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Transcript Cyberbullying

& Computer Crimes
Chatham-Kent Police Service
Crime Prevention and Community Safety
What is Cyberbullying?
 the use of information and communication
technologies to bully, embarrass, threaten
or harass another
 Millions of online users can access and
witness such bullying situations
Communication Technologies
 Blogging - on-line diary,
 Cell Phones - camera phone with text messaging
 Discussion Boards, News Groups and Guest Books - often
used to make fun of others, people can add to it
 E-mail - not real time, forwarding hurtful e-mails
 Instant Messaging ”IM’s” - MSN, YAHOO, ICQ-Real time
chat, web cam, photos
 Interactive Games - bullying can occur while playing online games-moderator can assist in terminating the bullying
 Profiles - personal information, pretend to be someone
 Websites – can be used to target victim
The Bully Has Come Into
The Home
There is no escape.
Home is no longer a place to feel
safe or free from the hurtful words.
Why Cyberspace?
Common Myths:
It is a virtual place to hide
No witnesses
No scene of the crime
Four Types of On-Line
The Vengeful Angel
The Power-Hungry
The “Mean Girls”
The Inadvertent Cyberbully or
“Because I Can”
The Vengeful Angel
The victim of bullying retaliates
Don’t see themselves as a bully
Righting wrongs or protecting
themselves or others from the
“Bad Guy”
Protecting a friend
Power Hungry
 Like the schoolyard bullies
 Need an audience
 Want to exert their power
 Often brag about their actions
Computer Savvy
 Often the victim of typical offline
 May be physically smaller
 The ones picked on for not being
popular enough
 Greater technical skills
“Mean Girls”
 Done/planned in a group
 Entertainment
 Bullying other females
 Grows when fed by group
admiration, cliques or by the silence
of others
Inadvertent Cyberbully
“Because I can”
Don’t believe they are cyberbullies
Pretending to be tough online
Don’t think before clicking “send”
How it Happens
 Flaming - online “fights” with angry words
 Harassment - repeatedly sending offensive,
rude, and insulting messages
 Cyberstalking - repeatedly sending messages
that include threats of harm or are highly
 Denigration -”Dissing” someone online.
 Impersonation - breaking into someone’s
account, posing as that person.
 Outing and Trickery - Sharing someone’s
secrets. Tricking someone into revealing secrets
 Exclusion - Intentionally excluding someone from
an online group, like a “buddy list”
 Forward hurtful e-mail
 Visit a cyberbully’s “vote for the fat girl”
 Allow cyberbullies to take cell phone
photos or video of personal moments
of others
Tips For The Bullied
 Block sender’s e-mail
 Change e-mail or cell phone number
 Don’t reply to messages from cyberbullies
 Don’t erase or delete messages
 Tell an adult
 Inform your ISP (Internet Service Provider)
 Call police if messages are threatening
Bully Beware
“You Can Be Found”
 Internet service provider – you can be
held accountable and lose your
 A footprint is left on your hard drive
with any messages sent
 In 1995 there was one hate related website.
 In 2004 there were 4700 hate related
 In Canada,14% of teens say they’ve been
threatened while using instant messaging.
 16% admitted to having sent hateful
messages themselves.
 75% of victims don’t call police.
 25% of victims suffer in silence and never tell
 Tell all - it’s okay to tell personal secrets
on the internet?
 I have the right to free speech?
 What happens on-line is just a game. It
is not real, so no one can get hurt?
 What happens online should stay online?
The Law - Cyberbullying
Criminal Harassment cc 264
Utter Threats cc 264.1
Assault cc 265
Defamatory Libel cc 298(1)
Extortion by Threats cc 346(1)
Personation with Intent cc 403
Criminal Harassment
cc 264
 No person shall, without lawful
authority and knowing that another person
is harassed or recklessly as to whether the
other person is harassed engage in
conduct referred to in subsection (2) that
causes that other person reasonably, in all
the circumstances, to fear for their safety
or the safety of anyone known to them.
Utter Threats cc 264.1
 Every one commits an offence who, in any
manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes
any person to receive a threat
a) to cause death or bodily harm to any person
b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal
property; or
c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the
property of any person.
Assault cc 265
 A person commits an assault when:
a) without the consent of another person, he
applies force intentionally to that other person,
directly or indirectly;
b) he attempts or threatens, by an act or a
gesture, to apply force to another person, if he
has, or causes that other person to believe
upon reasonable grounds that he has, present
ability to effect his purpose; or
c) while openly wearing or carrying a weapon
or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes
or begs.
Defamatory Libel
cc 298(1) & (2)
 Matter published without lawful justification or
excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of
any person by exposing him to hatred,
contempt or ridicule, or that is designed to
insult the person of or concerning whom it is
 May be expressed directly or by insinuation or
(a) in words legibly marked upon any
substance, or
(b) by any object signifying a defamatory libel
otherwise than by words.
Extortion by Threats
cc 346.1
 Every one commits extortion who,
without reasonable justification or excuse
and with intent to obtain anything, by
threats, accusations, menaces or violence
induces or attempts to induce any person,
whether or not he is the person threatened,
accused or menaced or to whom violence
is shown, to do anything or cause anything
to be done.
Criminal Harassment
cc 264(2)
 The conduct mentioned in subsection 1 consists of:
(a) repeatedly following from place to place another
person or anyone known to them;
(b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or
indirectly, the other person or anyone known to
(c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or
place where the other person, or anyone known to
them, resides, works, carries on business or
happens to be;
(d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the
other person or any member of their family.
Personation With Intent
cc 403
Every one who fraudulently personates
any person, living or dead,
(a) with intent to gain advantage for
himself or another person,
(b) with intent to obtain any property or
an interest in any property, or
(c) with intent to cause disadvantage to
the person whom he personates or
another person.
What Can Parents Do?
 Security Software - Predator Guard scans all messages and “notices” when
that text could be threatening to user
 E-mail Tracker Pro - allows you to track
Internet E-mail back to sender
 Parental Controls - offers chat filtering
protection for both instant messaging and
chat rooms
What Can Parents Do?
 Make it your business.
 Keep computer in a high traffic area of the
 Check their online activities periodically and
tell them you will be doing this.
 Search for your child’s name online - check
their profiles, postings, blogs, webpages, etc.
 Watch out for secretive behavior online.
 Be a good listener. Stay calm and give your
child time to tell you how they fee.
 Make it clear that it’s not your child’s fault.
 - on-line safety quiz
 - on-line quiz
Definition of Identity Theft
Refers to all types of crimes in which
someone wrongfully obtains and uses
another person’s personal data in some
way that involves fraud or deception,
typically for economic gain.
How Does Identity Theft
Occur ?
 Consumers often become victims without
knowing that the identity thieves have
acquired their personal data.
 Charging dinner at a restaurant on a credit
 Using debit cards to purchase gasoline,
rent a car, or rent a movie.
 Mail theft.
 Conducting internet business.
Identity thieves also “skim” or
“swipe” customer credit cards at
restaurants or gas stations, using
an electronic device. The skimmer
records the personal information
data from the magnetic strip on the
back of the card. This information
is then transferred to another
location, where it is re-encoded
onto fraudulently made credit
Magnetic Strip Readers
$90 - $120
 E-mails linking users to spoofed websites.
 Consumers enter personal data on web
sites that appear to belong to legitimate
 No real connection to any businesses.
 Data is used in various fraud schemes.
 Some direct you to a real site, but add a
fake pop-up window.
CIBC Fraud Scam
 An e-mail letter that was sent out as a
fraud attempt disguised as an official
CIBC e-mail.
 This e-mail letter was in no way
connected to CIBC.
 It is important to note that CIBC is no
more prone to such scams than any
other institution.
Dear CIBC Customer…
Dear CIBC Customer,
As a customer of CIBC, the security of your personal and account
information is extremely important to us. By practicing good security
habits, you can help us to ensure that your private information is
protected.Our new security system will help you to avoid frequently fraud
transactions and to keep your investments in safety.
Due to technical update we recommend you to update your
banking information of your account to update your account information
we are asking you to provide CIBC all the information requested in the
form, otherwise we will not be able to verify your identity and your CIBC
Account's Access will be denied, you might update your records following
the next link below:
We appreciate your business. Its truly our pleasure to serve you.
Sincerely Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
CIBC Scam De-Brief
 First and Foremost - No bank will ever send you an
e-mail asking for any type of personal information.
 What gave it away?
The original link was:
 When you click the hyper-link you are sent to this web
 If you have a Debit Card - Think about how you
originally selected your pin # - was it this transparent?
Ministry of Transportation
 An advisory was posted by the Ministry
of Transportation alerting Ontario Drivers
about an attempted internet scam aimed
at their personal information.
 Most organizations will alert their
customers as soon as they are aware of
an internet scam.
 Personal information obtained from one
scam can be used for another.
Public Advisory:
Beware Internet E-mail Fraud
The Ministry of Transportation has recently learned that a fraudulent e-mail is being sent to
members of the public. It contains a link to a web page which looks similar to the Ministry of Transportation
website. It states that the ministry is updating its licence database system and requests that the recipient
confirm driver license information such as name, address and driver's license number.
Do not comply with this fraudulent request. This email was not sent by the Ministry of
We are investigating this situation. The police have been notified. Do not, under any
circumstances, respond to this e-mail. If you receive further e-mails from the same source, or anyone you
know receives a similar e-mail, please notify the Licensing Administration Office at [email protected] and
attach the suspect e-mail to your correspondence.
To safeguard your security we recommend prudence when communicating personal information
in e-mail or online. The Internet is not always a secure communications vehicle.
The Government of Ontario is committed to privacy protection. The safety and integrity of
personal information are top priorities. Ontario's e-government services are built on secure technologies
and processes to ensure privacy.
We do not tolerate any misuse of your personal information
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
Vishing Joins Phishing
As Security Threat
 July 11, 2006 - Just as Internet surfers have gotten wise to the
fine art of phishing, along comes a new scam utilizing a new
 “Vishing” uses Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) uses phones
instead of a misdirected Web link to steal user information.
 The thieves use a war dial over a VoIP system to blanket call an
area. A recorded message tells the person receiving the call that
their credit card has been breached and to “call the following
(regional) phone number immediately.”
 When the user calls the number, another message is played
stating”this is account verification please enter your 16 digit
 The VoIP phone can recognize and capture telephone key
 Protection against this Fraud- if you are concerned about a debit
or credit card number being breached call the CUSTOMER
Theft From Company or
Government Databases
 Significant appeal of large
 Theft of computer hard drives
and bribing employees to obtain
personal data.
 Hacking into databases.
Trojan Horses
Malicious security breaking program disguised
as something benign
Example: downloading a music or movie file
erased disks, credit card numbers and
passwords sent to strangers, computers
Key Logging
 Achieved by installing software, clicking
on a link, or opening an attachment.
 Software is secretly installed on your
 All typing is recorded (online banking).
 Thieves retrieve information.
Internet Business
Purchasing products on E-bay can be
risky, ensure that the seller has a good
Work with someone who has
experience in making purchases on
Use a pay-pal account or similar
banking device to funnel funds for
these purchases.
Make sure that the site is secure,
check for the yellow padlock icon.
Check Security Before You
 In Internet Explorer check the yellow lock
icon in the bottom right corner.
 Double click to see the security certificate.
“issued to” name should match the real site
 In the address bar look for https:// not http://
Digital Crooks Hone Craft
Of Phishing For Suckers
 Fake websites are now being concocted by
 Even if you clicked on the little security link, a
pop-up containing a certificate would
“confirm” that you were indeed securely
connected to the financial institution.
 Warning do NOT respond to e-mails from
financial institutions
 Banks do not send out e-mails to their
 Telephone the bank or go in person and
check your accounts.
Source Chatham Daily News Page 5, Sept. 12, 2006
If You Are A Victim
 Contact your bank or credit card company
and keep a log of dates, person(s) that you
spoke with and exactly what was said.
 Report the matter to your local police service.
 Report your identity theft case to “watchdog”
If You Are a Victim
 Contact the fraud departments of:
 Trans Union Canada 1-877-525-3823
 Equifax Canada 1-877-323-2598
If You Are A Victim
Request that a “Fraud Alert” be placed
on your files. At this time order copies
of your credit reports.
Contact the fraud dept. of creditors for
any accounts that have been
fraudulently opened or tampered with,
ie: credit card companies, phone
companies, banks and other lenders.
Contact Phone Busters National Call
The Law
Theft cc 322(1)(a) & (d)
Unauthorized Use of Computer 342.1
Possession of Device to Obtain
Computer Service cc 342.2(1)
Theft, Forgery, etc., of Credit Card
Fraud cc 380(1)
Mischief 430(1.1)(c)
Theft cc 322(1)(a) & (d)
 Every one commits theft who fraudulently and
without colour of right takes, or fraudulently and
without colour of right converts to his use or to
the use of another person, anything whether
animate or inanimate, with intent,
(a) to deprive, temporarily or absolutely, the
owner of it or a person who has a special
property or interest in it, of the thing or of his
property or interest in it.
(d) to deal with it in such a manner that it cannot
be restored in the condition in which it was at the
time it was taken or converted.
Unauthorized Use of
Computer cc 342.1(1)
 Every one who, fraudulently and without colour of right,
(a) obtains, directly or indirectly, any computer service,
(b) by means of an electro-magnetic, acoustic,
mechanical or other device, intercepts or causes to be
intercepted, directly or indirectly, any function of a
computer system,
(c) uses or causes to be used, directly or indirectly, a
computer system with intent to commit an offence under
paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence under section 430 in
relation to data or a computer system, or
(d) uses, possesses, traffics in or permits another person
to have access to a computer password that would
enable a person to commit an offence under paragraph
(a), (b) or (c)
Possession of Device to
Obtain Computer Service
cc 342.2(1)
 Every person who, without lawful justification or
excuse, makes, possesses, sells, offers for sale
or distributes any instrument or device or any
component thereof, the design of which renders
it primarily useful for committing an offence
under section 342.1, under circumstances that
give rise to a reasonable inference that the
instrument, device or component has been used
or is or was intended to be used to commit an
offence contrary to that section.
Theft, Forgery, Etc., of Credit
Card cc 342(3)
Every person who, fraudulently and
without colour of right, possesses,
uses, traffics in or permits another
person to use credit card data, whether
or not authentic, that would enable a
person to use a credit card or to obtain
the services that are provided by the
issuer of a credit card holders.
cc 380(1)
 Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or
other fraudulent means, whether or not it is
a false pretence within the meaning of this
Act, defrauds the public or any person,
whether ascertained or not, of any
property, money or valuable security [is
guilty of an offence].
Mischief cc 430(1.1)(c)
Everyone commits mischief who
(a) destroys or alters data;
(b) renders data meaningless,
useless, or ineffective
(c) obstructs, interrupts or
interferes with the lawful use of