (that is, new plots and existing plots),
depending on which option you chose.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Setting Default Rows
• An instruction screen
will tell you to fill in
any rows you would
like as default.
• Then you should
enter one or more
rows that will be used
for each plot. In the
case of parties, you
must also specify a
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Removing Default Rows
• If you enter a row, you can
delete it if you change your
• Right-click on the grey box
next to the row (where the
black triangle is or a pencil if
you are editing that row). Note
that this is not the same as
right-clicking on the name.
• Then select "Cut" (or press the
Delete key on your keyboard)
and the row will be deleted.
Main Menu > Data Entry > Plot Data Entry
Finishing Default Rows
• After you have entered all the default rows (in this case,
parties) you wish, close the form with the "x" in the upper
right of the form.
• See previous illustrations, but your computer may look different
depending your version of Windows.
• If you specified "set default for ALL plots," you'll get a
chance to confirm that you want to add the default
parties to all the plots in the database. Click "Yes" if you
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > right-click field > Manage
Managing Defaults - 1
• To see the defaults currently set in the entry tool,
manage, or edit them, right-click any field and
select "Manage/edit defaults."
• Or access the same form through the Main
Menu | Options | Advanced.
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > right-click field > Manage
Managing Defaults - 2
For each row you may…
• Change whether the default applies to new plots only or all plots
• Temporarily disable the single value (or row). This retains the default value
so you can use it later, if you re-enable it.
• Change whether or not you are asked to confirm default values when you
add new plots.
• Change the minimum plot level that the default applies to. Some defaults
(e.g., strata) only apply to higher level plots.
• Edit the default value or delete it completely (same as remove) .
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > right-click field > Manage
Managing Defaults - 3
• "Global Options" allows disabling defaults.
– Default values will not be used on new plots.
• You can also prevent edits of defaults.
– May help prevent inadvertent edits.
– If you want to re-enable editing defaults, you
must use Main Menu | Options | Advanced.
Right-click managing of default values will be
Main Menu > Data Entry > (any) > Make new plots
Adding new plots with defaults
• When you add new plots, a message in the lower right of the screen
(outlined in red in the above illustration) tells you if default values will
be added to the new plots.
• A separate confirmation box may ask you to confirm default values.
If you check "Skip confirmation messages" for a default value on the
management form, this box will ignore that default value (they will
still be added, you just won't see the confirmation box about them).
– This means that two different numbers of defaults may be reported.
• You are encouraged to click the "view/edit defaults" button if you
aren't sure if your new plots should have the defaults.
The next entry tool version
(2.2.7, to be released this month)
• Auto-error check after each LINE (instead
of each plot).
• Error checking all plots will not show errors
about plots you downloaded.
– These errors are not your errors!
• Option to reverse orientation of X and Y
axes as sometimes happens.
is unreadable.
the stem map
Without this,
Choose / design a different theme
What else would you like to
see added?
Send us an email at [email protected]
and tell us!